• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Graded [Frontier] The AMAZE-ing Adventurer’s trial


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

  • OoC Info
    This roleplay takes place in the world of Isekai Hell! For more information involving the community click here! This roleplay will be kept on a seven-day posting schedule and update every Wednesday MST time. I’ll try my best to keep this rp within 2 months length.

    Will loosely be using the Advanced Rules to teach The new players basic combat rules.

    Albert: Alvareezy Alvareezy
    Hunter Asphalt: DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57

    Universal goals:
    Clear the maze and figure out the puzzles.

    (If these characters have any goal in particular don’t be afraid to shoot a dm to me so I can add it)

    Note for graders: Solaris is a NPC due to scooping.

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Strolling along, Albert casually observed the celestial wonders of this unfamiliar world, his gaze split between the captivating sky and the path ahead. The twin moons, one green and the other pink, cast an enchanting glow, guiding his way through the night.

Though not particularly thrilled about the adventurer guild's chosen meeting time, Albert didn't want to fuss over details when it came to selecting quests. After all, he had left his fate to chance, randomly picking this particular mission. It promised something different, a maze of puzzles instead of the usual monster-slaying or rescue missions. It felt like stepping into a game, but Albert knew better than to underestimate any challenge.

Approaching a trio of fellow adventurers, Albert greeted them with a casual wave. "Hey there, fellow adventurers, perhaps?" he inquired with curiosity. It was clear to him that they weren't out for a leisurely stroll at this hour. "The more, the merrier," he mused to himself, unfazed by the prospect of joining forces with strangers.

"I'm Albert, from Ryke. I'm here for the maze," he announced, producing the request from the adventurers guild and offering it for their inspection. "Are you guys here for the same thing?" The group before him seemed potentially diverse and colorful, potentially interesting companions for his first official party.
Hunter Asphalt
Each day had been normal for hunter asphalt. Get to work, work, pay the bills. It sucked but that was his life. As a child, he had imagined adults as monster slaying, dragon killing knights. Now he was just a nervous guy that struggled to pay his bills and wished for an adventure, even though he knew he would probably freeze in fear. For a while he was scared to go near the guild, let alone the bulletin board. A quest? What if there were monsters and he got his arm blown off by a dragon? Gosh no! He already had enough adventure here at work.

But sometimes his mind would wander off and he would dream. Dream of amazing adventures, Saving a princess, Slaying the dragon. And after a pay raise, the dream started to become more and more reachable.he could even afford a better hammer than that crappy old thing he had used for years! Hunter had stopped by the adventurers guild one day, taking a look at the board “A Maze? That seems easy enough to start with. Unless there are bugs.. Or monsters!” He shuddered and held his backpack. He should probably be getting to work now, but he told himself he’d look at it after work.

That had been a couple days ago. Now he was walking in the dark, hoping he would meet some strangers. He gripped his hammer tightly and felt his callouses rub against the handle. Finally he reached an area where the moon seemed to glow like a nightlight, yet make the area so much darker at the same time. The people seemed to loom over him in all directions. First impressios would be crucial. “U-Uh, i hope I’m not late.” He rubbed his arm a bit and turned around, recognizing only the fae’s pointy ears in the dimly lit situation.
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Rowan Thorn
Rowan strolled through the night, her posture straight, with an ease of a tiger- the false easiness of it full of tension, not revealing the fact that if someone attacked her, she wouldn't roll over and take it, but would fight back. Rowan had answered the job offering, although she wasn't much of an artisan for one very specific reason- these jobs tended to have high pain rates, sometimes even becoming jobs that killed people. So she would let the others do their work, and she would make sure everyone got out alive.
That, and the fact that working gave money that could be exchanged for goods and services, which would allow her to maintain her current living situation.

The Fae, if reputation had proceeded her from the failed mission against the Eastern Empire, might know of her title as a See Inquisitor, which might change their opinion of her, considering she had been extremely helpful in keeping everyone alive during...all of that. Or not. Either way, she would join the other two, catching the person paying them saying they would be in a maze.

She didn't look twice at Solaris, but mainly because she didn't exactly care about her being an "abomination," which unless genetic experimentation had been done on her, seemed like a term that came from someone ignorant.

