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Fantasy Neko & Eko’s Pocket Place! (Tavern RP, ANY AND ALL WELCOME)

And they, in turn, frown at this and sighed. In their hands they had called up from the bar mead, in a wooden tankard. "You don't mean here, you mean where you are from. right?" They asked, a little rhetorically. "This place is as new to you as to me, isn't it? But that's just pedantry." They shook their horned head, took a drink and continued, a little melancholic, now. "But all that I do is ask, why is it that way? I do not say "this is a true thing and this is false." I say, "This I do not know, this I have not seen." And from that I ask "Why do I not know this, why I have not seen this?" And that is a question for me as much for you." They drank again, at that, putting down the drink and pushing it away a little before they finished. "What I ask of you is: "why is it so different and not alike?""

Daisie sighed at the horned being's long monologue again, which seemingly only asked one question. Helrica's long and clunky way of speaking was throwing her off. "I get it, I get it."

"You'd probably have to ask Mr. Nekoshu about that. But my guess is that this bar doesn't take people from any one world. It sounds like you might live in a different world, or even a different universe."

"I lived my mortal life on Earth in the 21st century. When I died, turns out I wasn't a good person, and was sent to the Fifth Layer of Hell. It obviously doesn't work the same way wherever you're from. But with Neko's magical shenanigans, anything can happen."

NovaAres NovaAres
Isaac grinned, sticking his hand out. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance." Now he had some basic information; person, place, and even the owner. His mismatched eyes scanned over towards the male Ekoshun had described. "Your brother, huh? I can see the resemblance," he glanced over to the grey haired male before adding, "somewhat. But why such drastic personality differences? Daddy didn't approve of your dancing dreams?" He watched the male intently, curious as to how he might respond. Responses always seemed to vary even in the most similar of people.
Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
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He reached and took Isaac’s hand to give it a very brief shake and light grip, he wouldn’t normally do that but he didn’t want to come off as rude just yet. Then listening to him, he gave a single chuckle in response and shook his head. “Nothing like that, it’s more interesting I’d believe. But I understand only seeing some similarities, normally you wouldn’t be able to even tell we had the same blood, much less the same……” He stopped himself and merely gave a nod before changing subject. “Our personalities are so different because he chose one side and I the other, the classic, brothers split in half… More literally in this case.” He gave a bit of a huff and his body shuddered for a moment, tail tightening itself around his waist as he glanced around the barroom. “Besides, I had a talent for hurting people long before Nekoshu ever actually came into being… So to speak.”
Deadly Darkness Deadly Darkness

Standing quietly behind the bar and watching the room with calm eyes he frequently glanced towards Malice just in case, given his proximity and the likes Nekoshu didn’t want to be taken down first if something started, even then he didn’t have much to do right now.
Malice was drinking his happy heart out, and was now chugging bottle after bottle. Having a demon's tolerance for alcohol meant he had to really go at the bottles to start getting drunk: something that it looked like he was determined to do. He even went straight for a bottle of absinthe. Now that there was nobody to court, and his day had been worsened by Daisie's arrival, he no longer restrained himself. He'd catch Nekoshu nearly every time he glanced at him. It was like a sixth sense or something. Eventually he raised his voice.

"You wanna glance at me every five seconds from a distance like a lovestruck schoolgirl or do you actually want something from me, kitty?" He hissed, grip tight around the neck of his bottle. His tail flicked like a whip: aggressively and angrily, but not at anything or anyone in particular.

Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
Rolling his eyes at Malice he turned and smiled at Malice, chuckling a bit. “Only if you want me to, be one way to keep an eye on you Malice. Besides, with how that tail is acting, you already look like a frustrated feline. Of the female or male side, I’m not one to say so not sure if I do, or you do.” Still smiling he watched Malice now instead of letting his eyes roam the bar, but soon stuck his tongue out playfully after his comment. “Plus, I’m just making sure the bottles refill themselves on the shelf, I like knowing my enchantments work. Especially when I have a tipsy demon behind my bar.” Speaking with a kind and playful tone he kept watch of the demon, eyes more curious than anything else.
Daisie Daisie
Malice payed little to no attention to Nekoshu's first playful remark, guzzling down his alcohol, some of it dripping down his chin and chest. He did respond, however, to Nekoshu's last comment about the bottles refilling themselves because of enchantments. He laughed. "Boy, if there was one extra power I'd like to add to the pile, it'd be to summon and refill alcohol bottles. I can think of hundreds of situations where that'd be useful. Sort of like that Hissy Fit's knives which I gave to her, might I add." He grinned drunkenly, and with quite a bit of maliciousness. "If you ask her, she gets this look of utter shame and despair on her face. She knows what I've done for her. She knows where she got her real power from."

Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
“Is that so? Interesting.” Speaking softly he nodded, flexing the fingers on his left hand as they were in a fist a moment ago. Though how Malice could think of hundreds of situations where summoning and refilling alcoholic beverages was useful, made Nekoshu grin. “Hundreds? Well if you can think of that many I could teach you basic summoning and how to place a replenishing enchantment on liquids. Though, would Daisie be okay with you having that much alcohol to drink?” He raised a golden eyebrow in question as he said this, not bothering to look to Daisie herself as she was busy with the horned fighter.
Daisie Daisie
Malice nodded. "Yeah, she'd be fine with it. I get into her stash all the time. She doesn't use it, anyways. It'd be real nice to have some whenever I wanted, however." He frowned suddenly, looking hateful. "There are a few times where I think I'd like some just to get through some of her, her wife, or her roomates' yapping. When they get going about some other useless garbage, I'd rather go back to the Tenth than stand another second of their pointless quarrels and shenanigans. At least the butler's silent." After thinking for a few moments, looking over Neko's shoulder towards Daisie, he leaned back and smiled. "What magic do you have to offer, my good man?"

Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
Grinning he reached out and grabbed Malice’s free hand and yanked him away from the bar and to one of the private seating areas behind thick curtains, speaking once behind them and introduced to a large table and chairs which upon releasing Malice’s hand he walked towards. “I mostly have neutral or good spells and magics, speaking in alignments. Then a bunch of spellbooks with common spells, nothing serious cuz those spells are best thought up and created rather than learned. But I have everything from making a smoke cloud, to smiting… Though I doubt you could smite seeing how you’re demon and I don’t do the “twisting good spells” stuff, that’s more Eko’s territory.” Rambling a bit he walked back and forth beside the table, seeming rather excited about teaching or passing on Magic he knows.
Daisie Daisie
Malice yelled a little bit as Neko suddenly grabbed him and yanked on him. As he was seated at the private table, he grumbled something Neko couldn't hear under his breath, but knowing Malice, it probably wasn't too kind, anyway. He crossed his arms impatiently as Neko rambled on. He took a slight bit of interest at his mention of Eko twisting good spells, but dismissed it, as he didn't see Ekoshun as the type to share his spells so readily. Not nearly as readily as Neko seemed. For the sake of learning the spell, he put on a good face and smiled through his impatience. "Alright. Good to know. Where do we start?"

Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
Neko looked at him for a moment in thought. “Well, what I’m teaching is basically magician’s magic so, do you have a preference of how you’d do that? Like a finger snap like I do? Maybe a little hand waving such as this,” Pausing for a moment he held one hand up horizontally and waved the other in front of it before an empty glass appeared on it. “, cuz once you got the technique it’s just a matter of focusing energy, or mana, whatever. Then the enchanting is just doodling a rune on it or once you know the rune’s image just summoning the thing with a rune put on it. Pretty easy stuff.” Nodding he demonstrated real quick, snapping his fingers as a glass of water appeared on the table, which he began to drink but never seemed to empty even an inch. “Oh and the rune isn’t exactly visible aside from the moment you’re making it., kind of nice if you don’t want to ruin a favorite glass.” Smiling he nodded and looked to Malice, the entire thing seemed rather easy to do, then again Nekoshu had a natural gift for the magicks.
Daisie Daisie
"Archimal Spectre"

Retrieving the child back. "Archimal" looked back to Eshe with a nervous stare. He noticed that Eshe seems to have alot questions, judging by her confused look. He didn't seem to notice earlier. He cleared his throat and cradled the girl carefuly in his arms as he explained. "Okay, look. You seem like you have a lot of questions right now and this all looks so confusing... Because it is. I'll be honest, even i don't know what's going on. As crazy as it sounds, i am telling the truth. I;ve been framed for something i didn't even do. This... Baby holds something that helped me escape, she was just a bonus." The lad had a very upbeat tone of voice but it is still sincere and true. "Archimal" unwrapped the child, revealing the entire child. It's not just a child she is also grasping on a rainbow colored diamond about the same size as the baby's stomach. Inside it seems to have a faint white glow. Almost like a star is in it. "Archimal" didn't seem to bother to remove it for now since the child is firmly grasping into it it with her arms.

