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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Interaction(s): BoomersAndMash BoomersAndMash , TheSpeck TheSpeck , archur archur , The Plaid Man The Plaid Man
Pvt. James Ramirez | Nescura V'Dola

"Ah good, You're finally running off. No need to chase you." Nescura spoke quietly being the helicopter veered around and stopped firing rubber-like bullets at the woman. Now she needed to find that damned werewolf and have a nice little chat with her at Starbucks.
A few minutes ago she had seen something red and black dart across the rooftops, but she shrugged it off. There was really no need to chase them, But that woman did try to drain her life force. And rubber bullets are non-lethal, though they can cause some damage.


Warning! Lungs are on life-support. Vocal Cords are overwhelmingly damaged.

He stared at the man, and then the guard asked him if he could understand what he was saying. Alcatraz slowly nodded and lowered his hands. He examined his Dog-Tags and flipped them over to see his information on what branch, DoB, name, division, unit, and serial number.
Then he was asked if he had a name.
The Marine unwrapped the tags from around his hand, pointed at his name, and handed them to the guard.

Warning! Suit reboot is required for rerouting of systems. Please wait.

Alcatraz let out a loud wheeze and fell down to one knee, holding a hand over his chest as the suit rerouted the power systems. Once complete, The Marine stood up and clenched his fists. So he was in a Cryo-Pod? He didn't remember falling unconscious, or even being attacked. Even the suit's memory system had no record of this. And he was in a place owned by a company called, 'Athena'? Sounded something similar to CELL from CryTek.

Ari took a moment to absorb all the information he was getting. Ok, so he wasn't insane, he was speaking to a stick telepathically.... Eh, he could live with that. When the stick suggested they get to a safe place Ari shook his head as if he were talking to it out loud. 'Ok... well an explanation can wait for a moment, we need to help the werewolf, she was nice, and the person who ran past us is trying to kill her.'

Ari stood, still a little dazed from the AC unit nearly ending his life, and ran after the woman who had shoved past him not long ago, although he stayed a distance behind as he planned on what to do. 'can you trap her maybe? Vines? Non lethal ones?' now that he had another.... Maybe friend, that had non lethal weapons unlike himself, maybe he could help?

The Plaid Man The Plaid Man archur archur
Sir Sticksworth thinks to himself 'This is quite a kind person, I never thought I would come across such an amazing person.' and then telepathically tells Ari 'Yes, I can summon vines. This will knock your stalks off' Sir Sticksworth laughs for a moment and then, calls upon the power of arcane, vines shoot out from nearby, trying to grasp at the target 'You know, I have a feeling we'll stick together for quite some time' Sir sticksworth continues to chuckle as the vines continue to try to apprehend the women, or at least impede her path.
The Twilight Knight

As Atheia limped as fast as she could, pain flaring in her probably broken foot, she heard the distinct sound of the air-cutter contraption fly off and the stream of constant pain leave her back. At least she wasn't dead, whatever she was getting shot by was probably not bullets. She had enough experience with bullets to understand how they worked, and her godly status usually did nothing to help her when she was getting hit with those. All she need to worry about now was actually finding and ending her target, now that the distractions were beginning to wane.

Just as she finished that thought, some sort of force slammed into her side, holding her left arm like a vise. Of course, just when one problem disappears, another arrives. She peeked at the mass that was holding her and found it surprising that a bunch of vines were holding her steady. That's new. Without even a second thought, her right arm swept into her belt and fished out a corked flask, which she uncorked with her teeth and poured the entirety of it's contents all over the vines, an inky bluish-black fluid spreading over each vine. She dropped the now-empty flask and fished a lighter out of her pocket, burning away the oil soaked vines and some of her arm.

She sped off, deeper into the winding passage of alleys, hobbling around garbage cans with their contents strewn out all over the place, abandoned mattresses, and dodging under open fire escapes. It wasn't hard to track the werewolf since it left a path of debris and destruction where it had retreated to, but there was something else to this particular hunt that she felt tugged at the back of her mind: desperation. More so than most other monsters she hunted down. The monster had done nothing but run, escape, biting and clawing for a way out since she had spotted it earlier, before the gel-beast appeared. Her footsteps slowed a little as she saw fresh bile on the floor, a greenish thing, stained with traces of red, blood. At this, she pulled her mask up to her nose and fished out one more silver arrow and silently nocked it into her bow. Every animal deserved a painless death, even monsters.

There was an empty furniture box, sturdy and wide, and from the bloodstains that stained it and the soft breathing, Atheia was certain that the monster was within. She peeked over the top to see the still breathing form of the werewolf inside, eyes clamped shut, taking short unsteady breaths. It was waiting for the end, for Atheia to kill it.

The huntress unrolled the bounty contract. "Werewolf. Traitor. Bring back proof of target's death." Two separate profiles followed the simple instructions, a front and side facing of her target, not unlike one you'd find in a prison. It's human form, her human form had short brown hair, a mottle of scars, particularly one on her arm as described by the contract, and she could see the exaggerated version of the same scar on the werewolf's left arm as well. This was certainly her target. She saw her change in front of her, but she also saw her protect that man earlier as well. It wasn't often that she doubted her employers, but she had a job to do and a reputation to keep. Not like she was going to give up that any time soon, or that she could turn around and complain to her contractor, this was all done through the middlemen of middlemen, she didn't even know who hired her to do this in the first place.

