• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Iron & Lightning // Grishaverse & Gangs RP // CS (adv.)



are you laughing at my brother?
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
A few ground rules before we get started:
- This is an advanced RP, so 3+ paragraphs per post, please! English does not have to be your first language, but please use correct grammar and spellings if you can. If I feel that not enough overall effort was put into the character sheet, I reserve the right to reject it, but I will first make suggestions.
- Stay away from canon characters, please! As much as we all love Kaz and Nikolai, OCs only for this AU universe RP.
- Please post on the RP thread at least once every two weeks. Don't make me have to hunt you down for a reply. Three infractions of this rule will result in dismissal from the RP, though penalties will not apply to other RPers who are held up waiting for the offender’s reply.
- Realistic faceclaims only for all characters! No anime or drawings.
- Please note that this is a gritty and mature nineteenth-century RP, and as such certain prejudices may be encountered in the RP. Like hell, the Druskelle are basically professional witch hunters. However, no OOC bullying or bigotry will be tolerated.
- I know the CS is long, so feel free to stick your WIPs here until you can get around to completing them! At the same time, please note that any and all reservations will only be upheld for 72 hours, so please have the form completed by then.

The Dregs {3/5}
- Indira Chadha
- Kit Faughn
- Zosime Amahle

The Dime Lions {2/5}
- Feroze Blohm
- Sebastian Cai

The Black Tips {2/5}
- Femke de Ruyter
- Willem Kortenaer

The Razorgulls {3/5}
- Nika Kozlov
- Mireli Enache
- Valeria Nyhus

Other Characters {1/∞}
- Benhamin Vudkulac (bounty hunter)

The Grisha {5/5} (Note: Grisha can all be members of one of the aforementioned gangs; these categories are not mutually exclusive)
- Indira Chadha (Squaller)
- Kit Faughn (Heartrender)
- Nika Kozlov (Alkemi)
- Mireli Enache (Heartrender)
- Femke de Ruyter (Healer)

Full Name:
Name Meaning:
Nicknames: (include any code names here)

Nationality: (Ravkan, Fjerdan, Zemeni, Kerch, Shu Han, Kaelish, or Suli)
Allegiance: (which gang is your charrie loyal to, if any?)
Occupation: (their specific job or role in the gang or otherwise)
Grisha Order: (leave blank if non-applicable; not all characters will be Grisha)
Skills and Weaponry: (or any profitable abilities)

Height & Weight:
Body Modifications:
Physical Disabilities:

Positive Traits:
Negative Traits:
MBTI Type:
Hogwarts House:
Moral Alignment:

Mental Disorders:


Relationship Status:
Past Partners:
Dominant or Submissive:

- as many as you’d like
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Full Name: Nikita Kozlov
Name Meaning:
Nikita is a Russian name meaning “unconquerable.”
Kozlov is a Russian surname derived from the word for “goat.”
Nicknames: Prefers to go by Nika, if not just his surname. Hearing Nikita in its fullness makes him feel intensely uncomfortable. When doing his more secretive work for the Razorgulls, he is referred to as Arsène.
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen years
Birthday: November 13th

Nationality: Ravkan (half Kerch)
Allegiance: Razorgulls
Occupation: In an official capacity, Nika serves as the boss's personal coachman and chauffeur; he is of mid-to-low rank in the Razorgulls' hierarchy and is also commonly designated as the getaway driver on heists. However, he has a second, more secretive role that few know of, which involves producing jurda.
Grisha Order: Materialnik; Alkemi. Nika is known to be a Grisha only by a select few individuals higher than himself in the Razorgulls’ chain of command. His discreet ability to manipulate chemicals has proven very lucrative for his gang, employed for the purpose of creating narcotics en masse such as jurda. Time and time again, Nika has expressed wishes for his Grisha ability to be utilized as a medic, as he has an extensive knowledge of substances and herbs, yet his superiors have rejected his requests, and Nika has no choice but to follow their orders for fear that he will be sold into slavery if he refuses to cooperate.
Skills and Weaponry: If it’s just a rumble between gangs or a duel without lethal intent, Nika will opt to use his leather gloves, which simultaneously pack a punch and protect his fingers from breakage. He prefers hand-to-hand fighting more than anything due to his knowledge of the human body and how to best strike its weaknesses. Although Nika is morally opposed to killing, if he is in a situation where his life is in jeopardy, he will use a
special set of gloves with razor-sharp claws jutting out, which he discreetly coats in poison via his Alkemi abilities. Furthermore, another prominent skill of Nika's is horsemanship and riding, as his interest in medicine first occurred when he was working as a farrier and took to healing horses. While not exactly a skill that would profit a gang, Nika also demonstrates talent for the culinary arts and can commonly be found cooking up old Ravkan recipes. For those who are curious, he is ambidextrous to a high degree.


Appearance: Nika has the physique of a young man who was intended to be overlooked by the gods. Sure, he's vaguely handsome, with high cheekbones and a steady gaze, but more often than not, other people pass over him as if he were wallpaper. Not that Nika can complain, of course, as this aspect of his appearance has served him more often than it's failed him. What with his unassuming demeanor, he's generally the last person anyone would suspect of anything clever or clandestine. His skin has a bland pallor to it that is particularly well-suited to the haze of coal smoke hanging over Ketterdam; although, too much sunlight will turn him as red as a lobster, and not even the city's pollution will save him in the summer months. Nika is thin, but due to his secretive value to the Razorgulls, he is not skinny like some of his less-favored brothers-in-arms.
Nika's face shape most resembles a diamond, with a narrow forehead further obscured by the hair hanging across it, then briefly widening where his zygomatics flare out, before tapering into a noticeable point at his chin. His hair forms a circle around his scalp, straight and baby fine as it frames his face, easily mussed by the wind. It is the pale brown of a tortilla roll, glinting with golden highlights when the sun hits it just right... which, in dreary Ketterdam, is a rare thing indeed. All of his features are narrow and somewhat uninviting: an unsmiling mouth, brows knit into a scowl, and a delicate nose that would be the first thing to break in a fight. His one redeeming quality is his eyes. When they are not suspicious slits, Nika's eyes are an alluring pine green, as deep as they are mysterious. His eyes are a quiet, confidential place, where one can confide secrets without fear of betrayal or judgment.
In a word, this young man's fashion sense can be described as problematic. Curiously enough, Nika dresses in the Barrel's hottest new fashions; silk and velvet suits and vests, typically of flashy colors. Yet he wears them carelessly, stuff that doesn't fit and doesn't match and is often torn along its edges, as if publicly announcing his disdain for fashion and society by extension.
Scent: Parchment, Ravkan spices, and pine
Height & Weight: 5'7" & 126 lbs.
Body Modifications: As is befitting of all members of the Razorgulls gang, Nika has the customary five birds in a V-formation tattooed on the inside of his left forearm. Additionally, he has two silver studs through his right eyebrow, one just above and one below. While not exactly a body modification, he also has a distinct birthmark on the back of his neck, pale and vaguely shaped like a star, though it's usually hidden by hair.
Physical Disabilities: Nika is far-sighted and needs reading glasses, otherwise his arm will be extended as far from his body as possible as he squints at the sheet of paper. Combined with the fact that his written Kerch isn't very good to begin with, he is essentially illiterate in the language when deprived of his reading glasses. Furthermore, he has some chronic pain in his right knee, a souvenir from a scuffle a few years back. Running or even standing on it for extended periods is uncomfortable for him.
Faceclaim: Charlie Heaton


Personality: Nika is, first and foremost, an individual. He makes decisions based on his values, and his perception of reality is surprisingly subjective. He is not someone easily impressed by external measures of wealth such as ambition, status, or success, and will consider the biggest high roller in the Barrel equal to someone whose favorite activity is taking their dog on walks, so long as they are both living on their own terms. What one accomplishes with one’s life isn’t so important to him as much as how they accomplish it. He has a very strong sense of identity, and he oftentimes doesn’t need a reason for doing things beyond the fact that he enjoys doing them. If Nika doesn’t have time to indulge in the hobbies and pastimes that he holds near and dear, he sees no reason for living. He has an unassuming demeanor and has learned to make do with what he has in life; he does not need wealth or fame to be happy.
Nika is very hands-on and enjoys living in the moment, frequently dismissing future consequences. As a romantic with a strong creative streak, he is obsessed with finding beauty in all things, both people and places. To him, beauty is meaning, and something doesn’t need a reason for existing beyond the fact that it brings beauty to its surroundings. For this reason, he is adventurous and intensely fond of exploring new environments without any sort of specific goal in mind. Nika likes learning as he goes, and rather than form a plan and stick to it, he has a knack for improvising on the spot. He likes trying new things and collecting novel experiences that expand his worldly knowledge.
For one so easy-going, Nika can be surprisingly temperamental. Oftentimes, he is endearingly sweet, yet when he has decided on a course of action he will not change his mind come hell or high water. He is stubborn, persistent, and prone to occasional bouts of self-righteousness that, when given the fact that he is part of a gang, make him seem terribly naïve. Nika is perfectly content being alone, and as such wants no one to infringe on his liberties. Despite his gentle demeanor, he possesses a strong anti-authority streak, and when he feels he’s been threatened, he will come back swinging. He is not easily angered, but once there he will frequently stew in it, because he feels most powerful in the grip of a strong emotion, even a negative one. When this happens, he needs to isolate in order to recharge and refocus on what matters to him. But the good side to all of this is that he has learned to be very independent, and when he does seek help from others, he never takes it for granted.
Unlike a lot of gangsters, Nika does not approach life in a very calculating manner. He often goes with the flow and lets the chips fall where they may, and for this reason has had his trust abused by more than one underhanded person. Nika is oddly selfish in that he is so focused on his own values that he neglects to consider that not everyone else is so honorable, and he will side with his own principles even when the greater good might be something else. Furthermore, he is scatterbrained and disorganized, and very much dislikes the Razorgulls’ rigid hierarchy. He is not good at being punctual or following a strict schedule or routine.
At the same time, however, Nika is very concerned with security and protecting that which is his. He is not innately a risk-taker and prefers to live life on the safe side, oftentimes seeing the ways that an idea could go wrong rather than potential rewards. But these anxieties extend to others beyond himself, and he usually finds himself naturally thrust into the role of the protector among his small circle of friends. He wants stability and guidance, and when he grows particularly attached to another individual, he will sometimes seek these things from the person themselves. Nika is naturally passionate and fiery about his beliefs, and these are feelings that he wants another person to inspire in him; he is oftentimes a bit of a romantic, and true love is something that he is willing to fight for. He feels much more comfortable in one-on-one conversations than in the midst of a large group, and he enjoys strengthening his bonds on individual levels. Intimacy and authenticity are of utmost importance to him.
Positive Traits: Upstanding, adventurous, creative, authentic, non-judgmental, quick-witted, passionate, knowledgeable, flexible, spontaneous, humble, gentle, sweet, considerate, inquisitive, friendly, loyal, open-minded, independent
Negative Traits: Self-righteous, pessimistic, volatile, afraid, angry, flighty, irresponsible, short-sighted, cautious, withdrawn, selfish, sensitive, indecisive, unpredictable, skittish, eccentric, stubborn, clingy
Hogwarts House: Ravenpuff
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good
Temperament: Melancholic-Sanguine


Likes: Nature, cooking and baking, piano music, people watching, adventures, procrastinating, horses, starry nights, newfallen snow, the colors white and green, learning about other cultures, the study of medicine, non-fiction books, singing, ice skating, chess, surprises, chaos and messes, jurda, kvas, pretzels, nuts, and other salty foods, hot chocolate, one-on-one conversations, rural environments, going to bed late and waking up late
Dislikes: Prejudice against Grisha and foreigners, most social norms, the narcotics trade, routine, having to plan ahead, walking on sand, fashion, threats to his sense of security, phoniness and inauthenticity, fiction books, philosophy, having to sit still, conflict and confrontations, small spaces, fire, spiders, caramel, non-chocolate sweets, coffee, big cities, the color pink, puppets, large parties, beer, talking about himself, dancing, politics, idealists, commitments, schedules, being rushed, waking up early
Habits: Speaks Kerch fluently but always butchers idioms; dressing in mismatched clothes; always chewing on something, usually jurda or pretzels; tugs at his lower lip or sways from side to side while thinking; whistles when idle; cooks or bakes in ridiculously large portions when under stress
Fears: Growing old and physical decline; enclosed spaces; uncontrolled fire; spiders; being sold as a Grisha slave; public speaking; crowds; puppets; commitments and being trapped
Hobbies: Stargazing, walking through nature, preparing and eating food, experimenting with new recipes, riding and caring for horses, observing people, playing piano, singing, making and taking jurda, medicinal research, ice skating, playing chess
Mental Disorders: PTSD, social anxiety, and a touch of Asperger’s, though the symptoms were more noticeable during his childhood.

