• This section is for roleplays only.
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Realistic or Modern how the wild west was fun - temp. ooc

omg? Bestie I am so excited for thisssssssss! If you need help with anything, lemme know!
Eamon is up! Might redo parts of his form another five times (I ain't nothing if not an indecisive perfectionist + more ideas might come to mind) but the general gist is there. Oh, I'll try to add an uncoded version in a spoiler as well.
edith's mobile friendly code is up! I also realized that I forgot like two questions when I was filling out her coded version so I'll be adding that in shortly too <3


so, i'm still working on minnie's form but i will go ahead and hand out the discord (can you tell how excited i am? yeah ksdjkdj)

there's still one sharpshooter and one lookout role left open so anyone who has a placeholder up for those roles can continue working on those <3

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