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Multiple Settings ๐Œ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ค๐ž๐ง ๐‚๐ข๐ง๐๐ž๐ซ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅ๐š [CLOSED]

If the question is whether or not you can have a transgender woman as a character in this, the answer is of course! But we're also playing characters, not as ourselves :)
Yes. That was the question. I write from experience and my current life will often bleed into my character design. All of my characters are derivative of my own mental aspects when I write them. Since as an artist everything I create is of my own signature. I just have more fun playing a trans girl since itโ€™s easier to be lighthearted and experience my own comedic fantasy that way.
Yes. That was the question. I write from experience and my current life will often bleed into my character design. All of my characters are derivative of my own mental aspects when I write them. Since as an artist everything I create is of my own signature. I just have more fun playing a trans girl since itโ€™s easier to be lighthearted and experience my own comedic fantasy that way.

That's fine! I just wanted to be sure you understood that characters were involved, not real people :)
That's fine! I just wanted to be sure you understood that characters were involved, not real people :)
I occasionally retroactively refer to myself and others in the third or first person when talking about Irp decisions. Itโ€™s just sort of a quirk of my writing style.
Hello, everyone! Sorry for my relative silence today; I slept in very late and was doing something else all day.

Here's the temporary OOC chat (also linked in the first post) so you can ask questions and so forth!

I will be updating the character sheet thread to match this, but the deadline for character sheets is May 26th.

Thanks, everyone!
I hope to finish up my character sheet tomorrow ^^
Today was busier than I thought it would be but I should have her done by tomorrow.

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