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The Duck Overlord
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check

  • intro

    what ifs

    kane brown


    he Four Kingdoms Ball was a success. All of the princes in attendance danced and fell in love with young ladies. Itโ€™s almost as if they all had their own Cinderella taleโ€ฆ and of course, they did.

    So in love were these four couples that they decided, a little rashly, to jump into marriage. Who are we to stop young love? A quadruple wedding was planned, and it was the toast of the Four Kingdoms. Royals from Faydin, Daintree, Salten, and Marina were in attendance.

    But somethingโ€ฆ something went wrong.

    We were so careful. It was just supposed to be a blessing upon the marriages. Somehow, it turned into a curse of mistaken identity. Each prince indeed married an intended princess, but they each married the wrong one. Though we could leave it be, something tells me theyโ€™re going to be wondering why their beloved doesnโ€™t exactly feel like their true love.

    For the record, I want to apologize.

    Unfortunately, we canโ€™t turn back time. We canโ€™t fix this ourselves. Theyโ€™re going to have to figure it out for themselves. But I have faith. Donโ€™t they always say love is the greatest magic?





except we
fucked up


9 am


morning after the quadruple wedding


four kingdoms castle


open for posts!

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
Frederick Edwards
boyish prince
fancy bedroom
how do marriage?
mentions ; interactions

N/A ; Siblings, Diane
Frederick was probably a less than conventional husband so far.

He would be the first to admit that he snuck out of the room at the crack of dawn (or close to it) to go visit his siblings, ask if he did anything stupid during the ceremony. Though he had just gotten married yesterday, everything was a bit of a blurโ€”had he had a lot to drink??โ€”he wanted to make sure that so far, he was doing okay. His brothers and sisters would never lie to him. Especially if he somehow passed out drunk in the middle of the wedding reception.

As he thought, Tommy was honest with him. โ€œYou didnโ€™t drink at all! You were too busy making googoo eyes at your wife, you sap.โ€

Talia punched her twin in the shoulder. โ€œTommy! Itโ€™s sweet! Love at first sight, just like all the fairy tales! Ooooh, I canโ€™t believe I finally have an older sister!โ€

โ€œI just hope sheโ€™s nice,โ€ Ian muttered, kicking his legs back and forth on the edge of the huge bed heโ€™d shared with Nate. โ€œShe better not be all spoiled princessy like Brianna.โ€


โ€œAlright, munchkins, thatโ€™s enough,โ€ Freddie interjected, giving Ian a noogie as a consequence of making fun of Bri. โ€œIโ€™m sure youโ€™ll get along with her just fine. Whatโ€™s not to love about you brats?โ€ He grinned as his siblings all halfheartedly protested his declaration, with Talia and Bri hugging him as if they were going to pull him to the ground. Ian and Nate joined in, with Tommy shouting orders. Freddie went down, which was always a strain on his joints and musclesโ€”children and young teens did not know how bodies workedโ€”but he laughed the whole way. All the nerves heโ€™d had about yesterday seemed to fly away in the presence of his family. Whatever heโ€™d done to deserve all of them, heโ€™d do it time and time again.

Glancing at the clock, Freddie realized it was nearly nine oโ€™clock. โ€œOkay, okay, I should probably head back. It would look bad to abandon my wife on the first full day of our marriage.โ€ He almost couldnโ€™t believe he was the one saying those words, like he was separate from his body as he said. Heโ€™d gotten married. Heโ€™d gotten married. Freddie wondered what his dad would have thought about all of this. Probably would have made some joke about coming for his job.

After wrangling his siblings so they clambered off of him, Freddie dusted himself off and left, heading back to the room he and his new wife had been given to stay in for the next few days. Honeymoons were hard to arrange, so they would be here for a while to get to know each other a little more. It had been impulsive, getting married so soon after the Ball, but hey! Love was love! And wasnโ€™t there something about love and magic and whatnot? Yeah, he wasnโ€™t good with that stuff.

Freddie opened the door to the room quietly, slipping inside and letting out a breath as if heโ€™d been up to mischief of some sort. Well, he had been, sorta, but it was mostly his siblings trying to kill him.

Looking over at the bed, he smiled. For a moment, heโ€™d feared that heโ€™d come back to no one there, that maybe he hadnโ€™t actually gotten married, and this whole thing had been a mistake. But no, his wife was still here, it hadnโ€™t been a dream.

Now if only he had time to panic about not knowing how to be a husband.

Scratching his head, he went over to sit on the edge of the bed, yawning. What was one even supposed to do on the day after the wedding? His mom hadnโ€™t exactly been forthcoming about it, and, well, he didnโ€™t have his dad to help him through this. The siblings werenโ€™t helpful in the slightest either. He glanced over at his wife, hoping to, uh, find strength in the sight of her or something? (God, that sounded cheesy.)

When he looked at his wife, though, heโ€ฆ didnโ€™t recognize her?

No, that wasnโ€™t quite true. Her name easily came to mindโ€”Dianeโ€”but something feltโ€ฆ off. Almost like she was a stranger, even though his brain was supplying her face in all the memories of the past few weeks. Weird. That couldnโ€™t be normal.

Unless it was? Was this what they meant by post-wedding jitters?

coded by natasha.
Last edited:
Mateo Nolan
the playboy prince
Bed Chambers.
Groggy, Annoyed.

Lina ( AnimeGenork AnimeGenork )
Not-so-soft seagull squawks could be heard through the shores of Marina which were not far off from the castle, to begin with. Mateo shuffled a bit amongst his silky satin sheets which were personally requested as it helped his skin remain smooth. However, instead of an enjoyable sigh, he let out soft grumbles because these pesky birds always made it their personal mission to wake him up extra early from a wonderful night's rest. Or so he thought.

Only he wasn't in Marina. Mateo didn't remember much of last night of course... he remember he got married but after that - he grabbed any bottle he had in sight and downed it as fast as he could. He needed to enjoy his last day as a free man of course and entered the first day of marriage which a booming headache that simply would. not. stop.

His mother up there would probably be scolding him for being so irresponsible but at the same time she would be honored that after all these years, he kept his promise to her. The same promise he made to her while she was on her deathbed. It was about time the prince found his princess to settle down with. The problem was that Mat was never one to settle down and get his life sorted. No. He wanted to run off and explore. The world had so many wonders, nature, beauty with lots of pretty girls and delicious intoxicants of liquor to spare. He had to thread carefully who to pick to be his wife by title. He did not want to put himself in more of a corner he already was in. His father, King Caspian was baffled when his son announced his engagement. Everyone was. And yet, with a goofed smirk on his face, Mateo had no clue what he was in for.

The sun slowly hit the bed as it shined through the glass windows of his chambers, as he shifted he felt another body laying down by his side. A familiar warm sensation the human body emits. However, this was different. The body was not draped over him like they usually were. However, he remembered. The wife.

Slowly turning onto his left side, her slowly leaned over and wrapped a lengthy arm around the blonde that was in front of him, resting it around her waist and on the front of her abdomen. "Good Morning, sunshine. Trust your first sleep was a pleasant one?" he taunted as he pulled her closer to his bare chest. He may have not been a pro wedding person, tying the knot kind of guy, but that does not make him short of a romanticist, a suave casanova, a sort of gentleman if you may.

