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The Duck Overlord
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check

  • intro

    what ifs

    kane brown


    he fairy godmothers exchanged exasperated glances over their teacups. This was not at all going according to plan. They nudged the youngest out of them, a fairy with only one streak of silver hair at each temple, to tap their leader on the shoulder. Marian smiled serenely at her colleague, who gestured to the magical map on the table.

    โ€œMarian? What do you call this?โ€

    โ€œFour happy marriages, of course!โ€

    โ€œBut Marianโ€ฆ theyโ€™re not married to the right princes.โ€

    โ€œWhat? How is that possible?โ€

    It was true. Somehow, someway, their godchildren had gotten married to the wrong true love. Youโ€™d think youโ€™d know you were marrying the wrong personโ€ฆ But while the fairy godmothers are well aware of this mistake, somehow each couple is convinced they are with the ones they danced with at the Four Kingdom Ball. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

    Though they think theyโ€™re happily married, something is not sitting right with them. Could it be that true love isnโ€™t all itโ€™s cracked up to be? Or did Marian forget her glasses at the most crucial moment?

    - - -​

    Welcome to Mistaken Cinderella, yet another retelling of the classic Cinderella tale. Except in this version, there are multiple Cinderellas. And princes. And fairy godmothers.

    Marian is a great Head Godmother, but uhโ€ฆ she messed this one up. Each Cinderella is married to the wrong love of their life. Talk about a bad day! While each couple is fairly sure theyโ€™re marrying the right person (call it flubbed magic/memory), thereโ€™s something wrongโ€ฆ

    Each Cinderella has a slightly different background, as does each prince. However, all were at the Four Kingdom Ball, and all danced with someone and fell in love with them. If youโ€™re feeling fun, there could even be a princess/male Cinderella thing going on! For now, I only need 7 characters to balance this thing out. If thereโ€™s a lot of interest, we can try increasing that number. But large groups scare me very much. Iโ€™ve got a Cinderella in mind, so that means there are 3 Cinderellas and 4 princes available.

    As for how the mistaken marriages are decided, that will be decided in the OOC chat once everyone is accepted! If everyone is indecisive (like I am), then it's possible we might be using a wheel to randomize it (but let's hope it doesn't come to that). But for now, let's focus on gathering interest, eh?

    Thank you for reading this far! Please let me know if you have any questions!





except we
fucked up


comedy, slice of life, romance, drama





spots open

3 cinderellas, 4 princes

cs due date


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

Character sheet deadline is May 26th. Links in the above code but also below:
CS Page || OOC
Last edited:
*raises hand* interested in one of the princes.
twist my arm why don't you lmfao. interested in a prince!
Aahhh long time no see friend :o
Throwing my hat into the ring! Definitely eyeing a princess role.
Hello, everyone!

Thank you so much for expressing interest in my chaotic little plot ๐Ÿ˜Š

The CS page is up! The link can be found in the first post, or you can use the link below:

Again, thank you so much for your interest! I will see about a temporary OOC thread soon!
Hello, everyone!

Thank you so much for expressing interest in my chaotic little plot ๐Ÿ˜Š

The CS page is up! The link can be found in the first post, or you can use the link below:

Again, thank you so much for your interest! I will see about a temporary OOC thread soon!
Just had a question before I start working on a character; not sure if I missed it so sorry if itโ€™s already been answered, but is this like modern or is it a historical piece? Like common fairy tail time period? I hope that makes sense ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Just had a question before I start working on a character; not sure if I missed it so sorry if itโ€™s already been answered, but is this like modern or is it a historical piece? Like common fairy tail time period? I hope that makes sense ๐Ÿ˜ญ

It does! It's a bit of a modern fantasy; so think everyone lives relatively similar to how we do, but there's magic! I hope that makes sense ๐Ÿ˜Š
This presents the philosophical question and dilemma if love itself can be correct or incorrect? What is the nature of โ€œfalse love?โ€ Is it not human adaptability that allows us to facilitate relationships with people in spite of their flaws?

Is there not an ethical dilemma too that begs the question of free will to choose who one does and doesnโ€™t love?

Do you intend on going over any of that in this rp?
This presents the philosophical question and dilemma if love itself can be correct or incorrect? What is the nature of โ€œfalse love?โ€ Is it not human adaptability that allows us to facilitate relationships with people in spite of their flaws?

Is there not an ethical dilemma too that begs the question of free will to choose who one does and doesnโ€™t love?

Do you intend on going over any of that in this rp?

Uh... to be honest, I wasn't thinking of any of that when I came up with the idea ๐Ÿ˜… I just thought it would make for some comedic chaos.

Since this is supposed to be a bit of lighthearted fun, I highly doubt I personally will be going too deep into philosophy, unless everyone else participating wants to
Uh... to be honest, I wasn't thinking of any of that when I came up with the idea ๐Ÿ˜… I just thought it would make for some comedic chaos.

Since this is supposed to be a bit of lighthearted fun, I highly doubt I personally will be going too deep into philosophy, unless everyone else participating wants to
Okay. Good. I donโ€™t need any of that stuff on my conscious.
Okay second question. Iโ€™m a trans female. Is that a dealbreaker by fairytale standards?

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