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Fantasy Killing Me Slowly

Tommy looked at her in shock but smiled widely and got the tests out quickly giving them to her and stepping out while shw did them

Max gave a nod frowning some "Sorry, I got carried away by a scent." She explained biting her lip gently as she watched his shirtless figure walk around blushing softly seeing the scratch marks on his back.
She smiled doing all four she had then set them on the side to wait while she let tommy back in, slipping her arms around him tightly. “I know I shouldn’t get my hopes up but... really I think this time I’m finally pregnant.” She giggled and swayed with him in the bathroom just holding him to her.

Kevin passed her coffee to her then got started on making himself some breakfast “just don’tdo it again. You being white is a problem cause it does not snow here until the very dead of winter.” He muttered.
Max gave a small nod biting her lip gently "Oh...I see, I'll make sure to remember that." She said sipping the coffee he had given her "So um...what do you do usually?"

Tommy held her close and swayed with her smiling widely hearing the tests beep "What do they say?" He asked watching as she looked over them
She paused looking at each one before jumping on him. “It’s happening! We’re having a baby!” She screeched excitedly kissing all over his face and keeping herself attached to him. She was already more back to herself than she had been in months.

he frowned. “Spend our days how we like. Most of us have or have had a job. I have a couple errands to run this evening though. So you and me are going to the bar tonight.”
Max gave a nod frowning some "And if I don't want to go?" She asked raising an eyebrow at him while she continued to sip her coffee.

Tommy smiled widely and spum her around kissing all over her face "Its happening!!" He yelled happily starting to jump for joy seeing the Carmen he loved start to come back
She grinned until he started bouncing her and she scrambled back to the toilet chucking up again. “Maybe don’t start that.” She giggled as she washed her mouth out again. “Come on, lets go get some breakfast.” She murmured grabbing her vitamins and taking them with some water then started dragging him down to the kitchen.

he frowned gritting his teeth. “Fine. Be like that and spend all your time here. Stuck.” He spat at her. “We can’t trust you yet so you’re stuck with someone until we can.0 hespat and went to sit in their lounge.
Max glared at him and rolled her eyes "You can trust me! After last night I'm not saying shit!" She yelled at him shaking her head some

Tommy chuckled and took her downstairs kissing her gently "What do you want? Mcdonalds? I'll get you anything." He said happily
“You try telling that to tommy. Not my decision.” He spat back at her.

carmen shook her head. “Just some toast.” She murmured to him and smiled at him. “I love you.” She murmured.
Max frowned some and shook her head going to their room and sighing heavily as she got ready for the day. Maybe she could go around the woods or something and learn the area.

Tommy nodded not able to wipe the smile from his face "Two pieces of the most perfectly toasted bread coming straight up!" He said happily before he disappeared off into the kitchen
She giggled some watching him go and shook her head. “Don’t forget the jam!” She called while she sat down and got a couple bits done on her laptop, unable to stop smiling.

Kevin shook his head exasperated and just sat down with some food until his phone buzzed to say about a meeting in the main house so he went up and walked into their room “hey. Pack meeting. You need to come with me.”
Max frowned but gave a small nod and followed him out to the main house finding a place to sit while she waited for the meeting to start

Tommy sent out a mass message for a pack meeting and then got over to Carmen handing her the toast "Pack meeting after you're done eating." He murmured happily to her
She smiled watching him. “Mmm, okie dokie.” She murmured and watched him walking around looking a little on edge. “Would you just sit down. Or go answer your voicemails upstairs.” She giggled.

kevin raised an eyebrow at his alpha while he watched him pacing round the kitchen and grinning just shaking his head. “He’s gone anddone it. Lost his goddamn mind.” He scoffed shaking his head.
Tommy paced back and forth happily before ran off upstairs to check his voicemails excitedly

Max watched Tommy leave then looked to Carmen giving a small smile "She's pregnant." She said softly to him just sensing it.
Kevin grabbed at her wrist when he heard that and shook his head. “You say a word to either of them if they don’t say anything themselves and you’re asking for your head on a stick do you understand me?” He questioned her seriously. “You do not bring that up near them.” He growled then let go and went to sit down.

carmen rolled her eyes at him some shaking her head, munching away before putting her plate in the sink and heading to sit with everyone else, curling up in her recliner, waiting patiently until tommy hadn’t come down in awhkle and she excused herself to go check on him. “Tommy? Honey everyone’s waiting for you.” She said softly as she walked into the study, going over and rubbing his back. “What’s wrong?” She murmured.
Max frowned and yanked her wrist from his "I wasn't going to say anything,thats their business. I just told you why Tommy was acting the way he was." She muttered before she went to sit with the others

Tommy sat upstairs with his head in his hands glancing up at Carmen when she came in "Shit babe sorry, yeah I um...this is something the whole pack needs to hear." He muttered taking her hand and leading her downstairs
Carmen frowned some and watched him nodding just following him and going to sit back in her chair again and pulled a blanket around herself watching him stand in the middle.

