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Fantasy Killing Me Slowly

Max held him as she sat with him taking a deep breath "A girl? Is she....is she okay?" She asked quietly closing her eyes as she leaned against him squeezing his hand some "The boys...are they okay too?"

Tommy nodded some and sighed heavily "I....I'm just hoping we can cherish this time together." He said quietly smiling as Darcie cuddled up to him
Kevin frowned and kissed her head, "I don't know, she's very small but apparently they're gonna come tell us more in a minute. The boys are just fine, they're coming in for feeding real soon okay?" He murmured softly to her, trying to keep her calm and relaxed.

He frowned some and sighed, "I know, we'll keep working on ways to help her though alright?" He assured him then left him to it and went to join his mate in their room. Carmen wandered downstairs after her nap and into the lounge finding him spread out on the couch while Darcie played on the floor with cartoons on the TV, "Squidge over." She told him, kissing his cheek and snuggling in close to his side.
Max whimpered quietly nodding some "She's a runt....oh god Kevin....what if she doesnt make it?" She asked crying some as she held him.

The doctor came in with the son's and sighed some "Hello Mr. And Mrs.Creekman, I wanted to go over your children's well being with you. He said sitting on the edge of the bed "Your son's are perfect bills of health, they're a little small but its normal for triplets to be around this size. However your daughter, she was severely undersized, her lings have not developed fully at all. She is a runt and will need to be kept in the NICU for quite some time. These first few days are crucial but we will keep you up to date." He explained patting Max's covered calf gently "For now,I will leave you with nurse Wendy, she will help you feed you son's." He said giving a small smile
Levin frowned watching and listening then kissed her head. “I’ll be back in a bit okay?” He murmured to her and left them in there while he went straight to sit with their little girl.
Max nodded some and looked at her son's in awe as they brought them in. She looked up at Kevin a little later and smiled happily at him "Aren't they perfeft Kevin?" She said quietly as she held them close to her.

Tommy held Carmen smiling happily at her ad he watched Darcie "She is warming up to me." He said quietly to her
She smiled and nodded, resting her head on his shoulder. “Good.” She murmured quietly, yawning big and just snuggled into his warmth. “How are you doing handsome?” She asked him gently, stroking his cheek.

kevin smiled and nodded, kissing her head. “You wanna go see our little girl? Are we gonna call her grace?” He asked her smiling and took the boys in each arm just watching them both while he waited for max to be ready to go see their little girl he hardly wanted to leave her side feeling especially attached to her already
Tommy shrugged some "Trying to keep it together, I'll be alright though." He murmured kissing her cheek gently

Max nodded softly as she got into the wheel chair to get herself around. The babies had done a number on her and for right now they didn't want her walking much.
Carmen frowned some and shook her head “I’m sorry... I should have told you sooner I know but I just... I guess I was hoping it would fix itself.” She mumbled just enjoying being in his arms again.

Kevin smiled and set the boys down into their little cots, thanking the nurse who agreed to watch them while they went to the NICU and he sat down in his usual chair, staring at their little girl. “I think she’s gonna be just fine.” He murmured. “If she’s anything like her mother she’ll pull through well.”
Max looked at how small she was and stuck her finger into the incubator holding her tiny hand "She is so small Kevin....I'm so scared." she whispered letting a few tears fall

Tommy nodded some and held her close to him "Its okay babe, I love you more than anything and we will be okay." he said quietly

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