A soft kiss was pressed to the back of her head which was a beautiful golden blonde shade as his eyes darted to the windows, missing the beautiful landscape of the ocean and the nice golden sandy beaches aligning the east of Marina.

Mateo was still too groggy and too hungover to make out what was happening, all he wanted was to go back to sleep but he couldn't.

Damn those pesky seagulls.
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evelina volkov
orphan cinderella
fancy bedroom
mentions ; interactions

Nadine ; Mateo
For the first time in over a decade, Evelina slept like a baby. Her dreams were full of dancing and smiles and laughter. Somehow, despite years of thinking she would just end up alone without even a cat to call her own, she was now married and truly had a family. It was everything Nadine had promised and more. If only her father could see her now. Would he be proud? Happy for her? She wanted to think he would be, especially if heโ€™d seen everything sheโ€™d gone through since his passing.

Waking up was a rather slow process. Coming out of a dream following a great day like her own wedding was harder than she thought. If she stayed in the dream, did that mean the best day of her life would last forever? She sure hoped so. But it made no sense to get married and then not try to experience married life. So despite the ache in her body from so much dancing and joy, she let her eyes flutter open.

She was not expecting the arm around her waist, nor the kiss to the back of her head. Affection, while she was easily able to give it, was new to her in terms of reception. The last time someone had hugged her had beenโ€ฆ oh, God, when was the last time someone had hugged her?

It was in the middle of this thought that she realized she was being pulled closer to her husbandโ€™s chest. Wait.

Her body reacted on its own. A squeak pealed from her mouth, and somehow she sprang out of bed onto the floor. โ€œOw ow owโ€ฆโ€ Evelina sat up, checking her limbs and head for any serious injury. Nothing major, except maybe her pride. Not that she had much of that to begin with.

โ€œS-Sorry, I was just stunnedโ€”โ€ Her apology cut off as she looked up at her husband. It still shocked her that anyone that looked like that could want her of all people, but that wasnโ€™t why she paused. Her eyebrows furrowed. His face was familiar, and she knew his name: Mateo. But there was something off about this. Evelina was clumsy, but there was no way she could be wrong in who she had agreed to marryโ€ฆ right?

Obviously, that was just her nerves talking. She had a knack for self-sabotage, always thinking she wasnโ€™t deserving of the people around her. Naturally, marriage would bring out the worst of those feelings. This was going to work. It had to. Evelina wanted to be happy, and by God, she was going to try her best to make this work, even if something felt a little odd.

โ€œU-Um, I slept pretty well. How about youโ€ฆ?โ€ Studying his face, she remembered vaguely how much drinking heโ€™d done last night. โ€œDo you need some water or aspirin?โ€

Maybe she wouldnโ€™t be so bad at this wife thing after all.

coded by natasha.
Maisie Korlov
The Unlucky Cinderella
Palace bedroom

interactions come here

The early morning rays cast an almost heavenly glow across the bedroom, stirring Maisie from sleep. She sat up quietly, squinting against the sun's rays. So it hadnโ€™t been a dream after all, sheโ€™d actually gotten married last night.

Next to her right now was the man sheโ€™d fallen in love with at the ball, and, if she was being honest it was almost overwhelming. Was getting married so shortly after truly the right call? Perhaps she had been a bit too desperate to escape her old life, or, perhaps she was a little too desperate to finally be loved back.

Maisie rose from the bed, trying her best to be quiet as she paced the room. Had she truly found her happily ever after? It almost felt too good to be true, but it couldnโ€™t be. Sheโ€™d never been in love of course, but when she had locked eyes with her prince the night of the ballโ€ฆwellโ€ฆshe just knew.

With him being a prince, the wedding had been massive. Maisie had extended the invite to her parents, but of course, they hadnโ€™t shown up. No one from her family had bothered coming, not that she expected anything less. It was nice to dream though.

โ€œRight. Itโ€™s fine, you got this.โ€ Maisie halted in front of a mirror briefly to smooth out her hair and rubbed any leftover makeup from her face. She wanted to look somewhat presentable for her husband when he woke up, which would probably be any minute now. Only when she felt a bit more put together did she slowly approach the bed.

The sun has risen a bit since sheโ€™d been awake, casting the room in a soft light. A small smile had made its way onto Maisieโ€™s face as she sat on the edge closest to him. Maisie brushed a few strands of hair from her prince's face. She opened her mouth to wish him a good morningโ€ฆexceptโ€ฆsomething wasnโ€™t right. Almost instantly Maisieโ€™s smile dropped.

The man sleeping in front of her was her beloved...or he was supposed to be. But when she looked at him her heart didnโ€™t flutter. Her cheeks didnโ€™t flush. And most importantly, she didnโ€™t feel the spark she had when they had first met.

Maisie pulled her hand away from her husband's face, fighting the urge to cry all the while. Of course, something went wrong- it always did. Maisie had been foolish to believe she could finally escape her series of unfortunate events.

Of course, there was the hope she was just fighting off post-wedding nerves. Yes, that could very possibly be it.

โ€œWilliam?โ€ Maisie couldnโ€™t wait for him to wake up on his own. She spoke his name softly, giving his shoulder a gentle shake. โ€œItโ€™s time to wake up.โ€
coded by natasha.
diane kim
the optimistic cinderella
palace bedroom
tired, confused

frederick AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Diane would have thought that waking up on the day after her wedding would be...different. But if she were being honest, as she started to wake up, she didn't even remember the previous day. She could hear the birds chirping outside, feel the sun hitting her eyelids, causing her to slowly start to blink awake and all she could do was stare at what was obviously not her bedroom in her family's tiny home.

The furniture she could see from her position in the far too comfortable bed was far too fancy to be anything her family could even hope to afford. Not to mention, she couldn't hear the stomping feet of simon and leslie, her younger siblings. In fact it was...too quiet. Other than the birds, it was quiet and frankly, it was unnerving.

Diane wasn't used to quiet, she was used to childish screams, heavy footfalls, and the bustling sounds of town greeting her at every turn. It was also strange that she was only waking up now, seeing as she was normally up before dawn to head over to the bakery to get started on the goods for the day. Honestly, it was kind of creeping her out that she couldn't remember the previous night all of a sudden and that she wasn't in her bed at home.

She was comfortable, sure, but she didn't understand why. She heard a faint bit of shuffling before the door opened and she felt the other side of the bed dip as someone sat down.

That was when it hit her, a small almost inaudible gasp escaping her. Of course! She'd gotten married! If she wasn't in the middle of pushing herself upright into a somewhat sitting position, she would've slapped her forehead at her stupidity. Surely she hadn't gotten drunk on her wedding night?

Twisting so she could see her...husband, she caught sight of herself in a mirror across the room, and her face flooded with heat. Oh good lord, she looked a mess, her hair was a rumpled mess, strands clumped together and sticking up in every direction, and oh no, was that drool?!

"Um...hi?" she squeaked. "G-good morning...?"