Kevin frowned and watched her. “If she is that’s great, but theyve been trying for a couple years now and it’s not going well, so never bring it up.” He mutteeed shutting up when they came back downstairs and waited for tommy to speak
Max nodded some and sat quietly next to him waiting for Tommy to speak

Tommy stood in the middle with everyone and gave a small smile "Mornin everyone, first off lets welcome Max to our pack, make her feel at home boys." He said giving a small laugh trying to makw it light hearted before he went for the gut blow. He talked about a few others things before it finally was time "So I know there has been talk about some serious council votes but Im here to tell you whats happening. Council has voted that we tell the world about werewolves. Said we don't need to hide anymore. Every pack will be on the news for their respected city or state....and....the second vote..." he esaid taking a deep breath and looking at Carmen "Once we are public after this year they want all first born male pups to be sent to a training facility so that they can represent our kind in a superior way..."
Kevin frowned some sighing heavily. This wasn’t going to go down well with a lot of wolves, just chewing his nails feeling panic rising in him and frowned. “That’s bullshit. All of it.” He spat. “You not tell them what happened last time humans knew officially about us?! Tell them how I lost everything?!” He snarled “How many of us will now have to go never find ding a mate because of the slaughter going to take place from here on out!” He snapped.

carmen looked at him shaking her head and swallowing hard and wrapping an arm around her stomach hoping beyond anything now that they would be having a girl, it made her sick to her stomach that she would have to lose her child if they ended up being a boy. She didn’t say a word just got up and went straight up to their room while tommy was stuck answering questions downstairs.
Tommy gave a heavy sigh and nodded towards Kevin "Trust me, I was against this shit. They know what could happen, but this time they're going to try a more civilized approach. Go to the governments to get rights established and laws put in place." He explained to him knowing it wouldn't mean anything to him. He answered a few more questioms before he sent them off and went to check on Carmen

Max listened intently and frowned not liking the sound of these rules one bit. She followed Kevin back to their house and room frowning at how angry he was "Who was she? They killed your last mate didn't they?" She asked gasping as she felt his hand wrap around her throat and push her against the wall "I was just....asking...trying...to...help...." she could barely get out what she wanted to say before she started to see black spots from him cutting off her air supply
She was curled up in their window cove and watching rhe trees in the breeze when she heard him come in. “Is this some kinda fucking joke?” She muttered reaching for him. “Cause if we’re having a boy only for him to be taken away from us.... I don’t understand.” She swallowed back tears and held onto him tightly, her good mood gone just like that now that she was overly stressed.

Kevin snarled. “Did no one ever teach you when to keep your fucking mouth shut?!” He growled at her, dropping her before she actually passed out “Don’t you dare go there. Don’t you dare.” He spat before storming off.
Max sat there holding her throat and panting as she watched him go whimpering as she felt a pain through her not knowing it was Kevin rejecting her.

Tommy nodded some and sat with her giving a heavy sigh "I know babe but you gotta be calm for them okay? They said you'd still get to see them...it would be like private school." He muttered shaking his head at the thought of it "I feel they have bad things planned."
She frowned and burst into tears that time. “How can you tell me to be calm then say that?!” She sobbed into his shoulder. “I’m not giving my child up. I won’t do it.” She muttered shaking a bit as she held him tightly.

kevin growled as he took off to be alone for a while not feeling as strong as he usually was, just wishing he’d never met her.
-2 months-

Max sat at a bar quietly scouting the place while Kevin shamelessly flirted with another woman across the way. Ever since that encounter they had barely spoken a word to one another. He slept in a different room and she felt weaker and weaker as they days passed but she also felt angrier at him. She was fed up with how he treated her so tonight she decided that two could play at the game and for now she waited on the perfect bait.

Tommy sat in his study reading over his speech making improvements here and there to try and sound as civil and calm as he could. They would be announcing their kind to the world in the next few days and as head Alpha of the area he had to make the speech for their respected state. It had been rough these past few months for him and Carmen. She was so beyond stressed about the baby and he was doing everything he could to make sure the pack was taken care of and that she was healthy as well so that they could have their baby hassle free.
Carmen wandered into the study with the car keys in one hand and her purse on her shoulder ready to go to the appointment they’d been anticipating. Finding out what they were having. In part it made her glad that for their kind pregnancies only lasted around 6 months so she would be able to put her mind to rest sooner rather than later but she was dreading them finding out they were having a boy. She couldn’t imagine having to give them up. “Hey, your speech is gonna be there with the same words when we get back, lets get to see Dana.” She murmured, they had the one doctor for all the weres in the state to visit for important health issues, including pregnancy. She looked to the human eye around five months pregnant now.

Kevin wasn’t the same. Hadn’t been since he’d pushed her away and he was losing his edge for taking people back to the pack, frowning when the second girl of the night stormed away from him and he didn’t have the stamina to follow after her. He was still strongly against this coming out thing they were having to go through but he would do what he had to to remain in the pack. He’d lost so much strength by rejecting his second mate that being kicked out on his own would be like a death sentence for him
Tommy looked up at her and couldnt keep the smile from his face as he saw her baby bump. Even though it was a shitty situation he still couldnt wait to have their baby with them. He drove her to the doctors and waited in the lobby his knee shaking like crazy as they waited with anticipation

Max finally landed a guy and smirked some starting to flirt heavily with him. She ignored the pain she felt and kept going just about ready to get him to come home with her until she felt a hand tug on her arm. She frowned and glared at Kevin as he towered over her "What do you want?" She snarled seeing the jealousy and hate raging in his eyes.

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