However, she didn't think it was right to kill her. Whether that came from a good place or from a place of pity didn't matter. She had a job to do. With a sigh, she put away her bow and arrow, and instead brandished one of her knives. It was short, serrated, and silver. She brought it in case she got into the unfortunate situation where her bow broke, but thankfully that wasn't the case. She wiped the knife clean and leaned over the head of the creature.

"This will hurt, but you will thank me later."

Knife in hand, she cut off a portion of the werewolf's ear, a quick but painful thing. This was her trophy, and the thing that would get her paid at the end of the day. As she put it into a bag she carried for the occasion, her eyes crept over the creature's hide, and the arrow she put into it. She didn't have any field dressing, but she figured that not having a silver arrow inside of it would help it recover. With a yank, the arrow was freed and the huntress's heartbeat began to slow. She needed to get out as soon as possible, but with the adrenaline fading, her foot pounded harder and harder. Walking was quickly leaving the picture, and it's not like she had allies to call on. A little bit of rest first, if her foolish decision making didn't mean the werewolf would get back up good as new and maul her to death, and then she could probably find some metal rod or something to help walk until she had her foot looked at.

Interactions: BoomersAndMash BoomersAndMash TheSpeck TheSpeck The Plaid Man The Plaid Man
Mentions: Stricken Steel Stricken Steel

No one wishes to die, those who say they are ready are only putting it to face value and trying to hide the fear that they have. To lie to themselves and to put on a brave face for others to think that they are accepting of the fate ahead. The same goes for supernatural too. Harper was not ready to die. She was not even ready to give up, but the odds were stacked against her that she knew it was up to fate to decided whether she would come out alive or dead.

So taking the gamble that she did in the alleyway with the furniture box she left herself out in the open for whoever was hunting her to find her and do what they wanted. It was how her pack had been taught. When faced with death go with honor, do not fight it for it will make things worse. If there is a chance to win try but if you see that there is no way out then accept death and go peacefully.

This did not seem to be the case though, for a sharp burning pain lunged Harper awake from her slumber. It felt like that of fire being grazed against her face as she could feel cool liquid dripping from the side. Her eyes adjusted to the scene to where she could see someone in the alleyway with her. A low whine whispered out of her muzzle while arms tried to drag herself out. She was too weak to fight them and if this was her purser she didn't want to show them any sign of being threatening. With wobbly legs Harper tried her best to stand up but had to brace herself against the wall of the building. Her golden eyes finally relaxed to the other woman and softened.

"Not.....hurt.....you....." Harper spoke in broken sentence, her voice was a low rumble that would have scared anyone else into fleeing. She hoped that this person would either believe her, leave her alone or if they wanted to finish her they would do it quickly. Her right hand patted her chest gently, head bowing down. "Pain.....hurt.....Help please......or......kill me.....No.....fight you....." she pleaded softly. Her legs trembled again from the energy being used. Harper shut her eyes for a few seconds to take a few breathes before speaking "In....debt to....you....if help.....Steelbites......loyal.....and will.....serve......until.....debt is paid....."

It was a silent pack rule. If anyone were to save a Steelbite from death then they are indebted to that person until the debt is paid. Some have opposed the rule due to fear of it being abused by outsiders for personal gain or to be used for malice intent. It was never truly clarified before the rift opened and so Harper was placing her trust in this woman that they wouldn't abuse this prospection for nefarious gain. She knelt down on one knee with her head still bowed. Either they will take the offer or deny the offer, the ball was in their court.



Taking the tag from the other man Wayne inspected it slowly and saw his name, date of birth and what unit he was in. Alcatraz, a strange name but Wayne had heard stranger from the other supernatural that are agents with him. He was relieved also that they could understand him and he didn't have to call for an interpreter. That would have been a nightmare to figure out what language they spoke, since there were so many with all the difference species of supernatural. Just as he was about to say something else Wayne watched as Alcatraz fell to the ground and gave out a wheeze. Not liking the sound of it he grabbed his radio quickly to call for medical help.

"Wayne to medical I need a team down here stat. Subject has fallen without warning and needs to be checked on."

There was silence for a few seconds before the radio clicked again with a female voice.

"Roger, Wayne. Sending a team down now."

Satisficed with the answer Wayne was about to get to Alcatraz's level when he saw the other man was back up and looked as if nothing had happened. Raising a eyebrow he wasn't sure what just happened but decided against calling off the medical team. "Hey there....Don't move alright? We're gonna get you checked out ok? Got the best docs here that know what they're doing." Wayne spoke gently not sure if they were going to try to do anything.

Interaction(s): archur archur Stricken Steel Stricken Steel
The Twilight Knight

Atheia limped to the other side of the alleyway, leather bag starting to drip with blood as the severed part of a werewolf ear slowly began to run dry. She began to root through the larger bits of trash for something to help her walk. A tossed cane, a broken table leg, a spare 2x4, anything, when she heard the monster on the other side of the alley begin to rouse. Perhaps, she might've been a little foolish in letting her compassion rule over her rather than following her pragmatism as she usually does. It'd be a terrible fate to get mauled to death by a werewolf, but it was one she was sort of expecting.