— Raisa Kozlov // mother // age 46
— Sem Gerritsen // biological father and Merchant Councilman of Kerch // age 33
— Konstantin Kozlov // older half brother // deceased
— Kazimir Chernoff // younger half brother // age 11
— Oksana Chernoff // younger half sister // age 11
— Zakhar Chernoff // stepfather // deceased
— Esfir Fedorova // first cousin, once removed and reigning Ravkan queen // age 49
Nikita’s mother, Raisa Kozlov, was born in Os Alta to a family of extravagantly wealthy nobility, where she was seventeenth in line for the Ravkan throne. But that all changed when she fell in love with a Suli man from a traveling caravan. Unable to stand the thought of marrying the man whom her parents had selected for her when she was smitten with someone else, Raisa and Qadir made plans to elope and for her to join his caravan of traveling performers. However, her family’s spies caught on to her affair, and on the very night that Raisa was to rendezvous with Qadir and run away with him, he never showed. Soon after Raisa learned that he had been killed by assassins in an attempt to salvage Raisa’s engagement before the secret of her affair became public knowledge.
Enraged and horrified with what her parents had done, Raisa renounced her claim to the Ravkan throne and ran off on her own, only to find that Qadir had bestowed one final parting gift on her: She was pregnant with his child. But the streets of Ravka are not kind to homeless and unmarried girls, and after Raisa gave birth, she found she was in desperate need of more lucrative employment than bussing tables at a backstreet cafe. With limited options, Raisa resigned herself to a career in the brothels.
For the next nine years, Raisa maintained her job and raised her son, Konstantin, on her own. She would send Konstantin to the public bath house whenever she brought men back to the house, where he often encountered ridicule and discrimination on account of his Suli heritage. At school, the bullying escalated to the point that Konstantin once got into a physical altercation with another boy and broke his arm, which backfired when Raisa was of course fined for the cost of the injury.
Taking a page out of her son’s book, Raisa’s life changed again when she once stood up to a client who was abusing one of her coworkers at the brothel. The client was a well-dressed teenager and Kerch tourist, no less, who considered Ravkans an inferior people and was exerting his power fantasies on the unfortunate girl whom he had selected. However, Raisa, a senior and trusted worker of the brothel at this point, threw the Kerchling out herself for his misbehavior. In retaliation, the Kerch boy—whom Raisa would later learn was the son of a member of the powerful Merchant Council—waited until her shift ended, followed her part way home, and raped her in an alley.
Raisa found herself pregnant once again, and during the latter stages of her pregnancy, came to the conclusion that she was too old and disillusioned with the world to continue her job at the brothel, especially now that she had another baby on the way. She gave birth to a son whom she named Nikita. But the birth was not an easy one, and Raisa was confined to the hospital for several days afterward. It was during this time that she met another patient—a man a few years younger than herself, a Squaller in the Second Army who had been wounded in combat. He was charismatic and endlessly curious and always had a witty retort for any situation. Just like she had for Qadir so many years ago, Raisa fell hard and fast. She and Zakhar Chernoff had a whirlwind romance that resulted in their happy marriage within a year of their first encounter in the hospital. Together, they moved out to the small, secluded settlement of Sikursk, near the Sikurzoi mountain range and southeastern border of Ravka. Five years after Nikita’s birth, Raisa and Zakhar produced a set of twins, Kazimir and Oksana.
Nikita’s memories of Zakhar are all happy, yet few and far between. After all, Zakhar was still on active duty in the Second Army. Strangely enough, when they were born, neither Kazi nor Sana showed any indications of Grisha abilities, yet Nikita—the offspring of two alleged non-Grisha—took to it like a duck in water, creating all kinds of unfortunate household accidents with his powers during his toddler years. This created a unique bond between Nikita and Zakhar, who took a fatherly pride in mentoring Nikita in the basics of controlling his Grisha powers. But Zakhar was a man of many talents, and this wasn’t the only thing he taught Nikita. Through his step father, Nikita learned to ride a horse and stitch a wound and bake mouth-watering honey cake.
The family wasn’t rich, but neither were they poor by any means, and now that she did not have to constantly work, Raisa reacquainted herself with the piano and took up her favorite hobby as a girl—music. They were a happy family, with the exception of Konstantin, who was always jealous of Nikita for being Zakhar’s favorite.
But all good things must come to an end, and the Kozlov-Chernoff family was no exception. During what would become his final deployment, Zakhar was cornered by a battalion of six Druskelle, and because he was a clever man and something of a prodigy with his Squaller abilities, managed to eliminate the entire party of Druskelle before succumbing to his wounds. Livid at the deaths of one of his entire battalions on behalf of a singular cheeky and hopelessly outnumbered Grisha, a Druskelle general conducted an investigation into Zakhar’s background and discovered he had a Grisha son, who in a month or two was due to begin his training at the Little Palace.
Shortly thereafter, when a troop of Druskelle marched across the remote Ravkan countryside and arrived on Raisa’s doorstep, they demanded to be presented with Zakhar’s Grisha son. Raisa was distraught with grief after having already lost her husband and begged the Druskelle to take her instead, but the Druskelle were unwavering in their resolve. While Raisa was still hysterically trying to negotiate with them, Konstantin overheard the commotion and stepped out of the house. He claimed to be the heir to Zakhar’s legacy. Right then and there, in front of the family’s stable, Raisa watched as her eldest son was beheaded by a Druskelle officer’s blade. Konstantin was twenty-two at the time.
Long before, Raisa Kozlov ran away from the family who had arranged the murder of her first love. History has a knack for repeating itself, and twenty-three years later, on a night after his mother had drunk herself to sleep, Nikita Kozlov stole away from home under the cover of darkness. If asked why—though he never was—he would have justified his choice as a necessary one, as all the lives of his remaining family were at stake should the Druskelle ever discover that they had been lied to, and Zakhar’s Grisha son still lived after all. But really, at the heart of his decision was the fact that Konstantin would still be alive if not for Nikita, and by forsaking himself from his family, Nikita was punishing himself.
After that, the lone twelve-year-old boy snuck aboard wagon after ship after wagon, until he had left Ravka far behind. Nikita would have kept traveling, too, if not for the fact that his luck had finally run out and he was arrested in Ketterdam for sneaking aboard a traveling caravan without paying up. With the help of his Grisha powers, some quick thinking, and an inattentive cell block guard, Nikita was imprisoned for only three weeks before he managed to escape. But his time in Hellgate, as brief as it was, had scarred him, where he fought an army of venomous spiders as part of the Hellshow and narrowly emerged victorious. The spectacle hadn’t gone unnoticed, though. Once Nikita had made it back to Ketterdam with just the clothes on his back and no place to go, he was approached in a shadowy pub by a man with an ostentatious mustache and what appeared to be a chain of bones around his neck.
The man congratulated Nikita on his escape from Hellgate and informed him that he had been the one to pay off the guard to leave Nikita’s cell unlocked. He said that it wasn’t every day that a twelve-year-old volunteered to fight in the Hellshow and emerged with his life, and talent like Nikita’s could be useful. Very useful indeed, as the man had been told of Nikita’s Alkemi abilities by one of his contacts in the prison, and unless Nikita wished to be sold into slavery on the Kerch black market, he would accompany this man back to Razorgull territory.
The rest is history.


Sexuality: Bisexual, though he's never been intimate with males before.
Relationship Status: Currently single, but Nika is very much attracted to the idea of a monogamous romantic relationship.
Crush(es): Although he has no hope of her returning it, Nika would very likely develop a boyish infatuation for Kit Faughn; never mind that a relationship between members of two rival gangs is strictly forbidden.
Past Partners: He has experience with one serious past relationship, which fell apart partially because of Nika's long nights doing secret work for the Razorgulls, which he is unable to explain. Mireli Enache, another member of the Razorgulls, is recently his ex-girlfriend.
Turn-Ons: Intricate updos; blondes; arched eyebrows; crooked smiles; long legs; confident and fearless; good leadership skills; selfless and compassionate; pushes him outside his comfort zone; good sense of humor; appreciates music or nature; authentic; tells difficult truths
Turn-Offs: No curves (for women); square jaws; squinty eyes; fake smiles; bad hygiene; lots of makeup; aggressive and intimidating; tries to change or control him; dislikes music; prejudiced against Grisha or Ravkans; liars; sharing his secrets; arrogant; more competitive than cooperative; fakeness and hypocrisy; conformist
Dominant or Submissive: Dominant; Nika has been stepped on enough in his life that, for once, he enjoys the chance to be in control.

- Meltdown—Stromae
- City of Sin—Linus Young
- Down Boy—Yeah Yeah Yeahs
- Uragiri no Yuuyake—Theatre Brook
- Start a War—Klergy
- Iron—Woodkid
- I'm Gonna Do My Thing—Royal Deluxe
- Coastline—Hollow Coves
- Supercut—Lorde
- Flawless—Dorothy

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Full Name: Mireli Enache
Name Meaning: Mireli || meaning is "princess"
Enache || meaning "comforter"
Nicknames: Mireli is quite fond and proud of her name, often liking being called just that. A select few she allows to call her Mira, but she has to be quite partial to you for her to allow that to happen. At the brothel, she is referred to as the Lily of the Valley.
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birthday: September 13th

Nationality: Suli
Allegiance: Allegiance is a loose term for Mireli, but she is part of the Razorgulls merely because she owes them a debt
Occupation: Mireli plays several roles within the Razorgulls. First and foremost, she is a courtesan in one of the brothels they own. Due to her charismatic nature and, unbeknownst to anyone but herself, her Heartrender abilities makes her quite good at gathering gossip and information from clients. She also does well determining when someone is lying about something. Second, she is one of the dealers of the drugs the Razorgulls produce, especially jurda. Last, she recently has been pushed towards being a sort of assassin, though this is her least favorite job.
Grisha Order: Corporalki || Heartrender
So far Mireli has kept her Grisha abilities a secret from everyone around her, especially the Razorgulls. She fears how they would use her if they found out about her abilities, knowing it would be for far worse things than what she secretly uses them for now.
Skills and Weaponry: When it comes to weapons, Mireli isn’t exactly skilled in using many. She can wield a dagger to a point, having learned to defend herself over the years and having been taught how to assassinate a man with one, but her true weapon is her silver tongue. She’d rather sweet talk herself out of the situation as she knows she likely wouldn’t last long in a fight without revealing herself as a heartrender. If the situation were dire enough she absolutely would use her abilities, believing self preservation is much more important than dying.

Another thing she is surprisingly skilled at is her knowledge and use of poisons. When she was younger and still with her caravan her mother taught her much about the different plants they came across and explained their uses to her. This skill, unfortunately, she hasn’t been able to keep secret from the Razorgulls and they make use of it at times. On several occasions she has been used to administer a poison to a client that the Razorgulls needed dead. She’s never fond of doing this, but she doesn’t refuse either as she fears what that refusal would mean for herself.


Appearance: Mireli has a unique beauty to her that often catches others attention. Her skin is a soft tan color that would fall under the olive category. If she were to spend time in the sunshine her skin would tan even more than it is now living under the smokey haze of Ketterdam. Her physique is rather delicate. While she doesn’t look half-starved, she definitely doesn’t look like she eats a healthy amount. If you were to look close enough you’d notice that you could barely see her ribs, but upon first glance it wouldn’t be noticeable. She does have the perfect hourglass figure and she seems to always wear outfits to accentuate this.

Looking at her face you’ll notice she has full lips that are always a soft, rosey color. Her eyes are large, round, and slightly deep set. They’re a striking silver color that borders on blue and, while pretty to look at, if you look long enough you’ll see a sadness hiding behind them. Her face is round and framed by dark brown locks. Her hair falls to the middle of her back and she usually wears it rather straight, however naturally it’s very curly. She has a hard time managing the curls so she’s found ways to straighten it.

When it comes to her fashion sense she tends to wear the most colorful and popular styles of Ketterdam. She mostly wears dresses, but on rare occasions you’ll find her in some pants and a flowy top. Any of the small amount of money she ends up making she spends on dresses, jewelry, and beauty products. If she were to focus on saving her money she might actually be able to pay off her debt, but all those little bobbles are so pretty and just call her name.
Scent: Apples, vanilla bean, and sandalwood
Height & Weight: 5’2 & 100lbs
Body Modifications: The only modifications she’s ever had is to repair random scars here and there she’d either acquired before being sold or she acquired from an especially violent customer. She does also have the Razorgulls tattoo, though she was allowed to get hers on the back side of her left shoulder.
Physical Disabilities: Mireli actually has a bit of asthma and it tends to give her troubles if she overdoes it with physical activity or if the air quality is ESPECIALLY bad in Ketterdam that day.
Faceclaim: Yael Shelbia


Personality: In reality, Mireli is actually rather introverted. When she isn’t working she likes to stick to herself and avoid interacting with others if she can. She’d rather sit in a nice quiet area and read a book. This doesn’t mean she doesn’t know how to socialize. In fact, Mireli is very good at socializing and reading people. She knows how to flatter others and get them talking about themselves. She is a rather selfish person, though, and if it came down to saving herself or saving you she would choose herself. She’s worked at self preservation for so long now that it’s become something she values. Upon first meeting her you’d find she can be quite kind, though say something to upset her and that kindness is gone. Anger her enough and she’ll slowly find a way to ruin you and your name.

She has quite a bit of patience with things so angering her to the point she wants to destroy you actually takes a lot. When that happens you know you really screwed up. She has a natural curiosity and likes to learn all she can. It’s why she reads and collects so many books. She’s also been called nosey on more than one occasion. If she’s caught in a tight situation she won’t hesitate to make a decision. If it’s kill or be killed, Mireli is choosing to kill.

Mireli is quite intelligent and does well thinking up cunning plans, but she wouldn’t call herself a cunning mastermind. She does well at manipulating people and secretly takes pride in this skill. Her charm is something she’s honed over years of working in the brothel. Surprisingly enough she’s got a great sense of humor. On occasion she's actually known to make puns and will crack herself up with them. She has a confidence about her that often comes across as arrogant and she’s stubborn beyond belief. She doesn’t like being the “damsel in distress” and tries to be very independent, though this can get her in trouble at times. She doesn’t like asking for help.

Positive Traits:
Negative Traits:
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Temperament: Mireli has quite a bit of patience, but when she does snap her anger can be terrifying. It takes a lot of pushing to get her to that point, though. She’d rather sit off to the side and let things happen, then quietly plot your demise.


Warm days
Sweets of all sorts
Baked goods

People that chew with their mouths open
Cold weather
Her brother
Going without food

Eating too many sweets if given to her
Clean freak, if she's in her room she seems to constantly be cleaning something
Mindlessly braids and unbraids her hair if she has pieces down that day, it's soothing to her
Likes to try to take a walk every day if she can find time
Loves to drink tea
Likes to sit in the little nook by her window in her room and read books

Dying before she buys back her freedom
Large bodies of water, she swims very well but it's unsettling to her that she has no idea what's beneath those waters
Cockroaches, she has bad memories of them and they give her a creepy crawly feeling
Proving to actually be the monster she thinks she already is
Being buried alive
Never having a family again
Having others find out about her Grisha powers and using them to their benefit

Collecting books
Learning languages
Learning about plants and their uses
Picking and drying flowers
Collecting pretty dresses
Using her Heartrender abilities when she safely can

Mental Disorders: ADHD and depression, though she does well masking. She also has a touch of OCD.

