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The Void Prophetess
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello all. You can call me Eve, and as you can guess from the title, I am looking for a partner willing to do FxF. I assume you are as well if you are looking through this thread based on the title! I’m female, twenty-three and a big ol’ nerd for video games in my spare time. I run on the eastern standard time and I work pretty much full time.

I am looking for someone who is craving a roleplay that fits the genres of dark fantasy, supernatural, horror and/or adventure with the possibility of romance if wanted. Someone willing to help develop a plot and world with me that we both will enjoy. Someone who will help play NPC characters, loves creating detailed characters, and have a post length of three or more paragraphs. A Partner who can post at least once a week or communicate with me if there will be issues with that. Most importantly, someone looking to have a good time!

If this sounds like something you wish to pursue then please know that I hold myself to all of these standards too. I would not ask something of you that I would not do myself.

I’m rather flexible in what we do, but below I have a couple ideas that could aid in being a springboard for potential role plays. Concepts that, while I have ideas for, I'd love if someone came to the table with ideas of their own. So we can mold it into something we both want to play. I will bold the parts I wish to play in those but feel free to come to me with your own ideas as well if these just miss the mark for you.
Monster Hunter x Necromancer
Captured by a cult they were hunting and chosen to be a sacrifice, the Hunter befriend a young Necromancer who doesn’t fully agree with the cult and helps them escape. Afterwards they realize the cult may have been the least of the problems in the land.

In a small, isolated village lives two witches who can either be friendly or have a rivalry/dislike. Everything is rather peaceful until the arrival of a stranger to their small community. While usually strangers are distrusted, this one quickly becomes loved by most and quickly works up the social ranks. It doesn’t take long before the witches realize they are dealing with something otherworldly and evil. Something determined to take control of the isolated town for who knows what reason. They must choose to either stop the threat or leave town before this...monster notices them as abnormal.

Vampire x Human
It was a full moon as carriages made their way to a mansion owned by the Human Character’s Fiancee. There, people danced the night away as they celebrated the engagement of the Human character. The entire night she noticed a beautiful female glancing in her direction while dancing with, what felt like, every other male enamored by the woman’s beauty. The Human thinks she wants to steal her Fiance away. However, that was not the case, as this woman is a vampire, looking for her next meal when she develops conflicting feelings towards her targeted prey; the human character. The night becomes an adventure of mixed signals, confused emotions, regret, and desire.

Princess x Handmaiden
The Princess is arranged to marry the Prince of a tyrannical King but is in love with her handmaiden. Secret lovers must battle the clock, politics and unwanted suitors to stay together.

Pirate x Siren
Queen x Knight
Vampire x Necromancer
x Hunter
Queen x Advisor
Hunter x Hunter
Cleric x Paladin
Servant x Servant

If you are interested you may either post here or preferably private message me!
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Updated 07/28 with new ideas. <3
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Hello, it would seem that no one has responded to this as of yet, so I would like to give it a try. i haven't quite fleshed out my character as of yet, but I am interested in doing the Witch x Witch one if that is still open.
I’m really new to this but not to roleplay at all. I have over 12 years of experience when it comes to writing and I prefer 3rd person.. ❤️
I’m very interested, I would have DM’d you but.. idk how 🙈 hopefully you’ll see this and be like oh, I can help! Anyways I’m very interested in a FxF pairing and we can talk more about some of the prompts you posted. Hope to hear from you xx

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