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Fantasy Neko & Eko’s Pocket Place! (Tavern RP, ANY AND ALL WELCOME)

It would seemed the bar’s activity had picked up and with his brother occupied he decided to use thsee opportunities to change the subject away from what he spoke of with the tall humanoid. “Excuse me for a moment, I’ll be back.” Stepping away from Isaac he went about caring for the guests and answering questions, what with Nekoshu tied up in private.
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness

First Ekoshun went about caring for the She-Elf priorly taken care of by his brother, waving a hand in her direction as her original mug vanished and was replaced with a filled wine glass of a honey-colored liquid, and a tall bottle beside it of some sort of Elvish Wine, it would appear Eko had more understanding of what she may enjoy, or simply more class.

Then stopping in front of Helrica he reached for a bottle on the shelf which he soon began to prepare a glass for, which would go to the newer horned individual who had come in. “I’m Ekoshun, my brother’s name is Nekoshu. To be honest, the enchantment and spell is a bit strange in the magical community. It’s not just a spell nor is it an enchantment, but it’s both.” As he said this he began to uncork the blackcurrant and slowly pour it. “Even then it’s still unique. Mostly due to the part you sort of make the door… Omnipotent and sentient, as I’ve seen it mostly picks the spot of another door for where it goes. But it doesn’t only cross worlds, it crosses dimensions, which is required as this room is its own dimension, hence how it can pull a… Satyr? You look like a satyr, minus the hooves. From wherever you are, and two demons from the Fifth or fourth… Whatever level of Hell it was of an entirely different reality.”Smirking he noticed the glass was about full and stopped his pouring, recorking the bottle with a snap as he put it back to refill. “But how it chooses? You’d have to ask it, and don’t get me started on how you achieve that.”
NovaAres NovaAres

Then finishing that conversation he picked up the glass and looked to the Demoness looking towards the curtains where Malice and Nekoshu had gone. Setting the glass in front of her he put on a false smile… Another demon who had wandered into his territory. “I’m sorry to say that you’ll have to wait to figure out either of their names. My brother is having a chat with that demon, and I don’t care about what. But enjoy your blackcurrant, if you need it refilled just wave the glass a little, it’ll fill back up. Enjoy.” With the guests taken care of he walked back towards Isaac, but ready to deal with more or the same patrons.
Scarlett Wyverne Scarlett Wyverne

Reaching Isaac again Ekoshun gave him a glance that almost said ‘where were we?’ “Oh, yes. A split of being, but no, he is not that… He is all the good in me that tore itself out because it disliked my decisions. It’s easier if it explain it…” He shook his head and put his left arm and hand onto the counter, before it changed into a blade of steel by all appearances then back. “Me and my brother are part of a rare race of shapeshifters, magically inclined, great at our natural ability to shapeshift. But we have a strong disposition towards aligning with Good, you know, true heroes and the like. Because of that fact we are often some of the strongest heroes you will ever meet…… If you ever meet one our kin. But we’re so few in number if you meet more than one it may just be the same one.” Pausing and giving a sigh and took his arm off the counter and glanced towards the curtains concealing his brother. “But despite our inclinations for good, some of us manage to deny our genetic code and align with evil, I am one such member of my kin. I aligned with Evil and murdered numbers across untold dimensions, realities, and timelines. But at one point, something in me felt sick, and it continued to… Eventually, to spare you gorey details, Nekoshu came into being inside my mind and soul, then split apart from me and became physical. So my Good was all but removed, as was his Evil.”
Smirking the entire time, his tail unwrapped itself and swayed back and forth in the air. “In some courts of omnipotent beings known by most as gods, we embody Good and Evil respectively, with the occasional grey lines. I embody Evil, though that does not mean I cannot show affection… But most don’t enjoy suddenly being pinned down, bitten, or treated as a high-ranking underling. He can show anger, but is very forgiving and often only shows righteous anger.” He chuckled a bit and looked up at Isaac. “So technically, we’re the eldest brothers in some realities, embodiments of the other’s opposite. Makes things interesting.”
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
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Speaking of said newly-horned individual, Helrica had been watching them for a brief moment. They seemed not at all surprised by their skin, though they were evidently trying to figure out something about the horns. It was only when Ekoshun started on the same subject that their attention was pulled away."Spells? I wouldn't know anything about sorcery, no." They shook their head as their focus changed back to him."And neither am I a Satyr, though you aren't the first to make that mistake. No, the horns are a gift, a blessing from Heler." They said, with an almost imperceivable motion of the head, tilting it backwards in bemusement, complimented by a wry smile.

