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Fantasy Killing Me Slowly

“Alright. Well follow me then.” She muttered heading over to tommy for a moment and ran her fingers across the top of his head. “Heading out. I’ll be back soon alright?” She murmured and walked out to the cars. “Tommy is the alpha male of our pack. That makes me the alpha female. That puts me in the position to do to you and Kevin what I did this morning. I don’t care how mad you are about this situation. I will not tolerate that kind of behaviour outside of private rooms. You act like a child and you will be treated as such... as for you and Kevin being mates... trust me I know it’s hard, but once you crack the hard exterior, the Kevin me and tommy grew up with will come out and you’ll understand why having a mate is MUCH easier than what humans try and do. Don’t make that face either, I do know what I’m talking about. You think me and tommy had it easy?” She muttered shaking her head. “The boy I mated with in the beginning was a drug addict and an alcoholic.... it’s been many years in the making.” She pointed out.

Kevin glared at him before padding off and and watching the teenagers spar with each other, throwing in the odd adjustment here and there just laying in the sit and stare outahead of him without much there.
Max listened intently to her and gave a heavy sigh nodding some "Yeah I understand, I just, this is a lot to take in." She mumbled thinking about Kevin for a minute "He hates me, he looks at me with disgust." She explained shaking her head some "How can I be with someone who hates me?"

Tommy kept his eyes on Kevin as well as the others. About an hour later he called it off and shifted back looking at Kevin and motioned him to the study "We need to talk....civilized this time."
She scoffed a bit shaking her head. “Kevin has never hated anyone. Not for long. He has his demons, a lot of them, but your job as his mate is to get him to a feeling of peace. His job is to do the same with you. If you want to really know why he doesn’t want another mate then ask tommy. He will explain it better than I can.” She muttered and headed out of the forest taking the winding roads carefully.

Kevin frowned but got back to a human form following him inside and up to the study, leaning against the wall while he watched tommy go and sit down just waiting impatiently for him to speak.
Tommy rubbed a hand over his head and gave a heavy sigh "Look....this morning, that shit can't happen again understood? You keep that shit behind closed doors and DO NOT put your hands on my mate again." He said seriously taking in a deep breath "Tara....look we all miss her...and I know you don't want anyone else after her death but...Kevin you reject this too long you'll die too and you know it."

Max nodded some and sighed softly pulling her hair up into a pony tail "He said my shift is tonight...is it painful?" She asked a bit scared at what might happen
Kevin glared at him shaking his head. “She pushes me enough and I’ll put her in her place as she deserves.” He muttered already on the defensive. “I will handle this my own way.... and you’re one to talk. When you and carmen were first finding each other how long did you push her away for?!” He spat at him.

she shrugged. “So I’ve heard. I was a child for my first one. Most of us are, a few wee changed as teens but they say as an adult to have your first shift then is painful. Very painful. We will have to wait and see”
Max frowned giving a small nod "Alright....I guess I better try to prepare myself then." She muttered taking a deep breath looking out the window and staying silent for the rest of the car ride

Tommy nodded some "Yeah and it was fucking hell, I don't want to see you go through the same thing." He explained sighing heavily "Do what you must, but just....don't hurt eachother." He said seriously to him.
Kevin rolled his eyes “oh and now you choose to care about me again... what a great time to be alive.” He spat at him and stood up to leave.

carmen got back with max after a few hours of errands and let her go lay down in the main lounge so they could keep an eye on her while carmen put groceries away. “Hey, she’s in a lot of pain. We got her clothes picked up though. They’re in the back of the van and I picked up some more tests.” She murmured wrapping her arms around tommy tightly once she finished putting stuff away, “I love you.” She murmured.

kevin has gone to lay down in his new room but he couldn’t get comfortable and so came back to the main house frowning seeing max on the couch, going to lay on the other couch now realising why he was so uncomfortable. Because of the pain she was in.
Max got back with Carmen and basically fell over on the couch in pain she shut her eyes tight and curled into a ball trying to not show her pain but it was hard. She felt a small sense of comfort though not long after opening her eyes to see Kevin laying on the couch next to hers.

Tommy gave a nod and told a few of the youngsters to deliver her clothes to the next house sighing some "Alright, she'll stay here for the shift then. Don't need her moving around too much." He mumbled before kissing her gently "I love you too beautiful." He whispered pushing some hair out of her face as he swayed with her a bit
Carmen frowned some and nodded just holding him tightly. “You excites for Christmas?” She murmured and rubbed the top of his bald head smiling a little, knowing Christmas was his favorite.

Kevin frowned and watched her some, feeling bad about it only a little. Every fibre in his being was fighting instinct but for now he would give in and he shifted going and laying next to the couch she was on.
Tommy smiled happily and gave a nod "Sure am, and I got our matching Christmas morning outfits too." He said happily as he looked down at her "What about you? You excited?"

Max whimpered and let her hand fall to him runnung her fingers lightly through his soft fur finding comfort from it and feeling the pain not be as unbearable for the moment.
She smiled shaking her head at him and rubbed his chest. “I better be covered. Everyone’s gonna be in here.” She murmured softly and kissed his cheek. “Kinda. We’ll see.” She murmured softly and kissed his chin, “I’ve already got you your stuff though.” She murmured, frowning when she started feeling that pull they got twice a month. “We better get her outside before she changes and tears up the lounge.”