As her sleep-addled mind began to focus on the man before her, she couldn't help but feel...confused? Which didn't make any sense, surely she wouldn't be confused at the sight of her own husband? The man she'd fallen in love with? But...somehow she was. Something about the man before her seemed off. Not...him exactly? She could remember who he was, he was Prince Frederick, the man she'd married last night.

Just...that's all she could really remember about him, and any emotions that should be attached to such memories didn't line up. Thinking back to the previous night all she really felt was detached. Like...she was looking at everything through glass. Oh, none of this made any sense! Maybe she was just confused? She was nervous about getting married and having to leave her family, that was a normal feeling right?
coded by natasha.
william nolan
the uncaring prince
palace bedroom
tired, annoyed, confused

maisie Aeris Aeris
There was one thing Will knew to be true, and that was that he never woke until well into the morning. His parents had done their best to beat that out of him, but no matter the hellish training they put him through as a child, the punishments they tried to pin on him, nothing worked. He was quite proud of the fact too. He enjoyed his beauty sleep and nothing was going to make him change.

However, it was definitely hard to stay asleep when someone kept shaking him. And saying his name? But they called him William, and other than his parents, no one called him William. His siblings all called him Jamie. So it couldn't be them, but his parents gave up coming into his room in an attempt to get him to wake. So who was it? His curiosity was somewhat peaked, but the draw of sleep was still within his grasp, and he was reluctant to let it escape.

A groan escaped him as his body stretched out before settling back down, an arm searching blindly for a heat source that was no longer laying beside him. That wasn't good. Now his mind was beginning to work and if that happened, he was never getting back to sleep.

"Nnh..." he grumbled, opening one eye slowly. His vision blurry, he squinted, trying to make out who was beside him and shaking him, calling his name almost frantically. "Lillian...?" he mumbled, concern flooding him with the thought of his sister trying to wake him up. "Whas 'rong...?" he asked around a yawn.

Pushing himself up into a sitting position, he rubbed at his eyes, yawning once more. Clearly it was too early. What had he been doing last night again? Mateo had probably dragged him to some dumb party again and gotten him drunk. He paused at the thought. He didn't feel drunk though. In fact, other than being tired, he felt perfectly normal. So he wasn't too sure why something was starting to feel off. "Lil...?"

At the lack of response, he finally opened his eyes, starting to get annoyed at his sister's lack of response. What did she want that she had to wake him up, and then why the hell didn't she respond? Feeling righteous annoyance beginning to build in his chest, Will felt himself deflate as he caught sight of a brunette sitting in front of him on the bed, a somewhat frantic look on her face.


It was all he could do to just stare blankly at the young woman before him, his mind trying to recall who she was and why she was in his bed. It took him a minute of staring blankly before he finally managed to piece something together, his eyes widening in recognition.

"Right...marriage..." he mumbled to himself, the pieces falling into place.

That's right, he'd gotten married last night. He'd...fallen in love? The idea while not unpleasant, was definitely surprising as Will had honestly wondered if love was something he was capable of. But it seems that he is, seeing as he married...Maisie. Yeah, that's her name, Maisie. His...true love? The woman before him was certainly beautiful, but something about seeing her before him didn't make sense. Why...why had he thought she was blonde for a minute there?

"Uh...sorry, I'm...a deep sleeper, I guess." he tried to explain, his brain struggling to form the words needed to try and calm his...wife. "I'm not always all there first thing...I thought you were my sister for a moment..." he trailed off.

Good lord, this was awkward. Were all marriages like this? If they were, it certainly explained some things about his parents.
coded by natasha.
Eleanor Matthews
Palace Bedroom
Take me out of this misery

r e i r e i
Maybe that second bottle of Champagne was a bad idea ....

As the sun spilled through the curtain and into their room, Eleanor let out a small groan as the hangover showed no signs of easing. She had been awake for a few hours now, having woken at an ungodly hour with a headache that she could only describe as someone using a jackhammer on her skull. She needed water and to go toilet but honestly she was afraid to move incase she vomited on herself and her new husband.

Husband ....

The word still felt so foreign to her, here she was lying beside the guy she had fallen deeply for at the ball and yet something just didn't sit right with her. It felt as though something was wrong that she couldn't quite put her finger on it and so instead she chose to put the confusion down as a side effect of her hangover.

Oh god please make it end

As if the hangover wasn't enough punishment for her, her brain had been torturing her for the last hour or so with her very own reel of drunken antics she had gotten up to last night, the regret and fear only hindering her more but the worst part was the blackout parts lost in her memory, forever gone and hopefully never to be remembered. Opening her eyes for the first time since she had woken, Eleanor looked down and sighed in relief that firstly she was wearing her pjamas and not her wedding dress and secondly that she was in bed beside her husband. Not that it was a real worry that she had gone to bed with someone else but when you can't remember going to bed well, lets just say the fear had a tight grip on her.

Rubbing her hands down her face, Eleanor tried to distract herself by thinking about anything other than her wedding. She knew by the time Isaiah woke and she could confirm that she hadn't somehow annoyed him that she could look back on her wedding in a much better light but for now the fear, the confusion and that inkling of a feeling that something was wrong, held her so tightly she couldn't look at it in any other way.

Huffing quietly in self pity, Eleanor turned on her side and buried her face into Isaiah's chest as she tried to drown out the light that was only adding to her headache and hoping to feel some relief from the pain from human contact.

Isaiah Cole
Prince of Salten
the palace's bedroom
groggy, slightly hungover

Ellie neverbackdown neverbackdown
He heard the horses before he opened his eyes. The light from the windows bothered his headache from last night's activities. He couldn't focus on the horses or the light. Not when he felt a warm body snuggled into his chest. He knew that he had gotten married last night but as the reality set in, he realized that he had a partner meant for life. Someone to rule his kingdom with him. Is the girl, Eleanor going to be ready for the responsibility that is being a Queen?

He truly doesn't know the answer to that question, but he hoped she will be. He wanted her to be, he had fallen for her since the ballroom dance. And for some reason, he felt like something was different, maybe it was just the marriage feeling or the fact that soon he would go back home with the girl he loves, and have her meet the rest of the kingdom. Maybe that was the feeling that he was getting as he wrapped his arms around her. Isaiah kissed the top of her head as she snuggled closer to him. "Hello my love, how are you this morning?" He asked in his groggy voice as he opened his eyes and glanced down to see blonde hair across his chest, he could be mistaken but he could have swore she was an brunette. Well, he must have been wrong.

Isaiah didn't know much about the way of marriage but he knew that he needed to make sure that his new wife felt welcomed and loved. His mother had always told him before she passed away that the one that he thought he would and could spend the rest of his life with, to make sure that he treats her with respect. So he would do that because he knows his mother wanted him to be a gentleman, and that's why he never went with another girl like the other princes. He stayed true to himself and only had fun with his friends and others. Now to make sure that his new wife had some food to eat.

"I'm going to see about breakfast, you just rest some more darling." He said as he pulls away from the girl before kissing her on the cheek as he leaves the room, he looks back to see her, and something just doesn't feel right but he couldn't help but smile at her as she looked at him. This may not be feeling right now, but maybe it will be later on.

