The Mechanist

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  • The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    Hello friend ^-^ how’ve you been?
    Been okay! Overall good, just the past couple of weeks have been stressful. Nonetheless, I think I'm going in a good direction.
    How about yourself?
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    I’ve been good, just mostly tired
    It’s been a little over a year since my last status. Nearly a decade on RPN now. It’s been a really long time now, where has it all gone I wonder. So much has changed, both here and in real life. Now I enjoy the peace and quiet, the simplicity of my life. Just me, my girl, our dog. The day to day of an honest wage from an honest job, only thing I’d Change is i would love to get the late shift, then I’d get to sleep in.
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    Absolutely, how’ve you been daisie? It’s been too long
    Been okay! Ups and downs. Some serious downs at the moment, lol, but we press on.
    It's good to hear you're doing so well.
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    I’m sorry to hear that, but I know you’ll be ok, you’ve always bounced back.
    8 years, 8 years I’ve been on this site, my god how time has flown. How much I’ve seen has changed, how much I’ve changed. Every once in a while I remember my first time moments here…my god I was a cringey ass. The stupid things I’ve said, the stupid debates and arguments I’ve gotten into. Why did it take this long to grow up from those behaviors? XD I suppose it ain’t all too bad, I’ve learned from those experiences, learned to know not to make the same mistakes, to know when to walk away and to know when to just move on from something that isn’t worth the effort to get into.

    The friends I’ve made here, the people, rp partners old and new. I remember those days, I remember when the site only had a literal handful of admins and mods. And I’m glad to see many of them have stayed, my old friends. This site has been good to me, and I’m sure it will continue to do so for many more years to come, cuz I ain’t goin nowhere anytime soon. Thanks guys, and thank you rpn, keep doin what you’re good at, cuz it’s workin.
    Recently heard a quote from the bard, made me really think.
    “ Everyone may not be good, but there's always something good in everyone. Never judge anyone shortly because every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.”~Oscar Wilde
    Sire, First, Congratulations on getting your masters, second, I have found a new task force that shall aid us in future journeys...or rather I TRAINED a new task force.1640053559626.png
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    Thank you knight, now then you’ve made task force Cerberus it seems. Tell me though, why do they have bullet using fire arms? Do they not like lasers? Is the smell of burning ozone too strong for their canine noses?
    Sir Fungus
    Sir Fungus
    Precisely sire, and it would limit their effectiveness in combat, though I have considered mass accelerated weapons..
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    Hmm if you require a rail gun knight I do have a prototype in my lab. You’re welcome to work on it and tweak it to your teams liking.
    Modeus seems to be reacting to the Squire Training quite well sire, In fact, it's kept her occupied and I believe that calling her the demon of lust would be..Unfitting, more on that subject later, as an experiment, I have also outfitted Beelzebub with a guyver unit, while it has not made her as strong as a human with such a device, she still has it's powers at her disposal. It seems the Guyver Unit's react to each species differently, More information will have to be obtained at a later date..
    [End Transmission]
    Sire...Which Guyver unit number did I give you?
    Sir Fungus
    Sir Fungus
    Each number of the Guyver unit's simply have more functionalities sire...At least according to my notes, Each design of the Guyver armor's actually have different purposes suited to them, Guyver 13 for example is the muscle of all of the unit's.
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    And what of number 5
    Sir Fungus
    Sir Fungus
    Number 5 is extremely agile in hand to hand combat, being able to summon sonic blades on it's elbow's AND knees for fast combo based combat.
    I hope your offer to kill some necromorphs is still on the table?

    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    Knight you need to stop getting close to dying.
    Sir Fungus
    Sir Fungus
    This was half a year ago sire, I've improved since then...But that was the weakest of them...With the two of us, plus the Guyver units I gave my Squire and Page, it should be easier to take them down.
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    It will be easy, and maybe this time I’ll have a real challenge.
    [Com Buoy Transmission from Sir Fungus of House Scion]
    [Originating from: Galaxy NGC 62B]
    Greetings Sire! I hope all is well. I have called to inform you that I have acquired a new means of enhancing not just my own power, but potentially our allies and yourself as well, I have discovered an alien space craft housing what I have discovered are called "Guyver Units." they're apparently genetic suits of armor that binds ones self to someones body, and amplifies it hundred fold depending on the users combat experience, strength and their agility, I currently have 2 units as I have used one of them on myself already, I will conduct further studies and see how these guyver units react to different species, and submit notes accordingly.
    P.S. They also increase the power in ones biotic abilities as well and have high traces of Element Zero within certain parts of the armor.
    [Image Attachment labelled: Photo of Armor activation]
    Sir Fungus
    Sir Fungus
    Of course, I simply think of it disappearing, and it comes off, however the armor disappears into an unknown pocket dimension. To re activate, I simply have to shout "Guyver!" or "Bio-Boost!"
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    Hmm, while I am not fond of yelling random things, this is excellent information nonetheless knight. Good work.
    Sir Fungus
    Sir Fungus
    [Signal Lost]
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