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Fantasy Dragon Age: Fen'Harel - Character Sheets


Terrier B

Elephants can smell water.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

F E N ' H A R E L

Character Sheets​

RP Rules
(Just in case you need reminding!)

  1. All RPN rules apply here! Listen to 'em, obey 'em. Or else! ;0
  2. I know things are a bit wild and up in the air at the moment with regards to people’s everyday lives and schedules, but if we can just keep posting relatively consistent with regards to timing that'd be swell. At least one a week will be more than fine for a minimum. But to keep things fun and inclusive for everyone, please be aware of other people’s tendencies with regards to when they post. If you want to keep something going with another currently active member (A conversation or encounter for example), maybe write it out in a private message or thread and then post the finished product so we're not clogging up the thread thank you.
  3. I'd appreciate at least one detailed paragraph per post for the bare minimum if that's alright, with anything longer than that being ultimately preferred. Of course, length and content vary for a number of reasons, and it's fine if all you can do for the time being is just the one paragraph. So long as we don't have any one-liner, we're all good.
  4. I won’t be asking for a writing sample from you (Partly ‘cause I know most of y’all are cool people anyway), but I will however be judging your writing ability somewhat on the quality of you character sheets. Please don’t let that be as scary as it sounds!! haha. It just means if I don’t think your sheet quite matches the quality, I think this RP will be going for, I might just ask you to touch it up a little or what have you.
  5. Usual rules with regards to god-modding apply here of course, I suppose also especially considering this is an Pre-existing world and what have you. Please don't put anything plot related that's particularly extravagant straight into the IC. Discuss and ask me directly or everyone else via the OOC first. I don't want to discourage ideas or creativity here mind you, but it's just nice manners to ask people if you can, idk, possess someone’s Grandmama with blood magic or something.
  6. I really don't want to sound too bossy with this one, so take it more as a strong piece of advice than a direct rule: While characters in this may be decently experienced in their chosen line of specialisation/combat/intellectual subject/Stuffed Nug collection/etc. It’d be a boring RP if everyone was a absolute badass at their chosen mastermind topic. So, just be aware I suppose please of your characters experience level. They can be a blood mage, sure, but like. Just don’t let ‘em like, you know. Be the next Corypheus or whatever, haha. I'm sure you get what I mean.

Character Sheet Outline

Name: -Feel free to include any preferred titles or nicknames here too​
Age: - You can include the exact birthdate if you want, but no biggy.​
Race: - You can include a few specifics here too if you like. For example, are you a Human from the Imperium? An Alienage elf? Etc.​
Class: - I don’t mind people having characters that are capable of wielding multiple weapon types and styles (Obviously don’t go too OOT though please), but for sake of ease, if you could just put here what their basic class is and preferred specialisation is, that’d be fab.​
Starting Group: - Either Group A, the Intellectual Ex-Inquisition-ers. Or Group B, the more rough n’ tough Mercs. Please also feel free to apply for the leadership position of either of these groups if you like! I've made it so, if push comes to shove, my characters can work as the Leader of both if needs be. But especially with the Merc group, I'm down for someone else taking their helm!​
Appearance: - I’d like a picture and/or detailed description please. I don’t mind drawn pictures, or styles that are a little more abstract and artistic, so long as the character looks reasonably enough like someone that would exist within the world of Thedas.​
Face Claim: - Fully optional.​
Voice: - Fully optional again, but just thought this would just be a fun one, considering how in depth we got when discussing accents and what have you. Don’t feel pressured though, just a fun one here.​
Languages spoken: - Here’s a handy page from the wiki for additional help and context, but depending on where your character is from, they may know a few extra languages in addition to the common Trade tongue of Thedas.​
Notable Gear: - Can be as vague or specific as you like here. Do they have any special keepsakes? A detailed weapon? Favourite cuddle blanket to sleep with? Etc.​
Personality: - I always struggle with these sections a little myself, in that I prefer to just, like, let the character show themselves through the story. But just so we all have a basic idea of everybody’s character beforehand, a basic description of the type of person your Character is will go nicely here. Doesn’t have to be mega detailed, just clear enough to get the general jist of things.​
Background: - Similar to the above, as long or short as you like. You can reveal as much or as little about the character as deemed necessary by yourself too, if there’s things you know the character will have experienced, but won’t necessarily want the others to know, keep it a secret! Save it as a reveal or what have you. I’m cool with whatever, just so long as it’s cohesive and relevant.​
Extras: - Anything that didn’t fit in anywhere else!​