The thought of a maze made her sigh heavily, as these people made it sound so easy. Which it wouldn't be. She had a feeling it wouldn't be that easy. "Just go in and act as if there will be bugs and monsters behind every door. That's how we'll stay alive." Rowan replied, coming up to approach the group. "My name is Rowan." She would then introduce herself, before falling silent.

  • OoC Info

    The group is told what to expect while Alexander, Marco and Solaris introduce themselves. This is the last post in which any more characters can show up.

    Will loosely be using the Advanced Rules to teach The new players basic combat rules.

    Albert: Alvareezy Alvareezy
    Hunter Asphalt: DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57
    Rowan Thorn: slifer37 slifer37 (goal: Find cool items/property)
    Sar: Gears Gears (goals: eat food, make friends)

    Universal goals:
    Clear the maze and figure out the puzzles.

    (If these characters have any goal in particular don’t be afraid to shoot a dm to me so I can add it)

And Solaris wouldn't be very far off the mark with her assumption as a certain draconian was running late to what was supposed to be the meetup time that the guild put out. This was supposed to be his first quest in quite a while and he'd be damned that he made a bad first impression on the people that he would be entrusting his life onto and vice versa as he rushed onto the scene and luckily for him it seemed that the group that was taking on the quest hadn't departed yet.

"Apologies for the delay, I got held up by a couple things here and there but I'm here at last! My name is Maxwell and its nice to meet all of you for today's quest! From my understanding it should be a simple trip through a maze while cutting through any monsters that get in our way. I guess there are supposed to be some puzzles too that we're supposed to solve but I doubt they'll be as dangerous as anything else within the maze."

He would declare with confidence despite his tardiness as he casted a quick gaze over his group of future companions for this quest. They seemed decently competent in his eyes at least so there wasn't much of a needed to get overbearing about their safety when they probably had that figured out already. Still though he wasn't one to slack off on looking out for his companions for as long as they fought by his side while sharing the same goals at the end of the day.
Hunter Asphalt
He squeaked as the wall opened and he jumped. His face turned a hot red and he prayed that they weren’t looking at him. It was always a bit nice to meet another fae, though he didn‘t know much about the see so most conversations were abrupt. “H-Hi. Im hunter and i don’t really like crowds. Or bugs. or most things reallyHis voiced went to a small mumble at the last sentence. He was a grown man, He shouldn’t be this afraid for Zeus’s sake! And yet he felt his legs betray him and shake, his voice shake and stutter at every sentence. He didn’t know why he was afraid. He hated this feeling of Powerlessness. Of being so weak and unable to do anything. He looked down at the ground in a pitiful attempt not to embarrass himself any further.
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Sar hefted her battle axe over her shoulder, staring at the maze. Her former master had often made her participate in tests using paper versions, and after the first few failed attempts she had simply eaten the parchment.

“Are the bugs poisonous by chance- I hate getting poisoned, food shouldn’t hurt you after you just killed it fair and square.”

Sar patted the cowering Fae. “It’s okay, as long as you don’t steal my share of the food I will keep you safe- and I only eat friends and intelligent creatures in emergency situations.”
Hunter Asphalt
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He looked up to see the very tall slime woman patting his shoulder and smiled nervously. “T-Thanks?” He really appreciated the effort anyways, although now there was slime in his hair. He didn’t mind, it felt nice.

  • OoC Info

    Characters go inside the maze and meet their first puzzle. No enemies as of yet.

    Note 1: Players are no longer able to join as we are in the maze.

    Note 2: Albert and Rowan are assumed to be with the group

    Albert: Alvareezy Alvareezy
    Hunter Asphalt: DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57
    Rowan Thorn: slifer37 slifer37 (goal: Find cool items/property)
    Sar: Gears Gears (goals: eat food, make friends)
    Maxwell: dreadnought dreadnought
    Universal goals:
    Clear the maze and figure out the puzzles.

    (If these characters have any goal in particular don’t be afraid to shoot a dm to me so I can add it)

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Hunter Asphalt

omigoshwe’reallgonnadieimtooyoungforthisimsorry” His legs were shaking as he looked around the cramped room with his hammer i a defensive position in front of him. He could hear the growling and scratching ”W-We probably need to do something or make something w-with t-the materials, L-Looking at the hammer symbol on the wall. W-When T-That timer goes off, That wall will open and r-release whatever is inside” His stuttering cleared up a bit at the end. This wasn’t fighting, He could do something! This was probably just a simple craft right? “Maybe.. Maybe we need to make a hammer?”