Kevin frowned and tensed a bit but didn’t complain until they came over totake max outside, nudging her along until they got out there and made her lay on the ground.
Max followed them out quickly and layed on the ground still looking at Kevin before she felt it start to take over. She screamed out and felt her bones start to shift and break not breaking eye contact with Kevin trying to feel some kind of comfort like she had before but it wasn't there.

Tommy nodded and helped Max to the backyard shifting quickly and watching her frowning some. He hoped this would pass soon because her screams were loud enough it could attract unwanted visitors.
Carmen had allowed hers to happen and was laying near a tree just watching everything unfold from her quiet spot frowning when it seemed to be taking a while until she finally stopped hearing screams

Kevin stood close by keeping an eye on her the whole time but his caring side had run out of patience now so he’d stopped comforting her and just sat there huffing a little.
Max sat there and opened her eyes once it was over panting softly showing her white wolf form looking at Kevin and padding over to him 'Hi..'

Tommy watched her and soon padded over to Carmen glancing back at Max and huffing some 'Shit....she's a white wolf.' He muttered quietly to her knowing this was not ideal
Carmen presses her forehead to his and stood up, walking towards the head of the pack with him. ‘I know, but we’ve dealt with it before. Talk to her in the morning. Right now, I’m starving.’ She told him, standing next to her mate as a much smaller than everyone else red wolf, completely dwarfed in comparison to him being so big.

Kevin nodded and stretched out yawning some.‘Hi. Come on. Instinct will kick in so just join the others. We’re going hunting.’ He told her and walked over to be in the middle of the pack with her.
Max gave a small nod and followed everyone starting to feel that instinct kick in as she caught a scent of a deer not to far away however she hadn't realized she had strayed away from everyone in the process of following the scent

Tommy was at the front of the pack with his mate towering over everyone in comparison. Even for an Alpha he was pretty big and always used it to his advantage whenever they were hunting and or to intimidate others
Carmen spent the evening enjoying herself as much as she could, not thinking about W anything going on in their lives right now.

Kevin ran with the pack, having to eat with the youngsters but still used his size and strength to get more than them, eventually noticing max wasn’t with them and groaned taking off after her scent to bring her back to the pack.‘Hey! Get over here! You don’t leave us!’ He snarled a bit and shook his head in annoyance as he started leading them back to the main house with everyone else.
Max looked at him with blood stained fur and lowered her head not saying a word as she walked back with them. She made her way to the room she would be staying in and somehow shifted back without realizing it.

Tommy enjoyed his night hunting with his pack and was bummed when the night came to an end. He held Carmen close as they layed in bed and gave a soft sigh kissing her cheek gently "Did you have fun tonight?"
Kevin frowned as he came in stark naked to get a shower in but he’d been fighting all these instincts all day and he couldn’t do it anymore so when he saw her still covered in blood he couldn’t help but stalk over to her and shove her onto the bed.

she nodded rolling over to face him. “I’m just tired babe... there’s a couple voicemails on the study phone but we can get to those in the morning.” She yawned big and snuggled in close in his arms. “Are you okay at the moment?”
She asked. She’d been thinking about him all day after her talk with max, just worrying a little most likely unnecessarily but nevertheless worried.
Max gasped as he shoved her onto the bed and frowned but as soon as she saw his naked figure her thoughts went blank and her primal instincts took hold kissong him roughly as he joined her.

Tommy gave a small sigh shaking his head some "I'm just worried is all, everything is becoming so much...I miss when shit was simple." He said truthfully to her as he stared at the ceiling
She nodded and listened just holding onto him. “I know babe but we’re gonna work through like we always do and we’ll be okay.” She murmured, kissing his cheek before getting some sleep for the night.

kevin sat up when they were done and put some boxers on, going to clean up in the bathroom without saying a word toher.
Tommy nodded some and held her close before he soon fell asleep as well

Max lay there afterwards and watched him go. She got dressed in some night clothes before she laid back down and fell asleep for the night
Carmen woke up early to feeling sick and groaned a little, heading to the bathroom, sitting by the toilet and throwing up every couple minutes until she was just bringing up bile, eventually waking tommy up while she pressed her face against their bath tub for the cool enamel to soothe her.

Kevin woke up early and headed downstairs to get himself some breakfast, needing to head down to the bar that evening to talk to the owner for his monthly payment to keepquiet. “Morning. You want coffee?”
Max sat downstairs quietly just reading a book her had found while she let her hair dry from the early shower she had taken "Morning, that would be nice." She said softly to him

Tommy woke up to her throwing up and quickly rushed in to see her frowning some "Hey hey....everything okay?" He asked flushing the toilet and pressing a hand to her head "Come on lets get you to Danny."
She shook her head and leaned into him some while he was crouched there. “Tommy I’m pregnant.... I just know I am this time.” She mumbled smiling at him more than she had in almost a year. She hadn’t taken any kind of test yet but she was convinced of it already. “Can you get the sticks out?” She asked him still smiling while she washed her mouth out a couple times.

Kevin nodded and frowned “Listen... you need to stick with the pack when we’re out like that. No wandering off.” He warned her frowning. “It’s not a hundred percent safe out there. Especially when you stick out like a sore thumb without snow.” He muttered

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