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Fantasy Magical Guardian Girls OOC

I would say same ages = same classes? Unless someone skipped a class, got held back or wasn't in school for some other reason like health problems or so.

So, Saori is in the same class as Nami and Kiyoko. Just Uma is in another class, but

Nope. My character is definitely in another class, far younger. She may be a couple grades ahead of her age, but not that much.

Uma: *buys him a pet shop*

So, if you ever want to RP inside your classroom, i think i can help you XD As Saori`s sister can maybe be in the same class as she, so, maybe she can be a part of the story, in the sense of that friend from whom we are hiding this "secret". At the same time, you could make a human girl/boy who is their friend but is also a sideway not-really-important character if you want to participate in some chat they are having in the classroom or something like that.
Oh is it maybe possible to make a bbcode for the IC posts for the group? If not its okay of course! I just thought it would look good :3 if its too much work you don't have to =]

I was gonna do one for myself, so it's just a matter of adapting that to individual characters, which isn't hard (just a matter of getting the right combo of pics and colors).

Unless of course, there are any specific requests you guys have, in which case I can't guarantee anything but can certain try, but you'll have to be precise in telling me what it is
So, Saori is in the same class as Nami and Kiyoko. Just Uma is in another class, but

So, if you ever want to RP inside your classroom, i think i can help you XD As Saori`s sister can maybe be in the same class as she, so, maybe she can be a part of the story, in the sense of that friend from whom we are hiding this "secret". At the same time, you could make a human girl/boy who is their friend but is also a sideway not-really-important character if you want to participate in some chat they are having in the classroom or something like that.

Thanks for the offer! That definitely sounds like a fun idea <3 for the first post I don't think there will be interaction in the classroom itself, so I'll just my freedom to make up what I need to properly introduce the character, and maybe up the average post size a little ;)
I was gonna do one for myself, so it's just a matter of adapting that to individual characters, which isn't hard (just a matter of getting the right combo of pics and colors).

Unless of course, there are any specific requests you guys have, in which case I can't guarantee anything but can certain try, but you'll have to be precise in telling me what it is
I think its cool if we could use the one you will (with the small changes you mentioned) and THANKS! =]
I think she (Saori) would be like Namis best friend, like a friend for every situation. She will make jokes to force some reactions of her, like come up with stories of love of every possible-to-be pretendant of hers, in the short she will be like a comic relief, and with Kiyoko they would make like their little crew in the classroom. With Kiyoko she would have a much more complicated relationship, as she would probably be much more annoyed by some of Saoris Jokes, she maybe preassures her a bit to be more gentle, and she maybe even react violently, but Saori always forgives her and always tries to "melt her heart" XD

Does that sounds okay for you guys?
I think she would be like Namis best friend, like a friend for every situation. She will make jokes to force some reactions of her, like come up with stories of love of every possible-to-be pretendant of hers, in the short she will be like a comic relief, and with Kiyoko they would make like their little crew in the classroom. With Kiyoko she would have a much more complicated relationship, as she would probably be much more annoyed by some of Saoris Jokes, she maybe preassures her a bit to be more gentle, and she maybe even react violently, but Saori always forgives her and always tries to "melt her heart" XD

Does that sounds okay for you guys?
Who is the first "she" you mention?
I was talking about you creating another, lets call it, "NPC" inside the class XD Saoris sister will be more something like that, someone to get scared when shit goes wrong, to maybe need help, anyway, someone to be the outside perspective. So if we are having small talk inside the classroom and you want to make some commentary or even just fell like you`re participating, so you could use this character in that kind of situation. Its just a suggestion, but im totally up in roleplaying also Asuka interacting with Uma XD
Guys I gotta go for a bit. Be back later to check a bit. But I will also go to sleep in a while (like an hour from now) so in my absence if there is anything you want to ask/tell/suggest to me please send me a PM or tag me so I won't need to leaf through too much OOC chatter... Or even better use a color for important info you want me to know or think I might need to know etc... =] there is no way I would overlook a post with a color and bold letters =]

Like this for example xD
oh! Just Me. Just Me. is it okay if we reply to tagged posts before everyone gives their post, because otherwise I think we'll wait like, a whole day to get some posts since I doubt all of us are in the same time zones
oh! Just Me. Just Me. is it okay if we reply to tagged posts before everyone gives their post, because otherwise I think we'll wait like, a whole day to get some posts since I doubt all of us are in the same time zones

Ya know... a whole day isn't that bad a wait. If you start doing too many posts too fast, that can push people away. Myself included, I can't keep that kind of pace.
Ya know... a whole day isn't that bad a wait. If you start doing too many posts too fast, that can push people away. Myself included, I can't keep that kind of pace.
I mean, that, sometimes people don't reply for a while and while everyone waits, the roleplay can start dying. I'm not saying like, 20 bajilion replies in 2 hours, but maybe 1 or 2 replies. In moderation!
I'm not saying that will happen here, but it's happened before where someone joined and then just fell off the face of the earth so if everyone waited, they would literally await the end of the world....
Otherwise I totally wouldn't mind taking it to PMs with K KodomoSekai for the sake of waiting, since it's a private convo. which we could do for when they say stuff not for the ears of the girls XD
I mean, that, sometimes people don't reply for a while and while everyone waits, the roleplay can start dying. I'm not saying like, 20 bajilion replies in 2 hours, but maybe 1 or 2 replies. In moderation!
I'm not saying that will happen here, but it's happened before where someone joined and then just fell off the face of the earth so if everyone waited, they would literally await the end of the world....
I'm not saying wait like a week- but if the expectation becomes like, a daily post or worse multiple then the only way for me to keep up to make the kind of posts that bore me to death. And I suspect I'm not the only one who can't keep that kind of pace.

Like I'm not saying you have to wait for everyone- I think you should be allowed to post regardless. It's just don't think you should be starting to think of "a day" as a huge amount of time.
oh! Just Me. Just Me. is it okay if we reply to tagged posts before everyone gives their post, because otherwise I think we'll wait like, a whole day to get some posts since I doubt all of us are in the same time zones
Ya know... a whole day isn't that bad a wait. If you start doing too many posts too fast, that can push people away. Myself included, I can't keep that kind of pace.
I would say two posts can be posted by someone but then its best to wait for others to post because it can make others feel left out or give them trouble with keeping up with the reading if there are too many posts one after another. Of course if there hadn't been any posts in a while (more than one day since not everyone can post every day) then you can post even if all of the other characters hadn't posted yet but really, lets try and be patient since its discouraging if you have to read two sites of posts because you weren't online for two days and the characters went on to some other scenario or event you didn't even know about because of your absence. There are exceptions of course. Like if someone doesn't know what to post, will be absent for a while (please let us know if that happens), or if someone doesn't post for two days+ without letting us know they won't be able to post and similar situations.

So Please let others know if you won't be able to post for a longer period of time so we won't wonder where you went =] try not to post more then twice a day so people won't get buried in text if they are offline and please be patient my dears =] thanks!


Edit: this is meant for IC posts

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