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Sar stared at the symbols and numbers for a moment, a contemplative look on her face before she spoke.

“Nope- still can’t read, how long do we have before something comes to kill us?”

SAR got bored of all the talk and started placing the wood and stone on the scale in random combinations- she didn’t understand the puzzle- but you could brute force it right? She responded, not still playing with the scales to try and find anything odd with it.

“But you already have a hammer- Though my axe is way better.”
"Well I can't say much myself on what we're supposed to make but what I do know is that we'll have to brace ourselves for whatever's about to come next. If none of us can come up with anything before that timer's over then it'd be better to use whatever remaining time we have to properly arm ourselves against whatever's making all that noise beyond the door. If I were to make a guess on what we need to do though then it probably involves those scales and perhaps balancing something."

Maxwell tried his best to reassure Asphalt along with anyone else who was getting shook by the ever intensifying pressure the timer was putting on them as he brought out his halberd in preparation of the oncoming fight ahead. He knew that this place wasn't going to be as easy to deal with as taking a leisurely stroll at the park but it certainly didn't seem that it was pulling its punches either as the timer continued to tick down on them all. Still though, such pressure wouldn't make him falter that easily as he took a stand near the front of the door ready to face whatever came out of it while making sure that the others wouldn't get caught up in the fight in the process.
Players and Goals:
Alvareezy Alvareezy Albert: clear the maze
DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Hunter Asphalt: clear the maze
slifer37 slifer37 Rowan Thorn: Find cool items/property clear the maze
Gears Gears Sar: Make Friends, Eat Food clear the maze
dreadnought dreadnought Maxwell: clear the maze

Other information:

Ps:I changed the code to make this easier sorry if it’s a tad jarring ;-;

Note: Between now and June 1st I’ll be working on moving. I’ll be doing my best to keep this schedule on track, however do not be surprised if I am late or early by a day or two some rounds.

Now to prevent confusion I have colorized the NPCs names and Dialog. For reference:


Alexander looked around with a displeased expression on his face. “Come on! Are there not any Artisans among our group?” The human groaned. “I thought we specified in the guild request we needed Artisans and fighters!” Whilst the noises on the other hand proceeded to become an ear-piercing tempo. A cacophony of a horrendous mesh consisting of chirping, clawing, and scratching noises sharp enough to make a person’s ears feel like they are bleeding. “If we have an artisan it would do well to speak up now-" Marco patted Alexander on the shoulder." On it!" Marco shouted before rushing around the chamber gathering a heap of Travertine stone and Mahogany wood. He sat down on the dirt floor and began to grab some tools from his bag, attempting to tear and shape the Tavertine. As he worked, Marco said, "Well! Prepare to fight! If any of you have any [Artisan] skills, please help me with this! The noises on the other side do not sound good!" Meanwhile, all Solaris could do was stare at the wall, and the Justice weight. The timer, as the numbers ticked down, only did so at a swifter…faster pace. It especially gained speed as the timer hit the 30-second mark. The justice scale would proceed to shatter almost as if it was made out of glass whilst the time ticked to zero. With a blinking ‘0:00’ was left on the wall. When the numbers began to blink, the sounds of gears and cogs moving joined the monsters, joining the disturbing cacophony of noise that echoed through the small room. Then the image of the small hammer on the round began to turn clockwise, a red light beginning to form around it as it turned at a painfully slow rate. It would turn into two full circles twice before a light at the center of the circle shot up. Beneath the circle another light shot down, and then the stone wall began to part. Alexander would hold up his sword, preparing for a fight. "Screw the puzzle you elf! Time is up, and it does not sound great!" Out came a sharp tarsal claw. More chirping came from the creature. It then made an appearance of a bug. Specifically, that of a beetle that stood straight up on it's two back legs. Its body was pure black with large neon green compound eyes. It's height was taller than that of Maxwell, standing at 8ft tall. Solaris looked at it and held up her right paw. Placing her left paw under her catalyst, preparing a spell. "Human sized, the reports said. This is not the height of any human I've ever seen." The orange butterfly necklace around her neck began to glow as she murmured an incantation. It would, however, be incomplete as the giant insect would jump at her, causing her to leap backwards. Whatever spell she had intended to cast fizzled out. Meanwhile, Marco took out a flute, the fae beginning to play it. It might take a minute, but it would become clear he was creating a distraction. Which would work somewhat. IMG_0199.gif
As the result of the music was the attention of the giant beetle that attacked Solaris, engaging in a fight with Marco. Although Marco's music would seem to only attract more attention, Alexander would pull out his sword and then go attack on the beetles. A total of four came out. Two of them attempted to attack Sar and Maxwell. One would jump on Sar. Attempting to bite her with [Beetle Bite [E] ] the other would mimic its kin when attempting to attack Maxwell. [Beetle Bite [E]], The two were the biggest of the bunch, both 10ft tall and had a considerably different coloration compared to the other mutant insects. They would both crowd Hunter and attempt to attack him with [Beetle Bite [D] Alexander would proceed to try to get involved, noticing these two seemed stronger than the others, proceeding to attempt an attack from behind. A new timer would tick on the ceiling as the air proceeded to get colder. A 5:00 timer appeared on the roof. Slowly ticking away, the mechanical noises disappeared as the numbers in blue began to tick down...

