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Community [Isekai Hell] February 2024 Event

Type: Reply
Sender: Sariellon A. d’Œillet
Recipient: Regula Elvario Elvario
Canon Status: Sent via a Messenger.

けいて hello

rasu retaa kant rIte In komon nau kAn.

I am sarIeru yuu supIk. sarIeru dou nou sabIsu. DarushIfa, waI tenshI dou sabisu fou baronjI.
nou no ARIA bat wIru haf rebenjI ୧((#Φ益Φ#))୨

aya & I am baI NAN'GAU. doragon zonbIsu katasoturofI & batoru.
\(º □ º l|l)/

obaasan aya maI kerutega, nou warIsu batto sankyuu!

nou sankyuu – baronjI berII kurushII

baI baI obaasan
FuragarIya In za FIIrudo


My last letter I couldn't write in common, but now I can.

I am the Sariel you speak of, but I have done no service for your barony. That was the white angel Dulcifer which did service to your barony.

[insert crude drawing here]

I know not of an "Aria" but thank you for reminding me that I must exact my vengence upon this sister of yours who has done me wrong.

Aya and I are in the town of Nan'Gau. It has been attacked by dragons and zombies The old woman Aya is taking care of me, so no need to worry.

I appreciate your offer for residence within your barony, however I must say: No thank you, your barony is major lame.

Bye bye old woamn
Fragaria in the Field
Noharano Ichigo
Type: Letter of Friendship
Sender: Zahrah Fiore
Recipient: Noelle Nicchi Tellussoil Tellussoil
Canon Status: Sent in character.
Hello again miss Noelle~

I realised I totally forgot to tell you before, but your name is totally amazing!
Noelle Nichi really rolls of the tongue well, doesn't it? Could I perhaps use it in a song one day?

Also, also! I still think you're cultured and the name Hitsy was a fun nickname~
Come to write of it, I'm going to explore happiness on the high seas with a captain friend of mine!
Do you know any tips on exploring the high seas?

Hopefully it'll help me study happiness more than our adventure with the flesh goop.
That didn't really end all that well...

Let's write about more fun stuff! For example, I once heard that mermaids can sing really well!
You're a mermaid, right? Sorry if you're not, that'd also be cool. Anyway, can you sing really well?
Me and Ophenia might become idols, but perhaps you could join as well sometime!

Anyhow, I'm wishing you all the happiness in the world!

Type: Letter of Friendship
Sender: Zahrah Fiore
Recipient: Rowan Thorn slifer37 slifer37
Canon Status: Sent in character.
Hello again miss Rowan~

Your barriers were pretty cool~ Have you kept using them since our adventure?
You probably have, haven't you?

Honestly, I'm a little sad the flesh goop died. I was so close to befriending it!
Then gain, it did hurt a lot when it started to try goopifying me...
So thanks for stopping it from doing that!
You really stopped my precious cotton from getting totally ruined.

Anyhow, what have you been up too? I'm going to go sailing with a captain!
We'll explore the seas and I'll see if there's new happiness research to be done out there!

On the topic of happiness, did you find it with mister Arkham yet?
Muahauah! My happiness instincts were totally tingling, so I know I'm right~
You two are going to make happiness together, aren't you!
Anyhow, I'm wishing you and minster Arkham all the happiness in the world!

Type: Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Zahrah Fiore
Recipient: Lucius Gallicus conman2163 conman2163
Canon Status: Sent in character.
Dear mister Lucius Gallicus,

How have you been? I've been doing fairly well.
However! I had a total breakthrough! I recall why you looked familiar!

You see, my databased are gone and my cotton brain isn't the greatest at recalling information, however, I totally recalled it now!

You're from the Roman Empire! A legionnaire! It suddenly hit me!
See, I recall that there were a lot of toy sets with legionnaire toy soldiers that were popular.
They were also really amazing for happiness!
The same is true about movies, games and all sorts of other stuff!

