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Dice Kazragun - OOC

It was a home-brew weapon. He found it after we killed a giant gate worm with a "Holy Shit Fuck Arrow." It rolled 3 different dice with a RNG to determine what happened with the DM's discretion. 

Alright then. 

was worried some rules misshap was happening. for some reason gunslingers tend to draw alot of confusion in some cases.
I'm flip flopping so much that I hate this. I can't decide what I like. V_V

welcome to hell. 

Want back at the bard? seriously wouldn't mind switching.


This is utter pain. 

Can't choose what to do. 

welcome to hell. 

Want back at the bard? seriously wouldn't mind switching.


This is utter pain. 

Can't choose what to do. 


Well Umi, my ktisune bard, is nearly complete. She won't hit hard, but communicating? Yeah. She can do that.
Well Umi, my ktisune bard, is nearly complete. She won't hit hard, but communicating? Yeah. She can do that.

do it my man.

I shall do... something...

But do not worry, have at it!
You could always go ranger...shooty stuff that is not in range of our bellowing thews. 
Here I am, representing humans in the group!  Yeaa humans!
Currently a halfling, so I'm half a human. 


Make up for the rest of it in heart luck, and slings.
So a 2000 exp climb to level 2. 
Alright then. 

was worried some rules misshap was happening. for some reason gunslingers tend to draw alot of confusion in some cases.

Oh that reminds me about how we actually found the "arrow" in the first place. We were snooping around the royal treasury and our rogue found one of the reject arrows made by the arch wizard that would do random things such as turn the fire-er into stone, water, create fire, all RNG based items/attacks etc. So there were several instances that we almost fired it, but saved it to deal with the huge-ass gate worm and it called upon the diety of jailers/punishers and it smote the worm(one hit killed it) and we ended up getting over 40M in gold from ancient locked chests(rolled very low on D100s).
Okay, hope I didn't miss anything - I just scrolled through the posts here. The bard looks good so far, I'll have a more detailed look at him and the lizardman shortly.

We're using the medium experience track, I'll add that to the list of things for character creation.

As for the landscape: We're not talking a swamp like in lord of the rings, where everythng is basically flat. Think of a wet area where you can sink in if you leave certain paths, with quite a few ancient-looking trees standing around. It's more of a swamp forest than a swamp, apart from a few open areas in-between. If you want to climb trees, you'll have plenty of opportunities to do that.
I forgot about the dice-rolling: Once we get an on-site dice roller again (I think I read that there is one in the works), we'll probably use that one. Until then, I'd be fine doing the rolling action - I'll have to do much of it anyway. All you would need to do then is tell me if you'd prefer red or green dice to be used for your character - since if we go for that route, I'll use my own, trusty dice instead of some unreliable online roller.

Alternatively, we could look for an online site that actually saves the die results, and link them whenever there is need - I'm open for suggestions, but I feel like that makes thing more complicated than necessary.

If we take the first option, I'll include the outcomes that you know about in my posts, so that you can see if that orc is really good at dodging, or if you just can't handle your sword properly.
I have no problem with having you handle the dice rolls.  Keeps everyone honest and eliminates the possible accusations of misconduct down the road.
I'm fine with you rolling the dice. Hamate is what I use for my own games since IC went down the gutter, but it's an ass to get started. 

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