This highlighted said horns, both metaphorically and literally, for both of their points were capped in silver, with a thin, bright line running down the inside rim of each horn. At the same time, the barlight brought new relief to their tattoos, those that were visible, anyway. On each arm, twin snakes in blue covered the forearms and the wrists were each banded in two jagged lines of a shared color, circling horizontally. Upon their face, under each eye was a diagonal line in gold, with three vertical lines moving down from it, almost giving the impression of tears.

Of course, at this point Ekoshun had moved down the bar a ways, though Helrica did comment upon his commentary of the differences between him and his erstwhile siblings. "Hmm." They started. "Of gods and heroes, good and evil I can say or tell much." They spoke, then rolled their shoulders. "Or nothing at all, depending." But did not elaborate, at least not without being questioned.

There was a loud crash as man of metal and synthetic parts crashes through the door, “I’m sorrh everyone for being a few days late!” Shouted the man. The dust began to clear, showing a man in a metal and black cloth, a barrel helmet adorned his head with large lenses. And the center piece adorning it? A large M on the forehead, “don’t worry everyone! For I have arrived! I! The Mechanist! Hero of the capital wasteland and the commonwealth!! I have come from the future to partake in this tavern and it’s commodities! Do not mind me for I haven’t had a nonirradiated drink in my whole life!” Said the mechanists as he immediately made his way to the bar.
"Ah, so they have." She replied with a wry smile. "Thank you..."
Sephoriah's unfathomably black eyes didn't stray from holding the barkeep's gaze for a second of their brief interaction.
She was, of course, painfully aware of the judgement behind his eyes and smile that he scarcely tried to hide. She likewise only thinly veiled her own reproach as she thanked him for the drink.
The horns, the hellish pallor of her skin; even framing preternatural beauty they were a brand that she could not escape in her world nor apparently this one. Even though her bloodline was once, perhaps twice removed from the devils that were her namesake--and not to be confused with demons, at that--her judgement was always the same.
She sighed and took a deep draught of the bittersweet wine. It would take a good deal more, she worried, to settle her into a good mood.
Glancing around, she took note of the imposing creature that tread nearby. She had felt its eyes drift over her at least once and now regarded it with interest.
"You're not an Incubus," she remarked with casual curiosity. "Or a satyr... Never seen anything quite like you before."

Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
NovaAres NovaAres
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Isaac blinked in somewhat surprise. He hadn't been expecting the full story behind the two so suddenly. If anything, he thought he would have to slither his way into the juicy details.Nonetheless, he had gotten what he was aiming for. He gave a small nod. "Interesting, and that sounds like a good time to me, but you aren't really my type." He grinned dryly, before taking a moment to glance past Ekoshun at the selection of alcohols. "I'm in the mood for something with a bite. What would you recommend?" He gently swayed his legs as best as he could on the short stool. And though Isaac was still listening, his eyes had drifted to away at the sudden commotion of new people. How exciting.
Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
Glancing at Helrica as they spoke, Ekoshun smirked and turned his head back towards Isaac, seeing how the demoness had taken interest in them. Then smirking back at Isaac he then looked to the shelf. “A pity… But that depends, what kind of bite are you looking for? A nip? If so I’d recommend something Elvish. But if you want one that tears off your arm, I’d say some Dragon’s Blood. Stuff has knocked me on my ass quite a few times.” Chuckling he shook his head and his tailed swayed pleasantly. “Quite a few fun times.”
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
An almost giddy smile crept onto his face. "I'm in the mood to lose an arm." He propped himself closer to the edge of his stool, eagerly watching as the male searched through the bottles. Though Ekoshun had just described him and his brother as equivalent to gods, it was reassuring hearing that even he was no match for a strong shot or two. "It's a shame you're on the job, I'd ask you to join in. I bet you're one hell of an animal when buzzed." He reached for glass that had just been poured for him, examining its contents.
Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
His smirk twisting into a wicked smile Eko went and grabbed the bottle of Dragon’s Blood, old and covered in scratches to spell out a name in draconic, but known by most races as Dragon’s Blood. Something that knocked even those scaly beasts of old out with plenty a drink. So uncorking it and pouring some for Isaac he raised an eyebrow as Isaac spoke. “Why in all the realms would I not drink on the job? It takes a few glasses to get me buzzed… A few more to get me tipsy. But when drunk,” Giving pause he pulled out another glass for himself, wicked smile still plastered on his face as he poured some of the amber-colored liquid into the glass for himself and popped the cork back on. Setting the glass aside “all I will say, is that cities have become deserted. Oh if anything, I’m more tame when I’m buzzed, that’s why I don’t stop drinking at that point. Be warned…” Ekoshun picked up his glass and smelled it for a moment, “… you’ll be puffing smoke unless you got draconic it you somewhere, good for a party trick.” Then he down the glass in a few moments, halting afterward before blowing smoke slowly out his nose, speaking through the smoke. “Fiery going down, but tastes like ash afterwards sadly. But I guess if you’re a draconic, it’s commonplace.” Giving a shrug he glanced at the bottle and began debating pouring another glass as the smoke lingered up to the ceiling and vanished.
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness
"Archimal Spectre"