And that Brings us to our First Lesson in [Advanced Combat]

As we dive into the first lesson let’s start with the basics.which includes How to calculate effectiveness, How to calculate HP and how to counter attack.

First I’ll show you what each grade equals to. (This is important):

F Grade = 1
E Grade = 2
D Grade = 3
C Grade = 4
B Grade = 5
A Grade = 6

This is what we’ll call the effectiveness table. Each grade as shown on the list provides each number of effectiveness. This table also applies to HP.

HP without Armor is calculated by character grade. Which is particularly straight forward F grade characters have 1 HP, E grades have 2 HP and so On. Another way for more hp is armor which much like weapons have a stat they scale off of.

Heavy Armor scales off of Vitality
Light Armor Scales off of Speed

Speed E + Light Armor F = 3 HP

Now we calculate Effectiveness for an attack. It’s a fairly simple Formula:

Grade of weapon + Grade of Stat associated with action/weapon + Grade of ability used for action = base effectiveness

D Grade Catalyst + 3 Effectiveness + C grade Intelligence +4 Effectiveness + D grade Ability + 3 effectiveness = overall 10 effectiveness.

In order to successfully counter attack you’ll need to beat the enemies BE (Base Effectiveness). In any combat round Characters are limited to 3 actions (which must be listed at the bottom of the post as the following)

Action 1:
Action 2:
Action 3:

And on that list out what they are in each order. Any character without the fast skill runs 30ft by default.

There will be 1 post per combat round. And the outcome is decided by the narrator so please leave what the character does as ‘attempts’.

Let’s see what’cha characters got! Combat has commenced!

I’m sorry! I’M SORRY!” He shouted at no one in particular and swung his hammer in front of him too a defensive place. Tears were streaming out of his eyes in a comical, but pretty sad fashion. A pink fire with purplish shades ignited on his hammer and with every single muscle in his body pulsing with pure adrenaline and ready to fire, He spun around and his eyes were shadowed over as he attempted to EVAPORATE The disgusting building sized cockroach.

Action 1: Cry

Action 2: Attempt to hit beetle with fighting style; 8 effectiveness
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Sar fell to the ground with a plop, the pieces the bug ate struggling to reform with the body as she hit the big with the edge of her axe, snarling as she tried to get to her feet, wishing she had a smaller weapon like a dagger.

“Hey, stop that- I’m supposed to be eating you stupid bug-thing.”
As the monters on the other side of the door were finally revealed to the group, Maxwell couldn't help but be surprised at their large size that easily dwarfed even him until he shook the shock away once he managed to remind himself of what was at stake here. As much as he wanted to help the others with their attackers, he had to deal with his own opponent first and foremost before anything else could be done or thought about so with his mind made up he focused his magic into his halberd before it started getting covered in stone. As the insect monster came upon him, he quickly swung his Halberd at its neck in an attempt to deal a devastating blow to it.

Action 1: Use Gaia Force to reinforce Halberd

Action 2: Attack the insect monster with his Halberd - effectiveness 5

Players and Goals:
Alvareezy Alvareezy Albert: clear the maze
DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Hunter Asphalt: clear the maze
slifer37 slifer37 Rowan Thorn: Find cool items/property clear the maze
Gears Gears Sar: Make Friends, Eat Food clear the maze
dreadnought dreadnought Maxwell: clear the maze

Other information:

good job you guys for getting a decent start!