Do you think you'd be able to make toys of yourself and your men?
Although... I'm not sure if they'd be as popular in this word.
You could still try though!

Also, sorry for your man that didn't make it with the flesh goop. That was not good.
I hope that they're in a better place now.

Anyway, thank you again for the adventure and I'm wishing you all the happiness in the world!

Type: Love Letter
Sender: Zahrah Fiore
Recipient: Nachtum "Nacht" EMIYAman EMIYAman
Canon Status: Sent in character.
Hello again most handsome man~

It's taken me a while to figure you out, but I think I totally did!
You're working off that 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' principle!
It's so brilliant and genius! It also totally make sense.

You arrive, you show yourself off being totally handsome and silent and stuff...
Then you stick to the background a little. Just enough to make an impression, you know.

Yet that's enough, as then you can vanish, leaving only your absence...
After which the absence makes the heart grow fonder principle kicks in, which means everyone grows fonder of you!

It's so revolutionary! I couldn't have thought of it myself!

That said, I do wonder if it always works...
Like, what happens when people just forget you were even there?
Does that ever happen to you?
That'd be really bad and the opposite of what you'd hope to achieve!

Let me know how it's working out for you and I'm wishing you all the happiness in the world!

Type: Letter of Friendship
Sender: Zahrah Fiore
Recipient: Arkham Koenig Valkan Valkan
Canon Status: Sent in character.
Dear mister Arkham,

How have you been since our adventure? I've been doing well!

Anyhow, I wanted to get back to you regarding your K-pop appearance.
You see, me and a friend of mine are wanting to become idols and have a concert.

Now, I was trying to wreck my databases about this, but I think it'd work...
If you were to join us!

Don't get me wrong, you won't really have to sing or dance, although that'd be a plus.
The main thing, however, would be to look all K-pop idol and cool.
That should get the so-called 'swooning teen' demographic hyped up.

Although, if you could rap, that thing were you speak atop music, that'd be great.
Do you think you could learn to do that?

Anyhow, I'm wishing you good luck with miss Rowan!
I totally saw you two were starting to considering making happiness together!

Did you take her out on a date yet?
Even if you're K-pop handsome, you should still treat a lady nice for optimal happiness!

Let me know how what you think about joining a concert and I'm wishing you all the happiness in the world!

Type: Letter of Friendship
Sender: Zahrah Fiore
Recipient: Cassidy B. Flint Develius Develius
Canon Status: Sent in character.
Hello mister Cassidy B. Flint!

How have you been doing? I'm doing well!

Thanks again for saying "It's Hiiiiigh Noon." for me!
That was absolutely brilliant and great and amazing!

You said you'd ask a dollar per request, but I don't think this world has dollars.
How many Rykes would you want for it?

I don't really think I have any money, but if I had, I'd pay to hear it again!
That's how good and fun it was!

In general, though, it feels like this world really misses a good cowboy setting, doesn't it?
We've got the sailor theme, the magic themes, some beast places...

Surely there must be cowboy place somewhere... maybe in the West Empire?
Oh! It must be on that first continent people barely ever mention!

That said, if there isn't such a place, you should totally start it yourself!
The cowboy aesthetic has always been great for happiness in youth and adult alike!
In other words, this world could really use someone like you to spread the culture!

Good luck in bringing the cowboy aesthetic to this world and I'm wishing you all the happiness in the world!

Extra Squink Letter (in response) (Character Sheet Link)
Recipient: Amice Elvario Elvario
Type: Letter of Friendship
Hi again, yes I have received your letter. It's good to hear that you are doing well and I remember all of the fun things that happened during our time in Kuridan! Thank you for the compliments, I'm sure that you would look very pretty in a black dress too.

I'm continuing on my travels with Oden, who is definitely both family and friend to me and I enjoy going on such adventures with them. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for if I hear or find anything about your family and will be sure to let you know as soon as I can.