Sallis Oranavra


Yes, Sallis, not Salad. She doesn’t mind ‘Salli’, or just plain ‘Sal’ either.​
It feels like just Sallis isn’t really the entirety of her first name truth be told, but it’s how she always introduces herself, so I suppose it’d be rude to prod further.​
Age: 24. She was born in 9:26, on the 12th day of Guardian. Suppose that’s why she prefers colder weather, well, that and ‘other’ things…
Gender: As womanly as they come.​
Race: Sallis calls herself an ‘Allsorts’ Elf. Due to her rather scattered history so far.​
You could put Slave, City and Dalish all before the Elf part when describing her and be correct with any of them.​
Class: Sword and Shield Warrior, specialising in the ‘Guardian’ mind-frame of defence and tactics. Odd for an Elf really, most find it surprising she can lift the shield at all, but ‘odd’ is a word Sal feels rather at home with these days, so there’s that for you I suppose. Salli’s also relatively adept and competent at with other forms of weaponry too, what with being in a Merc group and all, but it’s with the sword where her true talents lie.​
Starting Group: The Mercs! (Group B )



As with a lot of Elves, Sallis’ is a tall gal, standing at around 5’8 at her highest. Again, as most of her race are, Sal is conventionally lithe, but with a little bit more muscle than most other Elves. She’s the height of an Elf, sure, but the brawn of a Human too. Can’t be too scrawny carrying big ol’ swords around now can you. Otherwise though, her skin’s brown, warm and golden in the sunshine. Her features are dark and heavy, but have their own notable sense of character about them. Her eyes are quick, and always contain a small glimmer of mystery, that more often than not leads to nothing but mischief between you and me. But 'mysterious' sounds a lot more alluring.​
Sallis’ left ear is missing its extended conventional Elvish point. Something that’s rather hard to miss. It was not a defect she was born with, nor is it a wound more recently acquired in battle. She’ll tell you the story yourself, if you’re desperate to know, but it’s not all that pretty...
I suppose the remaining rather notable feature is of course the Vallaslin. Sallis bears the Vallaslin of June, the Elvhen Master of Crafts. The ‘Blood Writing’ was done in a fairer shade of her own skin-tone, as she deemed a brighter, more obvious colour would appear a bit too garish. One time, a less educated Shem genuinely asked her if her Valaslin was a birthmark.​
Face Claim: Radhika Nair​
Voice: Julia Sawalha​

Languages Spoken: Sallis speaks some Tevene, enough of it to get by in polite small talk at the very least. And of course, she can swear in it too, makes her look less uncouth when in polite company that doesn’t know any better you see.​
She speaks fairly decent Orleasian too, but only from a common perspective mind you.​
Notable Gear:

- Ted:

Uh, it seems a little rude to label Ted as something as inanimate as ‘gear’, but hey-ho. Ted, Teddy, (Or his full Sunday name) Teddathon, is a Ferelden Mabari, just about entering the more Golden years of his life. Sallis came across him amidst the carnage of a fallen Inquisition forward camp. She helped the poor thing get back up on his feet, and the two have been inseparable ever since. As I mentioned, Teddy’s getting on a bit now, but he’s not all gone and past it yet! If you’ll pardon the pun, he still has plenty of bark left in him.​
- Dalish Knife: A multipurpose type weapon. Sharp enough to kill a man, yet sturdy enough to help prepare a good vegetable stew too. But Salli regards it as an ornamental piece above anything really. She’s only ever been forced to use it on a few desperate occasions, and has been regretful of doing so every time.​
- ‘Marquis Nourrir’s Guide to a Rural Kitchen’: A cookbook. Yes, a cookbook. Ever an eager soul to learn, Sallis has seemingly had enough of day after day of nothing but stew to eat. And although her attempts at cooking have so far been… intriguing, her fellow crew mates are always ever encouraging and willing to try her newest creations. At least, that’s what they tell her...
Personality: First appearances make many believe Sal is similar to most other city Elves. Disgruntled with their lot in life, both afeared and annoyed at the Shems who are to above their stations, and carrying with her at all times a very deep and hidden sorrow. But that is just first appearances. Bother to actually sit down and have a chat with the girl, and you’ll come to know a very different Elf. Despite it all, Sallis is a surprisingly pleasant sort of person. Her manners are good, she’s never outright mean to someone unless they’re deserving, and she always seems to have just the right joke for any number of situations. Shame they’re all rather crude though…​
Background: Now here’s where things get interesting.​
Sallis’ Father is a Dalish Elf from the Oranavra Clan, a group who mostly wanders the Nocen Coast. A possibly very dangerous move, considering its location within the Tevinter Imperium. But the clan has roamed those shores for years, they know where to go and where not to go precisely when, and when not. It’s a routine they have managed to upkeep for years now, and they’ve only lost a few members to the Imperium in all that time. Sadly, Sallis’ Father was one of those poor lost souls. The clan was one day resting along the Eastern shores of the Nocen Coast, settled a little ways inland to avoid a nearby Tevinter Holiday party. Sallis’ Father, Boranehn, was an ambitious young man. Strong, fast and bold, he craved to reclaim all the glory lost to the Elvhen people. He yearned to be the single soul destined to bring his people back to a dominant position of power in Thedas. And so he set out alone to the Arlathan Forest, and was immediately swallowed whole by it. He himself has vague murky memories of what truly happened to him within those woods, but he suspects magic of some kind. But nothing any simple Mage could do, no. Something ancient and forgotten took him in there, and then proceeded to spit him right back out a week or so later. Right into the arms of a Tevene Treasure Hunting Party as luck would have it too.​
I’m sure you can imagine how well that turned out for him. The Vints who found Boranehn rejuvenated him, brought him back from the verge of death, only to be sold into another kind of it mere days later. Once back amidst Tevene civilisation, he was sold as a rarity, a Savage Dalish! Caught amidst the ruins of his own ancestors no less! He won his captors a high price the day he was sold. It was a family from Ventus who brought him in the end, headed by an Altus who wanted a bit of variety amongst his collection. The change was not adapted to well. Boranehn sought escape at every single opportunity provided to him, and received increasingly harsh punishments for each failed attempt.​
While living among the Altus’ Slave Elves, Boranehn met Orathra, Sallis’ Mother. An equal to his own spirited nature, the two managed to sustain and uplift each other under the cruel conditions of the Imperium. Upon Sallis’ birth, Boranehn found new drive and determination to find a way to free, now not only himself, but his new family as well. There was but a single time when he nearly succeeded. Having secured safe passage on a ship from Ventus to Rivain, his attempted escape was foiled as the family tried to take their leave in the dead of night. Guards were alerted by Sallis' crying. Once captured, the family was seperated, and Boranehn was held in a pitch-black cell until the early hours of the morn. From there, he was taken to the foyer of his Masters house. The Altus held Sallis in his arms. She was only about two years old. Boranehn was chained, and once he was firmly secured, the Altus simply took a knife, and cut off the tip of Sallis’ left ear as easily as if he were merely slicing through butter. It was vile. Boranehn was forced to sit there for an agonisingly long time, Sal simply left there to bleed and cry. He has never forgotten what that Altus said to him that day, “Your daughter has one ear left Dalish, one more chance. If you persist, the only thing left for me to cut will be her throat. It is your choice Elf.” It was years until escape was attempted once more.​
Sallis was about twelve when her family finally managed to escape the Imperium, and it was under ridiculously lucky circumstances too. Ventus, always a city lurking under the immediate threat of Quanri invasion, was once again preparing for can incoming threat. The Altus, wishing to send his remaining family somewhere safer for the time being, ordered a portion of his slaves to escort and accompany his family to their second residence in Perivantium. The journey was slow, tiring, and otherwise rather uneventful. The travelling party were only about a day or so away from the city when Boranehn’s most valued wish finally made itself true. A group of Dalish, of a clan he’d never met before, noted his Valaslin. They approached him, hidden and quiet in the dead silent of the night, and offered him and his family aid, as a mark of alliance and brotherhood between Dalish kind. And just as simply as that, he and his family were free. The Clan who had provided his rescue had become lost and disorientated, and in return for his liberation, he offered them guidance out and away from the Imperium.​
And so for a little while, Dalish life resumed for Boranehn and his family. But unsaid things had shifted in the years spent amid the shadow of Tevinter. Orathra had grown up in a city, and while being told impressive stories of the Dalish and their traditions by both Boranehn and her own kin, she was in no way prepared for the true way of life the Dalish embraced. She tried her absolute hardest, but it was a true struggle for her to adjust. Boranehn himself suffered too, for no two Dalish Clans operate in exactly the same manner. It was a truly difficult decision, but when the Clan next ventured close enough to Val Royeaux, Boranehn and his family set out to move into the city’s Elven alienage.​
And it was there Sallis lived for the next five or so years of her life. The city is an exceedingly affluent place, and it doesn’t really suit any of their tastes. However, surprisingly herself, and both her Mother and Father have found a reluctant sort of contentment within the Alienage. It took time to grow on them, especially her Father, but they have all found a comfortable rhythm and way of life within the place. The community there is a comfort, and solace can be found among like minds. Her Father takes delight in teaching and recounting what Dalish practices he can to the other Elves too.​
And yet, Boranehn always knew there were better places to be found, happier times to be had, and a better life waiting out there for her somewhere or other. And so, with blessings from both parents, Sallis was sent out and into the world, to find her own fortune, and perhaps turn out luckier than her Father did in finding glory.​
Extra: Sallis does actually have a brother. Born while the family remained in the Imperium for their last year, he was taken away upon the family’s integration to the Val Royeaux Alienage, due to his growing magical tendencies. For all they know, he still remains in the White Spire, although, that may have changed somewhat in the last few years…​