Also Gears Gears please remember to list your combat actions like so!

Action 1:
Action 2:
Action 3:

And A additional note to remember: if Skills or Abilities are used. ALWAYS list them!

Now to prevent confusion I have colorized the NPCs names and Dialog. For reference:


Hunter’s attack would result in an exact tie of strength with the 10ft beetle that attacked him. It would be enough to push the mutant monstrosity back and the prevention of getting bit. However, the beetle still persisted. After catching itself, it will attempt to run back at Hunter, trying to attack him again [Beetle Bite [D]. Meanwhile, Sar’s attack was on the weaker side against her own aggressor. Her swing hardly did anything to the beetle’s head.. (:Note Sar’s attack was worth 3 base effectiveness) Sar would be lucky if Solaris found time to shoot a fireball at its shell. Resulting in a distraction as the beetle’s [Natural armor [F] breaks, leaving an opening for Sar to try another attack while the beetle is temporarily distracted. Meanwhile, Maxwell would find he was at a near tie with his own attacker. However, the spell itself had not been enough to push it back. It was barely enough to prevent him from being bitten. The beetle would be quick to attempt another [Beetle Bite [E]. Marco’s music would come to a silent with the ticking of the clock on the ceiling that was counting down from three now as two minutes, had passed. Whilst Alexander defeated one of the beetles, “Marco, You are a fae, aren’t you? Aren’t you supposed to know magic?!” “Already on it!” Marco would cast a spell of his own [Nature’s Defense [E] vines would sprout from the ground holding back the beetles that were attacking Maxwell and Sar for the moment. Although it was clear, it wouldn’t last long.

Second Lesson in [Advanced Combat]

Combo’s! Combos are combination that can allow to boost effectiveness calculations.

Player combat bonus.
When Two or more attack the same enemy this allows for a team combat bonus in the end result.

1. Team up bonus’s
May depend on the situation at play. But a basic example of how it works is this:
Two characters attack 1 enemy. Character 1 has a base effectiveness of 7 and character 2 has a base effectiveness of 5. Due to character 1’s base effectiveness being the highest between the two their effectiveness is the base of the bonus. Due to character Two’s contribution there is now +1 effectiveness added to the combination it is now a total of 8 effectiveness.

Important note is that this always depends on the situation and skills at hand. It is also important to know unlike regular combo’s actions do not stack. So no matter how many actions character 2 contributes there is only a +1 effectiveness

A single character can combo their own attacks…how does that work?

It is similar to a team up bonus. Only The strongest action (Or first action in cases of defense) is what the base will be. The other actions (up to 2) may contribute to a bonus. Actions do stack for combos.

Rowan Thorn

Rowan lagged behind the group, catching up just as the group decided to attack the beetle, mainly because she had a bunch of abilities, but was extremely slow. . To her, it was a good showing on their part, as they were doing their best to defeat their enemies. Sure, she could sit there and watch, but she should help them. Not doing like supremely good help, invalidating what they were doing, but doing some shielding could help them act without needing to be on guard in case of attacks.

So she sent out a barrier on herself and the three in her care, not giving a supremely powerful barrier, but one that wouldn't just disappear when someone looked at it funny. So she cast a D grade little barrier on all of them, which after years of modifying them, made them useable in battle.

  • Personal Wall Barrier/Dome- C Magic, Barrier, C selective, Range D, Energize D, Duration D, Targets D, AOE E, Control Environment F -B Grade (In this scenario, it is set to D grade, with the stats adjusting to fit the D grade casting.
2. Step out of the way ( like 30 feet or so) so she could watch the group without being in the way.
Hunter jumped back and felt a magical aura encase him. He wasn't about to question where it came from, and that beetle looked like it was coming pretty fast. He bashed his hammer against the beetle's mandibles and tried to sweep its feet under with a glowing pink light emanating from his hammer, before aiming his hammer at the beetle's head. It seemed that the head could be a weak spot. I mean, it was for most animals. So he aimed at where its throat was or should be.