Ylenia Enache || Mother || Presumed Alive
Christian Enache || Father || Presumed Alive
Dumitru Enache || Elder Brother || Presumed Alive
Nikolai Enache || Twin Brother || Deceased
Backstory: Mireli was born along with her twin brother into a small Suli caravan that traveled all over the place, performing in cities that would allow them. Her mother was thrilled to have given birth to twins, calling them her good luck charms and favoring them over her elder brother. Mireli was especially doted upon as she was the only daughter and a Grisha like her mother. This caused Dumitru, her elder brother, to be exceedingly jealous of the twins.

Childhood was full of happy memories with her father giving her pretty little bobbles from the different places they traveled and her mother teaching her everything she knew of how to control her Grisha gift and how to be a part of the caravan. She’d even begun teaching her how to read fortunes. Everything seemed perfect, but then she fell ill. Many in the caravan were worried she wasn’t going to survive, but after a month she finally began to improve. Her twin, Nikolai, on the other hand fell ill as well. Instead of improving like his sister he got worse and worse. His fate wouldn’t be the same as Mireli’s. At ten years old, the girl lost her twin and best friend. The loss was hard for all in the caravan, but especially for her and her mother.

Ylenia Enache fell into a deep depression. She stopped eating, socializing, and rarely ever came out of their wagon. Mireli tried desperately to help her mother feel better, bringing her flowers and all sorts of things, but nothing worked. Both her father and Dumitru began to resent Mireli. Then the day came that her elder brother did something unthinkable.

Dumitru had always been rather cruel to Mireli, having beat her on several occasions, but what he did now was beyond that. He stole Mireli away in the middle of the night and took her to some slave traders. He sold her into slavery for a small amount of Kruge. At ten years old Mireli had to watch her own family betray her. She sobbed and begged him to come back, to not do this, but he turned and left without looking back. That was the last time she’d ever seen her family.

She was put up for sale and watched as people bid on her, disgusted by all of them and terrified of what her fate would be. It was the Razorgulls that purchased her for one of the madams of their brothels. She shook and sobbed as they took her to her new home. So began her new life. At first she tried to resist things, acting out and being punished. It wasn’t until she hit her lowest point and broke that she changed her tune. She decided she would become the best damn courtesan in this brothel. She’d learn secrets from her clients and she’d sell them to the Razorgulls. She eventually caught the eye of the boss and she convinced him to allow her to work towards earning her freedom with the secrets she learned.


Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relationship Status: Single

Crush(es): While she wouldn't actually admit it and may not even really realize it, she still is crushing on Nika. She just doesn't know if she could ever forgive him for lying to her.

Past Partners: Far too many, but when it comes to serious relationships she's only ever had one and that was with Nika Kozlov. That relationship ended fairly recently and fairly poorly in her eyes.

Good sense of humor
Genuine smiles
Genuine compliments
Unexpected gifts, especially if their sweets
Being hugged from behind
When someone plays with her hair
Holding hands
Forehead kisses
Witty banter
Unique looking eyes
Perfectly messy hair

Bad breath
Being interrupted while speaking
Judgmental people
No sense of humor
People that flake out on plans
Lack of empathy

Dominant or Submissive: Over the years she’s learned to be both, but if she were to be honest with herself she'd admit to enjoy being more submissive.

- She's An Actor - Austin Giorgio
- Am I Supposed to Apologize? - Maria Mena
- Holding Back My Tongue - Camellia Pink
- Puppet Master - Inbar Lavi | Lucifer's Eve
- Dirty Hands (Gone Mad) - Kendra Dantes
- Tiger Blood - Lynn
- Save Me - McKenna Breinholt

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  • Femke de Ruyter
    The Healer
    Name Meaning
    Femke, diminutive that means “girl”; FEM-kuh de ROW-ter
    21 years old
    Sunshine, Weatherwoman
    July 20th
Disclaimer: I have not yet read Six of Crows nor any of the Grishaverse books. I saw the show in April when it came out and have gleaned some lore from the wiki, but that's about it.
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Full Name: Indira Avya Chadha
Name Meaning:
— Indira is a Sanskirt feminine name that means "beauty."
— Avya is a Hindu feminine name that means "to arrive or to inform" or "the first life form of all knowledgable and all pure."
Nicknames: Indira prefers to go by the names of Inda or Dia. Occasionally, she has been referred to as Indi or Indir. However, like many of her fellow gang members, she goes under the alias of Mirage.
Gender: Female
Age: Twenty years old
Birthday: June 1st

Nationality: Ravkan (Half-Suli)
Allegiance: The Dregs, The Second Army (formerly, loosely?)
Occupation: Dia has a couple of different roles within the Dregs. For one, like most dregs, she is a thief. She will steal just about anything for a great deal or a good sum of kruge. Of course, she is not beyond a little pickpocketing here and there, which is much easier than broking with any other untrustworthy soul. But what she is best at is entertaining and extracting valuable info as the role of a spy. She is not the kind of spy that goes unseen, but rather the type of spy that prefers to play a role in the public eye. Over the last few months, the young Grisha has become somewhat of a valuable member of the Dregs.
Grisha Order: Etherealik ; Squaller — Indira has chosen to keep her abilities a secret and, thus far, has succeeded at such. She is a young lady who does not trust many others, even those she might be close to within her own gang. She believes that her abilities are no one else’s business and does not want her abilities to be used to benefit someone else.
Skills and Weaponry: Though Inda often improvises with what she can find in her surroundings when it comes to weaponry, she is probably best at wielding a dagger. While she owns a set of standard daggers, she was once gifted a specially-crafted dagger from her father when she was a young child. Indira is also a skilled dancer and acrobat as her Suli aunt once was. While it is not something that she often displays due to the more gambling-focused nature of the Crow Club, it is a skill that she has used in the past. If anything, her skills allow her to more easily infiltrate difficult places to get into. Of course, Dia also has her Grisha abilities. She is able to manipulate wind, air pressure, and might even be able to create a storm. For her own safety, she has hidden her Grisha abilities for the time being though but she sometimes uses them in secret.


Appearance: Indira stands just over the average height of a woman and has a rather slim physique. Her arms, legs, and abdomen appear to have some tonnage to them due to her active lifestyle as a gangster such as her involvement with acrobatics and other forms of standard exercise. Even so, to many, she has a certain delicate, willowy appearance to her body. Though she is only half-Suli, she does possess a few features that favor her Suli heritage. She has a decently prominent nose that is longer in length and slightly broad with a straight bridge and a round tip. She has quite large, dark brown eyes that are encircled by a set of short eyelashes, a shorter forehead, and top-heavy lips. However, her eyebrows are much thinner than many of her Suli peers. Her skin is naturally tan, regardless of how much sun exposure she has received, and definitely has warm, yellow undertones to it. Her skin is also not very prone to blemishes. She has medium-lengthed, dark brown hair that ceases near the middle of her shoulder blades and has a slight wave to it towards the tips. In certain lightings, her hair might appear to be black due to its dark coloration. While she might not fit the beauty standard of Ravkan and Ketterdam and might be frowned upon by some due to her clear Suli roots, there is a certain beauty or charm about her general appearance.
While in Ravkan, she might have traditionally worn a blue kefta with silver embroidery as every known Squaller might have, but in Ketterdam, that is not that case. Dia does not have a particular style though as she often dresses based on the occasion. However, her clothing often has a feminine flair to it and she typically favors darker colors or shades of fabric. Clothing that is easy to move in and that can conceal weaponry or shield her identity are more practical fits for her everyday activities. Despite this, Indira will likely jump at any excuse to dress in more fashionable clothing.
Scent: Clove, bergamot, and honeyed tangerine
Height & Weight: 5'6 and 121 pounds
Body Modifications: As customary, she has the crow-and-cup tattoo on her upper right arm that marks her as a member of the Dregs. She also has the lobes of her ears pierced.
Physical Disabilities: N/A
Faceclaim: Anya Chalotra


Personality: Indira is a bit of a chameleon of a character. She is a highly adaptable young lady and, therefore, is very good at blending into her the variety of different environments she is placed in. Not only is she a great conversationalist, but she is also a woman who knows how to put on a good performance. She does well at combating obstacles that are thrown her way and is able to work around restrictions that might be placed on her. Most would classify her as an extrovert, but in reality, she probably fits the description of an ambivert better. She does well in social situations due to her bold personality but does like her quiet time sometimes. Regardless, there is no doubt that Dia is an intelligent young lady. She responds effectively in both conversations and to her surroundings. She is naturally curious about the world and is not afraid to challenge new ideas. In fact, the Grisha girl is a bit of a competitive soul and hates to lose. Though she appears confident on the outside, Indira has never handled failure very well and is no stranger to beating herself up over even the smallest of mistakes. Even so, her insecurities have not exactly stopped her from taking risks.
But Indira's adaptability and brilliance are exactly what make her a formidable foe. Over the years, she has become quite the master of manipulation and strategy—she always enjoys being one step ahead and in control. She is very goal-oriented and gets what she wants (or at least tries to). She uses her strengths to her advantage over others. As alluring and as charismatic as she might be, she is not exactly someone to be trusted. She does not mind lying and cheating nor does she mind throwing others under the bus if it benefits her in some sort of way. In simpler terms, she is a selfish young woman. However, she is not beyond feeling guilt nor is she beyond showing mercy. When it comes to those she cares about or even some innocent stranger who might have been nice to her, she struggles to maintain her deception and, therefore, often ends up dealing with some confrontation. In other words, she can be self-sabotaging.
The squaller could be considered to be unpredictable. Some find it difficult to track her train of thought or do not know what she is going to do or how she is going to react. Though she is not always direct with her emotions, she has a lot of pent-up and hidden emotions inside. It is probably why she becomes so unhinged when met with things like betrayal or loss in general. She can be a ruthless, vengeful, and overly-emotional individual if she is hit hard in the right places.
Though she definitely has some flaws, the survivalist is not necessarily an evil character. Somewhere underneath all the masks and toughness, she possesses a heart and what one would classify as goodness. If one can swallow her bold personality, Dia is actually can be a fun companion to have around. Her quick verbal humor and sarcasm can definitely bring a smile or laugh to another. She is usually pretty friendly and easy to chat with unless she is in a mood for whatever reason. Given her way of life, she could be considered to be a fairly open-minded individual as well though she still remains pretty strong in her own core beliefs and values.
Nevertheless, Indira is someone who resembles a morally gray individual—she is caught between the good and the bad.
Positive Traits: Quick-witted, charismatic, creative, strong, strategic, bold, adaptable, ambitious, brave
Negative Traits: Cunning, insecure, stubborn, unpredictable, manipulative, deceptive, vindictive, sarcastic, selfish
Hogwarts House: Slytherdor (Slytherin/Gryffindor)
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Temperament: Choleric


Likes: Gambling ; alcoholic beverages ; magic ; secrets ; performing acrobatics ; dancing ; parties ; learning new things ; getting into things that she is not supposed to ; solving puzzles or mysteries (not literal ones) ; dressing up when she can ; power ; perfectionism ; messing with people ; sweets ; taking risks ; competition ; always being a few steps ahead of her opponent ; humor ; being in control ; music ; children
Dislikes: Betrayal ; being lied to ; feeling powerless/helpless ; drüskelle ; being belittled ; arrogance ; boredom ; not getting her way ; talking about her past ; failure ; losing a loved one ; injustice ; when people/things ruin her plans ; being alone for extended periods of time ; committing herself to romantic relationships ; creepy old gentlemen ; feeling trapped or confined ; not feeling like she is enough
— Almost always avoids eye contact when she is lying to someone she cares about
— Rolls her eyes when she is annoyed
— Will pickpocket just about anyone with children being the exception unless they are being a little shit or something
— Her hands get clammy when she is nervous
— She often picks at her own nails when she is bored
— Playing devil's advocate
— Seems to have to win every argument
Fears: Her own death ; losing a loved one or someone she cares about ; being exposed as a Grisha ; failure ; confinement ; betrayal by someone she trusts ; losing her powers/Grisha abilities
Hobbies: Gambling ; practicing her magic in secret ; acrobatics ; getting into things that she shouldn’t ; traveling ; researching ; target practice ; dancing
Mental Disorders: Some people believe her to have something along the lines of Borderline Personality Disorder, but it is unclear whether she actually possesses such diagnosis.


— Veer Chadha (Biological Father ; Unknown Status)
— Taisiya Novikova (Biological Mother ; Deceased)
— Nihira Chadha (Biological Aunt / Mother Figure ; Unknown Status)

Backstory: Indira was born and raised in Ivets in western Ravka, which is located along the Obol River and is known for its trade with Kerch and Noyvi Zem. Her mother was a lower class Ravkan named Taisiya Novikova who had married a traveling Suli man with the name of Veer Chadha. Her mother died due to bodily complications following Dia's birth, leaving her to be raised by her father and his twin sister, Nihira. Growing up, her family was rather poor. Her father and her aunt were both performers and had done quite a deal of traveling before her father fell quickly in love with a Ravkan woman. When Indira was born, the family never intended to stay in Ivets for very long, but after her mother's death, it was decided that they would find a residence in the Ravkan town until Indira was old enough to join them in their performing adventures. Nonetheless, it was not an easy decision to make as her guardians struggled to find decent-paying jobs during her childhood. Her clothes and shoes were usually not new or were personally sewn by her aunt who only had access to cheap fabrics. Food was hard to come by and sometimes the family would steal or resort to bin-diving if desperate enough. Now, her father and aunt did continue to perform some acts at local theaters or at local businesses, but it became difficult to perform like they use to due to their progressing ages.
Indira always thought she would end up as a performer like her Suli family as she began receiving training for such arts at a young age. Her aunt was very involved in her life during this time. She was the one who taught Dia the tricks and skills that came with being an artist of sorts. She was very strict and was a perfectionist, which did not always benefit young Dia and it would later have an effect on her future character.
At the age of nine years old, Indira's Grisha abilities began to manifest. It started with small things. Little bursts of wind and the movement of small objects when she was particularly in a state of emotional distress. However, it was never really that noticeable until she was around eleven years old. While being bullied by a traveler for her Suli heritage, she exploded into a fit of anger that triggered her powers to be fully brought forth. After injuring the young man under the eye of the public, her family panicked and brought Inda to see a Grisha examiner. That was the last time she saw her father and her aunt because after she was confirmed to be Grisha, she was swept away by the Second Army and was sent to train at the Little Palace.
When she first arrived at the Little Palace, she was very overwhelmed as she had essentially lost the only family she had and had been forced to adapt to a very different setting. While she pretty much had everything that she could ever need, Indira struggled with her training as her powers were tied to her emotions and she had lacked a proper education due to the poor setting she had lived in formerly. She suffered a lot of failures and beatings by some of the stronger Grisha in her order during the early years of combat training. As the years went by, however, she did eventually improve in her skills. However, even with the lavish life she had been given, Indira was not completely satisfied with it. Deep down is inside of her, she craved more than the card that she had been dealt. But she never expected to be given a chance to try something new until she was given a classified mission that eventually led her to Ketterdam.
Due to her experience with Kerch folks in Ivets, Indira was already fluent in the language which it easier for her to blend in. Not too long after to arrived in the town, she became involved in gambling. While she visited many clubs within the city, she became a frequent visitor at the Crow Club. Her skill with cards and tricks that she would sometimes perform in the city drew the attention of leadership positions within the Dregs. She was offered a position among the gang and accepted it, essentially putting off or prolonging her duties set by the Second Amy.


Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Crush(es): Open for plotting!
Past Partners: None (Open for plotting!)
Turn-Ons: Secure in themselves ; someone that can handle her ; intelligence ; taller than her ; sense of humor ; muscular or toned ; good hygiene ; teasing ; banter ; trustworthy ; accepts her for who she is
Turn-Offs: Liars ; shorter than her ; overly clingy ; arrogance ; dull ; unintelligent ; hateful ; someone who is a pushover ; bad hygiene ; players ; creepy old men
Dominant or Submissive: She does not necessarily favor either category. She is pretty adaptable to her partner's desires and the situation at hand.

- Sabotage by Bebe Rexha
- Love Me Less by MAX (ft. Quinn XCII)
- 'Cuz I Can by P!nk
- So Am I by Ava Max
- Nexus by Niykee Heaton



Full Name: Sebastian Cai
Name Meaning:
— Sebastian is a Latin masculine name that means "venerable" or "revered."
— Cai is a Chinese surname derived from the name of the ancient Cai state.
Nicknames: He typically goes by Bastian or Cai by most others. His birth mother, however, referred to him by his Shu Han given name Shilin when he was a child. Within Ketterdam, he has been given the alias of the Masked Phantom.
Gender: Male
Age: Twenty-three years old
Birthday: January 13th

Nationality: Shu Han (Of Shu Han-Kerch Descent)
Allegiance: The Dime Lions
Occupation: Bastian has never been very good with assassination, thieving, or anything along those lines. He poses as a spy from time to time and excels at negotiating due to his intelligence and laid-back nature. However, neither of those roles fit his true purpose for being a part of the Dime Lions. His actual position is acting as a sort of inventor, scientist, and engineer for the Dime Lions.
Grisha Order: N/A
Skills and Weaponry: Growing Shu Han's capital, Sebastian was taught martial arts and was introduced to the art of wielding weaponry at a young age by his step-father. He was also introduced to science during his years in Shu Han and specifically became interested in building things functional gadgets that would be utilized in a way that would benefit people across the world. Though he is not a big fan of politics or communication-based roles in general, he actually has great people skills due to his more proper mannerisms and ability to read other people.
As for weaponry, Bastian usually carries some kind of handgun at all times, but he prefers to use his skill of martial arts if presented with a more violent situation.


Appearance: Sebastian is a bit of a unique, but intimidating beauty. He stands just over six feet tall and has a slender, but muscular build to his body. He has very sharp features, especially facial ones. He has a sharp jawline and prominent cheekbones. He has a straight nose and well-defined, thick brows that are very dark in coloration. His eyes are dark brown and are slightly angular and narrow, hinting at his Shu heritage. Despite the sharpness of his other facial features, his lips appear soft and full in contrast. His skin naturally has an olive shade to it and tans well when exposed to warmer climates. However, since coming to Ketterdam, his skin is paled some in comparison to when he lived in Ahmrat Jen. Much like many of Shu heritage, he has very dark brown, straight hair that is short to medium in length.
Bastian is usually dressed as one would expect a proper gentlemen to be during the day. In other words, he often appears like some sort of businessman or someone with some coin in his pocket. At night, however, he often favors more casual dress with an old cloak on chiller days. Regardless of what outfit he wears, he always has a mask on his face to conceal his identity.
Scent: Burnt Sugar and Tobacco
Height & Weight: 6'1 and 166 pounds
Body Modifications: He has the tattoo of a feral cat curled into a crown on the inner part of his forearm and a large tattoo of a dragon that runs the length of his spine. He has a couple of notable scars: one that runs from just above his left brow to his jawline and one that runs across his lower abdomen.
Physical Disabilities: N/A
Faceclaim: Aaron Bernards


Personality: Bastian is a bit of a complex individual. He is someone who is hard to figure out as he has his own way of doing things. He forms his own opinions and questions everything that he finds to be a mystery or ill-explained. His behaviors are inconsistent and he is flexible in his beliefs. He is a deep thinker and is pretty confident in his thoughts as well as morals. He is highly attuned to others' emotions and desires despite his cold exterior. He is one of those people who does not mind listening to others' issues, even if they do not necessarily seem significant in the long run. He enjoys lending a helping hand to those in need but prefers to go unnoticed or in the background of things when doing so. After all, he has a reserved personality. Though he is quite helpful to the general public and has a pretty high intuition, he, himself, is hard to get to know. He is not quick to open up nor does he trust easily. Therefore, it is difficult for someone like him to form relationships, especially in the romance department. He might even intentionally push others away in fear that he might actually have to let his guard down. Though it takes him longer to reveal his emotions than some, he can be a passionate and warm individual when he is comfortable enough to open up. Even so, his quiet demeanor can be off-putting to certain individuals.
It comes as no surprise that Bastian happens to be quite a selfless character. He acknowledges and thinks carefully about how his own actions might affect those around him. He is protective of those he cares about and is willing to take risks for them. In fact, depending on the person, he might even be willing to give his life for them if it comes to that. In that way, the phantom could be considered to be reckless. He has a bad habit of placing the blame on himself if he fails to protect or help another, especially if it is someone with who he shares a close bond.
Sebastian seems to have a decent balance between emotion and logical thought. He is analytical and is not quick to jump to conclusions. He wants to break down a situation or problem as much as possible before coming to a conclusion or solution. Cai is very witty which can come as a surprise to some, especially when he makes some sarcastic remark. Anyways, he is a very observant and organized person as well. Though he definitely does not expect perfection from others, he is a perfectionist himself. His idealism likely stems from his past and his desire to be a stable person for others to lean on.
Regardless, Sebastian Cai might seem like a brooding man with that cold exterior that he displays, but in reality, has a soft heart and a logical mind.
Positive Traits: Calm, loyal, realistic, observant, intelligent, altruistic, passionate, compassionate interior, protective, curious
Negative Traits: Perfectionist, complex, reserved, distant, sarcastic, self-blaming tendencies, skeptical, cold exterior, reckless at times
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
Temperament: Melancholic


Likes: Independence ; helping others ; the night sky ; alone time ; exploring ; the outdoors ; rain ; thunderstorms ; the sound of laughter ; coffee ; tea ; bodies of water ; spicy foods ; keeping a low profile ; peace ; books ; reading ; whiskey ; solving problems ; people-watching ; keeping busy with things ; deep conversations ; wearing nice clothing ; warm weather ; science ; equations
Dislikes: Failing other people ; having to kill another ; talking about his past ; prejudice of any sorts ; boredom ; sleeping for extended periods of time ; dishonesty ; disorganization ; violence ; bar fights ; being the center of attention ; surprises (well it depends on the surprise) ; asparagus ; arguments ; anything sticky that gets on his hands ; the scar on his face ; bullies
— Keeps his mask on at all times in public places
— Speaks rather properly or formally
— Frequently out and about during ungodly hours of the night
— Paces when thinking
— Runs his fingers through his hair when he is nervous or worried about something
— Unintentionally sneaks up on people
Fears: Failing someone else ; enclosed spaces ; rejection ; dying alone or without a purpose ; losing someone he cares about ; uncertainty
Hobbies: Reading ; helping others ; crafting new gadgets ; doing scientific research ; practicing his martial arts
Mental Disorders: Surprisingly, none.


— Meiling Kir-Feng (Biological Mother, Alive)
— Basilius Visser (Biological Father, Unknown Status)
— Cai Yul-Bolin (Step-father/Adoptive Father, Alive)
— Eva Kir-Cai (Half-sister, Alive)

Sebastian Cai was born in Shu Han's capital, Ahmrat Jen, under the name Shilin Yul-Cai. Sebastian's mother, Meiling Kir-Feng, had been married off at nineteen years old to Cai Yul-Bolin, the son of a well-known, wealthy scientist in Shu Han. Meiling had come from a family of well-renowned mediks from Koba, who had become friendly with the Cai Yul-Bolin's family during their periodic visits to the capital. It was only natural that these two families would unite. But, it was not a perfect match. The newly-wedded couple struggled to meet eye-to-eye on various subjects in their lives and constantly fought during the early years. Yul-Bolin was a cold and aggressive man while Meiling was a stubborn and fiery young woman. Things between them became even more complicated when a foreigner named Basilius Visser arrived in the capital city.
Basilius was a young and charming Kerch businessman who instantly stole the heart of young and troubled Meiling. Though the affair between the two of them was brief due to Basilius's need to return to Kerch, it had a lasting effect on Meiling. In fact, the Kerch man had left her with a little gift—Sebastian. Two months after her affair had ended, she found out that she was with child. At first, she tried to keep her pregnancy a secret. Her temperamental husband and she had lacked intimacy due to their clashing personalities. So, when she could no longer hide her condition, she came clean with him. Her husband's anger was...intense to say it lightly. Terrified that her husband would harm her and her unborn child, she attempted to flee. Of course, she did not get far before he caught her. Though he was furious with her, Yul-Bolin chose to forgive her on two conditions: the identity of her child's biological father was never to be revealed and that, as far as anyone else was aware, the unborn child was his, and if she were to betray her again, well, it would not end well for her or her child. Meiling might have agreed to his conditions, but what she did not realize was that her son would pay a price for it as well.
Thus, Sebastian was born into a complicated situation. Throughout his childhood, he would endure the sharp pain of fury and resentment from his father figure. It was not uncommon for him to experience physical and verbal abuse from his adoptive father during his childhood and adolescents. He even has that nasty scar on his face that suggests such. Though his mother was likely suspicious of the abuse, Bastian did not dare to tell her what was going on as he feared that she would be hurt by it. Because of this, he often felt isolated in life and developed this desire to prove his worth to not only his father figure but his family in general. In fact, at a young age, he began training in martial arts with his abusive father per his mother's insistence. The city of Ahmart Jen was known for its assassins and, surprisingly, both his guardians agreed that it would be good for both Sebastian and his younger sister, Eva, to be prepared for a possible encounter with the dark side of the city. Sebastian was also given the opportunity of being well-educated as a child due to his family background in science and medicine. It became apparent from a young age that Bastian was skilled in the art of invention and science.
Despite everything, Sebastian's relationship with his younger half-sister was strong. Unlike his mother, she was fully aware of what was going on in the family and was often there for him when he needed someone. Her cleverness and support would eventually come in hand in his search for his biological father. In truth, she would actually be the one to uncover the family secret.
When he was seventeen years old, his sister happened to find an old journal of their mother's, who had hidden it within the family's home. In the journal was a series of unsent letters addressed to a man named Basilius Visser. Each letter contained information about Sebastian's life over the course of years. They also confirmed the fact that Basilius was his biological father. Of course, being the loyal sister that she was, Eva was quick to tell Sebastian the secret that she uncovered. That family secret is what would set Bastian on his quest to Ketterdam years later.
It was not until he was almost twenty-one that Bastian first came to Ketterdam in search of his biological father. But he did not find him. Instead, he became entangled with the Dime Lions with whom his father had once been associated. Though Bastian is probably the last man that one could imagine joining a gang, the young Shu found that would be the best way to get the answers he was searching for.


Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Crush(es): None (Open for plotting)
Past Partners: None (Open for plotting)
Turn-Ons: Confidence ; someone to keep him on his toes ; shorter than him ; humorous ; free-spirited ; strong ; physical intimacy ; striking eyes ; a good smile
Turn-Offs: Selfishness ; dishonesty ; taller than him ; weak-willed ; has prejudices ; apathy ; poor hygiene
Dominant or Submissive: Bastian tends to sway more towards the submissive side as he tends not to make the first move.

- as many as you’d like

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fc: amelia zadro

kit faughn

♡coded by uxie♡

Full Name: Katerina ‘Kit’ Faughn
Name Meaning: Katerina, greek origin meaning pure
Faughn, gaelic origin meaning falcon
Nicknames: Kit(this is the name she prefers to go by, only her family called her Katerina), her codename for missions is ‘Dirre’ which is kaelish for sweetheart (the only word her superior knew in kaelish at the time of her joining)
Gender: Female
Age: Nineteen
Birthday: December 27th

Nationality: Kaelish (half Kaelish, half Ravkan)
Allegiance: The Dregs
Occupation: She works mainly at the crow club serving it’s patrons and weeding out cheaters and rival gang members in the casino , As well as that she lends a hand with strategizing and organization at the middle levels of the. gang.
Grisha Order: Corporalki- Heartrender. Kit has always kept her grisha powers secret, culturally she was forced to due to the attitude of the Wandering Isle (where she grew up) . Then after moving to Ketterdam she was forced to hide her powers out of fear of being found out, although she used them to make her way into the dregs. No one around her explicitly knows about her grisha status but there is some amount of speculation.
Skills and Weaponry: Over the years Kit has become a skilled fighter. She is always working on her hand to hand combat as well as her aim. Kit tries to avoid using her magic when she can and usually opts for her handy pistols or her dagger. She is a skilled linguist and is fluent in Ravkan, Kaelish and Kerch. She can understand Zemini but cannot speak it well and has a small amount of Fjerdan.