I'd love to meet you again at some point so we can talk about all the fun adventures we've been on, and all the nice people we've met, so we can make even more memories of our own. Family is nice, and I hope you find yours soon enough. As you said, family is those you are close to and so I would be happy to be called your family at any time.

Good luck in your future endeavours, I hope that we can meet again!

- Squink

Gunhild's Sent Letters (Character Sheet Link)
(For context: Gunhild cannot read or write. All of Gunhild's letters have been transcribed exactly as stated by an anonymous writer)

Recipient: Shao Orikanyo Orikanyo
Type: Letter of... Friendship Love Friendship It's a Gunhild letter, you decipher it.
Gunhild get smol to make word-paper for magical red floofa Gunhild met long long times agos. Gunhild very remembers the pretty red floofa-man and floofa was very magical. Gunhild go many place and meet many people, Gunhild meet more floofas alsos! Floofas do not let Gunhild touch floofas, many-smols does not pets Gunhilds. Except Gunhild's Prettybirdie! Prettybirdie is very nice to Gunhild and likes floofas also!

Prettybirdie likes floofas a lots more than Gunhild, Gunhild think. Prettybirdie touches a lots more floofas than Gunhilds does. Gunhilds also mets a big Metalmans'es, ands other smols and some not nice smols. Red-berry floofa Shao and Gunhild should meets agains! Majestic Floofa-man very pretty and floofy, and very nice and fun. Gunhild biggers and strongers now, too, and very smarts! Gunhilds makes safes of a purpy-floofa's shrine and knows stuff about floofas! Gunhilds can helps builds and protects Red-Floofa's shrine too!!

Shao remember Gunhild, yes? Gunhild is sad if Gunhild remembers Floofa but Floofa does not remembers Gunhild. Gunhilds is also also know to say, Gunhilds is can the floofies ALSO NOW!! Gunhild floofa makes Gunhild a bigs Floofhild. Shao MUST see Floofhild!

Shao find Gunhild!! Gunhild miss, Gunhild bye-bye!

Recipient: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Type: Letter of Gunhild. (Don't know tbh it's Gunhild)
Metalmans cans read smol words? Yes? No? Gunhild not know, Metalmans is weirds to Gunhild. Mans are not made of Metals, but the Metalmanses in Stonetownplace are. Does a Metalmans ever eatens yummy foods? Metalmans knows Icy Creams? Gunhild likes an icy cream but Gunhild cannot FIND ANY. METALMANS, where can Gunhilds find icy creams in Stonetownplace? Prettybirdie knows all of the foodses in Stonetownplace! Is Prettybird hiding the foods from Gunhild so Gunhild cannot eats it? Is Prettybird scared Gunhild will eats ALL of the yummy foods and no-smol gets foods?

Gunhild is not greeds! Gunhilds share, Gunhilds is just hungies. OH, Gunhild not make word-paper to Metalmans about icy creams. Though icy creams good. METALMANS, Metalmans is good thing and does good do's even if Gunhild not know what how a Metalmans is being a Metalmans! Has no innie-peopleses bits but is a big mans that does the mans things! Gunhild tells Metalmans that Metalmans is a very bestest Metalmans like Gunhild is the bestest Gunhild, and Metalmans should keeps do's the bestesting of the beings of Metalmans!
Gunhilds meets Metalmans soons! Gunhild not know if Metalmans knows likesies feelsies, but Gunhild can will likesies Metalmans!
Recipient: Ringo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Type: Letter of Gunhild. (Just because I write these doesn't mean I know what I'm writing)
Purpy-Floofa! Gunhilds is makes a smol word papers to give frees words to sweets Purpa-Floof! Gunhild cant's makes a smol words though, so Gunhilds is gets a smol to make a smol words papers of Gunhild's words to makes for the Purpy-Floof! Gunhilds not knows what Purpy-Floof likeses, onlys that Purpy Floofa does not let Gunhilds touches the Purpy Floof's Floof. Gunhilds is sads that Gunhilds wills nevers the evers evers touch the Purple Floofa but that is OKAY, ALSO Gunhild knowses about Prettybirdie and Prettybirdie likeses somes thingies too!