However, rather than growling and lunging at her throat, it spoke at a sort of low rumble, like the engine of a muscle car or the dangerous warning of a dragon.

"Not... hurt... you..."

She turned her head, and saw the werewolf from over her shoulder. It was standing despite it's wounds, leaned up against the wall. At least it wasn't trying to kill her. She didn't know that werewolves had the capability of speaking, nonetheless mercy, or humility. She turned her attention back to rooting through the refuse for something to lean on while she walked.

"Pain... hurt... Help please... or... kill me... No... fight you..."

There was something of a snort from Atheia, both at the werewolf's proposition and at her discovery. A long wooden cylinder, about her height, was just behind the dumpster. She figured it was a rod for a closet or something to hang clothes off. Wasn't too wet either towards the top. Still, she spent the time cleaning the dirt from the bottom than conversing with the werewolf who continued on.

"In... debt to... you... if help... Steelbites... loyal... and will... serve... until... debt is paid..."

At that, Atheia was at full attention now, turning around to face the lycan who had a hand over their chest, almost as if taking an oath. The words serve until debt is paid rung in her head for a moment as she faced the panting creature, who had taken a knee to her. Atheia had only one hunting partner once, a falcon named Narmer she had saved as a youngling and trained to perfection. He didn't die a violent death, in fact, he died in his sleep. She just happened to outlive him, just like she did with everyone else. Her cyan eyes stared down at the werewolf, at it's scars, it's fur, it's fresh wounds, at the blood that had matted it, at the rising and falling of it's chest with each breath it took, and most of all, her bowed head.

"Fine. You can come with me for now, but as your... other form, if you can help it. It'd be pointless to dress your wounds now if you're just going to change back in a few hours, especially since you're bigger. Plus, I don't have too much gauze left." She stated. It'd probably be better for the both of them if they kept an eye on each other. If it wasn't Atheia that would kill the werewolf, it'd be somebody else, somebody much worse.

"I don't have much gauze or alcohol on me. I'm gonna stop by gas station or something to get some. If you can move, then stay somewhat out of sight, if you can change back, you can wear my cloak or something, I have no idea how clothes work for you."

BoomersAndMash BoomersAndMash
Ari followed the hunter, and peeked around the corner at the scene. It seemed she wasn't going to hurt the werewolf, so with relief flooding through him, he backed away and disappeared around the corner as if he'd never been there. There was no reason for him to make himself known, as the situation seemed to be resolving itself. With his friend seemingly safe, he could now direct his attention toward the stick in his hand. 'so, are you actually a stick or just a spirit living in a stick?' he wondered. It would be odd if it was just a stick... But how had this happened? How did this stick have a consciousness? What would happen if he snapped the stick? Would it die? Of course he wasn't going to try that. He had a lot of questions though, but he didn't ask most of them.

Ari moved out toward the street, limping as he looked around at the mess. He may as well clean up a bit while he questioned his new companion, so he moved toward the AC unit that had nearly killed him and, with a great amount of effort, moved it out of the street and into an alley where it wouldnt obstruct a civilians path.

interactions: The Plaid Man The Plaid Man

Mentions: BoomersAndMash BoomersAndMash archur archur
Sir Sticksworth chuckles at the question Ari poses for him 'No, I am neither, you see, during the crossing of our dimensions with this one, and people crossing over, I was there, I thought that it would be a nice expedition to study the culture, physics, social structures, and so on, of the human culture. During this time I was a creature called a Treant, a sentient moving tree. While it is true that not much people, supernatural nor human were really hostile to one another, unless either side engaged in combat first, I could always feel humans judging me, though it be just with their stares. You see, humans, at least with my experience, don't enjoy things out of the ordinary, and when our dimensions crossed, well, almost all of the human's knowledge was useless. for example, that lycanthrope, the werewolf you were trying to save, gains mass whenever she transforms, turning into an impressive hybrid of wolf and humanoid. Well, according to human laws of physics, all that mass would release an impressive amount of heat, igniting herself on fire. In fact, if human's laws of nature were correct almost none of us should exist, and yet here we are, standing testaments that humans were wrong.'

'So, naturally, I didn't want to live in a world where I was constantly under suspicion for doing something wrong, so I made myself appear as a normal (for this world) tree, always watching and learning of the humans, and my findings were impressive. I have learned quite a bit of human culture among other things. Now, I assume you are thinking why I became a stick, well, the answer is quite simple, during about 25 years ago I believe, construction around my rooted body began, now, I, honestly, still don't want to reveal myself to the public what I really am, so I risked something that was quite precious to me, my life. While casting one last spell, my previous body fell to the earth, and all of my knowledge (unfortunately not all my spells) was transferred to a single stick, my current form. So to answer your original question, I am technically arcane force preserving my consciousness in form of a stick.'