Despite the shiny expensive looking diamond. The baby seems to have black socks plugged in her both of her ears, assuming this belongs to "Archimal" and probably his idea. "Yeah, i stole that but not the baby. I know i have been a bad boi but i've changed! I used to harm others but that's all in the past now. You have to believe me, ms. Eshe! I am really not a bad guy!" "Archimal" was now begging to Eshe, calmly. He seems to be getting speculations that Eshe is getting a bad impression and might be already thinking of theories. "Archimal's" Emotions seems to be genuine and true, add his expressive personality too. He immediately got calm after a few seconds and sat bact to relax for a bit "*Sigh* This is probably too much. You know what enough of me. Let's talk about you. Looks like you have an interesting story to share." It was obvious that "Archimal" was ditching the subject.

Malice paid attention to every word Nekoshu was saying. "A snap would be fine. Just the right amount of... Me." He paused and looked forward as Nekoshu demonstrated, and tilted his head at the water. "Hm. Just a rune, eh? Down in the depths, runes are commonplace. Never knew it could be used for something like that. People would kill and be killed for infinite resources. Show me the rune." He commanded tersely. Being a demon, runes were second nature; they were mandatory if you wanted to survive.

Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
Nodding he snapped up a piece of paper and a black marker, looking at Malice a little cautiously as if he began to second-guess doing this. “Okay, so I made the rune myself with a lot of experimentation, I’ve made this one to only work on liquids so I don’t know if it’ll work on anything with a solid in it really.” Shrugging he pulled the cap off the marker and started a circle at the top, upon making it fully back around he continued inward to draw a single rain drop, then removed the marker for a moment before put a little wave-line through the middle of the rain drop then a single dash upwards above it. Putting the cap back on he showed it to Malice. “So, it’s often best to do this on a full glass and on the bottom as drawing it on curves is somewhat hard, but all you’ll need to do is draw it with your finger, it will flash for a moment then fade. Now, let’s see if you can summon a drink and draw the rune on it. Remember, snap and focus on what you want to summon… the more specific you are the better. Kind of like genie deals, I use to deal in those…… Horrid times.” His tail shuddered as he seemed to remember that point in his life, but he still watched Malice.
Daisie Daisie
Malice paused to watch, leaving a few long moments in between when Nekoshu finished his explanation and Malice's next action. He narrowed his lack-of-eyes as intense focus filled him. He got his hand in the position to snap as he stared at the table, imagining a pint mug full of absinthe, just sitting neatly on the top. He focused on the glass first, the almost hexagonal shape with the smooth handle, starting and ending about an inch from the top and bottom. He felt the coldness of the glass, and the slickness of it. He imagined the herbal flavours, the vivid strength and sting of the alcohol carried by the bright green liquid. He foresaw the alcohol reaching the very top of the thick glass, not even leaving a half of an inch's room on the top. He could almost hear the sound the full glass would make as it hit the table. Focusing deeply, he proceeded to snap his fingers, fully expecting his wishes to be fulfilled.

Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
So they were… With a little puff of smoke to be exact, the mug appearing on the table, just to Malice’s expectations, if unbeknownst to Neko but he didn’t care much… Clapping and tail flicking happily as it was. “Nice! That’s the first time someone did it my way without making something explode!…… Granted I’ve been able to do that since birth so, nice job!” Grinning as he spoke he sniffed at the mug and shook his head. “I see you like the strong things… Well, you should know what to do next, I’ve shown you the rune and it’s neutral magic so you’ll have no trouble… I hope… Nodding he sat at the other end of the table and watched, drinking some more of his earlier summoned glass of unending water.
Daisie Daisie
Malice grinned. "Well, I am a naturally magical creature, as well." He said with pride in his heart, and greed in his eye. He looked down at his glass of absinthe. "A bottomless glass of that mighty green stuff would be preferred, indeed." He said as he began the rune on one of the flat sides of the glass, for he couldn't exactly put the rune on the bottom, as the glass was nearly overflowing. He started with the circle and kept going on from there, With the drop, the lines, and everything forth. "This is even a relatively simple rune. I've created far more complex and intricate runes."

Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
Chuckling he smiled and shrugged. “I wouldn’t put any of that past you, but I’m still learning, a few centuries only teaches you so much. Ekoshun has been at his game for far longer so he knows a lot more than I do, not a lot of it nice sadly…” This was the first moment Nekoshu’s face appeared saddened for the entire time since the bar had opened, but it quickly was shaken off as he stuck his tongue out for a moment and fixed his face with a smile. “You said you’ve done more complex runes, like what? Summoning circles?”
Daisie Daisie
Malice narrowed his eyes with intrigue as Nekoshu's expression changed to one of sorrow. He waved his hand. "Oh, some teleportation runes, I have specialties in things I'd like to keep to myself. What was that about your brother?" He changed the subject clearly, fixed on the emotional reaction that had suddenly happened from Neko. "More than a few centuries, and some darker magic, you say?"

Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
Neko turned his face to the side and rubbed the back of his face, expression gone neutral as he debated answering. “More like he’s been around for… Millenia, in several different dimensions… We don’t like talking about his past to people we can’t trust, but if you know the name Snow that belonged to a shapeshifter, you know enough of the story to cast guesses.” For once it seemed that there was a subject Nekoshu wasn’t open about, but his face hinted at shame as if it was his fault for what Eko had done, or hadn’t in his lifetime. “Now, let’s change the subject… Please.”
Daisie Daisie
It wasn't that Eshe didn't believe Archimal; it was just that... she didn't believe him. At least not all of it, not right away. She did believe that he was a good boy now and that he didn't want to hurt people, and the diamond the child was holding did seem to be important, weird, and special enough to cause a lot of trouble in the place he had come from, but everything else would have to take some major convincing. But despite the confusion that his outlandish (to her, anyway) story made her feel, she still enjoyed talking to him. The subject swerved back to something that she could understand and talk about coherently: herself.

Two small spots of pink appeared in Eshe's cheeks as she gestured hopefully to the catman from earlier, silently asking for another cup of drink. "Well, uh..." she started, "compared to your story, mine, uh... mine isn't nearly as interesting. Rather boring, actually. But if you want... I'll tell you.

"So, uh... earlier tonight, I had a recital scheduled at the Hall of the Dwarven Council, as sort of a, uh... a diplomacy gesture. Between the elves and the dwarves. The dwarves like piano music, so, um, so as my village's resident pianist, Dad sent me there to, uh... to play. But, here's the thing... I cave under pressure. Like, a lot. There was a lot riding on this recital, and I messed up pretty badly in places. The, uh... the council didn't appreciate the fact that I messed up, so they booed me off the stage and threw things at me."

Helrica had been content to watch and listen to the chatter between the demon, Malice, the bartender and his brother. As he asked for a change of subject, Helrica frowned. Seemingly stricken with empathy, they chose to intercede, vying for his attention to ask: "Hey, Bartender. Nekoshu, was it? I was wondering: your door can cross between worlds, yes? But how does it choose where to appear?"

His eyes shone as Ekoshun stopped himself. This was turning out to be quite an interesting conversation. "A literal split huh?" Quickly, his gaze flicked back over to Nekoshu. "So is he like the embodiment of your happiness? All your hopes, dreams and affection sucked out of you and given a physical form?" He highly doubted this was the explanation, but obviously their was some sort of division from one into two, gathering this from the hints he was dropping.
Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu

Sephoriah entered with hardly a sound, and let the door close as quietly as it may. An involuntary shiver slipped down her spine like a trickle of cold water...it was unnaturally cool inside here given the sunkissed plains from whenever she'd come. What had she expected behind that door? At any rate it wasn't this... In fact, she didn't quite remember walking through a door at all. There was something unsettling about the whole matter. But there was definitely more interesting things to think about.
The denizens of this—tavern, was it? —we’re frightening for sure. But placid it would seem, and we'll adjusted to the absurdity of the environment.
I know a game when I've walked into one, she thought, so I'll play along.
Though the manner in which she entered was unassuming, her hip-vaulting stride was anything but. With almost sinisterly oiled grace she took a stool at the bar. She made sure to resist the urge to glance across the startling variety of patrons but rather held eye contact solely with the barkeep.
“I don’t suppose you’d have any old, dry blackcurrant?” She asked casually, leaning her elbows on the unidentifiable surface of the counter. She hadn’t intended to spend coin on wine today, but she did so like blackcurrant...it was the color of her lips. “Or, oh I don’t know, what would you say is the best pint in house?”
As she waited for either a wine or an answer, she carefully allowed her gaze to drift, and settle on the coal-black fellow in particular. Her interest in his physiology begged no explanation. She was bitterly familiar with the way people looked at her...with the harsh words they whispered behind her back. Devil-kin.
Needless to say, she felt an immediate comraderie with the stranger. And she intended to garner his interest.
Sephoriah leaned towards him on the counter, elbows spread apart.
“This place is quite beyond the imagination, I must say. What might your name be?”

Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu
Daisie Daisie
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