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Fantasy Dragon Age: Fen'Harel - {OOC}

Who’s going to be our Inky poo

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Uhh... I've never played Morrowind. I've played a bit of Oblivion, and beaten Skyrim several times. My most played RPG is 100% Origins, where I play the same damn character every time.

And yeah. I always liked how Dragon Age deconstructed fantasy races and tropes.

Also, hello, Hengleford!
I find this interesting too!! I was reading up off of the wiki the other day, and way back way in ancient days, Elves and Dwarves were legit like to the only two races to occupy Thedas for a time. Although as the years went by, I think the Dwarves did like, sign a trading deal with the Imperium?? Maybe that's what didn't really seem to go down all too well haha

Aye, I remember playing as a Dwarven Grey Warden on my first playthrough of Origins, fully expecting to be constantly insulted, mocked and generally distrusted when I went to visit the Elves as part of the treaty quest...

To my absolute surprise and joy, they weren't fussed about the Dwarf being amongst them.. they were rather pleasant about the whole thing.. 😂
Though.. tbh, they were a bit more worried about being killed by werewolves.. but details schmetails 🤷‍♂️
I played a Human Noble my first time around. Pretty much everyone treated me really well, up until the Dalish. There was this one guy who told the story of how humans destroyed the Elven civilization during the first Exalted March right in front of me just to spite me and I felt so uncomfortable.
I played the Dalish origin for the first time the other day...

I was not ready.
I played a Human Noble my first time around. Pretty much everyone treated me really well, up until the Dalish. There was this one guy who told the story of how humans destroyed the Elven civilization during the first Exalted March right in front of me just to spite me and I felt so uncomfortable.

Sometimes, I wonder if maybe Solas is actually in the right...but then again, Leliana and Alistair are humans, and our next threesome is next week, so his plans are gonna have to wait.
Leliana and Alistair are humans, and our next threesome is next week, so his plans are gonna have to wait.


P A R D O N?
On a side note, before I write up Sigis' (my character) CS.. I just wanted to check if having him as a Legion of the Dead be okay 'lore-wise'. I'm not 100% sure on the length of time-lines between Origins & inquisition as I originally intend for my guy to have been a guide to the Grey Warden during his/her travels through Orzammar and the Deep Roads. Furthermore I was thinking of keeping Sigis' relations with Orzammar official, perhaps he's an agent sent by the Kingdom to assist the 'Ex-Inquisition-ers' as my characters origins began as a simple cut-throat and heading back in that direction as a 'common-merc' feels like a step-backwards - to me at least. That said, I think it could bring up some interesting moments of tention.. trying to figure out where Sigis' allegiance lay when it comes to situations that could benefit Orzammar. As a rogue-like character, I can certainly see him 'helping himself' to stray documents, items of interest and other bits that could later be sent back to the mountains. Given that the Dwarves take alot of pride in their independence from the 'surface-dwellers', I think it would also be a given that they'd send individuals to venture out as spies, agents.. etc.. etc.. to keep them informed as to what's going on.
On a side note, before I write up Sigis' (my character) CS.. I just wanted to check if having him as a Legion of the Dead be okay 'lore-wise'. I'm not 100% sure on the length of time-lines between Origins & inquisition as I originally intend for my guy to have been a guide to the Grey Warden during his/her travels through Orzammar and the Deep Roads. Furthermore I was thinking of keeping Sigis' relations with Orzammar official, perhaps he's an agent sent by the Kingdom to assist the 'Ex-Inquisition-ers' as my characters origins began as a simple cut-throat and heading back in that direction as a 'common-merc' feels like a step-backwards - to me at least. That said, I think it could bring up some interesting moments of tention.. trying to figure out where Sigis' allegiance lay when it comes to situations that could benefit Orzammar. As a rogue-like character, I can certainly see him 'helping himself' to stray documents, items of interest and other bits that could later be sent back to the mountains. Given that the Dwarves take alot of pride in their independence from the 'surface-dwellers', I think it would be a given that they'd send individuals to venture out as spies, agents.. etc.. etc.. to keep them informed as to what's going on.

I think we figured it all out with regards to years. The fifth blight (Origins) takes place in 9:30 Dragon, Inquisition takes place around ten-twelve years later in 9:41 - 9:42. Trespasser even further after that in around 9:44. We eventually settled on setting the RP in 9:50 to keep things even.
That means the RP takes place
20 years after Origins,
8-5 years after Inquisition.

That seems like a good Origin for them to me!! MAkes sense with regards to the story, and what have you. If he's undercover it'd make sense for him to group B perhaps, keeping his real intentions/identity a secret in the process. But perhaps otherwise, starting with group A would be a better fit??
But yes, ANYTHING that makes tension I am ALL OVER. I live for drama. Both ficticious and real haha
I think we figured it all out with regards to years. The fifth blight (Origins) takes place in 9:30 Dragon, Inquisition takes place around ten-twelve years later in 9:41 - 9:42. Trespasser even further after that in around 9:44. We eventually settled on setting the RP in 9:50 to keep things even.
That means the RP takes place
20 years after Origins,
8-5 years after Inquisition.