'My apologies, I tend to ramble and beat around the bush' Sticksworth chuckles to himself for a moment and then asks Ari 'Now, do you have any other questions, and if not, tell me a bit about you.'
Interaction(s): BoomersAndMash BoomersAndMash , TheSpeck TheSpeck , archur archur , The Plaid Man The Plaid Man
Pvt. James Ramirez | Nescura V'Dola | Dr Ludwig

Ramirez slowly came to, his vision was blurry at first. He could feel the pain inside his body, but it was mostly sores and aches. His eyes searched the room for anyone, and it appeared to only be him. However, A glass of water sat on the table beside him, and he reached for it. He grasped the glass and brought it unto his lips, drinking as to not spill it on himself.
Medic raced down the hall, already being called in to handle yet another situation. He carried his briefcase and his medi-gun, as well as his bonesaw was handing off of his hip. His eyes widened before quickly pushing past the guards. There was a husk-like figure standing up, and he instantly knew what it was wearing. "A nanosuit? Do you realize what you are even standing in front of...Sir Wayne? One of the most powerful things that could ever have mans' hands laid upon. Fast as a sports car, As strong as a demi-god. This is amazing. Do you realize what technology what we could develope with this? However, This..man, Seems fine to me."


Alcatraz shook his head 'no' signaling he needed no help. Then a Doctor appeared carrying a strange powerpack connected to some sort of gun that could, theoretically, heal even the worst of wounds. He began speaking gibberish about building technology with the help of the suit then suddenly declared that Alcatraz was fine. The Post-Human warrior was fine, but not the best at the moment.

Initiating artificial voice.

Alcatraz took in a deep breath and 'spoke' by thinking. "I don't think I'll be your lab rat, Doctor. You said you work for a company called Athena, Right Wayne? What happened to the Ceph, CryTek, and CELL? Did we win the war against the Ceph? And what year is it?" A muffled metallic robot-like voice spoke from the grill of the helm.


The deal was made in a sense. Harper looked up at the woman who was at first trying to kill her, now she was her "boss", which meant that Harper would go where she went, fight whomever she deemed an enemy and be at her service until the debt is paid. How the debt is paid is up to fate, sometimes the debt is paid off through hard work, sometimes it's paid off by saving the life of who you are indebted to. It just depended on how fate played her cards and saw what would be a fitting repayment.

When told she could come in her human form Harper took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Crackling bones, a low whine of pain as her body began to shrink down to her human form, bare naked in front of the other woman. She shivered from the cold and her wounds, that were still trying to close. Her hand slowly went up tenderly to her ear that had the top missing. The area was slow to close with her ability due to the knife that was used to cut it off was silver.

Her throat was raw as if she had been screaming for hours and in a husky low tone Harper asked "Cloak......Water...please?" She brought her had out to take the cloak to cover not only her naked body but also to cover the open wounds from becoming infected, which can cause healing to become a very slow process. Standing up fully Harper tried to straighten herself out to appear strong. She hated looking weak in front of anyone, call it a pride thing. "We....must go then......before someone spots us.....and thinks of doing anything ill."



Everything was moving so fast, the medical team came down and soon a doctor that had a pack on his back was spewing out information that he couldn't wrap his head around. Bringing up his hands to try and calm the situation Wayne kept his attention to Alcatraz and listened to his questions. Something about a war and if they won, and CryTex with CELL? He didn't know what that all meant. "Hold on.....Wait. The year is 2051. I don't know anything about a war or those things you were asking.....I'm sorry." He frowned knowing that this was probably not what the man wanted to hear. Ever since the portal had opened things have come through from different times it seems like and different dimensions. No one really knows how it works, they just know that certain beings are brought in out of the blue and it's Athena's job to readapt them to the world now. It seems Alcatraz was one of those that were pulled from his world and brought into this world.

"We're here to help though. In anyway we can. This is what Athena does. We're a government agency that has sworn to protect supernatural and humanity from harm. Which means you're under our protection." He hoped that would help the situation a little, but he knew if it was him he would demand to be taken back home. Which was another problem. The portal seemed to only be one way. The science department had been trying to crack the code of the portal, or as some would call it the gate, but so far they've only gotten more questions then answers. But this was a discussion for another time.

Interaction(s): Stricken Steel Stricken Steel archur archur
Ari listened to Sir Stick worth as it told him about what happened. How interesting, he never thought he'd hear a story like that. He didn't have anymore important questions, so he decided to introduce himself. 'i don't know if you already know this, but my name is Ari... And I'm a hunter. Pretty much the only interesting thing about me.' he continued to walk down the street, cleaning up rubble and some trash that was left out by civilians.

'should I let you go now? I don't want to bother you... I can put you somewhere you want to go maybe?'

The Plaid Man The Plaid Man
Sticksworth listened to Ari, and once he was finished talking with him, there was a long pause from him 'Er, about that, I am sorry to inform you, but, er....how do I put this, unfortunately, we're going to stick together for a...longer period of time, you see, I, nor you, can detach from one another, until one of us dies, but hey, now you'll always have someone to talk to' Sticksworth pauses and sighs 'I am sorry Ari, I really am, but hey, now you can always cast spells and...do...other cool stuff, like have an infinite trove of knowledge in your brain, all you have to do is ask.' Sticksworth was really hoping that this subject wasn't brought up until later and was feeling like a jerk.