Appearance: Kit has spent her whole life trying to not be noticed. Visually she always stuck out, in contrast to the pale skin and red hair she grew up around. She always looked more like her Ravkan mother with her tanner skin, dark brown hair and thick eyebrows.
From her father she got her round, light green eyes and thinner upper lip. Her hair falls just below her shoulders and is usually tied back in a plait or ponytail for convenience, when it’s let down, it naturally dries with a slight wave. She has a lithe figure from all the running, fighting and also the occasional lack of food. Her expression is usually neutral or a grimace which can be quite threatening when encountered in a dark Ketterdam Alley.
Although she stand at 5’6 she’s usually finding ways to make herself look smaller. Her wardrobe consists of mostly black and muted tones with simple designs and being functional over anything else. For the bad weather and any incognito work most of them have hoods and masks to obscure her face and eyes as well as gloves and boots for extra protection and warmth.
Scent: Vanilla, coffee, parchment and after work, cigar smoke
Height & Weight: 5’6 & 121lbs
Body Modifications: she has the crow and cup tattoo on her forearm, three piercings on each lobe and a helix ring.
Physical Disabilities: her first year in Ketterdam Kit dislocated her left shoulder running from the stadwatch. At the time she didn’t have the skills or money to heal it properly so occasionally it will move out of place or irritate her.
Faceclaim: Amelia Zadro
There are very few people who can say they really know Kit Faughn. Coming to Ketterdam at such a young age taught her that the less people know about you the better and she has lived by that philosophy ever since. As a child she was much more vibrant, full of life and energy, but as she grew up these qualities became more and more damning as she realised she was grisha. After the death of her parents and her subsequent move to Kerch she learned very quickly to adapt.

To be fair Kit had always been cautious and skeptical which manifested into an anxious, skittish personality in her first months in the Barrel. But eventually she grew into her cold, aloof, unemotional demeanour and slowly but surely her quiet, calculated moves were viewed as intimidating rather than awkward or childish. Kit is fiercely independent, believes in putting herself first and isn’t very concerned with how her actions effect others. She’s also a quick thinker and has no problem working under pressure, taking the approach of reflecting before reacting. She tries to avoid conflict in most situations but when faced with it she reacts in a ruthless manner, never wanting to look weak.

Underneath this hard exterior Kit still harbours some of her vibrancy. She is an observant person and through the use of this and her Heartrender abilities can read people quite well. This also help her to empathise with and relate to others which she does more than she would like to admit. There is a small part of her that still yearns for human connection and the hope that her life won’t always look like this.
Positive Traits: Empathic, Observant, Logical, Realistic, Quick witted, Calm under pressure, Focused.
Negative Traits: Distant, Skeptical, Stubborn, Hardheaded, Self centered, Untrusting, Sarcastic, Aloof, Harsh, Unforgiving.
Hogwarts House: Slytherclaw (slytherin&ravenclaw)
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Temperament: Choleric-melancholy

Likes: tea, coffee, sunsets, the sea, long walks, salty things, mystery novels, kvas, dogs, sleeping in late, new parchment, gloves, silver, organising her room.
Dislikes: hot weather, rats, loud noises, crowds, bright lights, strict timetables, ink smudges, powerful people, jurda, green, surprises
Habits: biting her nails and lips, plaiting little strands of her hair when her hands are idle, carving into or drawing every desk she sits at.
Fears: being exposed as a grisha, small spaces, encountering people from her past, any insects with more than four legs.
Hobbies: reading, writing, sewing, embroidery.
Mental Disorders: high functioning anxiety
Rory Faughn - Father - Dead
Arya Faughn - Mother - Dead
Aida Faughn - Older Sister - Presumed Alive
David Faughn - Younger Brother - Presumed Alive
Kit grew up in Leflin, a port settlement on the Wandering Isle where her Kaelish father, Rory Faughn, was from. Her parents met when he ended up on an ill-fated fishing trip that left him washed up on the shores of Os Kervo in Ravka, her mother’s birthplace. They fell in love, moved back to Leflin and soon after had her older sister Aida.

Kit was born two years after,although her childhood wasn’t perfect, for the most part it was peaceful. Rory continued to fish and provided a stable life for the family. Although the community was very close knit they stayed somewhat secluded, her mother was always a secretive figure and her father by his nature was a stoic man. Kit and her siblings got along well, and spent most of their early years outdoors on the beach and in the fields around their home. Unlike many of the other children in the area they were also provided with an education that wasn’t just practical, Kit and her siblings were taught to read, write and when she discovered she had a proclivity for language Kit ,with the help of her mother, began to learn as much as she could.

When Kit turned 9, her father died, during a storm off the coast of Novyi Zem when his boat was destroyed. In a culture where men were expected to provide for the family Kit’s mother, ever the individualist, began repairing clothing and furniture to earn some money, with Kit and her siblings doing small jobs around the town as well. Without the protection of their father, the Faughn family were put under a microscope and suddenly rumours began to spread in the township about her mother, who had never fit in with the inhabitants. 3 years later, the plague reached Leflin, brought over by the sailers from Kerch and both Kit’s brother and mother caught it. David survived but sustained damage to his lungs and their mother died, suddenly the children were orphaned.

Some of her father’s family volunteered to take them in, they hadn’t approved of the marriage and family but now that their mother was dead they figured it was the right thing to do. They weren’t mistreated but they never felt loved, and Kit especially never felt truly at home. Her father’s Kaelish family shared the belief that grisha were not human, but something to be bought or sold and in extreme cases their blood was to be used to cure illnesses and ailments. Much of the prejudice they had against Kit’s mother came from these beliefs as she was from Ravka where Grisha were celebrated and much of the rumours after her husband’s death were about her amazing fabriktor-like abilities.Since she was 5 years old Kit had known that there was something strange about her, but when she turned 14 and her powers came into full fruition she struggled to hide them, they would come out in small bursts that the family were finding harder and harder to ignore

One night after an argument with her cousin Kit dropped his heart rate and he fainted. Although no real damage was done, this was the last straw for her grandparents. The morning after she was faced with the ultimatum, to get herself on one of the boats and never come back, or stay in Leflin and face the consequences. Kit left with brief goodbyes and everything of hers she could fit into a rucksack.

A week later she was in Kerch, using the small amount of money she had for a bed in a boarding house, trying to figure out a way to get to Ravka,where her mother had promised her children anyone would be accepted. She eventually got a job repairing clothes and equipment for The Dregs and when they found out she was multilingual, she found herself translating and drafting up documents and letters, at the time not realising she had allied herself with one of the most prolific gangs in the Barrel. Once she was in, she never really made the effort to get out. There was something strangely comfortable about the life she had grown into and as the days went on she only went deeper, eventually moving up into the middle ranks. At this point Ketterdam feels more like home than anywhere else.

Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Crush(es): none (open to plotting)
Past Partners: nothing serious (open to plotting)
Turn-Ons: good hygiene, independence, ambition, rationality, sense of humour, intelligence.
Turn-Offs: loudness, someone telling her what to do, drunks, condescension, dramatics
Dominant or Submissive: she doesn’t really have a preference either way.
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    Full Name: Zosime (ZO-see-meh) Amahle (ah-MAH-lee)

    Name Meaning: Zosime means “survivor” and Amahle “the beautiful one”

    Nicknames: In the Crow Club she is mostly known as “Zo” to customers and other members of the dregs but she’s also called Zosime.By the boss of the dregs and on missions she’s called “Zo the black heron”/ “The black heron” named after the sneaky and cunning bird that catches its victims by creating a false sense of security. Her family calls her “Zosi“ And very much dislikes it when somebody she’s unfamiliar with uses that nickname.

    Gender: Female

    Age: 22

    Birthday: 9th of March

    Nationality: Zemeni

    Allegiance: The dregs

    Occupation: Card dealer and bartender of the crow club. She can literally control a deck and knows how to flawlessly cheat on any gambling game and change the results to her favor, or in her case, to the gang’s favor. As a bartender, she mainly acts as an intelligence collector by either listening to what all the drunk pleasure seakers
    of the club tell her while in a too-severe state of intoxication to understand the weight their words carry or she strains them for information by force by slipping stuff in their drinks. All that without being found out obviously, which is the hardest part and the one that she is most talented at.

    Skills and Weaponry: Zosime ultimately prefers fighting from a distance as she would consider herself just above mediocre in hand to hand combat, no matter the weapon or prop she uses. That’s why she’s got excellent but not impeccable (yet) aim and favors her throwing knives and ninja stars. If her favorite weapons are hard to come by though, she could always make use of a proper gun.

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Full Name: Benhamin Vudkulac
Name Meaning: Benhamin; “son of the right hand”, “son of [my] sorrow”
Vudkulac; Slavic wolf-man creature known for its relentlessness and savagery.
Nicknames:[/b] Ben, Blackhat, Sozdatel’muchenikov (Maker of Martyrs), Iceveins, Ovcharka (a mighty breed hound for guarding royalty and hunting bears)
Gender: Male
Age: 26
December 17

Nationality: Ravkan, though is half-Fjerdan by lineage.
Allegiance: To the fattest roll of Kruge, or to the job that will mark a name off his Black Book.
The Book takes priority every time, even if it means working for free.
Occupation: Hitman, Bounty Hunter, Mercenary
Grisha Order: N/A
Skills and Weaponry:
-Talented in Violence: Benhamin is an absolute devil with a gun, an artist with a knife, and has fists like cannonballs that compliment his intensive training. Since the age of seven, he had been drilled by Bodkin. If you believe the gossip, he once killed a volcra with his bare hands.
-Custom Arsenal: There is no greater equalizer to the powers of a Grisha than the machines they make. Ben's rifle and revolver of Zemni Fabrikator make, built to particular specifics, down to the twist of the barrel's rifling and the wood of the grip. His knife is over a foot of keen Ravkan grisha steel.
-Feel No Pain: Some time ago, a part of Benhamin broke. Nobody could really figure out how, but they suspected why. He is unable to feel or process physical pain, be it a paper cut or a compound fracture.
-Worldly: After the Ravkan Civil War, Ben's work took him all over the world. Out of necessity, he's learned a wide swathe of languages, dialects, and cultural nuances.
-Secret Talents: There are some things he's picked up along the way that don't quite serve a combative function. To find out what these are, Ben must have trust, and he must feel like he can be more than a weapon.
[Chief among these talents are a love of dancing and classical music, the latter to such an extent that he has learned to play the cello with some competence. Ben also keeps a notebook, in which he has a growing collection of sketches; mostly cityscapes and calculations for sharpshooting, but he also has the occasional figure, bust, and visage of a passerby on the street]

Hundjäger Rifle - Zemni-Fabrikator made, Inspired by the advanced rifles of the Fjerdan Druskelle, this full length rifle operates on a bolt action, firing large caliber rounds in terrifying succession at savage velocity. This makes it more lethal and effective at a longer range than the smaller caliber Ravkan rifles, but the Hundjäger is heavier and the ammunition is harder to come by. Not to mention that it kicks like a surly mule.
This particular model has a maple stock, matched with tallies numbering over ninety. Carved on the stock is a single solemn phrase - a mantra in Ravkan - “Eya Sta Kara”. I have become the scourge. Carried with the rifle in its case is a scope and mounting, as well as necessary cleaning and maintenance tools.

Expedition Revolver - Made in a limited number for circulation in Nyovi Zem and the Southern Colonies, these models of revolver are singular in their design. Bulkier than the typical Zemnian revolver, the Expedition Revolver carries nine shots of .44 Ravkan, while also sporting a secondary barrel for 12 gauge grapeshot. These revolvers are reloaded via top-break mechanism. The worn grip plates are made from the same wood stock as his rifle.

Grisha Steel Knives - Ben's primary knife is more akin to a short sword in dimensions; 15 inches of blade, a silvered guard and skullcrusher pommel with a stag horn handle. It was a gift from the Darkling commemorating the hunt of Morozova's stag.
The second knife is considerably smaller; a wicked talon of a Shu fighting knife with a three inch blade that once belonged to Botkin. Ben removed it from his body before the closest thing Ben had to a father was buried in the shade of the oak tree upon which he was hung.

A tall and firmly built young man with a severe and imperious countenance, it should be little surprise that he once stood among the Darkling's oprichniki. To this day, Ben still favors black and grey clothing of a militant cut, if only out of the comfort brought by habit. Standing at a solid six-foot-five and bearing the sturdy build of a tiger, he fills his uniforms in all the right ways, and Ben's bear-skin greatcoat only lends to his looming forbearance. Broad of back and shoulder, deep in the chest, his winter-storm eyes shaded by the brim of the black felt hat that gave him his moniker.

His fair Fjerdan-Ravkan skin has been gradually tanned through his time abroad, sailing from one corner of the world to the next in his blind pursuit for retribution following the Darkling’s betrayal. In his years of service to Ravka, Benhamin has collected a body of scars. His muscled and hirsute physique is marked by bullets, blades, and burns, as well as the savage badges of courage left by the claws and fangs of wild beasts. He bears only one tattoo, etched on his inner right forearm, likely accomplished by a Kerch sailor by its fashion.

No matter where he goes or what he wears, be it a bedraggled and coarse uniform or the finest parade finery, Benhamin wears a rose-gold locket about his thick neck
Scent: Leather and gun oil
Height & Weight: 6’5”, 205 lbs
Body Modifications: Forearm tattoo
Physical Disabilities: Heavily scarred, nerve disorder
Faceclaim: Sebastian Stan

Benhamin has always been reserved, maintaining a guarded expression behind a stony mask of control and emotional distance. He needs that control over himself, lest others read him like a map and take advantage. Ben is not one to easily trust, often speaking in clipped tones of sullen monosyllabism or venomous sardonic notes. He's always situating himself in a place where he can see points of ingress and egress. In those frigid blue eyes lurks the soul of a tiger, pacing just behind the iron bars of control, bloodied with the effort of thrashing against them. If Ben is awake, he's keeping a vigil. If he's asleep, he's doing so lightly, likely with a gun under his pillow.