Tabot Danner


Some people have called him 'Tabby' in the past, but I'm not sure how found of the nickname he truly is.​
Age: 32 years old.​
He was born in 9:18 Dragon, on the 2nd day of Harvestmere. And what a bountiful labour he truly turned out to be…
Gender: Male.​
Race: Just a plain old Fereldan Human.​
Class: Mage, specialising in the Primal School of Magic, as well as an Adept Knight-Enchanter.​
Starting Group: Group A, the smart-arses.​

From far away, he could almost be mistaken as Elven with how tall he is. He stands at around 6’2 on his tippiest tip-toes. An imposing Tower of a man, with a stern, angular face. First impressions of Tabot often create the idea of a dour cold sort. He has a very chiselled looking of face, sharp, and rather bold in its appearance. With the type of features that demand one’s attention, be it good or bad. His gaze often puts most people off, and few can hold his stare comfortably. But he’s not half as bad as all that, honest! Long as he’s had his morning tea that is…

Face Claim: Jeff Ryan​
Voice: Laurence Fox​

Languages Spoken: The Trade Tongue, and just a teensy-weensy bit of Orlesian, but he’s not very good at the pronunciation.​
Notable Gear:

- Amaranthine Signet Ring:

A silver ring, with the sigil of Amaranthine neatly carved into it. It’s nothing too fancy, or valuable for that matter, but it suits him just fine. He wears it as a reminder, of what both the good, and bad within him in capable of.​
- A Knitted Scarf: Handmade for him by a number of old friends he left behind at the Circle. It’s striped with a number of warm-earthy colours spanning its length. Although he doesn’t always have to wear it when he’s out and about, he uses it as a pillow most nights when out on the road.​
Personality: As previously mentioned, Tabot’s initial appearance creates an 'particular' impression to most people. And I suppose, if I’m being completely truthful, the man does not particularly do much to help ease this opinion either. For Tabot it the type of man whose trust is earned, his character will reveal itself to you if you actually put the time in to care first. Once you do however, let me tell you, this one’s as soft as they come. A Teddy-Bear that just happens to look like a Grizzly. While at the Circle, many of the younger Mages found themselves clinging to his quiet yet understanding mentor-ship and guidance. The man is polite, clever, and can be surprisingly witty at times. All in all, I suppose one good metaphor for Tabot would be the Ocean. Most days, quiet, cool calm and collected, but perfectly capable of hiding a vile and wicked storm underneath.​
Being a Mage actually came to be quite a lucky occurrence for Tabot. A sentiment surely few other fellow Mages share with him. For, in discovering his magical capabilities and henceforth immediately moving and adapting to life within the Circle, the title of ‘Mage’ all but erased his otherwise defining personality trait. Tabot is a bastard you see, the illegitimate son of one of Arl Cousland of Amaranthine’s family. Truth be told, he doesn’t even know which one himself, for even his Mother only knew the perpetrator in question as ‘M’Lord’.​
He was taken to the Fereldan Circle on the banks of lake Calenhad at a young age, as most all others are. He had been in the Circle Tower for around five years, and was only twelve years old when the now notorious Demon Outbreak occurred. He, along with the other child mages, were protected and saved by the Grey Warden and Wynne. Surviving such an event at any age would surely cause unsettling thoughts and memories to anybody. But for Tabot, the outbreak brought along something new too. Once the Tower was again secured and under Templar control and protection, upon discussing the drama with his friends, he was surprised to find nobody else had heard the Demons… talking, of all things.​
Afraid he was tainted, or possessed somehow, he tried to keep this supposed talent secret for quite some time. But he was eventually ‘snitched up’ by a fellow junior Mage. Luckily for Tabot however, it was concluded he was in fact aSpirit Medium, a Mage with the rare ability to actually understand and communicate with Spirits and Demons. He received additional private tutoring from that day onwards, and as of such became one of the Circles most highly esteemed members.​
Tabot’s visits to the fade are always intriguing. And he has supposedly befriended quite a few spirits over the years now, even attempted to befriend a Demon here and there too, although the latter has never really worked out as favourably. Due to his relatively vast and expansive knowhow with regards to Magic, he has on numerous occasional travelled across Fereldan and Orlais to teach and advise various important figures and organisations on matters of a more magical nature. Upon the uprising of the Mage rebellion however, Tabot, somewhat surprisingly fled the Circle, taking with him a number of young and untrained Junior Mages. They remained hidden until the Inquisition began to make itself known. Tabot then offered his services to the organisation, under the promise that both himself, and his small group of young Mages would be protected under the Inquisitions banner.​
Most of that lot have grown up and moved on now. And Tabot remains relatively alone. Although no longer needed by the Inquisition however, he still keeps busy. As of late, he has noted his visits to the Fade are… different, somehow. It feels as if something has shifted, or is about to at least, and he plans to find out precisely what.​
- His hair has grown quite a bit longer in these last few months or so, and he relies upon his friends sometimes to help plait and tie it, as he hasn’t quite nailed how to do the former just yet.​
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Lord or Lord-Commander, Zeddicus Reginald Cousland
Warrior; Champion
Starting Group:
Group A
Voice Claim:

Languages Spoken:
Trade Tongue - Native
Antivan- Thanks to his late sister in law, Oriana’s teachings and patience
Noteable Gear:
Locket- A intricate design of gleaming silver with the crest of Highever in other words his family’s coat of arms rests upon the face of this locket, inside holds a folded piece of parchment with the names of every one he holds dear both those he’s lost so that he never forgets if such a unlikely day comes and those yet living as to always know who he’s fighting for and who shall remain if he’s anything to say. On the other side of the inner locket is a single lock of fur belonging to his late and cherished friend and companion, Grace, a brindle color mabari who stood with him for many a year since his youth and who now rests in peace alongside others he’d lost.

Iron Great Sword- Nothing special by the looks of it, just a common and old iron two handed blade of quality make but still nothing outwardly special or noteworthy. But to Zeddicus, he’s held this very blade through multiple wars and countless battles, it’s saw him through tourneys and remains in his hands to this day. He cares for this sword like a weapon of note and treasure for its sentimental value goes beyond iron and crafting, it’s almost like a old trusted friend.
Describing the younger child of Bryce and Eleanor would be a tale of its own, perhaps, Zeddicus could be charismatic, playful and bright yet retaining a humble nature despite his rich, luxurious life as a noble of a great family. He always remained, open minded, dutiful and honorable but fierce in his passion to protect those he cherishes most and fierce in the manner in which he seeks justice and vengeance. Changed by war and betrayal in such manner that maturity ages a child, he remained true to himself but grew wiser with each experience and passing age. He was deeper then his shell would reveal about him, knew his history and faith, knew love of family, wife, hound, lands and people.

Where faith in the maker once calmed him and brought peace, war brought him terrors and loss... haunting him ever still but stronger he became as he overcame through his love of family, hound and staying true to himself.

Where faith once aided now comes to be questioned while staying to his faith and more importantly his beliefs. Faith speaks of the maker and what he perceives as right, but Zeddicus keeps asking if what’s right for the maker is what’s right is for those called his children? Asking what truths remain and hold true and what has since become twisted by those who follow him and his bride, Andraste.

Helping cope with the horrors he’d seen and lived through aside from his family, hound and people he cares for... Zeddicus uses a found love for music, writing and expressing his thoughts and feelings through means so that his words seem less troubling. He’s come to use his voice to sing, his mind and heart to write in flowing manner upon paper, his hands to play a instrument or two to bring a sound alongside
Born the second child of Bryce and Eleanor Cousland, Teryn and Terynir of Highever. Being raised amongst nobility, knowing Kings and history, where his family stood throughout their bloodlines place in it. A proud coat of arms to bare throughout his life, a sense of pride and honor as the young Cousland would rise and find his own place in history, meeting the fate a maker had seemed placed upon him time and time again......

Zeddicus Cousland was once a young, charismatic, bright and ever playful heir who enjoyed himself perhaps a bit too much, wanting to charm ladies, partake in grand tourneys, win honor and glory while shielding his family and people of all races in highever from harm. He desired nothing more then to one day serve his brother like he had served their father and mother. He was a open minded and progressive of thought youth who didn’t see race as cause to oppress and separate nor one who thought mages were cursed and needed placing within towers.

As the years passed his thoughts on race and mages remained ever true to form. But fate brought upon him trial after trial, he’d seen the fall of rain upon his lands, see fire burn through homes and flesh, he’d see smoke rise into the air and filling the lungs of all within its reach, bring tears to the eyes of any who would set gaze upon it. Alongside his ever loyal and cherished companion, Grace, Zeddicus fought alongside knights and guards against a treacherous foe who once was thought a friend to his father, he’d awake from such horrors without a mother, father, sister- in-law and nephew and oh so much more....

The young lord would see fit to avenge his family and seek out his brother, only to hear the news and fear the worse had come to pass. Still ever determined he pressed on knowing his duty and what must be done, fighting rag tag groups of darkspawn alongside his faithful mabari, aiding those in need along the way and ultimately fighting both political enemies, a blight all the while seeking out his brother or least finding his body for a more proper send off to the maker to join their lost family in whatever awaits the dear departed.

A year in total had come to pass helping see to the end of a blight that plagued all of Fereldan and especially Highever and what remained of his people. Howe was finally brought to justice with his rising tyranny, jealousy and greed being brought a end, the arch demon was defeated and the darkspawn returned underground from whence they came, as the new throne sought to repair the lands and see to its recovery. Fergus survived, at long last some happier news, though what he had to tell him was tearing him apart feeling both sorrow and regret at their deepest form, the sadness and guilt he still felt was greater then any blade to his chest, arrow to his knee or poison burning through his veins.... matters close to the heart were always the hardest to bare.