Action 1: attempt to bash hammer against beetle mandibles +1 effectiveness

Action 2: try to Sweep under the beetle's feet with hammer +1 effectiveness

Action 2: Attempt to hit beetle with fighting style; 8 effectiveness

Total: 10 Effectiveness
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Despite his best efforts, Maxwell found himself nearly getting chomped by the oversized insect that was eager to tear into him. Seeing as this clash wasn't getting him anywhere, he attempted to back pedal a little in order to free his halberd from the beetle before noticing that a magical barrier was starting to cover his entire body. While he was curious about its exact origins, he didn't exactly have the time to be doing such a thing while locked in combat so he merely assumed that it was a result of one of his allies helping him as he got to fending off his insectoid opponent once more. He swung at the insect once again with his halberd, this time opting to swing down on the beetle's head before following up his initial attack with two quick thrusts with the pike end of the halberd aimed towards the beetle's throat.

Action 1: Strike the beetle's head using fighting style - effectiveness 5

Action 2: Thrust at the beetle's throat - effectiveness 1

Action 3: Thrust at the beetle's throat - effectiveness 1

Total effectiveness: 7

Players and Goals:
Alvareezy Alvareezy Albert: clear the maze
DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Hunter Asphalt: clear the maze
slifer37 slifer37 Rowan Thorn: Find cool items/property clear the maze
Gears Gears Sar: Make Friends, Eat Food clear the maze
dreadnought dreadnought Maxwell: clear the maze

Other information:

And we are onto the next puzzle I tried to make this one easier then the last one XD

Now to prevent confusion I have colorized the NPCs names and Dialog. For reference:


Rowan’s Barrier would prove to work in the manner that it kept Sar safe from the attack after strangely enough not using a counter-attack against the Beetle. The barrier effectively prevents the Beetle’s last attack. It will attempt to attack again, with the barrier managing to continue in defense against it. Meanwhile, Hunter’s attack against the Beetle would do more than bash its Mandibles. The overall attack would result in the Beetle’s head being smashed in Beetle's brain at the end of Hunter’s hammer. On Maxwell’s end his hits would provide just enough to crush the mutant beetle's throat, resulting in it’s defeat neither Maxwell or Hunter would be harmed by the beetles. Last was to deal with the Beetle that was attacking Sar. As the beetle aggressively tried to break past the barrier, Alexander swung in and would further assault the beetle with his sword [Fighting Style- Slasher [D] ] just in time as Marco’s vines crippled up and died which would have released the beetle had Marco not Slashed into it’s shell by that time. With all the beetles dead on the ground with various injuries and a strange slimey green goop coating the floor beneath them a beeping noise went off as the timer on the roof of the room ended. On the left side of the image of the hammer that was on the wall, it began to spin like it did before this time, but it spun counter-clockwise with blue energy instead of red. The noises of gears and mechanics would sound throughout the room as another door appeared on it’s left side, opening instead of splitting open like the other door had with a loud, creek. “Follow, behind me.” Alexander said as Solaris went to make sure the others hadn’t received any injuries, luckily they had not. But had many close calls. Following Alexander was Marco and Solaris down a strange corridor with a sandy floor. The walls on the roof were a blue color, as beautiful as they were clearly made out of that stone: Apatite. The corridor would lead the group towards a room more lively than the last. If it hadn’t been for the walls and roof made out of Apatite stone, it could have been mistaken as a place outside the maze. With a running waterfall cascading down the wall into a makeshift pond of water that had harmless fish swishing around in it like goldfish, koi fish, angel fish, guppies and more that had allgae growing at the bottom of it. The ground itself, while still made of dirt, had grass and various flowers like daffodils, dandelions, roses and tulips. There was a tree in the left corner of the room, upon further expectation. And the next puzzle was laid upon them. On the walls where metal sticks that came out circling from the water fall to the left side of the room and a tiny hole in the wall. On the ground next to the pond was a pile of hollow bamboo that was cut in halves that seemed like a perfect fit for them. Solaris examined the bamboo pipes while Marco examined the whole of the wall. Alexander was ready to defend in the worst-case scenario, because in the room there was no magic timer to be seen. Solaris would pick up one of the bamboo pieces and walk over to the hole. She stuck it in. “It can’t be that straight forward can it?” She asked Marco, replying. “Probably not. But it does seem clear we need to figure out a water system of some sort.”