Maybe it will...

coded by natasha.
Mateo Nolan
the playboy prince
Bed Chambers.
Hungover AF.

Evelina ( AnimeGenork AnimeGenork )
Despite his reminiscing in his beautiful semi-slumber, he could smell the nice yet unfamiliar scent of a rather particular flower he recognized. Gardenia. It was quite a common smell in the vegetative parts of Marina. As he placed that kiss he hummed unknowingly in contentment that something was bringing him back home. How his new wife smelled like his home's flora he was unaware but he rather enjoyed it. That being said, as he pulled her closer to his chest, he could smell a type of... wood? As he buried his face in her shoulder for comfort he could slowly start to recognize - was it cedar... or pine? He couldn't quite put his finger (or should I say nose) on it.

His conquest of determining which wood she smelled like was cut rather short as the previous warmth that belonged to his wife's body was gone and replaced with nothingness and silk sheets. One second he was all huddled up which was treating his hangover headache rather well and another second he hear a loud squeak drill into his brain. A loud groan was heard from the groggy prince as that made his head pang rather faster. It felt like a construction worker operating with a driller, hence it did not help. That being said he heard a thud and a shit ton of cries of ow's follow right after.

What the heck? Was his newlywed that scared of him? Of his touch? This was going to be fun. He mentally cursed at his mother's promise at that current point in time. No matter how much he loved the woman who birthed him... it was because of her, he was stuck in this predicament.

Trying to find a shred of energy to roll onto his stomach to check if she was alright, he could hear an apology. "Stunned? That sounds quite the rough morning, love..." he tilted his head in confusion as to why she would be so skittish. That being said he couldn't help but mutter to himself under his breath, "rough, and yet I did nothing last night." A cheeky smirk to himself was growing on his lips before rolling back on his backside, his head hitting the softness of his pillow as now the silk sheet was hugging his lower torso.

Unlike Evelina, his line of vision was exceptionally blurry as he left his hooded eyes open as best as he could muster however, he could hear the little bit of silence between her cries and her next few words. Was she having second thoughts about this all? Just his luck.

As he heard little conversation forming, he tried to at least appear decent and not half dead when talking to her, "Well, to be quite frank... I don't even remember sleeping. Nor how I managed to get here in this very bed." Rubbing lightly at his eyes, he let out a huff of exhaustion and ache all over his muscles as he sat up in hopes to get a much clearer vision that was not going to happen anytime soon. By the heavens where was Will and his aspirin and cup of water when he needed them? Though he is probably currently shacked up with his wife as well. He couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of it.

His wife's darling voice brought him back to their conversation when she so kindly offered him the same healing techniques, "Water and aspirin sound rather nice. I think I have some in my bag by the ornate dividers over there," he points towards them at the east of their current room. "Thanks, love," he genuinely muttered out of gratitude as usually his bed inhabitants were either out of the room by morning or could not be arsed to care about his state. This was rather new. He quite liked it, actually.

That being said he needed to get in his normal state quickly, he was making quite the impression already.
coded by natasha.
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Frederick Edwards
boyish prince
fancy bedroom
hey freddie shut up
mentions ; interactions

N/A ; Diane
As it turned out, Diane was waking up as he sat down. A bolt of panic shot through him at firstโ€”he hadnโ€™t woken her, had he?โ€”before he tamped it down so he wouldnโ€™t be such a doofus first thing in the morning.

Hearing her voice, Freddie turned fully to greet her, a pleasant smile on his face. โ€œGood morning. I hope you slept well. Need any water or anything?โ€ With an almost nervous energy, he stood, shoving his hands in his pockets and turning so he was more fully facing her. God, this was awkward. Maybe he shouldโ€™ve asked his mother for some advice before the wedding yesterday.

Had Diane asked her if he noticed anything off about her appearance, he wouldโ€™ve said no. He knew the trick, and he knew that he wasnโ€™t supposed to say she looked a little bit messy. Not that he mindedโ€”had he not gotten up at the crack of dawn, he wouldโ€™ve looked worse. Besides, if she wasnโ€™t a mess in the morning, he wouldโ€™ve thought perhaps she was a demon tricking him into something. Of course, demons werenโ€™t real, so there went that storylineโ€ฆ ANYWAY, the point was, he was hoping she didnโ€™t say anything, because he thought she looked fine.

He needed to stop this train of thought before it manifested in real life. โ€œSo, uh.โ€ He coughed. Smooth. โ€œI donโ€™t know if you had any ideas about today, but if you like, I can show you around the castle? I mean, I donโ€™t spend much time here myself, but itโ€™s probably better than sitting around, right?โ€ A shy grin crept up his face, and he gave her a look that hopefully said something along the lines of, Iโ€™m bad at this, can you tell?

Then he perked up again. โ€œOh, I can also introduce you to my siblings! Theyโ€™re real excited to meet you officially. Though I should warn youโ€”there are five of them, so if you donโ€™t want to โ€˜meet the familyโ€™ today, thatโ€™s totally cool, too. Please stop me if Iโ€™m talking too much.โ€ He clamped his mouth shut so she could get a word in edgewise. Lord knew if he didnโ€™t, heโ€™d be standing there all day, rambling until Ian or probably Tommy punched him in the stomach to get him to shut up. It was one of his greatest fears about his future as kingโ€”that he would bore every state official to death.

Yeah, this was going to be a hellishly awkward day.

coded by natasha.
evelina volkov
orphan cinderella
fancy bedroom
hungry & needing to pee
mentions ; interactions

N/A ; Mateo
As to be expected, Evelina was flaring with embarrassment. Not that sheโ€™d exactly expected some sort of words of comfort to come out of her husbandโ€™s mouth at her explanation for suddenly falling to the floor, but the words that came made her blush. She couldnโ€™t tell whyโ€”she was far too naรฏve to understand most comments aimed her wayโ€”but she knew sheโ€™d probably made a fool of herself in front of him. God, and she was supposed to be this manโ€™s princess? Maybe this was really a practical joke.

But no, she wasnโ€™t going to let any of that get her down. She was married, so she had to act like it! Her eyes left their downcast state as Mateo spoke again, shooting up to look over him worriedly. A slight frown formed on her lips as she rubbed her own head, trying to remember how exactly sheโ€™d gotten here, too. Had she been trying to find the bathroom, and somehow ended up here? But how had Mateo found her after that? There were more questions than answers. โ€œIโ€™m not sure I could tell you, either. I think I was asleep by the time you came in. It was an exhausting day.โ€ She certainly couldnโ€™t complain; the bed had been the comfiest sheโ€™d ever slept in. Until the surprise wake-up call.