Gunhilds probablies not supposed says but, Gunhilds is NOT SAYS! Gunhilds is makes a SMOL WORDS PAPERS, and Gunhilds is nots makes smol words papers but makes smol makes smol words papers, so Gunhild can do's thats! Gunhild thinks that Prettybirdie-Baronlady likes Grape-Floofs!

Gunhild knowses nice things to haves a persons or smols a persons or smol likesies, Gunhild hopeses Grape-Floof is happies and says Grape-Purpy shoulds likesies Prettybirdie too! Gunhild knews a Purpy-Floof a back-time. Not now Purpy-Floofa, different back-time Purpy-Floofa. Gunhild liked, was pretties. Grape-Floof reminds Gunhild of back-time different Grape-Floof.

Gunhild sees both Purpy-Floofs agains! In forward-time!!
Recipient: Regula Elvario Elvario
Type: Letter of Honestly what do you expect Gunhild would put in a letter
Pretty-Birdie! Gunhilds is makes smol words papers for free words for Prettybird! Gunhild cant's makes a smol words and Gunhilds is gets a smol to makes a smol words paper of Gunhild's words! Does Prettybirdie only likesies Gunhild because Floofhild and tail? Gunhild is more than a Floofhild and tail, Gunhild is a one big Gunhild and can do all of the Gunhild things! Gunhilds knows Prettybirdie likes Grape-Floof much and Prettybird is friendses with Metalmans who does things but Gunhild can does a things and a do too!!

Prettybird and Gunhild do a do at a forward-time time so Gunhild can do a do that make Prettybird knows Gunhild is the greatestest and bestestest Gunhild to ever Gunhild and be Gunhild so that Prettybird will pet Gunhild and be a kinds and knows to tells Gunhild that Gunhild is the bestest and Pretty-Birdie's favouritest Gunhild!

Gunhild think Prettybird think is bad when Gunhild do a Gunhild some of the timeses, like say Prettybird is Prettybird and not Prettybaron, but Gunhild say what Gunhild say! Pretty-Smol is stills verys pretty and special to Gunhild and Gunhild will be goodest Gunhild for Pretty-Pretty-Princess-Baronlady!

Gunhild hopes Prettybird gets Gunhild smol words papers! Gunhild bye-bye!!
Gunhild also sends a Gunhilds smol words papers mades by Gunhilds! (Gunhilds bad at smol words papers)

Included with the letter is another message of blatant unreadable scribbles and random symbols that don't make any sense, but amongst it is crude little markings made to look like a little Regula as well as gently dragged ink made into a visible attempt of a heart symbol next to it. Apparently also included is a cool little pebble Gunhild found for some reason.
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Type: Reply
Sender: Siegfried Grünelke Adlieber
Recipient: Deliverance Elvario Elvario
Canon Status: Sent in Character, attached to a small parcel.


eet ees eendeed tru een that dur Ethereal dos reelayt tu my serkomstanses thusly won wood eendeed bee verelee happee tu year yor fyndeens on thee Ethereal won will bee shor tu relay wons own fyndeens asswel

dos dur spays and tym dyzoreentin opeen up tu Edyn eet ees unlykly eef yoo say dat dees dos not leed tu thee Ethereal wat dos dur Ethereal fyel lyk won weeshsees dat yuu du wel een yor studees won has lytel tu say reegardeen thee Ethereal wytall won haz mayd frends weet too hoo ar veree old dey may no ov aynshend noledg weech may leed wons tu old reesuels weech kal pon thee Ethereal.