Lesson Three[Advanced Combat]
now onto Lesson three: Barriers

Barriers are a skill that besides armor and shields aids in the use of defenses. The form it takes and aoe it effects and what it does effect depends on the skills it is combined with in an ability.

In order to defend more then the caster it must be heavily modified into an ability.

When used in combat alone it is calculated by

Vitality + Armor + Barrier = HP of barrier

When used out of combat it is more like a wall. (Standard) And calculated by=

Intelligence + Catalyst + Barrier

Due to how Rowan’s barrier was specified in use here the Barrier’s HP was = 10


Cooldowns are durations in which a grade of ability or skill cannot be used. F grade stuff does not have cool downs. Cool downs are also how many posts you go without using same grade of those abilities or skills until duration of posts needed for CD to end is completed. Cool down template:

F = 0 post CD
E = 1 post CD
D = 2 post CD
C = 3 post CD
B = 4 post CD
A = 5 post CD
S = 6 post CD

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"My first kill!" he honestly didn't know how to feel about it, but a refreshing smile fell on his face anyway and he decided to feel proud. He stepped into the next room and noticed there wasn't a timer this time. The strange slimey substance covered his boots and he was afraid he would slip or something. He saw the bamboo pipes and a thought came into his head. "What if we need to get the fish from the water to the hole?" he picked up a rose and put it in his hair. it would make a nice spot for now.
As his Halberd finally crushed the beetle's throat into smithereens, Maxwell finally managed to spare a good glance over the rest of the ongoing fight that his companions seemed to be handling well enough to the point that he was happy to leave them to their own devices as they slain beetle after beetle. Once the remaining beetles were dealt with, Maxwell's attention was drawn to the sudden beeping noise that came from the previously ticked down timer that became active once more. Luckily this time though there was no monster there to ambush them all but instead the group was promptly greeted to the sight of waterfalls and green pastures after going down the newly opened corridor much to Maxwell's surprise.

"To think that such a sight was hidden away from us all this time without any of us being the wiser. If I didn't know any better than I would have thought that we ended up wandering out of the maze but those walls say otherwise. As for what to do with the bamboo and rod both of those ideas sound pretty reasonable enough although I can't help but wonder whether we'll end up getting attacked again by a horde of monsters if we get things wrong here or worse even!"
Players and Goals:
Alvareezy Alvareezy Albert: clear the maze
DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Hunter Asphalt: clear the maze
slifer37 slifer37 Rowan Thorn: Find cool items/property clear the maze
Gears Gears Sar: Make Friends, Eat Food clear the maze
dreadnought dreadnought Maxwell: clear the maze

Other information:

The Last post concluded advanced rules training. You all did well!

Note: Combat is out of effect! Feel free to have your characters chat to one another and post as many times as you can within the round (if you wanna). Just make sure not to post back to make (I.E the same person posting after they just posted)

Now to prevent confusion I have colorized the NPCs names and Dialog. For reference:


“I don’t think that’s the case.” Marco replied to Hunter. “Unless the hypothetical pressure plate can handle the weight of the fish, which I assume there is one, the other side of the hole, if we do in fact need to make a water system of some sort. We also need to consider the part where these rooms seem to provide what is needed to figure out the puzzles, so if the fish are a key to the puzzle I don’t think it’s getting them through the hole. I doubt any of use have any animal taming skills nor items to trick the fish into swimming into some bamboo pipes”. He said as he picked up some bamboo, placing a half or two on the metal rods protruding from the wall, attempting to line them up. “Any ideas then Marco?” Alexander asks. Though his eyes still darted around the room on guard. He mentioned to Maxwell Bluntly “don't jinx us damn it! If we do, then You are helping kill more monster beetles!” Solaris had been examining the semi-reflective Apatite stone. Touching the wall, she noticed small specks of flower petals. The closer she got she was able to smell a strong scent of lavender. Solaris relays this to the others. “If we get attacked it won’t be bugs…these walls seem to have…lavender? Infused into them. Which may work as a deterrent.” Taking that into account Marco mentions. “Strange beetles aren’t normally predators unless they are a specific breed. Most of the time they are herbivores…” Alexander spoke up, beginning to roam around finally. Seeming like he was trying to find a hidden door. “Yet I am convinced they were trying to eat us. If Lavender Deters them…” Marco says. “Then the fish might be important, but the question is how? I can’t imagine a randomly protected room would be a thing here.”


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