At Mateoโ€™s direction, she climbed to her feet and padded over to his bag, crouching down to search for the aspirin in question. It didnโ€™t take long, which was a relief, as Evelina felt awkward going through peopleโ€™s things. Aspirin in hand, she stood again and returned to the door, where a pitcher of water was waiting, probably thanks to the castle staff. Really, this was going to take some getting used to. Evelina wasnโ€™t used to anyone helping her, much less having somebody whose job it was to help her. Shaking her head incredulously, she went back over to the bed, handing Mateo the water and aspirin. โ€œI hope this helps,โ€ she murmured, kneeling on the bed beside him. She almost wanted to suggest taking a walk together or somethingโ€”what was it, exactly, that couples did?โ€”but she couldnโ€™t do that when he was feeling so crummy. Maybe tomorrow. Evelina tried not to sigh at the prospect of sitting around all day.

Although, she really did need to pee.

โ€œUm, if you donโ€™t mind me asking, Mateoโ€ฆ do you know your way around this place? Iโ€™ve never been here, so Iโ€™m not sure if Iโ€™ll be able to find anything. Much less if weโ€™re supposed to be at breakfast or something soon.โ€ Well, now that she mentioned it, she was getting a bit hungry. Would they be expected to eat with the other newlywed couples? Wouldnโ€™t that be awkward?

But then, there was something exciting about it all, getting to show that she was in fact married to a prince now. Unless, of course, this was a practical joke and all of this was going to fall out from under her.

Okay, she needed some food quickly before she drowned in her thoughts. Also the bathroom. God, she really needed to pee.

coded by natasha.
Maisie Korlov
The Unlucky Cinderella
Palace bedroom

izayoiix izayoiix

Maisie shifted uncomfortably, turning away when her new husband finally opened his eyes. Had they always been blue? The question was absurd- of course they had. But the tension in the air made it hard to shake her ever-growing doubt.

"I'm sorry for waking you. I just..." She trailed off, deciding not to voice her doubts right away. It was just post-wedding nerves. She was fine- they were fine. It was going to be okay.

That's what she was going to keep telling herself anyway.

"Is there anything I can get for you? Coffee? Water?" Maisie felt like she was five again, begging her parents to give her just a pinch of attention. She felt as if William would decide she wasn't worth it and walk out the door at any moment. If he were to do that would she run after him?

Maisie sighed. It wasn't William's fault she had abandonment issues. Just because she had finally found her happily ever after, it didn't mean the trauma from her childhood was going to magically disappear. No amount of magic would be able to cover up the years of neglect she had endured from her parents, although if there was a way to make that happen, Maisie was sure she would jump at the opportunity.

She'd always found a way to make the best out of life- this time was no different. She was going to enjoy her new life with her new husband, and they were going to figure out why this new marriage felt a bit off.

"Perhaps we could go get breakfast?"

coded by natasha.
diane kim
the optimistic cinderella
palace bedroom

frederick AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
It was actually quite a relief to see her...husband as nervous as she was. She had to bite back the small grin that threatened to form, using one hand to surreptitiously wipe at the corner of her mouth to make sure there wasn't any drool. Diane knew she looked a right mess, but she doubted she could come back from drool. She couldn't.

"Oh, no!" she rushed to reassure him. Options were a good thing. She needed options. There was no way she'd be able to make a decision on how to spend the day without any help or guidance. "Uh, choices are a good thing," she added, moving so she was sitting cross-legged on the bed.

In a fit of nerves, Diane started playing with her fingers, looking down before back up at Frederick. "Um...both sound good though, I don't mind having a busy day..." she trailed off. Swallowing, she poked the inside of her cheek with her tongue as she tried to decide what to say next. Both ideas for the day truly did sound good to her. She'd obviously need to be shown around her new home, why not do it sooner rather than later?

And of course she'd have to meet her husband's family! They were now her family! She'd hate to make a bad impression, or god forbid, come off as rude or someone who's trying to steal Frederick from them! She'd never want to be on bad terms with anyone, let alone her in-laws.

"Um...I'd love to meet your siblings." she murmured, hoping she didn't sound foolish. "I, ah, actually have siblings myself! Two! They're twins," she added in an effort to mention something they had in common. "I used to have more, but um, it's just me and the twins now. We make the most of it though!" she rushed to add.

Feeling even more flustered at her obvious rambling, she realized that her husband was fully dressed - unlike her. Obviously, he'd woken before her. Lord, Diane hoped it wasn't too late in the morning. She didn't want her new family to think she was a layabout.

"S-sorry for uh, sleeping in..." she apologized. "Normally I'm up before dawn but uh, guess last night took it out of me." she explained. Clearing her throat, she forced her fingers to stop twisting and lay flat on her thighs. "Um, how about I get dressed? We can do breakfast maybe? And then tour and meet the family? Not necessarily in that order?"
coded by natasha.
william nolan
the uncaring prince
palace bedroom

maisie Aeris Aeris
Will wasn't really sure what to do. His wife was...panicking? He honestly wasn't sure. He wasn't too good at reading people, well, people who weren't Mateo. He could read that idiot no problem. Fortunately, his new wife wasn't that idiot, but unfortunately, that meant he had no clue what to do as his wife seemed to deflate.

He should probably do something, shouldn't he? Yeah...probably.

Will cleared his throat, reaching up to scratch at the side of his face. "I feel like I should probably be asking you that..." he trailed off awkwardly.

Clearly, this was going great. Even he could tell that he needed to try and help reassure and calm her down. Maisie. His wife. He should probably start referring to her by name in his head. Something just felt...off though. He knew her name, and while it suited her perfectly, it just didn't sit right. Shaking his head, he sighed, pushing it to the back of his mind for now. He had something more important to focus on at the moment. If nothing else, he was a gentleman, and the last thing he should do was leave Maisie to sit on their bed and panic on her own.

"Uh, yeah, breakfast sounds good." he agreed. That would be a good start. Get something to eat and then maybe a tour? He had no doubt his siblings would want to meet their newest sibling. He doubted his parents wouldn't be far behind them.

The thought of the two who brought him into the world made him wince, something he hurried to cover up by scratching his nose. Yeah, he'd definitely have to do his best to keep them away from Maisie. She seemed nervous enough without the heavy judgment that followed his parents like a cloud.

He could totally do this marriage thing! Look at him, thinking of his wife and her interests and happiness. Will knew no one deserved to be saddled with the pain that was his parents, especially not after their wedding. Seemed like a great plan to him. No doubt that his siblings would understand and help run interference. Especially after they met Maisie.

"So uh, after we eat, did you maybe want to meet my siblings?" he asked. "I'm sure they're chomping at the bit to meet you," he explained. "I have two younger brothers and a sister. They're brats, but they could be worse." he joked, trying to lighten the mood.

He paused for a moment, before he realized, all of these ideas and plans would be hard to do in his pajamas. "Uh, I'll grab some stuff and get dressed in the other room, if you wanted to get ready? Just shout when you're ready to go and I'll show you the way?"
coded by natasha.
Eleanor Matthews
Palace Bedroom
Confused .com

r e i r e i
Feeling his arms wrap around her seemed to release all of the fear and anxiousness she was feeling and she couldn't help the sigh of relief that passed her lips as she buried her head further into his chest. When he spoke, Eleanor pulled herself back a bit so that her voice would be heard rather than muffled.