TheSpeck TheSpeck
Interaction(s): BoomersAndMash BoomersAndMash , TheSpeck TheSpeck , archur archur , The Plaid Man The Plaid Man
Pvt. James Ramirez | Nescura V'Dola | Dr Ludwig

"Hello?" Ramirez called out weakly, hoping someone would answer back. "Jeez...What happened to me...Oh, Now I remember." Chills went down his spine, that thing that had attacked him was vicious. Egh.
Medic turned his back and marched away from the group silently. However, In the city Nescura spotted not only her once friend and traitor but also the woman that drained her powers.
She transformed into her human-like appearance and approached slowly with a calm tone. "Hello again. Civilian, I didn't really mean harm to you but I was called out by Athena to disperse the situation and you did attack first. Miss Steelbite, I...It's good to see you again. My superior gave me the all-clear for your compensation, so I will get that to you later. Anyways, both of you are badly hurt. May I heal your wounds?"

Alcatraz stared at his hands. "Its been 28 years?" His heart skipped a beat before he remembered his little sister. "And you don't know about the war? The guy that wore this suit before me, His memories are legitimately implanted into my brain. He shown me glimpses of what appeared to be the future, and also past memories. The guy that built this suit, turned out to be living in a can of jell-o. But he gave me the cure to the virus the Ceph engineered to wipe us out. I was cured, but so many people weren't so lucky, because that old hag tried to rip this suit off my skin. If I wasn't wearing this suit right now, I would be dead. I'm lucky because a man took pity on me and he was infected, and risked going mad. Almost every bone and organ in my body at this moment is healed, but 28 years ago. I was a dead man walking."
The Twilight Knight

As soon as the werewolf began to shift, Atheia averted her eyes. She could only guess, correctly, that a werewolf's clothes didn't magically meld onto their skin and happen to reappear back when they transform into their human disguise. She assumed it didn't work like that, but never really saw a monster like that rip out of their clothes. She tore off her own cloak, a billowing thing of greenish-brown and threw it over her new companion's shoulders, revealing Atheia's silver-white hair and her large scar under her left eye. Her mind was quickly trying to piece together what she would do with a werewolf in tow. Technically, it would make hunting monsters easier, two is greater than one. However, she had never worked alongside anyone else during a hunt before, or ever really. Ever since she earned her scars, she had taken to traveling alone and only had help every so often, only for so long. She expected this relationship to be much of the same.

"We'll buy you some clothes too."

"We... must go then... before someone spots us... and thinks of doing anything ill."

Atheia nodded in agreement and settled herself on her walking stick, when suddenly the sound of footsteps cut through the ambience of the night. In an instant, she dropped her walking stick and had her Beretta pointed at the figure that had approached them.

"Hello again. Civilian, I didn't really mean harm to you but I was called out by Athena to disperse the situation and you did attack first." the woman said, earning her nothing but Atheia's contempt. As much as she understood the nature of duty, it was always a good excuse to get away with anything they wanted under the pretense of the greater good. Whatever this shifter's deal was, apparently it was with the werewolf. They knew each other it seemed, so she made the wise decision to lower her weapon for now. She half-listened, half took stock of her situation as the shifter spoke to the werewolf, Steelbite as she was referred to. It wasn't just a clan name it seemed.

"Anyways, both of you are badly hurt. May I heal your wounds?"

"NO!" She blurted out, leaning from her stick. The huntress cleared her throat and spoke again, more calmly this time. "No, I'm really not that hurt, and my wounds knit themselves quickly." She lied.

"Talk to your... friend, Steelbite. I will be back with disinfectant, clothes, and a few other things." She was sure there was a corner store nearby, but in reality, she was hoping to think of what she needed to do next while she was finding a Walgreens or something.

Interactions: Stricken Steel Stricken Steel BoomersAndMash BoomersAndMash
Ari paused midway through picking up a muddy plastic bag on the ground. Forever?! The stick must've made a mistake! There was no way he could stay sane never being alone ... Especially with the plant puns! He was barely sane as it was! He straightened out again and started walking down the street quickly, crumpling the bag in his hand. He could just let go of the stick, yes that had to work, Sir Stickworth was probably just a horrible person and playing a joke on him... All he had to do was let it go, it wasn't super glued to his hand!

Making it down the street and to a grass filled area, he went out to the middle and opened his hand to let the stick go, but when he saw it didn't fall to the ground he started to panic a little, shaking his hand a few times as if trying to throw it would magically make it go away. He gave up after a moment and gripped the stick once again.

'you got stuck to me, you can get unstuck right?! And I swear if you make another plant pun I'm going to turn you into splinters-' normally he would be fine with the puns, but he was too overwhelmed at the moment... he squeezed the stick a bit but kept himself from attempting to snap it in half. That may not even get rid of it, but he didn't want to risk killing someone... Though, that option may be the only way if living with someone in his head constantly was too much. Killing wasn't exactly a new thing to him... But sir stick worth was nice enough from what he knew, and he did make a promise to himself never to kill a civilian unless they threatened him first... He was too bewildered to focus on the benefit of having Sir Stickworth with him, the only thing he was able to focus on was the negatives. He needed to calm down but that was hard to do... Realizing youre never going to be alone again in your entire life was a lot to take in...