won haz yet tu fynd a beeshop and reeatayn wons horn mysforchunlee won haz seen menee pryeests but waz not aybel tu tork tu dem

eet ees good dat yoo ar not skyppeen myels won haz parsyled for yoo sum azfodels, feegs and badeeyans for yoo too eet du not eet azfodels roots dey ar tokszyk

[The letter is attached neatly to a small wrapped linen cloth, containing three figs, a few asphodels and dried badians.]

tayk keehr
Zeekfryd Ghrunnelkuh Atleebuh


It is indeed true in that the Ethereal does relate to my circumstances and thusly one would indeed be verily happy to hear your findings on the Ethereal. One will be most sure to relay one's own findings in turn.

Does the space and time disorientation also open up to "Eden"? It is unlikely if you say that it does not lead to the Ethereal realm. What does the Ethereal feel like? One wishes that you do well on your studies. One has little to say regarding the Ethereal.

Withal, one has made friends with two who are very old. They may know of ancient knowledge which may lead ones to old rituals which call upon the ethereal.

One has yet to find a bishop and reattain one's horn, misfortunately, one has seen many priests but was unable to talk to them.

It is good that you are not skipping your meals, one has parceled for you some asphodels, figs and badians. DO NOT eat the roots of the asphodels, they are toxic.

[The letter is attached neatly to a small wrapped linen cloth, containing three figs, a few asphodels and dried badians.]

Take care
Siegfried Grünelke Adlieber
Type: Instructions
Sender: Saoirse Desrosiers
Recipient: Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Canon Status: Sent in character.
A reminder of your current priorities and development plan.

First is to ensure my health and safety. So long as I am doing well, we are all doing well.

Second is to ensure your own health and safety. I dislike it when my property is damaged or functioning in a sub-par condition.

Third is specific to your talents. Ensure that all my property is in optimal health at all times. It will serve as training for you and as a vital mechanism to my operation alike.

Fourth is your predominant training goal, for now; resurrection of the recently deceased. Even without godlike powers, resurrection should be possible for an advanced healing mage. It is a good thing to strive towards.

Fifth is your second training goal, healing in greater numbers. The more people you can heal at once and in succession, the closer you are to flourishing and the more we can profit in the long term.

Sixth is a special assignment. You have a sharp mind. Keep it sharp and keep an eye out for business opportunities, possible flaws and ways to aid. I shall allow you more freedom in voicing criticisms in order to achieve this.
Type: Instructions
Sender: Saoirse Desrosiers
Recipient: Melia Hayward
Canon Status: Sent in character.
A reminder of your current priorities and development plan.

First is to keep me safe. So long as am I safe, we are all safe.

Second is to ensure your own health and safety. I dislike it when my property is damaged or functioning in a sub-par condition.

Third is specific to your talents. Help me by protect all of my property. It will help you train your strength and combat skill, as well as ensure our operation can keep functioning at full capacity.

Fourth is your predominant training goal, developing your fighting style. I believe the true way to flourish as a warrior is through specialising in their style of combat.

Fifth is experience. We shall find you sparring partners and foes to get more first-hand experience.

Sixth is a secondary training goal, strength training. I believe you have untapped potential to grow much stronger than would otherwise be possible.

Seventh is a special assignment. So long as you have any reason to believe I, or one of my other slaves, might be at a serious risk of harm, you are allowed to act without asking for permission and to breach protocol when necessary.
Type: Instructions
Sender: Saoirse Desrosiers
Recipient: Jastira Veidi TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Canon Status: Sent in character.
A reminder of your current priorities and development plan.

First is to ensure your own health and safety. I dislike it when my property is damaged or functioning in a sub-par condition.

Second is to help maintain my reputation through your songs, performance and social skills. So long as my reputation is safeguarded, we shall all enjoy a good reputation.

Third is to practice your singing and performance. I want you to spent every free bit of time ensuring that you provide quality in your performances.

Fourth is to promote yourself to a bigger audience. I shall attempt to help bring you to the world. Make the most of it.