"Much better now" She mustered as much cheeriness into her voice as possible before the soft smile dropped from her expression and what could only be described as a mixture between a grimace and a smirk played on her lips "but the champagne was not my friend this morning". Her eyes scanned over her husband as she took him in, her eyes finding his as a gentle smile found its way onto her expression "How are you?" she questioned.

As Isaiah left the room to check on breakfast, Eleanor lay back in the bed as she pulled the covers up over head. While the fear of the night before seemed to have vanished she noticed that the feeling of something being wrong still loomed above her casting doubt in her mind. Isaiah was handsome, sweet and clearly caring, everything that Eleanor wanted and yet something was off. She couldn't help but wonder if it was her, had she actually not been ready for married life. Shaking the idea far from her thoughts, Eleanor put the feeling down to post-wedding jitters, telling herself that the feeling would eventually go and to just get on with her life, after all it wasn't just her anymore.

Releasing a sigh, Eleanor pulled the covers down from her head and slowly sat up in the bed allowing herself to look around the room for the first time. Slowly she sat up as she tested her hangover limitation, happy that she wasn't going to keel over Eleanor slipped out of the bed and walked across to the window. She pulled the curtains back before sitting on the cushioned window sill, taking in the views. Pulling her legs up and under her, Eleanor leaned into the window as she watched people tending to the garden below. It looked so peaceful down there and beautiful that she made a mental note to walk through the garden later on.

Isaiah Cole
Prince of Salten
the king's bedroom
awake, but still slightly hungover.

Ellie neverbackdown neverbackdown
Isaiah headed towards the kitchens, he thought to himself as he goes past servants who whispered and looked at him as he walked. How could he do this? How can he learn to lead a country, while also learning how to lead a life with his new wife? A life where she is happy by his side and he's not failing at being by hers as well. Where he can trust in her ability to rule? He groaned as he turned a corner, the questions that built up in his mind as he goes closer to the kitchen. This wasn't fair, all he wanted was to save his sister from the fate of being a ruler. Her golden heart would never survive the strain and darkness that this power comes with. He has to rule with fairness but he has to be swift with his punishments for the people breaking the law. He has to show them, that actions have consequences, just like his actions did when he went out of control. [

And now he would have to teach his wife that same lesson.

Once he got to the kitchen, he stopped a servant and asked about breakfast where he learned that it would be in a few minutes. He grabs a cup of coffee and two cups of tea. The extra cup of tea and the cup of coffee were for Ellie. He didn't know which one she prefer yet, and he wanted to give her choices. He thanked the server for her help and headed back to the room. Once he had gotten there, he smiled again at the beautiful woman sitting at the window sill. God, wasn't she beautiful? He may not know how personality, but he looks at her in that place, and he felt a warmness, and a need to protect her. It felt like the same when he saw his sister, but he was sure that it had to be a different feeling right?
"Breakfast is in a few minutes, but I brought us some drinks." He said to her as he takes a seat on the other side of the window sill. "I didn't know if you liked tea or coffee, so I brought both for you. I prefer tea myself. I get that habit from my dad...my mother was a coffee drinker through and through."

He told her as he took a sip of his tea. And looked out the window. It was truly beautiful, a place where he could relax here truly. It also reminded him of home. "It looks like home...we have a garden as big as this..and I and my sister would walk through it every morning. Kinda a ritual between us." He told her as he thought about his home. Isaiah would spend every morning walking the garden with his sister. Telling her stories about their mother, and giving her a chance to know her through him. "You...could join us? My sister wouldn't mind truly?"

He wanted to be a proper husband to her, so the first step was sharing something about himself. Then was letting her into his moments, his ways of life that no one could see aside from his sister.

Isaiah was trying...to be better like his mother would want him to be.
coded by natasha.
Last edited:
Mateo Nolan
the playboy prince
Bed Chambers.
Hungover AF.

Evelina ( AnimeGenork AnimeGenork )
Seeing her blush at his comments, he could tell she was quite innocent and to be fair not the type he expected to marry but he was here nonetheless and he had a commitment to honour.

As the female spoke about the night, it seemed to be quite a blur for the both of them, "Ah great... an unwitnessed night is never a good one." He muttered under his breath. Those words came from strong experiences. Was his new wife an early sleeper? God, he hoped not. He wanted to enjoy time with his newlywed and Mateo was most alive at night. He hated the sunlight on his skin. The only exception was going for a swim. Ah, what he would give to have his feet touch the waters of Marina again. As much as he disliked the responsibilities coming with his kingdom, he wouldn't trade it for anything.

The next few seconds felt like a blur with the sharp pain in his head, that was until he could feel a presence kneeling beside him. Making the slight effort to sit himself up and level with her, he swung his legs off the bed and smiled. "I hope so too. Don't want to be hungover on our first day together as husband and wife, now?" with a soft chuckle he took the aspirin from her hand and placed it on his tongue, tilting his head back before taking the glass to drown it down his throat only to get some water trickling down the corner of his lips and his torso. He immediately stopped and wiped his lips, placing the cup on the bedside rather than back in her hands.

He offered his hands to her so she can stand and sit by him rather than stay knelt, "Thank you my princess... it shouldn't take long to regain my senses for sure."

"I think we all have been shoved here around the same day so we might all be on the same boat. I know with these chambers there are private bathrooms through that door if you want to get ready and dressed?" he said rather unsurely as he pointed towards a smaller oak door that joined to the bathroom. He visited it due to some unpleasant memories last night. The very few he remembers as he wince, clutching his head. "I suggest we both get ourselves dressed and go explore a little bit? Maybe find a way to the dining? I am rather famished so breakfast does sound nice," he mused before getting onto his feet and placing a kiss on her cheek.

As he mentioned the others, he wondered whether his right-hand man was roaming somewhere in these halls. He would have given anything to be a fly on the wall as his cousin woke up also near his newlywed. This was a predicament that out of all the people, the Nolan Princes never imagined themselves being in. Being married. Out of the pair, Will was the closest to getting married and even that was a long shot, let alone Mateo. He hoped he would see him out there, he needed a sense of familiarity as everything was still so new and so unsettlingly pleasant still.

Taking both her hands in his he lifted them to place a soft kiss on them before slowly nudging her to stand so they can get ready, "I shall be getting ready here but I understand a lady needs her privacy so meet me back here so we can head out, hm?" he ensured before sending a wink her way.

Little did he know the trouble that came after, finding something to dress. By the heavens where was his butler when he needed him?
coded by natasha.
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Frederick Edwards
boyish prince
fancy bedroom -> heading to breakfast
marital h-handholding??
mentions ; interactions

N/A ; Diane
This was all going much better than Freddie had anticipated. His awkward smile threatened to become something softer as Diane reassured him, but he wasnโ€™t sure why he held back. Emoting in front of oneโ€™s wife was normal, wasnโ€™t it? Alsoโ€ฆ Freddie was an open book anyway. Something held him back a bit, but maybe that was the nerves. Yeah. Probably. Right?