He sat quietly as he wrapped the child with his coat. He was glad that he finally steered the subject away for Eshe was easy to talk to. "Nah, i'm not a picky guy when it comes to stories i mean, it did happen to you, so i'll believe it." He humbly said to Eshe. He kept his head low as Eshe continued her story. He doesn't seem to want to attract attention despite already not being noticed by anyone. He leaned for ward towards Eshe, he placed the baby next to the scythe. The scythe was still in his reach as well as the child. "Archimal's" interest towards the story was true. He nods and gives out short grunts as acknowledgement towards the story. As soon as Eshe wraps up the tale. "Archimal's" baby blue eyes turned crimson dark red. Despite his calm facial expression. "Archimal" was clearly showing off negative reactions. "Ita improbus ille... Qua tandem fronte!?" Out of the blue. "Archimal" stood up and raised his soft voice slightly louder, showing that he is literally taking it by heart. The language he spoke was unusual and out of nowhere but a language expert (Or knows it by native tongue) will know what language he just spake in. He slammed the table with his right clenched fist which was a bit loud but not enough to bring attention around the two.

he gritted his teeth yet he stayed calm. His red crimson pupils were staring directly in Eshe's eyes. "Archimal's" hardened anger facial expression went calm when he realized that he was acting a bit irrational in front of the elf woman. He immediately sat back down in shame, realizing his mistake. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to act so wild and strange like that." He softly said to Eshe. "I'm sure you were doing great. The pressure and atmosphere during the recital was a bit too much for you, if i could guess. That's okay because i understand that. I've been there. No judging." "Archimal's" voice was twice softer now to the point that he could put someone to sleep if he continues to talk further. "Archimal" laid back letting his eyes wander around the bar.

Malice frowned, but soon replaced it with a smile. Perhaps he'd figure out what this was another time... But for now...? He'd found something that made Neko visibly uncomfortable. That was a victory in it of itself. He noted this out-of-ordinary occurrence, and moved on with a satisfied, yet rather off-putting smile. The type that makes your gut wrench, and sends a shiver rushing up your spine. Suddenly something seemed very off. "Alright. If you insist, my man." He stopped his endless stare towards Nekoshu to pick up the hefty glass and take a gulp of the potent drink.

Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
This didn’t look too good, or more specifically Malice’s face didn’t. Nekoshu’s eyes narrowed as Malice drank from his glass, having that moment out of Malice’s sight his eyes watched him cautiously but returned to normal as soon as the glass began to lower, perhaps he shouldn’t have said anything…… “Well thank you Malice. Now, do you need anything else? Otherwise I have a bar to see to and patrons who may require serving.”
Daisie Daisie

A new face soon entered through the door, one who seemed to be a bit glad to have walked in despite the sudden shock most may have dealt with upon initial entry. He was dressed like a gentleman, a white shirt with rolled up and unbuttoned sleeves, a fine vest and tie, pants and shoes to match as he paused and looked around as the door closed behind him. “My my, guess this was a good idea-“ Stopping himself in his speech he saw the metal being at the bar, eyes going wide with obvious glee as he began to walk towards the cloaked metal individual. “Excuse me, the name is Rolland Locke, may I ask your name metallic sir?” Speaking a bit faster than normal he examined this being, it looked to him like some sort of advanced clockwork, but that might just be the effect of what may be mere armor. Nonetheless his eyes were obviously happy to see such a being in here.
The Mechanist The Mechanist
Malice set his glass down on the table, making a satisfying clank. He smiled at Mr. Nekoshu, reaching his hand out for a handshake. "Seems like the best thing to do, noble barkeep. Now I've learned a new, useful magic, because of you. It's been a pleasure." Perhaps Daisie was right. After pulling back the curtains a little bit, maybe this seemingly reckless and mischievous personality had a touch of something darker.. Something more sinister. He'd managed to brag about his achievements and what seemed like his entire life, while somehow revealing nearly nothing about himself in the process. Not even what type of magic he specialized in. He kept the important stuff under wraps.