The Plaid Man The Plaid Man
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As Ari was walking Sticksworth couldn't do anything but watch 'Ari...please' when Ari tried to let go of Sticksworth he winced 'Oh boy, here it comes' Sticksworth listened to Ari and finally responded 'I understand Ari, you don't like me, but, I can't control how I was made into this. Honestly, if I could, I wood detach, alas, I cannot. Sure the plant puns get annoying once in a while, but here is the thing Ari, I give people powers! I change the normal to abnormal, but there has to be a downside to it, otherwise people who work hard for abilities they otherwise wood not have are being treated wrong.' As Ari's grasp on Sticksworth tightens he know he has to talk fast to calm Ari down 'Ari, it might surprise you, but I don't know what will happen if you break me, I have bonded with your flesh, so it could injure you, it might injure me, sure, yeah, it might kill me, but we don't know.' He paused as Ari released his grip and thought to himself. '...Ari, here's the thing, I know you can get through a lot, in fact, I just saw you survive a werewolf attack for bloody sake, I think having me around is something you can get through.' Sticksworth honestly wasn't just saying this to get Ari to stop breaking him, he knew people are much more stable and flexible at the same time than other's give them credit for, he should know, he often underestimated other's abilities to adapt, yet he was always pleasantly surprised. He can understand having the one secure privacy in your life, (your thoughts, obviously) being breached being a troubling new experience, but, Sticksworth could never feel anything other than bewilderment, people have had near death experiences, and still freaked out if he ever bonded with them, 'am I really that bad?' Sticksworth thinks to himself. Surely not.
TheSpeck TheSpeck

The voice was familiar to her, she knew who it was and Harper quickly bowed her head to the ground. This was not the time nor place to speak to Nescura, not after what happened so many years ago with Athena and her. Not with her leaving the agency on bad terms and being marked as a traitor. Her body whined in protest as she forced herself to walk towards them, licking her dry lips as the words tried to form in her head but all that came up was nothing. Like wind in the air catching nothing. She picked her head up and shook it slightly. With a low mumble the Hunter could only mumble "I'm sorry....I can't right now....." before pushing her whole body and running as hard and as fast as she could to her new "partner". There would be a time and place for the two to talk about the past and for them to convey as to what had happened, but being broken, bloody and wounded while feeling cornered was not it.

Following the scent and holding the cloak tight to her chest Harper pushed by a crowd of people as her lungs burned like fire and her legs wobbled. Nearing the closet drug store Harper buried her head deeper into the cloak and she soon sat on the sidewalk letting her body rest. Her stomach felt queasy again as her body shook from being cold and shock.

'Just wait for them to come out.....just wait for them to come out of here and we can go and rest. Just wait....wait....waiting is so hard......so hard......' Harper thought to herself. Wrapping her arms around her legs and placing her head on top of her knees, Harper closed her eyes to let herself rest a little before she was to move again.

Interaction(s): archur archur
With a deep breath Ari sat down on the sidewalk, leaning against one of the buildings and keeping himself from not snapping sir Stickworth in half. He never thought about that, it probably would hurt him if he attempted to murder sir Stickworth. It was too risky. So, instead of snapping the stick in half, he dug his claws into the sidewalk, making grooves in the concrete. 'Well honestly I don't really want powers! Being normal is nice... Nice and... And Normal!' he said to Stickworth before falling silent again for a period of time. He closed his eyes and leaned his head on his knees, hugging his legs with his arms. He stayed that way for a while, it was an awkward position but it was comfortable. Comfortable enough for him to calm himself down and think things over logically.

'ok.... I can live with this... But I don't like you at all at the moment, so if you make me mad I can't promise I wouldn't take the risk of turning you into splinters. I do need to know, can you hear everything I'm thinking or only what I choose to tell you?' he asked.

The Plaid Man The Plaid Man
The Twilight Knight

Thankfully, as she hobbled, Walgreens was always around the corner, but her mind raced in circles as she tried to figure out what she'd do with her werewolf, and how she would treat her. It would be easy enough to take her out to a desert in California, release her there, and forget about her. Her. Even her own thoughts were changing as she kept thinking about the creature. She had made a distinct separation in her head to always refer to monsters as it, and not as proper nouns. Monsters were things to be killed, and werewolves were dangerous monsters all the same, even if her own conflicting beliefs didn't agree on how to feel about Steelbite. For the moment though, she settled on treating her like a person, not a beast to be tamed and caged.

The trip was short and mundane, she didn't need many things. Bottle of medical alcohol, gauze, a box of bandaids, a black shirt so the stains won't show so easily, men's underwear, a large pair of jeans, a belt, and a pair of flip flops since it was starting to get expensive and Walgreens didn't sell shoes.

She dumped everything at the register, leaning feebly on her walking stick, the rotten wooden thing. The cashier took one good look at her, up and down, and silently decided it was best he didn't ask questions as he scanned everything one by one. There had been explosions some distance earlier, there had been police, and he was just unlucky enough to be far away from it that work wasn't called off. Yet, there was somebody who obviously involved right there in front of him. The right thing to do was to call the authorities. Supernaturals were dangerous, and rare. However, he didn't, because he wasn't paid enough for that drama.

"Your total is 56.72$."
Atheia fished out a wallet and credit card, to the cashier's moderate surprise, and she paid for it in full. She went to open her cloak and ensure that her gun and arrows were in the right pockets so the metal detector wouldn't trip, before realizing that it was with Steelbite. It would be strange to travel with somebody else for once, but at least it would be interesting. In a few drawn out steps, she was outside again, staring at the cloaked figure resting on the curb.

"Hey." She dropped the bag onto the werewolf's lap. "Go to the bathroom inside and put these on. After, we can turn in your bounty or find out what the hell happened earlier."