Heโ€™d honestly feared that he was running his mouth, but Diane thankfully didnโ€™t seem to mind all that much. โ€œTake your time, we have plenty of it.โ€ Freddie glanced down, noting that she was playing with her hands. Would it be weird if he reached out and took them? Probably. Er, wait, they were married! That shouldnโ€™t be weird. Again, something was holding him back, and he wasnโ€™t sure if it was the right move. He really needed to get a handle on himself. The last thing he needed to do was estrange his wife right after their wedding.

Family. He could talk about family. It was the only thing he talked about. Now the wide smile was breaking free. โ€œYou do? Thatโ€™s awesome. Two of my siblings are actually twins, too! Tommy and Talia are both fifteen.โ€ He didnโ€™t miss the way she mentioned that she used to have more siblings, and a pang of sympathy went through him. Freddie would have asked more, but he figured that was probably rude. Diane would surely open up more about it as time went on.

Pushing himself to his feet, he waved his hands. โ€œDonโ€™t apologize! I regret waking up early myself, but my siblings insisted I come by after the wedding.โ€ Giving her his kindest smile, he said, โ€œLetโ€™s do breakfast. Then tour, then family. A great order to do things. Iโ€™ll wait here for you, okay?โ€

As Freddie waited for Diane to get dressed, he mentally ran through his introductions of his siblings. Even though heโ€™d been introducing them for years, as they grew up, it became harder and harder to shorten his introductions to one or two sentences. He always had to practice, lest he waste everyoneโ€™s time by talking about how great it was that Talia was already a master flautist and Tommy was amazing at fencing. If Freddie had any fatal flaw that wasnโ€™t his awkwardness, it was how much he loved his baby brothers and sisters.

When she was ready, Freddie opened the door and held out his hand. โ€œShall we?โ€

Oh, God, wait. He was instigating handholding. He might not make it out of this alive.

coded by natasha.
evelina volkov
orphan cinderella
fancy bedroom
much better
mentions ; interactions

N/A ; Mateo
Evelina watched in concern as Mateo took the aspirin, nibbling on her bottom lip. She knew it wouldnโ€™t take immediately, but she hoped it would at least provide some relief. Hangovers werenโ€™t her strong suit, but sheโ€™d often helped out when coworkers had come in with raging headaches. Not that they had ever known she was the one leaving aspirin, water, and salty snacks around. When he held out his hands, she blinked and simply sat beside him, blushing at his gratitude. It feltโ€ฆ nice, to be thanked for something that just came naturally to her. She hadnโ€™t heard the words โ€œthank youโ€ nearly enough. โ€œO-of course. Itโ€™s the least I can do.โ€

The embarrassment commenced anew. How had she not noticed there was a bathroom right there? God, she hoped he didnโ€™t think she was an idiot. Or if he did, she hoped to prove that thought wrong (maybe) as the day progressed. Evelina nodded, fully in agreement with getting some food. She was famished herself. โ€œSounds good. Iโ€™ll go change, then!โ€ A slight smile rose to her face as he kissed her cheek, her hand raising to touch her face in surprise. Of course, she was married. Affection was normal in a marriage. Even her stepmother and father had been affectionate. That didnโ€™t mean it made her feel any less fluttery.

What she couldnโ€™t tell was whether or not the flutters were good.

Once again, he took her hands, and in no time she found she was standing. And again, she nodded, stopping by her own luggage (which she had failed to notice before, fancy that) to grab an outfit she hoped was proper enough for her first official day as a princess. (She was actually a princess!!)

Finally, the bathroom. A safe haven. Not that Mateo wasnโ€™t safe! But bathrooms had always, oddly enough, been Evelinaโ€™s favorite room. It was the only place she knew she wouldnโ€™t get yelled at, the only place she could be truly alone and free of her burdens. Also, they came in handy when her squirrel bladder was acting up.

That taken care of, Evelina smoothed her skirt in front of her. Her hair looked less messy than it had when she got in here, and she didnโ€™t own any makeup. Did her eyes look wider? Well, if she widened her eyes on purpose they did, yeah.

Though it was a little silly, Evelina knocked on the door before she stepped out. โ€œUm, Mateo? Iโ€™m ready.โ€ Her pajamas were bundled under her arms, and she dropped them off at her luggage before turning to look at him. With a small, timid smile, she asked, โ€œShall we go to breakfast, then? I can bring more aspirin if you think you need it.โ€

coded by natasha.
Maisie Korlov
The Unlucky Cinderella
Palace bedroom
Stressed Couture

izayoiix izayoiix

Maisie felt her shoulders relax as William tossed around a couple of ideas. Her heart welled at the mention of siblings- as she had been an only child, and thank the stars above her parents never tried to have another kid. They never had the time for one, she couldn't imagine them going through with another.

Was it too soon to consider his family hers? Would he have to meet her parents? Perhaps she could just tell him she didn't have anyone. Maybe when they were less nervous around each other would she come clean about the abuse she'd endured her whole life.

Yeah, she would worry about that later. Now it was time to try and get better at being a wife.

"Yes," she smiled, "Let's do that." Maisie rose from the bed as William went to the adjacent room to change. She frowned in front of her suitcase. Was she expected to dress up? It would look good for their image if she presented herself in fancy clothes. Except she didn't exactly come prepared for such an occasion. Maisie dug through her luggage, fighting the panic that was working its way through her. Her wardrobe had never been much, just jeans and T-shirts. It was all she could afford normally. But she knew how to dress up a casual outfit. She'd done it all the time. She just hoped William wouldn't be disappointed when he came back in.

Maisie examined herself in the mirror. Sure, the outfit was a bit more plain than she'd wanted, but she looked presentable. And. more importantly, she still felt like Maisie Korlov. She rummaged through her bag until she found the small makeup bag- most of which had been generously donated to her by college friends. Maisie never cared for heavy makeup like foundation and whatnot. But she did enjoy playing with eyeshadow colors. She loved the way a simple eye look could really dress up a casual outfit.

"Will!" Maisie called out to her husband once she was finished, "I'm ready!"

coded by natasha.
diane kim
the optimistic cinderella
otw to breakfast
you got this girl

frederick AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
See, this, this Diane could do. Family was always a safe topic to talk about, even with her sad past. Even though she missed her deceased siblings, she still loved them. She never wanted the twins to not know about their family, even if they had never met them. Thankfully, they never seemed to mind her stories, though she kept her tales away from their mother.

So for Freddie to also enjoy rambling about his siblings? Clearly, things should work out right?

"That's awesome! I'm sure Leslie and Simon would enjoy meeting them...maybe we could do a large family meeting later...?" she asked, hesitantly. She was glad that her husband had the support of his own family, and while she couldn't wait to meet them, she was suddenly missing hers, desperately.

"You had me at breakfast first," she teased, smiling softly. "Sounds good, I'll be right back." she agreed.

Slipping off the bed, she sent one last look over her shoulder before disappearing into the closet and bathroom. It didn't take long for her to get dressed, changing out of her pajamas and leaving them folded neatly on the counter next to the sink. Adjusting the straps of the dress she had decided on, she went to wash her face, trying to psyche herself up for the day. She didn't envision it going badly, but still. Meeting your husband's family for the first time? It had her feeling nervous in a way she hadn't felt for a while.

