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Brooklyn slowly started to fully wake and come to "man my head ow" she mumbled to herself. She heard faint conversations and saw her dad "it's okay, j--just let him go. if he doesn't want to care, then whatever." she said quietly. "If dad really didn't want to stick around right now, then why bother caring?" she told herself in her head. "I can take care of myself sir" she insisted to Stephen
Atreus holds his grasp on her like he wasn't going to let her go, he raises a brow when she tries as he just cools down her hand."You're the one trying to grab lit firework like an idiot, use your magic or don't even try and grab it." He didn't like how she had been reckless like that."I'm just putting my stuff in my bag, geez and I said I don't care about a human job...what use would that be to me?" He questioned her."Besides we've got other things to do." He tells her.

Steve closes in on him."Leave me alone I said I'm done, someone else can handle her with her insults and her behavior and her crap I need space." He warned him."I've already talked it out and she reverted to being a brat to call me names and argue me with again, not much of a child of mine if she acts this way." Hs might not have meant that but the brat was to blame for this as he tries to leave.
Victoria pulls herself free and runs off, stumbling a bit at first because of her leg and she makes a quick portal to the roof where she takes a deep breath, leaning against the wall.

Bruce looks at Atreus "Don't pack up your stuff until classes are finished." he says and adds "and next time you should think before saying things that could hurt someone.

"Fix it or I will force you both to attend counceling." Stephen says "Also, I'm not driving her, so you have to." he points out and leaves the infirmary for some tea.
Atreus throws his hands up."What could I have said that would've been offensive besides idiot? Girls are complicated beings even here." He folds his arms."I can do what I want with my stuff, we were done." He tells him.

Steve just leaves quietly telling him he can send her through a portal, he goes towards the garage area to get to his bike.
brooklyn sits up carefully and attempts to stand up "thanks for patching me up. don't bother babysitting I can handle myself sir" she told stephen. She was done with adults and no one caring. "if he doesn't want to be around, I'll take care of myself. just go do whatever you need to do" she said painfully walking to the door.
Eddie turned. The shield truck was gone. He instantly teleported too his srnajd began packing his belongings in a duffle bag. He grabbed a cell phone he had bought a few days prior and called Gomez, a guy who could get him a hideout. He put a pistol in his pocket along with three of the Serum. He began coughing again. Whatever AIM has done to him in that warehouse made him sick but right now he had I escape. He donned his costume and gas mask and sling the duffel over his side and picked up two crates using magic from his book. He had performed a complex teleportation spell that gave him the book. He reached for the door but suddenly he collapsed on the ground coughing profusely.
"I think it's more the use of the term human things." Bruce tells Atreus quietly "Had you waited a bit longer I would've ended class and you wouldn't have been able to knock something of the table."

Christine enters the infirmary and she pinches Brooklyn's ear "Get your attitude in check young lady! There's an ambulance comibg for you, but next time you will behave normally towards your father, am I clear?" she asks.

"No, you're not security, but if you want to be useful, trail him and if needed, drag his ass back to his cell." Fury says "Do that and I might considering mutant history classes."
brooklyn flinched in pain "ow that hurts!" she was a bit irritated. "behave normally?!" she said upset. "I've tried everything to be good enough for him." Brooklyn mumbled that last part under her breath "as for my attitude, there isn't one! People just can't handle the truth and so they look for excuses to avoid admitting there wrong." she was good at reading people sometimes. This was not one of those times.
Atreus sighs."Like I said girls are complicated..." He mumbled and slipped his bag on his shoulder."Could I be excused to go after her? Didn't know I could still offend her, sometimes things slip out." He tells him.

Remy slouched a bit."Seriously? We're being sent on a chase for that kid again." He groaned, not to mention Kurt would be joining him too."Though maybe you should go after Steve, Nat." He tells her.
Eddie got back up and puked. It was messy but that didn’t matter, he grabbed the pack and tried to teleport. Nothing happened. He quickly called another friend of his. His friend could get about a mile from the school so he would have to leg it from there. He managed to teleport his belongings to the car. He tried to walk casually keeping the tranquilizer gun in a boot with some flash and smoke bombs
kurt ducks on the ground and teleports out of the room , after a few seconds of teleporting he reaches somewhere he would think the kid would run away to . kurt takes a deep breath "spatial awareness , dont fail me now" he says to himself , he closes his eyes "bamf" kurt sees eddie and reaches out to grab him
Eddie jumps back just in time and lands on the ground. He gets to his feet and sprints away.

Rico sits in the SUV he had used his fathers tech to hide from the shield agents but soon they would notice the floating snow
"Do you hear yourself young lady? Being rude to your father isn't trying to be good enough, have you considered he might not know how to handle having a kid?" Christine asks and drags Brooklyn back to bed, by her ear "Stay here until the ambulance gets here, they'll come to get you."