Interactions: BoomersAndMash BoomersAndMash

Whispers hummed in Harpers ears. She could hear those passing by asking if she was alright, if she was homeless, if they should call the cops. She did look homeless and lost with her outfit covering her face and how her body reeked of garbage and dry blood. Her nostrils flared at her own stench, even she was disgusted by her own look. But Harper wasn't going to dwell upon what can't be fixed right now. Taking a shower and getting cleaned up would have to wait until her "boss" was to come out and give her commands.

This thought in itself stirred her beast side awake and soon it began to voice it's opinions on the matter at hand.

'We are not slave! We are not pet! We are proud! Why did you give up and let that.....person become our master?' it snarled low inside of Harpers head. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. What people don't know about werewolves is that they are two different entities and have two separate thoughts. As Harper as put it in laymen's terms she is Dr. Jekyll and her beast is Mr. Hyde. Most times she and and her beast side coexist peacefully, but when one or the other disagrees upon something, as in this case the situation of being in debt to the hunter is when things can get messy in controlling each side.

'We have worked hard NOT to fall in line with the debt policy! We have worked hard NOT to be in debt with a....human! And yet here we are. Collared like a dog and now at the hip of this woman. All because she did not kill us!? Pathetic! We are a proud race, we are to be feared, not to be tamed! And yet you bow your head to the first being that does not kill you and swear your loyalty to them.' Her beast rumbled low as it paced back and forth inside. Itching for another chance to take over and change. It glared at Harper as it's fur was bristled up.

With a low inhale Harper opened her eyes and clenched her fist hard, creating indents of her fingernails into the palms as she whispered low for only herself to hear. "The hunter is not a human.....You and I both can smell that. And we need to get to the bottom of who wants us dead. Put your anger aside and let me handle this part. Besides we both know we are in no shape for another change. Our wounds are too much. And the first wound by that thing....is still infecting us with whatever it has."

The beast snapped it's jaws open and closed quickly as it dwelled back into the shadows of her mind. Eyes still looming in the darkness. 'Very well......For now we will play along with this hunter and be her new pet. But if they try to cut off the other ear I will not hesitate to bite her neck.' Harper chuckled at the last threat. She had to agree with her beast side that if the hunter did try to cut off a portion of her other ear there would be words. "Agreed. But let's not go for the neck. Perhaps let me do the talking and then I will deem if the neck is worthy of a bite."

The conversation came quickly to an end when the door behind her opened and the familiar scent of the hunter rushed through her nose. Harper picked up her head and felt a bag fall into her lap and the voice of her "boss."

"Hey Go to the bathroom inside and put these on. After, we can turn in your bounty or find out what the hell happened earlier."

Standing up slowly Harper stared at the woman and gave a small nod as she walked into the store. The clerk watched carefully but seemed to know better then to ask who she was or what she was doing . He didn't want any trouble and it wasn't his job to question every weird looking customer that walked through the door.

The bathroom was thankfully empty of anyone in it and Harper make quick work to change into her new outfit. She grunted at the choice of flip flops, if it were up to her it would be shoes, or boots. Anything open toed bothered her. And flip flops? Does she look like the type that just casually walks around in flip flops? Thankfully the taste of the other clothes was up to her par. Jeans and a black t-shirt, good enough to get the job done. Walking to the sink after placing the cloak in the bag, Harper ran the water for a few seconds before splashing her face with cold water.

She shook her face a few times and patted it dry with a paper towel. Her eyes happened to glance at her ear, that was missing a portion due to being cut off and she gently tried to clean off the dry blood with some water. It hurt and felt like hot metal grazing through her skin, but she managed to clean a good portion, so that it didn't look like a bloody beef jerky had been ripped off her face.

Hastily leaving the bathroom Harper held the bag close to her side and moved back outside of the store. She pushed the bag into the woman chest mumbling out "Here's your cloak back.....thank you for letting me borrow it." Now the question was where do they go to find out who put the hit out on her head and why is this woman more worried about Harper then about herself? It was evident she had injuries too that seemed serve and needed medical attention. Her eyes locked onto her leg then back up to her to show she noticed she was hurt.

Interaction: archur archur
Sir Sticksworth listened to Ari, he was ready with a rebuttal on the 'normal' situation, but decided against it, after all, 10,000 years being alive gives you a sense of where your input is and isn't wanted, and right now, it was definitely unwanted. Besides, if he had spoken, he definitely could have earned his earned his own demise by the very person he was trying to reason with, and he wasn't quite fond of that idea. As Ari crumpled into a ball, Sticksworth keeps on thinking to himself, trying to distract himself from the tension between Ari and him. 'ok.... I can live with this... But I don't like you at all at the moment, so if you make me mad I can't promise I wouldn't take the risk of turning you into splinters.' Sticksworth hadn't felt fear in a while, but he imagined that what he was feeling after that statement might be qualified as the said emotion 'Noted.' 'I do need to know, can you hear everything I'm thinking or only what I choose to tell you?' Sticksworth was honestly not sure himself, it had been a while since he had talked to someone like this 'Well, I am not quite sure myself, Ari'
The Twilight Knight

In a swift motion, she wrapped herself back into her shroud, the array of knives, arrows, and other sharp implements glinted in the streetlight briefly before her cloak fluttered shut.