Diane wanted to make a good impression. She wanted her new family to like her. She just...she needed this to go well. What she didn't know was why this felt so important all of a sudden.

Emerging from the closet with the lightest touches of makeup on, she made her way back to Freddie's side. She smiled at his offered hand, and happily placed hers in his. "We shall." she giggled at his chivalry. It was cute.
coded by natasha.
william nolan
the uncaring prince
otw to breakfast
okay maybe this can work?

maisie Aeris Aeris
At his wi- no, Maisie's agreement to his ideas, Will felt himself relax a tad. Okay, plans worked best with Maisie, he'd be sure to remember that. Not that he wanted anyone to work themselves into a panic, but he definitely didn't want his wife to work herself up in such a way. That hadn't looked like something anyone would want to do normally.

Here's hoping he could find a way to make sure that doesn't happen again, later.

Having made his way off the bed, he took a second to stretch before heading into the other room where he could change and get ready for the day. Hopefully his wife didn't mind the fact that he was going to be fairly dressed up still. He didn't want to make her feel awkward about it, but he still had an image to maintain, and unfortunately, getting married wasn't going to change the expectations placed on him.

Once finished, he leaned forward to check his hair in the mirror. Blinking at the call of his name, he jolted slightly. "Right...damn it Will, get it together, wife." he muttered to himself.

Taking in a breath, he readied himself for the absolute chaos that was no doubt going to taking over today and nodded to himself. He could do this. Leaving the side room, a small grin poked at the corner of his mouth at the sight of Maisie being dressed in something that was comfortable and suited her. "You look great," he paused beside her, making sure to compliment her appearance.

And he spoke the truth, she really did look good. His siblings would enjoy getting to know her, he had no doubt. Hopefully they wouldn't overwhelm her. Mentally, he wanted to sigh. Those nosy brats, they'd do their best to drive her crazy, he was sure.

Holding an arm out for her to take, he sent Maisie what he hoped would be a reassuring look. "Shall we?" he asked. It wouldn't take long to get to the dining hall where breakfast was being served. Small mercies must be appreciated, he thought. Will didn't know about Maisie, but he was starving.
coded by natasha.
Eleanor Matthews
The Abused Cinderella
Palace Bedroom
Is this a fairytale?

r e i r e i
Lost in her own thoughts Eleanor didn't realise that Isaiah had returned. So as an unexpected voice filled the room, Eleanor jumped slightly before turning from the window to look at her husband, an amused and somewhat embarrassed look playing on her features "I didn't hear you come in" the faint tone of a laugh could be heard in her voice as she tried to hide the embarrassment at her reaction. She had always been a flinchy person, she knew it was down to traumas in her past but she wasn't letting them be known here, she was going to be normal and unbroken. She was no longer damaged goods, she was now married, she was a wife and a... princess. oh god.

"Oh perfect thank you" a soft smile graced her features as she reached for the cup of coffee, placing all her attention on her husband as she pushed the self-doubt and bubbling anxiety down and out of mind. "I drink both, I love tea but I always need a coffee in the morning". She thought about mentioning her parents but quickly decided against that idea. She didn't think saying her mother preferred alcohol and her mother-in-law preferred giving abuse in the morning would really be a great start to the relationship. Eleanor leaned back into the wall behind her as she took a sip of her coffee, holding the cup between both hands she turned to look out the window again. "It is really beautiful here"

When he mentioned similar gardens at home, Eleanor's eyes lit up as she turned to look at him again. "Oh I would love that but off course only if your sister won't mind, I wouldn't want to intrude". It was strange to her to think about how she would be moving away, living with her husband, his parents and his siblings and to be honest the thought of meeting them all filled her with a little bit of fear but she tried to push it away and hide it, she was going in with an open mind but she couldn't help but be afraid that they wouldn't like her, that they would see that she wasn't worthy of that life or his love.

As she took her last sip of coffee, Eleanor uncurled her legs and slowly stood up from the windowsill. "We should probably get ready for breakfast, maybe we could go for a walk out there after?" As she spoke, Eleanor walked towards the wardrobe to pick an outfit for the day, ideally she could have gone down in her pajamas but she had to remind herself that wasn't the ladylike choice. Her hand automatically reached for a pair of denim shorts but she stopped herself just as her fingers brushed the material. She wasn't sure of the actual pinpoint requirements for being royalty but she had a feeling her dress sense would have to change drastically. Can a princess wear denim shorts?. Her eyes scanned the outfits she actually had to offer and she felt herself flinching at her options, nothing screamed princess/future queen, she just hoped there would be some royal stylist that could help her once she arrived at her new home but for now she had to make do with what she had. She grabbed a short green dress and brown belt, folding them under her arm before walking into the bathroom to wash up and get ready.

Once washed up and dressed, Eleanor applied a light touch of makeup before walking back into the bedroom, sitting on the bed briefly to put on her shoes before her grabbing her bag and looking towards Isaiah. "I'm not really sure on the dress code but is this ok?" she asked as she did a small twirl, a sheepish grin playing on her lips before being replaced with laughter as she broke into two modelling pose as though she was doing a photoshoot for her outfit.

Isaiah Cole
Prince of Salten
the king's bedroom
awake, but still slightly hungover.

Ellie neverbackdown neverbackdown
Isaiah shook his head smiling. "Are you kidding me? My sister couldn't wait till she had another girl in the house. Growing up with all boys." He states laughing "Apparently we are dumb, and don't know anything when it comes to anything. So she would most definitely love your presence." His sister was his pride and joy, but she was mainly raised by boys. She wasn't old enough to remember much of their mother, and as the years grew by, she grew into the spitting image of the older woman. Her dad and brothers grew more and more protective of her. Isaiah knew that flowers needed water, and space to grow, and he did exactly that which of course made him the favorite brother. He snaps out of his thoughts as Eleanor stands up stating that they should get ready for breakfast with the others.

"I would love to." He quietly tells her as she walks to the bathroom. His eyes followed her every movement. His heart wasn't beating fast, and he didn't get nervous while talking to her. Everything felt right, but...himself. He felt off. And he didn't know why but he didn't want to worry her. He smiled at her and stood up himself, drinking the rest of his tea. He gets dressed in a simple shirt and jeans. Maybe he wasn't the prince that they expected him to be. Other princes would dress up in formal casual and be done with it. He will not follow that norm. He would wear what the hell he wanted when he wanted to. No matter the cost. He waits for her to come out as he looks out the window.

Now he had to deal with the other princes. Not that he hated them or anything. He just never knew what to say to them, or how to act around them. Even growing up with them, it was...just impossible to know what they expected of him. As he gets lost in his thoughts, he jumps when he hears his wife call out for him "Now you scare-" He stops mid-sentence as he looks up and takes in her beauty.

Damn, he was lucky as well. He laughs softly as she poses for him, the smile on his face a real one. "You look beautiful. Who cares what's dressed code? What matters is what you think of yourself, and darlin' you should think of yourself as fucking beautiful. " He curses softly as he smiles at her.

He wanted her to know that no matter what anyone thought.

Isaiah and herself know that she was fucking beautiful.

coded by natasha.

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