Together the brothers Cousland reclaimed their lands and tried mending their broken hearts with Grace always in stride along with them. Fergus as the eldest and better suited heir became the next Teryn of Highever while Zeddicus happily became his second and perhaps surprising adviser.... very much the shock to his own elder brother, who may have always thought well of him and his skill in battle yet the playful sometimes childish manner had matured into a capable leader and subtle political adviser who could handle his own if needed. The blight was truly a nightmare and there was nothing but chaos around him, but some good came from it all, as witnessed by the new Teryn beginning that day forward.

Eventually it was said Fergus may have found love again and started a family once more. While again to his surprise the younger Cousland settled down and found love of his own, marrying a red headed lass from Dragon’s peak, who’s fiery manner and looks captured the younger Couslands heart and kept his eyes focused on a future. Together they had four children over the first few years or so, the eldest a daughter, the second child a son and the youngest of them being a pair in the form of twin girls. It was obvious Grace while older did approve, she always loved to play and children certainly meant plenty of that for however many years she had left, after all mabari hounds had only so much time.

But while time seemed to change him, fate never seemed to stay away for long, the last Great War was a blight that took much from a young noble lord who had to mature and adapt quickly as time progressed and actions taken required both care, precision and thought while executing them effectively all while always being on guard. News came from the free marches of a Hawke and their actions, the connections to a war amongst mages and Templar’s coming to all of Thedas, time passing and more news arrived.....

A tear in the sky threatened to doom the world, a Divine was killed, a ancient voice once heard from the rock and stone prison that entombed him deep within the earth, was rising bringing to life old tales long thought myth or simply belief of a makers will allowing doom upon the world. The inquisition was formed to bring stability and justice to the world, unite the nations and different forces together under one banner for one common foe just as blights often required yet this was no true blight... but something potentially much worse....

The fight was all around and threatened fereldan just it did every nation.... all people..... all classes.... Highever was no different... Zeddicus took up his sword and fought to protect his lands, his people and most importantly his family. If matters were not difficult enough before the tear in the veil as his son was a mage in a world beyond the brink of war, now a ancient foe rises to threaten them all..... fate was ever seeming unkind and a curse for a aging warrior, brother, uncle, husband and father.


Standing at the ready and willing to fight til the end alongside highevers men to protect all that he cherished against whatever shall come to greet them.... Zeddicus drew his line in the sand and readied his blade... but fate had other plans for him, convinced it was his duty and the best way to protect his loved ones, people and lands.... To make real change, he joined the inquisition though with some reluctance still, fighting in another war though he wondered what change it would bring within him, just as the blight matured and educated him, how would this war end? How would it change him? What of his family and lands? The people? Only time would tell.

Now as the war finally came to a end with many twists and turns, years passing by, Zeddicus thought his time would end and his blade no longer needed the same way it once had..... But fate, that selfish..... again it seemed he’d be called upon once more.... Grace passed peacefully of age in her sleep next to her most cherished ones, through such pain it seems fate seems to grow and shall rise again....

Maker..... how you torment and bring trial upon me..... I only seek peace and family.... my hands have soaked in far too much blood and eyes gazed upon enough death far beyond what they can truly see.... my heart aches, breaking into pieces yet instead of picking them up again, you bring me this news? A call must I answer? My blade as well as my heart will always belong to my family, to these lands, these people of all race and being.... I shall answer for them once again.

Striking Hazel eyes

Hair is a bit long and a bit shaggy, signs of a veteran perhaps? He often keeps it tied just so and in a small tail and keeps a strand or two braided at the end separate from his tail. However he’s never been one to have his hair too short. Longer styles and a braid has always been part of his look. Same could be said for his beard as of late, a braided thin portion framing below his chin as seen in pic. (Possible dwarven influence)

He’s fine with his titles not being used, he’s not the most formal of nobles but can play along too
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Name: - Godet (pronounced Odette) Harding

Age: - 29

Gender: All woman hon

Race: - Surface Dwarf

Class: - Warrior /Champion

Starting Group: - Group B (newly minted leader)

Appearance: -

Face Claim: - Elena Deligioz

Voice: -
Speaking: Grey Delisle-Griffin

Singing: Rachel Hardy

Languages spoken: - Common tongue, a little bit of Orlais, Tevene and Antivan mostly enough to get by, swear and flirt.