"That will be all."

Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu

Someone approached the metal hero, introducing himself as Rolland Locke. Turning to the stranger, barrel helmet front pointed towards the man, “well Mr. Locke, I am The Mechanist! Hero of the commonwealth and capital wasteland!” He said proudly, fist raised in the air in triumph. “It’s nice to meet you,” he said moving his down and opened up for a handshake to Locke.
Well it seemed that his interactions with Malice were done for now though he wasn’t very willing to let him out of his sight, especially given the feelings wrenching around in his guts about Malice. Daisie has warned him but…… Maybe he needed to work on his faith in sentients, maybe it wasn’t good to try and see the good in beings that obviously seemed of evil intent and creation. But, Nekoshu had no grounds to do anything with Malice at this point, even though he could cast him out merely on the fact this was his bar and Malice was a bit… Something. But then he’d be breaking his own rules, so with a nod he gave Malice a brief handshake and began to show himself past the curtains. “If you need anything else just let me know, I’ll be glad to assist.” So with that he waved his hands in the air as the curtains pulled themselves to the sides and tied themselves to supports, making that area, not so private anymore. Exactly what Nekoshu wanted if he were to have a supposedly notorious being in his presence.
Daisie Daisie
Now returning towards the bar he went back to normal duties, ensuring trays cared for guests, meals and drinks were served, and peace was maintained for the time being.

Rolland was obviously very pleased to meet this Mechanist as they called themselves, his own hand quickly grasping that of The Mechanist’s and shaking it firmly, before turning it over as he examined their arm. “It’s an absolute pleasure to meet you! It has been rare to see such an animated clockwork such as yourself, much less one revered as a hero! But you don’t appear to be of any make of clockwork I know, and it’s truly… Fascinating.” He spoke with near breathlessness, so taken by this metallic hero’s appearance and personality as he examined their arm still, then froze and shook his head, releasing his grip and bowing his head. “My apologies, I’m a man of science and engineering and I must admit that sometimes my mind overwhelms my common decencies. I hope I haven’t offended you in some way?” Asking meekly as he looked up to the Mechanist, eyes still showing that hint of wonder at the being before him. Even in his own workings had he not made something so… Unique.

The Mechanist The Mechanist
The Mechanist raised a brow as Locke grabbed onto his arm examine him. Upon hearing his remarks the Mechanist spoke up, “well I’m not clockwork, in synthetic.” He said to him, showing that he wasn’t like that of a typical machine.
Malice stood up, posture light and agile, with a flick of his tail. He lugged his magical pint glass of pure absinthe over to the bar, where he simply sat down at the edge of the table, by himself, and drank. It was now he that was the one who kept glancing over at Nekoshu, and also Ekoshun on occasion.

Daisie sighed as she saw Malice leave the private area. She really didn't like him.. She despised that she had to keep him at her mansion. Living in the same area. It was dangerous, but she couldn't let him hurt anyone else like he hurt her. Like he hurt her wife... Like he hurt and manipulated her friends to hurt each other. She grit her teeth and looked around the room, suddenly spotting someone familiar to her, and her expression of frustration (And a somewhat fearful one, as well) turned to a warm smile as she approached the two talking figures.



She smiled as she walked up to the Mechanist, as well as someone she didn't recognize. "Yo, Mechanist. Been a little while." She greeted in a friendly manner.