From the Ravkan Civil War and the time before, Ben holds a considerable chip on his shoulder. There is an inherent distrust and dislike of people - the lambent disdain of someone just waiting for a reason to justify lashing out. This guarded and distrusting nature reflects itself in the way Ben even dresses; high collars that reach his jaw, long sleeves and gloved hands. He was vulnerable once, allowing himself the folly of a dream beyond service, and it was left as naught but ashes in his mouth.

Rare are his genuine smiles, and even then, they are modest things that rarely show a flash of teeth.
Positive Traits: Even-tempered, relentless, observant, chameleon, patient.
Negative Traits: Relentless, paranoid, obsessive, calloused, OCD, habitual (coffee, jurda, alcohol)
Hogwarts House: Proud muggle, thank you
Moral Alignment: Neutral
Temperament: Jaded

Likes: Ravkan music, animals (especially dogs, cats, and horses), kids, Zemnian engineering, sailing, strong drink, hot food, potent jurda, and a roof that doesn’t leak.
Dislikes: Ravkan Beurocracy, Darkling Sympathizers, human trafficking, Merchlings, Druskelle, carrion-eaters, rats.
Habits: Carving a notch on his rifle for every confirmed Grisha kill, smoking jurda cigarettes, a glass of whiskey before bed.
Fears: Becoming just like Ivan. Truly feeling nothing. Losing his rose-gold locket. What will happen when he crosses the last name out of his Black Book.
Hobbies: Cello, wood-carving, dancing
Mental Disorders: PTSD, Sympathetic Storming


    • Ben’s father, Ivan, is alive, living in hiding under an assumed name, living a provincial life as a town physician, where he uses his Grisha powers in secret to avoid a Triumvirate tribunal. He is happily married with two young children, and considered a pillar of his village’s community.
    • In the bitter cold wilderness of Tsibeya, skeletons are buried in the frozen earth. Labor camps that had fallen into ruin, burned down with their inmates still inside. One such camp was called Nezinsk, where a fourteen year old Fjerdan girl did what she had to for bread, and ended up with a cruel Heartrender’s child. This woman was Ben’s mother. Her child was torn from her arms as Nezinsk was put to the torch.
Benhamin was quite plainly born of violence. In the tensions between Ravka and Fjerda, one might try and weave a tale of forbidden love, but that would be a beautiful lie to cover an atrocious act of reprehensible malice. He never knew who his mother was, only that she was a Fjerdan prisoner who had the misfortune of refusing a Heartrender's advances. He doesn't remember her name or her face, but the occasional song or the brush of long hair upon his face will stir the ghostly ember of a recollection.

Why his father took him from the camps to Os Alta eludes Ben to the present day. Perhaps he hoped that Ben would test true for the great gifts of the Grisha. In truth, Ben hoped he would. The fantasy of power, privilege, and control finally in his grasp was something he had coveted for as long as he could remember. But it would not be so. He was only otkazat'sya. Terrible, mundane, helpless. Useless. Ben's father made sure to remind him of this. Discipline came in a Heartrender's variety for every slight, real or imagined. Pain became an old friend, until that too left Ben alone in the dark.

It was a strange thing. The Healers suspected, but they said nothing. Despite their efforts, Benhamin's nerves had all but deadened themselves. Ben still responded to pressure and reflex, but not to pain. Neither hot nor cold, not a slap across the face or the bite of a knife even drew a twitch from him. Purveyors of the Small Science within the Little Palace had their theories: perhaps such exposure to a Heartrender's abilities forced Ben's body to adapt. Perhaps it is all psychological.

It didn't matter to the Darkling. A soldier who knew no pain, who could fight through broken bones and severed limbs? What a rare treasure, indeed. With his words of black silk, the Darkling fostered Ben, giving him a purpose when he had none before. He gave Ben a means to defend himself, to wrest control back from a life that had been content in kicking in his teeth, and even to visit pain back upon the likes who would have made him prey. Under the tutelage of Botkin, Benhamin became a warrior par excellence. The Darkling had Ben's loyalty like a hunter does his hounds, and Ben would do unspeakable things for "the good of Ravka'', or just because the Darkling told him to. During his service among the Oprichniki, Benhamin served directly beneath a Heartrender Kapitan, a fearsome woman with whom he had grown increasingly smitten through the years. It was never something they could outwardly express, but what they felt was real, only to be realized too late.

Things changed when the Darkling showed his true hand. Beholding merzost in the flesh and witnessing the unbridled wickedness the Darkling inflicted with it, Ben saw the truth for the first time: the Darkling and Ben's father are cut from the same fetid cloth. The Kapitan, his Heartrender, his golden lioness, was nowhere to be seen in the burning wreckage of her room in the Little Palace. Only a bloodied crimson kaftan remained. After the siege of the Little Palace, Ben abandoned his post, heartbroken. Fueled by grief, driven by hate. Being a mere otkazat'sya, he wasn't missed. He wasn't likely spared another thought. Taking his grisha steel knife and his Novyi Zem Fabrikator rifle, Ben took control of his own life for the first time and started hunting the most dangerous game.

Through the latter part of the conflict between the Sun Summoner and the Darkling, Ben made a name for himself in the darker circles of the world as a bounty hunter, mercenary, and assassin. One with a particular appetite for Grisha. For years following the fall of the Little Palace, rather than join another crusade so blindly, Ben waged his own. To the ends of the earth, even after the Sun Summoner’s victory, he hunted the Grisha who followed the Darkling without remorse, marking his rifle for every step taken in balancing the scales. In time, Benhamin found himself where most others did when they had a penchant for violence and a willingness to sell it.


Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, open
Crush(es): None at the moment
Past Partners: Nadya Korprichkov - Grisha Heartrender
Turn-Ons: Dancing, casual confidence, well-humored (sardonic counts), physical intimacy/closeness, banter.
Turn-Offs: Narcissism, all around braggart behavior.
Dominant or Submissive: Dominant

Feel Nothing - HEALTH
Feed the Machine - Poor Man's Poison
Give & Take - Poor Man's Poison
Beneath the Brine - The Family Crest
Natural - Imagine Dragons

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Full Name: Valeria Nyhus
Name Meaning: Valeria or Valéria is a female given name dating back to the Latin verb valere, meaning strong, brave and health "to be strong".
Nicknames: Most people who know her call her Vale. Though like most members of her gang she does happen to have a code name, her mother’s name, Vega.
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birthday: December 18th

Nationality: Fjerdan (Hedjut)
Allegiance: Razorgulls
Occupation: Your friendly neighborhood assassin. She deals with anyone her gang doesn't get along with. And she will occasionally spy if needed.
Grisha Order:
Skills and Weaponry: Valeria was trained as a Drüskelle, a highly skilled solider. Which in turn has allowed her to learn a myriad of ways to kill a man. She is quite fond of daggers but has no qualms using anything within reach. She is fluent in Fjerdan and is somewhat proficient in Kaelish. She also is accompanied by her sacred Isenulf, a faithful wolf companion she has named Oak.
click note that she has a thick Norwegian accent.

Appearance: Since a very young age people have fawned over Vale and is something she's gotten used to. It's hard not to stare when the majority of people in Fjerdan are blonde haired and blue eyed. Her dark skin, freckles and deep brown eyes were considered exotic. She is of average height standing at about 5'5 with lean well muscled legs and an hourglass figure. She prefers clothing that accentuate this, most of her outfits hug her body. Not only is this to aid in her overall sexiness but who would want to wear a dress while killing someone. Her brown hair falls slightly longer than her shoulders, which is typically found in braids. She has high angular cheek bones and chocolate brown eyes that hint at violence. Her lips are soft and supple and she tends to pucker them when she is deep in thought. You would also note that she tends to always have rbf.
Scent: Warm vanilla, fresh leather and teakwood
Height & Weight: 5'5 and 125 pounds
Body Modifications: Razorgull tattoo on the inside of her left forearm. And a snake spanning the entire length of her back, its head always peaks out of her collar
Physical Disabilities: Vale broke her knee when she was 12, it will ache when rain is coming and on particularly long days she will have a limp.
Faceclaim: Zoe Kravitz


Valeria is cunning, sometimes to the point of ruthlessness. She has an ability to project a cold exterior, despite the fact that she feels deeply and passionately about many issues. Although she is highly skilled in most everything she attempts, Valeria has a tendency to be a bit hot-headed. She has a sharp wit and equally sharp tongue, which she can use to her advantage, even so it can also get her into trouble. She has a very aggressive and harsh attitude and needs to be held back often. She chafes against authority but generally does what she needs to, regardless of the cost. Valeria trusts and loves very few people, but she is fiercely loyal to those she does, turning frighteningly vindictive when they are hurt or killed. Valeria tends to seem very solemn and quiet, not due to her lack of people skills but due to her desire to learn information. She does not involve herself in things she doesn't think are important. She has her guard up at all times and you will never see her falter. Vale also isn't even slightly naïve or gullible. She's good at reading people and looking into their hidden motives, even before her mind tricks come into play. She's also full of a whole lot of sass and savageness, but that comes with her job. Her sense of humor is something to behold however, especially when she laughs. She hopes by the end of her life she will have found peace. Despite her vindictiveness, ruthlessness, and seeming coldness, Valeria is actually quite compassionate towards those close to her. One might say she'd be the perfect life long friend.

Positive Traits: Truthful, mindful, highly aware with herself and surroundings, determined, calm and open minded. Observant, loyal, empathetic
Negative Traits: Bold, vulgar, highly stubborn, sarcastic, overbearing, authority issues, aloof, distant
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Moral Alignment: Chaotic-Neutral
Temperament: Choleric
Likes: Hot baths, big open fields, warm spring days, piano, Aspen, kicking dirt in her enemies eyes, beignets, coffee, sunrise, sounds of people laughing, people watching, music, bonfires, candy, smoked jerky, writing, picking flowers, saving small creatures, evening hikes, walks in the rain, missions in the rain
Dislikes: Worms, eggs, brutes, narcissism, rum, cigarettes', burping, loud chewing, eye-rolling, scoffing, obnoxious people
Habits: Smirking, biting her slips, rolling her eyes. She often is found humming or with a drink in hand. Tends to have the last word, interrupts people often, judgy
Fears: Losing Oak, being kicked out of her gang, Fjerda coming to take her away for defecting, dying old and alone, dying alone in general, ghosts, spiders, being drugged
Hobbies: Avid pianist and painter, and she has a way with horses
Mental Disorders: Anxiety and ADHD


Family: Vega Nyhus - Mother 45 (deceased)
Stephen Nyhus - Father 56 (deceased)
Violet Nyus - half-sister 15 (deceased)
Emelie Nyus - half-sister 8 (deceased)
Venik Nyus - half-brother 22 (unknown)

When Vega was conceived she was only the daughter of a pirate ship crewman and one of the many women he would force or coerce into bed while at port. He was already the type to enjoy ruthlessness and what with his large ego and narcissistic leanings, a vengeful and sometimes violent type. For whatever reason, he took a particular liking to Vega, a 'simple' maiden girl who's intelligence may not have been top shelf, but was not as dull as people assumed she was because of her lisp. Thus, the speech impediment kept the woman from speaking and made her incredibly shy and humble making her easy prey for Stephan. They were in port around the area long enough for him to find out that he'd managed to get Vega pregnant so he went back to see as he did with all the children he knew about. Mostly, he did this to see what the prophesied child was going to be or do- he believed, due to his narcissism, that whatever the child was going to be directly coincided with him. IF the child was prophesied to be a great warrior, he would be a warrior for Stephen- his personal dragon. If the child was rumored to be a curse, he would be Stephen’s curse and end up being the death of him, so the man thought. And very specifically, Stephen would only allow male children to be born, feeling no need for a female child as that would not continue his bloodline but the bloodline of whomever she married and other than that she'd be useless. Female children were to be aborted- pre- or post natal according to him. Strong willed and proud mother, Vega promised that if he so much as touched the child, she'd kill him. Hearing of his return, and wishing for no one's death, when Vega was given the news from the local diviner, she lied to Stephen and told him the child was going to be a male and a great sailor like his father- thinking that'd be something he'd want to hear. He went back out to sea with his ship without trouble.

Having no reason to believe Vega would or even could lie to him, the thought of having a child that was a great sailor was not quite the boon she thought it'd be. Instead, he thought the child would be greater than him, and make a better name for himself than his father had- a simple crewman- and would surpass him gaining more favor and attention and riches. This set Stephan into motion, and after a time, he spearheaded a mutiny of his ship, taking it over from the old captain, killing him and the first mate, and becoming the new captain, giving himself the last name Coalheart. Still, though, he was not content. The only way to make sure the child did not overshadow him or that if he did, all credit went to him, was to take the child under his own wing. And so he headed back to take his son from Vega.

By this time, Valeria was nearing 5 years old and was a very sweet child. In fact, being a mother had given Vega a bit more gumption herself having to play with and sometimes punish the little thing as any parent might, and the two of them were doing well enough. Of course pirates still came to dock, and Vega was not unattractive but she never got pregnant again. They also weren't incredibly well off and had to serve other people to survive and this was not always kind or easy work, but they never starved. Valeria herself was kind and empathetic, showing an affinity for the piano which she generally used to entertain herself and to make her mother happy. She was not quite treated the same- and though not everyone was hung up on it, Valeria was made well aware that she was different and that that was not exactly a good thing. Either way, for nearly 5 years, Valeria was a pretty happy kid.

When Stephen returned, he laid waste to Valeria and her family's little town nestled in the sandy wooded shores of a picturesque waterfall cliff that backed into a wonderful enchanted wood. All the beauty and peace of their town was torn asunder under the laughter of her father who actually killed very few people, causing mostly property damage, and snatched her from her mother's breast where they'd hidden at, after recognizing the sails and hearing the crewmen looking for "Vega's son" who no one knew, had cut her child's hair short to make her appear more like a boy knowing they'd find her. Her last memory of her mother was the woman crying and clawing for her before her father shoved a sword through her neck. She watched her village burning and listened to the echoing screams and shouts of the people while her father sailed away with her.