Notable Gear: -
  • Red Shash- a piece of red fabric intricately woven by her mother with the family's ancestral crest from back in the days when the family was part of the merchants' caste. She either has it around her wrist or on her axe depending on where she needs luck the most.
  • Single "silverite" gauntlet: None really knows where the gloves came from, only that it is supposedly made from silverite and was passed out from one leader of the mercenary group to the other for several years. It is a common game and running joke among the mercenary band to make up increasingly ridiculous stories about the gauntlet and fool new recruits to believe the stories.
  • A Ferelden broadaxe she calls her "Seam Ripper"

Personality: - At first sight, she does not appear as someone who would lead a mercenary band, she is casual, joking and flirtatious seemingly taking nothing seriously and being blunt and irreverent even with royalty. Nothing seems to break this devil may care attitude even in battle and even the most dire situation, remaining calm and confident singing away without fear when she is not ordering her men around. She is smarter than she may act or appears and it soon becomes clear after spending more time with her see her lead her man. Despite her casual and carefree demeanour she does take several thing particularly seriously that is family, her soldiers and getting the job done and though she does not appear it she is very idealistic.

Background: - Born in the Hinterlands not to far away from Redcliffe to a seamstress mother and a trader father. The eldest of two daughters, she was expected to follow her fathers trade and continue the family business. It soon became clear that the small village life meant for more active lifestyle, she spent time sneaking to the castle and watched the soldiers train and march and imitating them. She was also close to her younger sister, when Lace got lost exploring the hinterlands was quick to go after her finding her in a nearby forest threatened by wolves. Godet was badly hurt in the process of getting out only surviving due to a quick response by a nearby mercenary band. She recovered and her parents hoped the incident would have dissuaded Godet from a path to soldiering in fact it confirmed it and gave her the means to pursue that life.

After recovering, she befriended the mercenary band as they worked for the Arl of Redcliffe after his recovery from the demon invasion and persuaded them to let them join despite her parents wishes for her to stay. The mercenary life was harder than she expected, having difficulty keeping up with the experienced mercenaries and almost considered leaving. However, she slowly found her stride and learned from her colleagues, becoming capable and effective member being a fierce frontline warrior with a great axe while inspiring people with her singing and comments.

The mercenary band soon found itself involved in the Mage-Templar war, hired to help those effected by the conflict eventually getting involved with the inquisition itself where Godet reunited with her sister for a little while. During the fight against Corypheus, the leader of the mercenary band died in the fighting and in his last instructions was to put Godet in charge despite being a relatively junior member compared to other members making the decision controversial. Still she took command leading fairly well during the last days of the fighting against Corypheus and though she proved to be an effective leader it did not mean controversy was avoided. Her continued support of the inquisition as it fallen from grace caused some dissatisfaction in some men.

Extras: - Anything that didn’t fit in anywhere else!
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Name: - Bryce Cousland II

Age: - 19

Gender: Male

Race: - Fereldan Human

Class: - Channeler Mage
The opposite of Force Mages, Channelers focus on harnessing and channelling magic in a focused manner. While they lose the raw power of unfocused magic, they make up for it with increased control, reliability, and versatility.

Starting Group: - Group A

Appearance: -

Face Claim: -

Voice: - Fully optional again, but just thought this would just be a fun one, considering how in depth we got when discussing accents and what have you. Don’t feel pressured though, just a fun one here.

Languages spoken: - Trade Tongue, obviously
He is fluent in Orlesian, and conversational in Antivan. Weeabo levels of knowledge about Elven

Notable Gear: -
His trusty staff, given to him by his master during the time of the Inquisition.
Some basic travel robes, no skirts here.
A backpack with essential supplies and gear
A Cousland family signet ring, his most prized posessions
Several books on magical theory

Personality: - Calling Bryce bookish would be an understatement. The guy is obsessed with knowledge of any kind. No matter how mundane and trivial it is, if it's information, Bryce wants to know about it. His incredible intelligence backs this thirst for knowledge up, both to his benefit and his detriment. He loves learning knew things, about new people. He's a ntrually understanding and empathetic person. But this also creates his greatest flaw. He's too smart, sometimes. He often overcomplicates problems by approaching things from an intellectual standpoint and not a practical one. He overthinks every plan he makes, his naturally neurotic tendencies making him obsess over every detail and evrything that could go wrong. He's also desperate for any and all approval from others, especially male father figures.

Background: - Bryce was born the second child of Zeddicus Cousland. The boy was surrounded by sisters, which fed into his insecurities about being the only son. He was very close to his father when he was young, following Zeddicus around like a puppy around Highever Castle. But they had very few interests. Bryce was a scrawny, small lad, barely able to pick up a sword, much less swing it. He was much more bookish than his siblings, and would spend his days absorbing everything in the library, like a sponge. He felt like a disappointment, not the son his father deserved. Things didn;t get better when Bryce was discovered to be a mage, and he was taken from his family. Luckily, or unluckily, depending on how you look at it, this was just as the Mage Rebellion started, and woth the Circles collapsing, Bryce was free! Except he wasn't. He couldn't go home, that would just make his family targets for the Templars. So, he went with a group of apostates around Ferelden, surviving where they could. As time went on, eventually found himself with the Inquisition, his master acting as a teacher for some of the mages the organization picked up. Through him, Bryce developed not only his magical talents, but his philosophy on the world. Magic was not inherently dangerous, if taught well. Mages were people, with thoughts and feelings, not weapons. They deserved the same freedoms as non-mages. Once Corypheus was put to rest, Bryce was finally allowed to go back to Highever, now determined to free mages all around Thedas. He gladly joined his father and the former members of the Inquisition in their search for Fen'Harel, despite not knowing who he was, exactly.