Fifth is a special assignment. I believe you have the right mindset and act to help explore new business opportunities. I shall allow you to advise me whenever you see one. Not just regarding your own career, but also regarding my other properties. Your talents in influencing, spotting and acting upon opportunities should be developed along your talents as a performer.
Type: Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Ceylan
Recipient: Nashi SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Canon Status: Sent in Character
Dear Nashi,

How have you been? Have you and Nala been able to settle in, in the Holy City of Vegard?
What about the others, are they still doing well?

I know miss Nana can be a bit tiring when she's running around acting all hurried up all the time, but I assure you she means well.

Harley can be a bit grumpy in the mornings, but if you leave him alone, it'll be better in the afternoon.

The local priest, Preston, can be rather uptight, but he also holds himself to high standards, which makes him reliable when needed.

The mayor might seem like a warrior at first, due to his stature, but he has the soul of a poet. He's wise and kind.

Hopefully everyone has been getting along with them, as well as with the others in town.

I also hope you've debated joining the Paladin order, that is to say, should you wish to continue fighting. I shall not hold it against you if you'd rather decide to live your life in peace with your daughter. You've more than earned it.

Blessings of the gods be upon you,

Type: Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Ceylan
Recipient: Nona Vaudivolt Vaudivolt
Canon Status: Handed over to Cenric, upon his return to Nona.
Dear Nona,

Although Cenric has likely already told you so, I'd still like to report that we managed to make it to Miller's Hollow safely. Please, give Capri and Corne some extra treats on my behalf, as they have worked hard getting us all the way here. I'm assuming the patient, Dotty, is still doing alright as well?

That said, I'd also like to ease your mind. I have already been able to successful cure another person, suggesting that even here, the gods favour me enough to allow me to cure them. We should be back in no-time, with good news, if these first results are anything to go by.

Finally, I'd like to thank you again for your hospitality. Few people are brave to live out here. Even fewer people are capable of providing aid to people in places like these. Truthfully, I am truly glad I was able to aid you and your sheep.

Also, knowing Cenric, he might be worried about leaving. Please, ease his mind. He did a lot already by bringing us here, there is no shame in his leaving.

Blessings of the gods be upon you,

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Type: Letter of Appreciation
Sender: Regula Caelia
Recipient: Glacier Voider Voider
Canon Status: Sent in character.
Dear Glacier,

How did you like your visit to my barony? I hope you had a pleasant time here?
It'd like to thank you again for your assistance and that of your foxes of ice.

Furthermore, I spoke with Inola lately and she mentioned that you might one day help her produce ice. Is that true? Truthfully, it would be an culinary revolution that might match what chef Todo has brought us if this 'shaved ice' concept of hers is anywhere near as good as she made it sound. It almost made me debate attempting to learn ice magic of my own.

It also seems you made quite the impression upon Ethel. She called you her 'comrade of iceth nature' or something along those lines and asked me to wish you well on finding and training more of your nature. Or as she'd put it, 'to harvest thou inner strength!'.

Either way, I wish you luck on your training and I'd love to be informed should you and Inola succeed in making this 'shaved ice'.

With regards,

Baroness Regula Caelia
Type: Letter of Appreciation / Inquiry
Sender: Deliverance
Recipient: Ophánia "Du Coeur Pur” Faynorae Faynorae
Canon Status: Sent in character.
Dear miss Du Coeur Pur,

With this letter, I'd like to thank you again for having me experience a hint of the Ethereal through your music.

In hindsight, I believe the correct terminology for the experience I had would be that it was 'enjoyable' and 'fun'. Although those aren't exactly scientific, they seem to capture the odd experience relatively accurately. Interviewing your fans has also been a peculiar, yet worthwhile, experience.

That said, I wished to ask for you advise. Perhaps someone such as yourselves, whom dedicated their career to influencing people in the social field, might know the answer.