Initially in shock, when Stephen proudly informed her that he was her father and he would be raising her as a crewmate, she obviously became upset and threw a fit.. They knocked her out and over the course of a few weeks kept her just sick, drunk, and tired enough that she couldn't focus and broke her will enough that she'd take orders. Really, Valeria understood that she just had to be smarter at it and concentrate her efforts instead from venting to vengeance. Thus, she spent years perfecting her plan while learning how to work on a ship. She worked her way up from scrubbing decks and emptying chamber pots, to peeling, helping cook and serving food, to taking orders and delivering messages, to being secondary lookout, to being a regular crewmate, and being trained to be a captain under her father who decided he'd have an armada and promote himself to admiral now. She understood somewhere along the way that it was best if she remained a boy in their sight and she'd be in trouble if any of the unsavory and unscrupulous crew, let alone her father found out, but that wasn't something she could hide forever.

Her first bleed was a tad early- at 10- and Valeria panicked. She didn't feel she was strong enough, but when one of the crewmates saw all her rags covered in blood and approached to investigate, knowing the price of being uncovered she had to set her plan in motion. She was going to murder her father and sink the ship killing everyone on board, then take a dingy and paddle back to her mother. It wasn't a complicated plan, but she wasn't strong or fast enough to fight everyone in the crew yet and hadn't perfected her combat in order to frenzy the ship in one go as it actually required a bit more skill than she had without giving herself a headache and getting dizzy and maybe passing out under normal controlled circumstances. Unfortunately, she had to try now anyway.

Using various forms to evade and attack the crew, she worked her way toward her father, who understood what was happening. This wasn’t the first time she'd ever killed anyone. Even though she held deep grudges and disgust for each of their rotted souls, she hated taking their life from them with her own hands and teeth. Stephen's first mate stepped in to defend him from her, and she leapt at him like a wolf ready to rip out his throat as he tried to cleave her, but she dodged, sidestepped his swing and gutted him in one fell swoop. She stood shocked at how easy it was but her father had other plans. While she was distracted he simply hit her over the head with his gun but not before she shoved a shortsword through his side. When she awoke, there was a hole blown in the main mast (she wasn't sure how that happened) immobilizing the ship in the middle of the ocean, half the crew was dead, and her father was suffering from disease and his injuries. She was chained to the broken mast and was covered in whip lashes- apparently these had not woken her. For taking his crew, sentencing him to a slow, inglorious death at sea, and hurting him he cursed her to die with his whip and hoping, doing this, he'd be able to see it happen before he succumbed. For days, he opened her wounds deeper, forcing the pain deep into her flesh while the remaining crew took turns whipping her until they were too weak or sick to do so. And all those days, Valeria wondered why no one helped her. Why was no one there to save her 5 years ago when she was stolen and her home destroyed? Why was no one there to help her when she wanted to run away for days, weeks, months, and years? Why had no one helped her as she- a small child- tried to escape her open-water prison surrounded by enemies. Where was her savior? The world was not perfect, and it was not just. She would find no hand held out in her aid. The only hand she could rely on was her own. In the end everyone was either too ill with sickness or dead to worry about her any longer. Thus allowing her escape to be uneventful. After 3 more weeks on her dingy floating about she washed up on one of Fjerdans
many shores. Djerholm was the capital of Fjerda, and she was blessed by the gods to have washed up there. They were known throughout the land for training fearsome soldiers-Drüskelle, it was precisely where she wanted to be. Luckily for her she knew of a Nobleman's daughter who could get her a spot to train. Her name was Ava Qin and she was probably the sweetest girl Valeria had ever met, immediately she was drawn to her charm and general warmth. Valeria had stumbled upon her once a year back when her fathers ship was docked in Ketterdam. She had found her being attacked by two strange men while she had been running errands for her grandmother. Vale obviously had to help her so Ava owed her a debt. Thus how she came to be initiated. They were thick as thieves, even got matching snake tattoos on their backs. Ava allowed Valeria to open up in ways no other person has ever been able to, and loved her for five years.

It was March two weeks before her 16th birthday and two weeks before Hringkälla. They were given the task to travel to the Ring of stones and choose their Isenulf puppy. A scared wolf companion who would aid them in battle. It is said that if one dies before their wolf it is released once again into the wilds. Knowing what an honor it was to be able to receive one was enough to set her nerves one edge. The journey only took a few days but they had soon arrived within the wolves breeding grounds. Valeria chose the largest most rambunctious pup, one who toppled over all the others. He was like a little bull in a china shop. What had caught her attention on him however was his old and wise eyes and when they had locked with her own it was as if a connection between the two opened and was pulled taught like a string. She dubbed him Oak for she knew when he grew he'd be big and mighty. After returning home much was a blur as they prepared for Hringkälla, the ceremony and trial that would see them fully initiated as Drüskelle. Twas the night before they were to prepare for the trail when her commanding officer approached her. He asked her if she knew of Ava's whereabouts, Valeria shook her head. The commander looked suspicious but sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He then informed her that her beloved sister in arm's was a Grisha and that she must be silently put down. He told her that she had no other choice but to do so for she was the only one who could get close enough to do the deed without raising suspicion. If she refused to accept they'd kill her to keep her quiet and if she did then they'd immediately accept her within the order. Valeria couldn't believe her ears, she had never suspected Ava was Grisha. Nor did she care, if it meant anything it meant they were not as evil and un-pure as Fjerda made them seem. But deep down she was hurt that Ava didn't trust her with her secret. Valeria would have gotten them out and now it was too late. Valeria blocked out the rest of her mission. Her subconscious sensed that if she had to relive her only friend's death by her hands again and again it would be the end of her. She didn't stay even long enough to accept her official uniform. She had saved up enough from side jobs and gambling to be able to quietly leave for Ketterdam. She knew of their gang reputation and it seemed the perfect fit for someone who was now a fugitive of Fjerda.

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single/open
Crush(es): n/a
Past Partners: n/a

Turn-Ons: Dominant, funny, open minded, kind, goofy, rough hands, goofy smile, territorial, dark, brooding, sarcastic, pushy, lanky but sturdy, assertive, go getter, curious
Turn-Offs: obnoxious, roughly handsy, stands in her way, treats her as if she'll break, bad breath, bad manners, nail biting, weird laugh, greasy hair, jerk, jock

Dominant or Submissive: dominate outside of romantic relationships

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Alright. The meat and potatoes of the sheet are done. When I am able to function at a proper computer, I can pretty it up. In the meantime, you have shootyboi

Feroze Bluhm

#dime lions

#Reece King

♡coded by uxie♡

Full Name: Feroze Blohm
Name Meaning:
--Feroze, meaning 'lucky'
--Blohm, meaning 'flower', a name of his own selection.
-- "Darne's dog"
-- "Siren's scum" (by his father)
Gender: male
Age: eighteen
Birthday: October 26th

Nationality: Kerch
Allegiance: the Dime Lions
Occupation: Though another holds the official title of lieutenant, Feroze is thought of by some as the current Dime Lion leader's right-hand man, or his "dog" by the more crude, disliking gang-members (of which there are many). As such, Feroze is rarely seen far from the Dime Lion's leader's side, seemingly quick to please and eager to-- if the moment calls for it --exact the Dime Lion's brand of vengeance. An enforcer when the moment calls for it and an agent of espionage more often than not Feroze is the extra bit of steel one almost never sees in the dark, the always seeing eyes that cloak themselves in the shadows of others.
Skills and Weaponry:
-- Brass knuckles: It was Darne's influence, the childish compulsion to mimic one's mentor, that led to Feroze first adopting these fists of metal. At first used as merely a compensator for the lack of strength behind his then twig-like arms, as he uses them now they are merely the quickest way to accomplish pain for others (though a good deal of pain is enacted on his own fists in the process), an early end to a fight.
-- Revolver: a recently acquired Zemeni-made gun Feroze practically treasures as it's a throw-back to his far-too distant roots.
-- Combat knife: Feroze's trusty bit of steel outfitted with an elaborate, undoubtedly expensive, design of an ash tree. Of dubious enough origin considering he nicked it from a noblemen.
-- misc knifes: stashed and concealed back-up knives on his person (count 5) Feroze employs as a last resort.

-- the Story-teller: lies to Feroze by now are nearly second-nature, as natural for him as it is to rise every morning at the break of dawn. Perhaps it's all those years of quiet, practically 'invisible', observance, of simply taking in and letting little out. But Feroze really knows his way around what he'll call a 'story', a lie. He can craft one with an eye for detail that'll really suck people's attentions, even at times make himself believe in his own duplicitous words. It's keeping track of all the stories he tells that can present the real issue there.
-- the Thief: stealing at one time was equivalent to survival for Feroze, and as a result it's something he's gotten quite good at. He doesn't often steal now, recognizing that it's a violation of the law, something that should only be necessary when there is no other choice.
-- the 'Invisible': when he doesn't want to be seen, Feroze rarely is, especially when in public settings. He can make himself somehow uninteresting enough to draw eyes somehow, just naturally knows how much weight to put into each step, each action as to keep attention diverted.
-- other misc skills: though his voice has nothing on his mother's, when employed in song it's a nice enough one somewhere between a baritone and tenor's range., surprisingly good with children, who seem to take to his company easily., the slightest of interests in knife forgery allows him some competence (though nothing on a regular Blacksmith's level) in the area.

Appearance: Feroze mostly takes after his Zemeni mother with his copper skin and coily dark hair. Like her, his skin is even, prone to occasional sun-burn on his nose (yes, just his nose) if weather permits. His hair is thick, though normally kept quite short. But that's where his similarities to her mostly stop. The features atop his face are sharper, from his slightly crooked nose (a takeaway from a childhood brawl) to his high cheekbones and square-ish, dimpled jaw. Eyes are a dark almost black-brown and framed by thick lashes that appear blunt from a distance. His lips are full, though normally pressed into a thin line.
Scent: black-pepper paired sometimes with something vaguely citrus-smelling.
Height & Weight: 5"11 and 69 kg
Body Modifications: a sometimes present septum piercing Feroze won't wear for jobs.
Physical Disabilities: n/a
Faceclaim: Reece King

Personality: In his childhood Feroze was mostly passed over, ignored and disregarded by the few people with any blood-association to him. This alienation early in life has sunk its teeth into Feroze's psyche, has made him a good deal more withdrawn socially than most his age, and more reserved than he might've been naturally. He doesn't trust easy, and at times pulling words from him can be like pulling teeth. Feroze is additionally prone second-guessing people's intentions more often then not, (a trait which at times can be to his disservice) and at times exhibiting a paranoia that goes beyond the scopes of some situations. This paranoia manifests itself to a lesser degree in every-day life with a tendency in Feroze for over-thinking. Though this can be to his disservice at times, this tendency has also served him well in some scenarios. After all, he has a keen eye for the smallest of details, a need to perfect if only to fulfill that childish wish 'to be the best'. Additionally quite the creative thinker, you can always trust Feroze to come up with some counterintuitive solution to a problem if given the time.

In his exploits, Feroze has always been relentless. When he was younger, that single-mindedness was born of a need for praise, Darne's praise. And while that need still exists, another sits right beside it. And that's simply a need to survive, to be considered still 'useful'. That's something that always sits in the back of his mind though he's careful to never really commit much time thinking about it (to do so would probably plunge him into a deep depression honestly)-- the fact that when someone stronger, better at his job comes along, Darne will likely replace him without a second thought, leave him vulnerable to all the enemies he's acquired over long, dedicated years of service. But if that thought ever does settle in his mind, regardless of his efforts in pushing it away, Feroze will comfort himself with the thought that if that day ever comes along, he'll surely deserve it as in his eyes his abilities are equal to none's, so long as he puts the work forth. In this way, Feroze is deeply confident in his own abilities, in his own knack for getting the job done one way or another.

There's a lot about the world outside of Kech Feroze just knows he has no awareness of. It's probably so bad that he's probably not even aware of the scope of his lack of knowledge. That, however, doesn't mean there doesn't exist in Feroze a certain curiosity of that said world, of the cultures and history of others along with his own distant roots. Having always been identified as 'Zemeni', as exotic in Kech, from just a glance, his mother's history is an inescapable part of Feroze he most days craves to know more about, others dislikes as much as he does the woman who abandoned him. Rooted in that curiosity might also be a sort of hunt for 'belonging', for the family Feroze has never truly had. He craves connection (wants for the families he sees sprawled on the pavements of Ketterdam, for the gleam in even cold Darne's eyes as he perceives his youngest son) but wisely guards that particular secret close to his chest for fear of its exploitation. It's an unrealistic hope, this one, and one he fears just as much as wants. For those he's connected to, Feroze just knows he would do anything for, has done anything for.

Loyalty is something Feroze doesn't give easily, but it's one of the few traits of his he knows is the simplest and purest of emotions. Though hard-won, it's a difficult thing for Feroze to wrench away once given. In this way Feroze has a tendency to put people on a pedestal, stubbornly amplifying their good traits and ignoring the others. He'll always see the best in these people, hardly giving up on them even when they give up on themselves. It's harder for him to do so with himself however, Feroze recognizing the evil that is rooted in him, the easily discarded morals and affinity for violence. He knows he's not a good person, knows it just as well as he knows the sun will rise every morning. But he's convinced himself that he's fine with that.