The Mechanist The Mechanist Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
“Ah I see, still a wondrous piece of machinery my dear Mechanist, if you don’t mind my saying so.” He spoke with a smile, eyes having stopped scanning the Mechanist’s form as if he were visually dismantling him, but now merely looking to his dome-shaped head… Until the new being walked over, looking a bit shocked at first, then eyes blinking rapidly as he adjusted to the sight of this… Dragon. But still silent and frozen in place.
The Mechanist The Mechanist Daisie Daisie
The Mechanist nodded to to Locke’s compliment but turned hearing a familiar voice. “Well well if it isn’t my dragon friend! Even across time and space we still run into eachother, funny how that works.” The Mechanist said to Malice, a dragon whom he met in another place isolated from time and space.
Isaac watched in amusement as the bartender joined him in drinking. He blinked in surprise as Ekoshun mentioned exhaling smoke. That did sound like a fun party trick, but he didn't imagine it would be much. A puff or two at most. Fortunately, he was proven wrong. His eyes widened once more as he watched the feline puff out a large billow of smoke. The elders in Isaac's tribe had no difficulty filling a room with smoke due their genetic-based addiction to smoking, but this was a sight to see. Eagerly, he picked up the glass and held it up to Ekoshun for a moment. "Cheers," and with that he gulped down a large mouthful of the liquid. He shook his head as the fire slid down his throat, blinking a few times to try to come to grips with what he had just tasted. Carefully, he let the smoke out through his mouth. A laugh escaped him as he watched it rise. Ekoshun had been right, an ashy after taste clung to his taste buds, but the taste was somewhat reminiscent of the earthy scent of home.
Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
The familiar dragon grinned a little bit. "I think this is Nekoshu's inter dimensional bar. I wouldn't be surprised if the people here are from different universes. I've seen some other people who know about Hell around here - it's not the same type of Hell I come from, so I can only deduce that they're from somewhere far, far away."

The Mechanist The Mechanist Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
"I've no idea what an incubus is and I assure you, I am no satyr." Helrica said, taking another drink from the bar, having drained the mead down to the last drop. This time? It was.. beer. Not surprising nor exciting, no. "But you yourself must be a stranger from a strange place, if you've never seen a human before. If I am to assume you aren't one: never seen a westerner with horns, before, after all." They told her, eyes and arm level, despite the volume of their consumption, now leaning against the bar despite the somewhat uncomfortable positioning of the spear and shield at their back.

Scarlett Wyverne Scarlett Wyverne
Going ahead and grabbing the bottle to uncork it again to refill their glasses Ekoshun smiled at Isaac. “Lovely isn’t it? Hell of a drink to have in cold weather, or any weather really.” As he said this he began to refill his glass slowly, filling the short glass about two thirds full before stopping and setting it back down. “Now tell me honestly, ever had anything that strong, because so far you’ve only blinked. Though I know you’re not a normal human, so I can’t cast many guesses.”
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness

Well it seemed like these two knew one another and by other appearances Rolland nodded and realized he didn’t have much to add to the conversation, nor was he one to butt in on old friends catching up. So nodding silently to himself he regained his composure and began to take his leave of the two.
Daisie Daisie The Mechanist The Mechanist
"You would assume correctly..." Sephoriah replied and simply could not hide the amusement that curled up the corners of her mouth at that...irrefutable observation. "I am not a human. And from your amiability, you have clearly never met my kind."
The half-smile on her face finally solidified. Brilliant, but with a slightly fanged visage to her exposed teeth.
She. likewise, took a long draught of her wine and cradled the goblet lightly between her fingers. It was really excellent stuff.
"So. From where come humans of your sort?" She traced the spiral of one of her own horns, glancing at theirs.

NovaAres NovaAres
"Me?" Helrica asked, watching her sharp, sharp teeth with a degree of wariness. "My clan is from Sartar, upland in Dragon's Pass, though once we were of Esrolia, near Notchet, I recall." At that, they stood a little straighter, with pride they spoke: "As for me, I am an Orlanthi, a follower of the Storm King with 47 names and his wife, the Great Earth. I am a Heortling, who follows the good laws of the first mortal King, and a Helering devotee of the rainbringer, Heler." Then, they coughed, politely, though now they were slouching against the bar. "But what about you? What are you? And where are you from?"

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Sephoriah raised an eyebrow at the explanation that followed.
"A weighty title to be sure." She mused, taking another sip and feeling the slight, pleasant burn of the wine as the last of it slipped down her throat. She set the glass on the table and glanced to the barkeep. "I'd like your recommendation. Something with...some bite to it."
Then she slid her gaze back to Helrica. "I? There is little to tell. I am Sephoriah the devilkin, born of no name, heir of no title, save the contempt of men. Most of them that is..." She grinned wryly. "As for whence I hail, well. I assure you it's from another realm entirely. This much I have gathered. What a peculiar place this is...."

Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
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