You see, I have met a Hero of the Fae See and she has left a most peculiar imprint in my behavioural patterns. I tend to think I might be seeing her whenever I see small creatures flutter by, or find myself staring my wrist and sleeve, which she once used as a resting spot. I even recall the trouble we went through together in a more positive light than I logically should.

Am I under the influence of some type of social-based Fae magic? Is this an after-effect of her Hero status?

Eagerly awaiting an answer,

Type: Letter of (Familial) Love
Sender: Kalina Chivernu
Recipient: Shael Xyvern TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Canon Status: Sent in character.
Dearest sister,

Truthfully, it sill feels a bit odd to call you that. Odd in a good, way, luckily enough.

Whilst my visit back to home was rather overwhelming, I have a lot of good memories about it.
I'd love to come visit again soon, or meet you on an adventure. You were also in the business, right?

That said, I'm afraid to say I haven't regained any memories...

Truthfully, I didn't want to ask for our parent's names, as I thought they'd eventually return to me.
Yet they haven't. It seems those memories are gone forever, with only lingering feelings remaining.

On the bright side, I'd get to meet one of the most amazing family's someone could ever wish for all over again, which is pretty neat, right?

What have you been up too lately? I'm currently going to investigate some 'bleeding dragon scale' as I feel it might attract some people whom I'd want a 'talk' with, so to say.

One of the few things I still want to find it is who or what turned me.

That and meeting our father. Do you know where he might be?

Hoping to hear from you soon,

Type: Reply
Sender: Ophánia "Du Coeur Pur"
Recipient: Deliverance Elvario Elvario
Canon Status: Sent via a Messenger.

Good Morning!

Salutations dear friend, mister Deliverance

You need not thank me for your enjoyment this letter cannot express my delight to hear that fun Yet it is I who should thank you You came and listened despite being busy

It is mayhaps arrogant yet I do believe I am more keen of emotions compared to most I also find myself verily interested in affect and emotions regarding the psyche

Perchance the lilacs blossomed for you? I believe what you feel is Love This is not my forte as I believe it selfish of myself to pour my love into only one thing yet I do believe I once loved

This feeling is no magic but it is something I regard as divine Keep good company with this person and only good things may occur Love turns things which you may find mundane and ordinary into something special Almost ethereal as you would put it I think

Be candid of these feelings when you feel the time is right I hope your feelings are returned efflorescently.

With every beating heart's love in the realm, Your friend,
“Du Coeur Pur”,
Postscript; If you want for it I can write and sing you two a song that may aide in expressing your feelings!
Type: Reply
Sender: Regula Caelia
Recipient: Gunhild Femboy Femboy
Canon Status: Sent in character, before the Camping RP.
Dearest Gunhild,

Thank you for your letter. I can see you've put a fair amount of effort into it.

Although I cannot deny that I like your fluff and tail, there are two things I like even more. Loyalty and ambition. Those are two things I like about you as well. You're loyal for sticking around and for wanting to help out. You also seem to have your own ambitions in following your desires, no matter how different those are from my own sometimes.

In other words, you're my favourite Gunhild.

That said, I have certain rules to abide by, as a baroness. Being addressed by proper title (baroness) and behaving in proper manners are part of those rules. Of course, those rules are more important when there are many people around or when there are important people around. When it's just us, or when there are only friends around, things can be a lot more fun and less strict.

Hopefully such fun times can arrive sooner and more often, as I'm planning a camping trip soon, but for now, please try to behave.

With love,

Letter Type: Friendship

Sender: Ryan Kylieth

Recipient: Regula Caelia ( Elvario Elvario )

Canon Status: Reply letter, sent in character

Dear Regula Lady Caelia Regula,

It has been a few busy days, honestly. But I have been making my best effort to push through. It's refreshing to challenge myself so much in every work I make. I don't want to let down neither Mister Tibbercoller nor you, since you put out good word for me. It just makes me happier to have decided to live here and help the barony. And don't worry, he has not made any unreasonable demands. I think he and his peers will be satisfied as long as I give them a good product.

