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Dice Kazragun - OOC

@Clockwork SyringeHow many points did you use for the ability scores? My math might be terribly off, but I feel like you either did use 15 (we decided to use 20 in the end), or you didn't add the racial bonus. Either way, I think you can get a bit more than what you have right now :)

And you didn't add a trait yet, right? One is free, a second one can be added if you include a drawback.
Just as long as I don't get caught in the blast radius I'm fine with it.
@Clockwork SyringeHow many points did you use for the ability scores? My math might be terribly off, but I feel like you either did use 15 (we decided to use 20 in the end), or you didn't add the racial bonus. Either way, I think you can get a bit more than what you have right now :)

And you didn't add a trait yet, right? One is free, a second one can be added if you include a drawback.

I think I may have messed up the point buy, we start with 10s all around right? I'm a human so I took a second feat due to racial trait.
Tens all around makes 0 points, yes. I understand where the two feats come from - all I'm saying is that you can choose a trait as well.
12 is 2 so that's 4, 14 is a 5 so that's 10, 16 is a 10 so add all that it's 24. 7 is a -4 so that's 20. So yeah mate you left off your +2 to any ability granted by being human. So you could make that 16 a juicy 18. 
12 is 2 so that's 4, 14 is a 5 so that's 10, 16 is a 10 so add all that it's 24. 7 is a -4 so that's 20. So yeah mate you left off your +2 to any ability granted by being human. So you could make that 16 a juicy 18. 

Forgive me if Im clueless but what kind of trait would do that?


Went ahead and added traits and drawback
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@Clockwork SyringeAbility Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.

I can't find the Draconic heritage trait atm - can you tell me in what category I can find it? The search in the srd only gives me garbage...
@Clockwork SyringeAbility Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.

I can't find the Draconic heritage trait atm - can you tell me in what category I can find it? The search in the srd only gives me garbage...

messed up the traits, not a valid one, so I went with deft dodger instead.
Okay, I've finished my Lizardfolk Barbarian. In the characters thread is Veskassdak of the Litayrkek Tribe. I think his history may give @Silanon some hooks to use.
bah, screw dervish, to many martials anyways. 

thunderstriker bard, away!
I had a friend who did that, he ended up dying from the black plague lol. Name was Skarsonsonskarsonson(x11). 

Is that so?

it's hard to pull myself away from amrtial stuff, been that way for years but I always knew how powerful magic was...
I also had a friend who ran a gunslinger in a home-brew campaign. Dealt 170 damage and burned all his grit points to do some serious damage to a frost giant king.

what was the level?
he was level 7 and had an adamantine shotgun that fired 7 pellets

sounds like a homebrew weapon or maybe...., the shot only does one 'attack" of damage. he can use that dead eye deed to pile all his attacks(as int hrough progression) into one attack
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sounds like a homebrew weapon or maybe...., the shot only does one 'attack" of damage. he can use that dead eye deed to pile all his attacks(as int hrough progression) into one attack

It was a home-brew weapon. He found it after we killed a giant gate worm with a "Holy Shit Fuck Arrow." It rolled 3 different dice with a RNG to determine what happened with the DM's discretion. 

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