"Just try to be more aware of it." Bruce says and he nods "You can go find her, but I don't know where she went."

"Why me?" Natasha says "Why not Bucky or something? I'm not getting between the drama that's called Brooklyn's attitude." she says.
"not so fast" kurt says jumping foreward and teleporting infront of the kid landing a shop on his neck to knock him out.
"Do you hear yourself young lady? Being rude to your father isn't trying to be good enough, have you considered he might not know how to handle having a kid?" Christine asks and drags Brooklyn back to bed, by her ear "Stay here until the ambulance gets here, they'll come to get you."

"Just try to be more aware of it." Bruce says and he nods "You can go find her, but I don't know where she went."

"Why me?" Natasha says "Why not Bucky or something? I'm not getting between the drama that's called Brooklyn's attitude." she says.
brooklyn decided that maybe christine was right "yes ma'am" she said ending the argument quick and respectfully. She was breathing a little slow and felt like she was going to pass out. brooklyn grabbed the edge of the bed tight to brace herself and zoned out a little bit. "i'm good. i'm fine"
Atreus sighs."Thought she'd be over that by now and know that I don't mean offense, I mean she's human and I love her so ." He shrugged before opening his own portal to go and find her, he could try finding her by her magic aura she gave of or figure out what place she usually went to.

Remy raised a brow."Other than Tony and Bucky aren't you like one of his closest friends? Besides you're the one here and they're not so." He points out."Guess you don't care as much..." He sighed a little.
Eddie Wales up in a shield van in the containment unit. Hyperventilating he begins to pound on the glass and is shocked by the security officer. He jumps back and begins to panic, he had to find a way out. Suddenly an explosion goes off nearby causing the driver to swerve. The truck stops and a guard steps out to check out the explosion.
kurt was sitting in the van with the kid , "yeah you dont mess with shield shit" as the car drifts sifeways kurt seems unmoved , "keep the gun pointed towards him" he says the the gaurd as he steps out still keeping his eyes on the kid.
Victoria's hugging her knees and she sighs, she knows he probably didn't mean it, but it still hurt if he said things like that.

"I do care, but Steve doesn't really... try to follow advise, I mean, I told dr. Strange he should take his kid away for a fun weekend, he did." Natasha says "Said they had fun and he got to know her better too, but if Brooklyn and Steve don't want to I can't help much."
Atreus does eventually find her and he didn't know his mother was there either but he goes over to her."Vi..." He stands behind her and he reached for her like she needed a hug.

Remy shrugged."Uh you do know that its all the kids fault? But if this is how you want to be and just leave your friend to himself where he's probably upset then I'm not going to force you to do anything." He tells her.
"You really should think before you speak Atreus." Victoria says "You just dismiss human stuff because it doesn't matter to you, but I want to be a doctor so I can help people like my father helped me." she tells him "albeit with less attitude and pride then he had, but ya know, gotta study for that."

"I know and Steve... I think he doesn't know what to do with a kid in general." Natasha says and she sighs "When I adopted Alex and the kid he wouldn't leave behind I didn't know a think about parenting, so I went to the library and read I think ten books on parenting."
Atreus puts his arms around her to hold her tightly."I know but you know how I could slip up and hey you're a human, I love you." He offered her a smile."Not disregarding your dreams either but I'm guessing you'll want to live here in Midgard?" He asks her.

Remy sighed."Really? Was being a mother something you wanted to do?" He asks her."Me I was abandoned as they thought I was a demon spawn, then I was taken in by a thieves guild then adopted by someone else...don't think I'd know much about raising kids either." He tells her.
"I wanted to adopt a kid, but I wasn't sure there was one that could keep themselves safe if needed." Natasha says "Imagine my surprise when I see a kid choking a much bigger bully till he passes out to protect other kids younger then himself." she says, it was a fond memory for her.

"Yeah, at least for a while." Victoria says and she sighs, she didn't even grab her cane, a decision she's regretting now "I know you can slip up, but that doesn't make it hurt any less. I'm well aware I'm human, I nearly died after the accident."
Atreus gives her a tighter hug at that."Like I sais you're human and I love you." He mumbled and kissed her cheek gently."Then I suppose I'll have to be in Midgard longer." He shrugged."Though are you going to get to the rest of the classes?" He nudged her.

Remy smirked a little at the kids spunk."There's always training even if a kid didn't start off with that kind of spunk you know." He points out."How's he doing anyway?" He asks her.
"I wasn't going to force it on some kid Remy. Even after I adopted Alex I didn't train him until he asked." Natasha says and she sighs "As for how he is, probably feeling terrible, he wasn't in a talking mood, Brooklyn took that personal and well, he ran of so he wouldn't kill her, sprained his ankle so he's stuck in his room for now."

"I would, but I don't have my bag or my cane." Victoria says and she adds "And I don't need a biggyback ride.", she didn't like being dependant on people.

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