...As for the latter, the recognition of such a skilled smith such as yourself is beyond honoring. And having your support on my endeavors as a smith is quite comforting, and I really appreciate it. I hope to live up to your expectations.

Finally, I have not discussed this with Aileen yet. But now that I've talked about it, I might as well get to it before she finds out from someone else.

Best regards,

Letter Type: Love

Sender: Ryan Kylieth

Recipient: Aileen ( Elvario Elvario )

Canon Status: Sent in character, slid under her bedroom door one early morning

My dear Aileen

I know it might be silly to send you a letter when we live under the same roof, however, I'd like to always get you when you least expect it. I don't want you thinking that my love for you has gone away or something.

That goes double for the fact that lately I've been working extra hard at the forge to get all the new customers' orders done, but also the ones from my contract with the military. And these past days I've been doing so even more because I wanted to have a few days off.

Not only to rest, but to dedicate them to you!

I know it might be a big step up, but I want to take you out on a date in style. With the money I've been earning, I was thinking of going somewhere with you. Anywhere you want. Just say the word and we'll be on our way.

Also, Amika will help, but by the time you're reading this, I'll have breakfast ready for the two of us.

With all the love in the world,

Letter Type: Love

Sender: Arkham Koenig

Recipient: Rowan Thorn ( slifer37 slifer37 )

Canon Status: Sent in character, likely slipped into one of her pockets after their date

Dear Rowan

Sorry for doing this again. It's just that I feel like I should take every opportunity with you.

Anywho, I just wanted to let you know that I think you are a fantastic person. Kind and brave in equal measure. And that I really like your no-nonsense approach to the things you do in general. I also like how you do your hair, and that perfume you wore for our date was lovely. I'd love to be one of those knights that defends his damsel and her honor, but you clearly don't need that, let alone from someone weaker than you. That said, I'm going to work hard to one day reach you, so that we can walk in the same level. Hand in hand.

I might have said some of these things during our date, but some things are just worth repeating.

With love,

Letter Type: Survey reply

Sender: Arkham Koenig

Recipient: Regula Caelia ( Elvario Elvario )

Canon Status: Sent in character

Greetings, Lady Caelia

I hope this letter finds you well.

I'll keep it short since I'm sure your duties are very time consuming.

Yes, the blade you have crafted for me has been a great travel partner. It has seen opponents and felled them without much issue. I try to take care of it however I can, but I haven't seen any sign of serious decay or damage as of yet. And I don't worry, as I know the perfect place to get it back to top shape, should it be needed. That is, since you offered your valuable services.

Deeply grateful,

Arkham Koenig.
Letter Type: Nope

Sender: Arkham Koenig

Recipient: Zahrah Fiore ( Elvario Elvario )

Canon Status: Sent in character

I don't know how do you know so much about my past life, but it's creepy. Sincerely, it's something I'd rather forget now. I don't care about your weird references. Keep them away from me.

I mean it.
Type: Love Poem
Sender: Aileen
Recipient: Ryan Kylieth Valkan Valkan
Canon Status: Handed to him be a heavily blushing Aileen.
Anvil of Love,

The anvil rebounds the hammer's clang,
A song of metallurgy it sang,
A beat in rhythm with the master's hand,
The smith's own song to understand,

Forged in fire and in flame,
Now it's the artisan's hand to tame,
To become anew through careful craft,
Starting with a humble draft,

So too have my feelings, once starting small,
Grown to be the most masterful craft of all,
A love rebounding day by day,
Between you and me to form and stay,

Feelings rebounding,
Love resounding,
A flame inside,
To forge with pride,

Our future together like orichalcum strong,
To be unbroken, lasting ever-long,
As the hammer is raining down from above,
To forge our future on the anvil of love.

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