That seems like a good Origin for them to me!! MAkes sense with regards to the story, and what have you. If he's undercover it'd make sense for him to group B perhaps, keeping his real intentions/identity a secret in the process. But perhaps otherwise, starting with group A would be a better fit??
But yes, ANYTHING that makes tension I am ALL OVER. I live for drama. Both ficticious and real haha

Sigis, after successfully picking a lock and discovering a room filled to the brim with sensitive documents.. 😱

I do agree with you, I think now instead, Sigis will begrudgingly follow along as a hired merc. It's not that he dislikes getting his hands dirty, he's just never had a great opinion of swords for hire. Coin comes easily enough if you know what you're doing and he cannot stand greedy folk that are simply there for the coin itself. He loves a bit of adventure! :P
I do agree with you, I think now instead, Sigis will begrudgingly follow along as a hired merc. It's not that he dislikes getting his hands dirty, he's just never had a great opinion of swords for hire. Coin comes easily enough if you know what you're doing and he cannot stand greedy folk that are simply there for the coin itself. He loves a bit of adventure! :P

Ah!! But perhaps not everyone in the Merc group is of that thinking! Maybe he'll be enlightened towards a new point of view while there... who knows... ;0
Ah!! But perhaps not everyone in the Merc group is of that thinking! Maybe he'll be enlightened towards a new point of view while there... who knows... ;0

We shall see! :P I should hopefully have Sigis' CS made soon and i'm looking very much forward to mingling with everyone! <3
3 mages to date
No Qunari/Tal Vashoth
Max of 2 characters

Was anyone else thinking or planning on making a Mage oc? Got a character idea sitting in my workshop that’s derived from a studying of the qun and delving into such things for better understanding some several months back. Kinda tempted, but no big deal if the balance would be offset and/or a problem for others plans.
3 mages to date
No Qunari/Tal Vashoth
Max of 2 characters

Was anyone else thinking or planning on making a Mage oc? Got a character idea sitting in my workshop that’s derived from a studying of the qun and delving into such things for better understanding some several months back. Kinda tempted, but no big deal if the balance would be offset and/or a problem for others plans.

Oooooo!! No no no, I'm down for this!! I was legit just thinking how we didn't have any Qunari yet haha. Go for it my dude
Oooooo!! No no no, I'm down for this!! I was legit just thinking how we didn't have any Qunari yet haha. Go for it my dude
Oh really?! Wow haha. I’m looking over my Saar-Raas and it seems memory is correct in that he doesn’t have any time period references so he could fit into almost any time period. Now trick is the story he could have in ties to the events he’d have been alive to experience in whatever way. Open to discussion and ideas to help this brain flow : ) it could be just stuff he could talk about in IC or what have you. Maybe add to his CS too.

He’s not your typical Qunari- Very torn and self searching Kind of dude with a thirst for learning and understanding more. (A constant quest for knowledge this one) Also very into nature and draws from it for his specialization style.
There are 3 mages to date in this rp?

Sene grumbles in old woman "dsrn youngsters and their dates and their music"
He’s not your typical Qunari- Very torn and self searching Kind of dude with a thirst for learning and understanding more. (A constant quest for knowledge this one) Also very into nature and draws from it for his specialization style.

Ooooo I like that!! Makes him more interesting!! Especially with regards to all thats gonna go down within the RP itself ☀️
There are 3 mages to date in this rp?

Sene grumbles in old woman "dsrn youngsters and their dates and their music"
Yeah, Bryce Cousland II (Rusty) Tabot (A-Mankeybee and Your Sene.

Ooooo I like that!! Makes him more interesting!! Especially with regards to all thats gonna go down within the RP itself ☀
Thanks!!! He’s my first and only Qunari character I’ve made and really delved into and he was really fun to make and while learning and taking a lot from the qun studies. :) A wip version is posted to give better ideas of him.

I haven’t yet gotten all typos resolved, a straight copy and paste from my workshop. Haha
Oh really?! Wow haha. I’m looking over my Saar-Raas and it seems memory is correct in that he doesn’t have any time period references so he could fit into almost any time period. Now trick is the story he could have in ties to the events he’d have been alive to experience in whatever way. Open to discussion and ideas to help this brain flow : ) it could be just stuff he could talk about in IC or what have you. Maybe add to his CS too.

He’s not your typical Qunari- Very torn and self searching Kind of dude with a thirst for learning and understanding more. (A constant quest for knowledge this one) Also very into nature and draws from it for his specialization style.
My mecs need a mage if he is willing to join.

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