"You had no clothes. If I didn't have my cloak, you would've had my shirt." She said matter-of-factly. Atheia took a deep breath, taking her attention away from her pounding foot and what she and her new companion were going to do next.

1) Find a place to sleep.
2) Contact her middleman.
3) Figure out what to do with a fucking werewolf.
4) Get a new contract, get out of town.

Step 3 was definitely left for later Atheia, but it was still something she wanted to consider before she was to grab another contract. Would it be more valuable to be traveling with a werewolf openly to her employers, or would it turn them away? What was her excuse to have an actual werewolf traveling with her, nonetheless traveling with anybody at all?

She'd figure it out later, her head throbbed, her foot ached, and she needed to get a brace or a healer, one was more likely than the other at this point, and she was pretty sure the taverns here didn't have any supernaturals who would simply bless her with the light of another divine for a shiny piece of gold. Nevertheless, that would simply just be a problem she'd tackle in the morning, if she'd let herself sleep.

"Fuck." She muttered aloud for no particular reason. It'd be a 'fuck' sort of night anyways, and she needed to get a Uber to one of her hideouts in the city. She had more than a few of them dotted across the world, no more than four hours apart from each other traveling by motor if the need ever arose. It's what she had to do, safehouses were lifesavers, even if they were as scarce as a room with arrows, an empty fridge, and a replacement bow in it. She figured she had already set one up in the city since she took a few jobs here in the past before. Plus, she had proper things to hold her over until she had proper medical help.

"Steelbite, I'm going to call an Uber to my place. If you've got a tracker or something embedded in you that you know about, let me know now or I'll blow your head off if I learn about one later."

Interaction: BoomersAndMash BoomersAndMash
'I guess you'll figure that out if you hear me talking to myself like a psychopath.' Ari stood quickly, sheathing his claws once again. He started down the street, walking fast. 'I need to get a new contract, my time to rest is almost up. I'm sure you've seen people die before right? Well, get murdered, not just die. If not, you better get used to it. That's my job after all.' He said to Stickworth without a hint of remorse.

A bit of time passed before Ari stopped his fast pace and turned into a sketchy looking apartment complex, heading up the creaky stairs. He stopped at the one of the rooms and took out a key, unlocking the moldy door. 'before you start judging me, no this isn't where I live.' He walked inside and closed the door behind him. The small dirty room was practically empty besides a fridge and a few storage shelves. He walked to the fridge and opened it, revealing a collection of different knives and other more brutal weapons. He took a messenger bag from the corner and opened it, removing a few throwing knives and a baton from the turned off fridge and putting it in the bag. 'Alright, guess it's time to find a contract.... You can help me pick one out if you'd like, though if you get in the way I probably won't listen to you ever.'

The Plaid Man The Plaid Man

The question threw Harper off for a moment. A tracker implanted in her? Athena never went that far. Otherwise she would have been caught years ago after abandoning her position. Swiftly shaking her head Harper pulled up her shirt to show a nasty looking cut that was inflamed from the attack earlier today. "Just this.....It's not healing. Was from that giant red mass.....Hurts bad." Pulling her shirt back down Harper frowned looking at her boss. With a regrettable tone she spoke with "It's what caused me to lose control and attack the innocent. I didn't want to. I'm not a monster.......I'm not the bad guy that folks think we are."

She frowned knowing that the display from earlier ruined any shot of her trying to improve the image of shifters with humans and even other supernatural. Her kind was seen as barbaric and blood thirsty. Only used for battle and should be seen as attack dogs. Though Harper herself is proud to be a werewolf in truth her kind was low on the food chain when it came to respect. Work forces were hesitant to employ them, underground rings used them as body guards or thugs to rough up anyone they didn't like.

Feeling her chest raise from a deep breath, Harper looked at the ground wondering what kind of judgement her "partner" had made of her. She didn't want to ask since they were both tired and in need of rest and medical attention. The time for asking how one felt about you was not now. Also she had to figure out how to get her own truck back. It had her hunting gear in there still. Plus Harper didn't like anyone else touching her truck. She was very possessive of it. But that would come at another time. Uber first, safe house second. Then heal and regroup.

Interaction: archur archur
'Why, of course I've seen a murder, after all, over a thousand years alive, and you see some things.' In truth, Sir Sticksworth still wasn't at all comfortable with it, but he could stick it out, however something about seeing Ari mention it so casually made Sticksworth feel a bit uneasy. As time passed Sticksworth began getting bored, something that happened to him often in his long time around. Upon seeing the apartment complex Sticksworth felt a bit unfazed, he had spent a long amount of time just blowing around, he was used to low material wealth and was quite willing to accept this as a home, however Ari diffused his suspicions quickly. Sticksworth observed the room, and also taking note of Ari's familiarity with his surroundings. 'Alright, guess it's time to find a contract.... You can help me pick one out if you'd like, though if you get in the way I probably won't listen to you ever.' Sticksworth's interest piqued at knowing he might be able to view a hunter at work, but he also wanted company, he'd have to be careful about what he says on this excursion 'Ah, yes thank you for the operooteny, I hope I'll be of use to you.' Sticksworth paused and then communicated to Ari again 'If you don't mind my asking, if you don't live here, how do you know your way around it so well?'

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