Positive Traits: curious, loyal, quick-witted, cool-headed, assertive, determined, creative, introspective, relentless, passionate, confident, careful, logical, tolerant
Negative Traits: insensitive, hard-to-read, distrustful, reserved, cold, blunt, insecure, ruthless, restless, sardonic, conflict-adverse, stubborn, repressive
MBTI Type: intp
Hogwarts House: uh,... Unsure, I'll come back.
Moral Alignment: somewhere between lawful neutral and lawful evil.
Temperament: Phlegmatic-Choleric

Likes: grapefruit, the country (has never been, thinks he would like it), music, spicy foods, crowds, hot water & lemon, stories,
Dislikes: weakness (mostly his own), most sweets, nosiness, sitting still for too long, decadence, too-quiet places, drinking, laziness
Habits: digging his nails into his palms in efforts to ground himself., focusing so intensely on something he forgets to eat.,
Fears: failure, prolonged periods of isolation, feeling rudderless.
Hobbies: people-watching, wip
Mental Disorders: n/a

-- Shaili Boxley (mother / 36 years / ALIVE) - Feroze doesn't really know his mother, not intimately nor even at the level of a distant associate. He tries to convince himself he doesn't care about that, doesn't even care about the woman he knew for only 5 years of his life. But still he'll find himself at times drawn to the wealthier parts of town where her shows still take place, find himself following her to the decadent home some days to peek through thinly veiled windows and marvel and wonder at her life.
-- Euan Cason (father / 40 years / ALIVE) - his biological father is someone Feroze tries to think very little of, tries to pay as little attention as the man does him.

Backstory: Feroze's mother Shaili Boxley-- or as she is more commonly known, the "Slum Siren" --was, no, is an opera singer, a soprano whose vocal allure turned people's heads not only in her home-grounds of Perth (a small city in Novyi Zem), but also within Ketterdam's dark underbelly. And Euan-- then-lieutenant of the Dime Lion's --was no different from any other enraptured listener in that respect, apart from the fact that he simply had more then just his ears to give.

Though his rough background certainly didn't suggest at it, there existed in Euan a certain secretive love of fine things and (he thought) a keen eye and ear for the arts particularly. So he looked at Shaili-- then only singing in the occasional bar and club --and saw opportunity, investment. It only helped matters that there was a pretty face behind the pretty sound.

It was Euan who wielded his money and connections together to get Shaili into her first major performances, he who-- as they lay tangled in silk sheets together --crafted the false story behind the now infamous "Slum Siren" monicker and correspondingly filled all of the gaps in her knowledge of Kerch in the way that only a native could. Though in Shaili's eyes he most definitely didn't 'create' her as he took to boasting backstage of her performances, his generous patronage certainly helped more than it hurt as she rose through the ranks gathering her own money, her own influence. Until it didn't.

When Shaili discovered that she was pregnant, it felt like an end to everything. Saying it aloud, telling anyone, would only make all that fear more real. So for those first months she told no one. It was business only as usual for Shaili who took the stage night after night, proud that the growth, the tumor inside of her wasn't seeming to hinder anything-- not her tone, not even her breath control. Even when she begin to show, when it became harder to conceal, Shaili still never broached the matter fully. And the obvious father of her child, the only man she'd ever been with, did the same. Euan and her never spoke on it, ignored it until it couldn't be ignored any longer.

When the day finally came-- Feroze's birthday --it should've been the most joyous day in Shaili's life. She'd started convincing herself it would be after all, that being a mother might just be the next reasonable step in her life's journey. But really even looking back on it, that day would be one rooted mostly in sorrow for Shaili. For one thing there was the pain to contend with, seemingly never-ending and barely stifled by medication. But there was also the loneliness of it-- it was only a sympathetic midwife and Shaili that day, no Euan. And in the days following Feroze's birth, Shaili found looking the mirror was like looking at another person, one whose youth had been sapped away by a creature they'd wanted no part in creating.

For that first year or so when the child was at its most vulnerable, Shaili did try to be a good mom. She really did. But as the year came and went and Feroze grew bigger and bigger with the passing days, it grew more difficult to dissociate the child from all of the loss that had been seemingly been ushered in with its birth. So Shaili did the kindest thing, in her eyes, for the child she could barely stand to look at. She gave him to his father.

Though Euan had concealed much of his true nature from Shaili, in truth he was a cold man unsoftened by paltry things like children and 'fatherhood'. He didn't take kindly to a toddler being deposited at his door, at his workplace embarrassingly enough. But perhaps there was more affection for Shaili than his hard exterior suggested; despite his misgivings, Euan would end up taking in the child.

Feeding and clothing young Feroze was as far as Euan fatherly responsibilities extended. In his eyes, the child could find its own company, its own conversation if it needed it. Besides, what little conversation Feroze ever attempted with the boy usually ended in his frustrations of the day manifesting, regrettable verbal lashings ensuing. So it was really was best for Euan to keep his words to young Feroze brisk and only occasional.

Eventually though when Feroze turned eight and work begin to draw Euan from home more often then not, that responsibility-- feeding, cleaning -- fell entirely on his tiny shoulders. Though initially Feroze tried the streets-- begging, stealing as the other children around did, the competition of it meant fights broke out more often then not, childish territory wars he wanted no place in.

Mostly for the security of it, Feroze took to frequenting his father's hauntings-- the Emerald Palace some days, a less established hall others. Though Feroze's Zemeni features normally were unusual enough to draw eyes in here, where the men were more focused on the cards, the women rather than other faces around them, they didn't seem as much of a draw. So naturally it was here that Feroze honed the basics of his craft, learned to step in and out of the shadows valuables in hand, distract and feign innocence if any back turned.

Where Euan had mostly ignored the child with his eyes, his occasional sneaking smile, his superior-- leader of the Dime Lion's, Darne --certainly did not. Where Euan saw shame, Darne saw opportunity in the quiet, seemingly impassive dark-haired child with a penchant for lurking in the shadows. Not only was there skill that could be moulded there, Darne also saw someone who could be easy to manipulate, to shape into the most loyal of his men with just a bit of well-placed attention, praise. And he was right.

Sexuality: bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Crush(es): none, but open for plots!
Past Partners: nothing serious (or even that constitutes usage of the 'partner' term) beyond a brief fling with a pretty half-Suli thief who briefly joined the Dime Crows for a job or two., another with a university student during a long-term undercover stint.
Turn-Ons: stability & security, confidence, strength,
Turn-Offs: obvious hypocrites, easy-judgment, mimics
Dominant or Submissive: probably dominant

- wip
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Willem Kortenaer

# Black Tips

# Daniel Sharman

♡coded by uxie♡

Full Name: Willem Ellis Kortenaer
Name Meaning: Derived from Willahelm, from wil, meaning "will", and helm, meaning "helmet, guardian".
Nicknames: n/a
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Birthday: May 29,

Nationality: Kerch
Allegiance: Black Tips
Occupation: Underboss of the Black Tips:
Grisha Order: lmao
Skills and Weaponry: As a soldier for the gang, Willem committed himself to learning martial skills, including small unit tactics, fist-fighting, and a fast and accurate shot. As a new underboss, he's had to develop diplomacy skills in order to placate the captains under his command, as well as their soldiers. Besides that, life in Ketterdam has necessitated skills like basic first aid, and maintaining weapons and arms. He's excellent at cards, practiced at every method of cheating. He should not be allowed to cook.

He keeps a pair of .44 caliber Zemeni-make revolvers in plain view at his side; nothing fancy but they get the job done. He also tends to find spots to stick a spare knife or two as well.

Appearance: Willem is 6'2”, with an athletic build, sporting the scars, stretch marks, and musculature expected of someone accustomed to hard labor and fighting. His hair is dark brown, kept on the short side, though long enough to curl at his nape and forehead, and is generally combed by his fingers.

His facial features could be considered conventionally attractive by some, but it’s the boyish naivety in his angled face that often sets him apart from being generically handsome. His eyes are pale blue, capable of either a mischievous gleam or a soulful gaze that could put puppies to shame. He learned early in life that an appealing face with an smile could get him out of trouble, and it’s still something that works to his advantage.

Clothes are his one real indulgence, and he pays well for them. He favors wool and silk shirts in bright shades with ornate gilt trim and open down to the chest. Leather pants and boots, custom made for comfort, and a broad leather belt which has a number of pouches secured to the outside and an inner pocket all the way around that hides coin.
Scent: REEKS of cologne
Height & Weight: 6'2", 183 lbs
Body Modifications: N/A
Physical Disabilities: Various scars from past fights
Faceclaim: Daniel Sharman

Personality: Willem has a hard time taking most things seriously, with the exception of the gang. Usually.

Most people notice his open, garrulous and irreverent attitude when they first meet him. Willem has energy to spare, and he often uses it to lay on the charm, chatting and joking and sometimes flirting with people if he thinks there’s something to be gained from it. He's also got a bit of an ego. The guy saunters through life like he's begging for someone to put him in his place, but no one ever does. It's partially an act. Willem believes that if a leader always seems in charge and like everything is going to plan, he's less likely to be lose face with his subordinates. He's a player at heart who enjoys nights at the bar with friends, drinking, telling stories, getting into fights, and gambling. When he's not busy fucking or fighting, he's trying to improve his own personal goals. This habit came about after his father made him underboss of the gang, which made fighting mean more than just play.

When he's on duty so to speak, Willem's attitude takes on an entirely new angle. Dedicated and focused to the task at hand, he can take and follow orders without question, though it doesn’t mean he blindly follows everything. His mind is capable of assessing a situation presented to him and determining the best course of action while being mindful of his superiors' instruction.

Family has always been very important to him, and while he might argue til the cows come home with certain relatives, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care fiercely for the lot of them. You can bet he’ll take their opinions and ideas on things to heart - though it doesn’t mean he will change anything about his own decisions.

He has a quick temper and can be riled with just the wrong combination of words, looks, or actions. His anger can run as deep as his passion, and when rage hits him, he does stupid things.

Positive Traits: Charismatic, diligent, easy-going, shrewd, honest
Negative Traits: Impulsive, irreverent, cocky, irate, fickle
MBTI Type: idek
Hogwarts House: Griffyndor
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Temperament: what does this mean

Likes: Liquor, fist fights, cards, dice, new clothes, horse racing, spicy food, instant gratification, dogs
Dislikes: Losing, indecision, disrespect, boredom, clams, olives,
  • Hugger (derogatory)
  • Sleeps naked
  • Calls everyone he’s friends with his ~*~best friend!!~*~. Every. Single. One.
  • Slowly gaining a serious substance habit. It depends on his mood and how much coin he has to spare, but he tends to favor anything that can help him relax and forget the world for a little while. Whiskey is always a good time.

Fears: Losing family, losing face, losing in general, becoming incompetent.
Mental Disorders: Vulnerable to alcoholism

- Rikkert Kortenaer || Father|| Alive || Recently appointed Head of the Black Tips, inheriting the position from his father. Strives to be a strong leader for the gang, and commands absolute loyalty from his subordinates
- Jan-Hendrik Kortenaer || Grandfather || Alive || Original patriarch of the Black Tips, once a feared man in the underworld, now retired and slipping into dementia. He is a shadow of the man he once was
- Femke Kortenaer || Adopted sister || Alive || Healer
- Marlijn Kortenaer || Sister || Alive || Third and youngest Kortenaer sibling. Currently holds no position in the gang, and is trying to pursue higher education.

Backstory: Half a century ago, the Kortenaer family had been a major player in Kerch politics as one of the oldest, most influential houses in Ketterdam. Since then, poor leadership and very bad decisions on contracts ran the family into the ground, and they lost their wealth almost completely. They were only saved from total financial destruction by loans and support from the House of de Ruyter, a minor merchant family that was beginning to rise in power. By the time Jan-Hendrik stepped in as head, however, they had long been beaten out by other houses.

Jan-Hendrik had the business acumen, knack for local politics, and ruthlessness to begin fixing the situation. He formed connections with some of Ketterdam's minor gangs, who already shared an uneasy coexistence with the merchant families, and assimilated them into the Black Tips. Where once the Kortenaers made their fortune in shipping textiles and luxury goods, they now profited from whorehouses, gambling dens, and illegal drugs.

While the transition wore hard on the family, who knew the shame of having fallen from grace, Willem was born into the underworld. With no memories of life at the top, Willem could never understand why his parents and grandparents allowed thoughts of it to dominate their lives, but he was loyal to his family, deflecting their bitterness when he could, even as he spent less and less time at home and more and more time in the streets of Ketterdam.

As the younger grandson of the boss, Willem had fewer responsibilities to the house, allowing him to cause trouble with local street rats while his family wasn't watching him. In time, he learned it was quite easy to dare other kids to do outrageous things or convince them to do what he wanted. He led a small gang of children in causing mischief; stealing a broom from the neighbors, snatching the spare kruge from a performer's unattended pile. Attempting to complete a bold challenge from one of his peers, Willem even tried to pull down an off-duty stadwatch guard's pants only to get a pair of black eyes in return.

In his adolescence, he fell in with a crowd of misfits with similar backgrounds, developing friendships and flings, and obtained a reputation as a bit of a playboy, though he was well-liked and considered rather charming. By the time he was fifteen, Willem knew Ketterdam's underbelly like the back of his own hand, and was a runner for the Black Tips in proper now. As Jan-Hendrik and his son Rikkert pushed to advance the Black Tips in the criminal underworld, Willem was rising through the ranks of the gang itself, learning the family business and developing an ever-widening net of loyal soldiers and enforcers that he tapped into to assist his father and grandfather. The Kortenaers grew powerful again, but it was not enough for Jan-Hendrik, who was quietly pushed into retirement when he was deemed incapable of further rule.

Rikkert took over as boss of the Black Tips: ambitious and ruthless, with none of the aggressiveness that had made his father reckless in his last years as boss. At the same time, the new boss started tightening the leash on his son, the next logical successor to the Kortenaer name. One of the first things father did upon taking power was to appoint Willem as his underboss, effectively placing him in command of the gang's captains and their soldiers. At first, he thought he'd feel a sense of accomplishment with the position, but the job also came loaded with a host of unfathomable firsts for him.

These days, Willem deals with his unwanted status as his father's right hand, patrolling Black Tip territory with his team of soldiers, curbing the activities of lesser gangs within their own sphere of influence, managing business with the Merchant's Council (in preparation for his next promotion), and his real work of bolstering his martial skills and the ranks of his soldiers. Because like it or not, he was going to have to become a wartime boss in the near future.

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Crush(es): N/A
Past Partners: A few flings and a couple girlfriends, but love has never been a long term thing with him
Turn-Ons: [REDACTED]
Turn-Offs: [REDACTED]
Dominant or Submissive: [REDACTED]
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