Extras: - Anything that didn’t fit in anywhere else!
Matthias Hawthorne
Name: Matthias Hawthorne, usually goes by Matt. Former Knight-Captain of the Templar Order

Age: 34; Born in 9:16 Dragon on the 18th of Cloudreach

Gender: Male

Race: Human (From Ferelden)

Class: Rogue Archer; Assassin

Starting Group: Group B (Merc Group)



Languages spoken: Trade Tongue and enough Orleasian to hold a conversation.

Notable Gear:
  • A well crafted bow and quiver that he took with him when he left the Templar Order
  • An amulet gifted to him by his brother before he left to fight the Blight and was killed. Shaped in the form of a snarling bear, he considers it a good luck charm and never goes into battle without it.
  • A dark cloak and armor set that he uses for their nighttime excursions.
Matthias is a dedicated and patient person for the most part, but on his worst days he can be blunt and quick to snap at the littlest things. He is never one to let members of the company do anything that he wouldn't do himself, and takes pride in teaching the new recruits the ropes (as well as convincing them of their ridiculous tales). He doesn't want to lead the group and is happy to leave that job to his betters, but he doesn't mind helping out with whatever needs doing. While he does like to sit back and watch, given his specialties, there is a good chance he'll join in with whatever shenanigans are ongoing with a little bit of coercion.

Born in Denerim to a reasonably wealthy merchant family, Matt always felt the need to be a part of something bigger than the fairly simple life that his family led.
His father, Gareth Hawthorne, was not a merchant by trade but rather a soldier forced to leave service due to an injury that left him limping and requiring a cane to walk. He traveled to Denerim in hopes of finding work and met Matt's mother Nora , the daughter of a well off merchant, while working for her father. It didn't take long for them to get married or for Gareth to become well ingratiated with the family; leading him to take over a portion of the business in the merchant district of the city. A short time later Matt's older brother Samuel was born, and three years later Matt came along.

Matt and his brother got along incredibly well, never seen far from each other, whether they were helping their father with the shop or playing in the streets of the city. They constantly talked about leaving the city and seeing the rest of Thedas. Overall, he had a rather comfortable upbringing, but soon enough his brother left to join the Templars, believing them to be the best way to help the world. As soon as his father let him, he joined his brother training for the Order. Shortly after his training began the Fifth Blight started; he and his brother were shunted into a war neither of them were prepared for; though do to his lack of training he never saw much of the war beyond the stories. His brother, on the other hand, lost himself to the Blight. He trained hard, proving to be a quick study and competent with a sword and shield. However, his true skill was with archery; patience and precision made him a deadly shot from most distances. After the blight ended he did get to do what he had always wanted, travel Thedas doing whatever assignment the Templars gave him. He served in a circle for a short time, but not one of the overly strict ones, so he didn't really know the persecution many mages faced until years later.

He worked his way quickly to Knight-Captain and devoted himself to the Order with every fiber of his being; up until the Kirkwall Rebellion. After what he'd heard happened to the people there he no longer felt like the Order served the people's best interests, and despite what he'd heard of others losing themselves to lyrium addiction, he left the Order. It was a brutal transition, but he worked his way through it; working with various mercenary companies until he joined the one he's in now. After the founding of the Inquisition the company joined up and he found himself surprised by the fact that Templars were among them. What proved even more surprising was what the Order had done to it's own soldiers, and at that point he felt more than justified in leaving. The Inquisition eventually defeated Corypheus, and many of them went their own ways, but as he understands it, there is a new threat that may be even more dangerous for them to defeat.

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Rebel, a large mabari. He was a gift from Matt's father after he completed his Templar training. He is a beloved friend to Matt and a brutal force in battle. Though off the battlefield he's more interested in belly rubs and food scraps than anything else.
Name: - Sene, just Sene

Age: - 60 born 8:90 blessed

Gender: Female

- Dalish elf ( pretends to be from an unnamed alienage)

Class: - Blood mage ( hides the blood part)

Starting Group: - Group A,

Appearance: -

I’d like a picture and/or detailed description please. I don’t mind drawn pictures, or styles that are a little more abstract and artistic, so long as the character looks reasonably enough like someone that would exist within the world of Thedas.

Voice: - Fully optional again, but just thought this would just be a fun one, considering how in depth we got when discussing accents and what have you. Don’t feel pressured though, just a fun one here.

Languages spoken: -Orlesian, Elvish ( or as much as the dalish know), Trade tongue

Notable Gear: -
wooden mage staff
simple dagger
maid clothes

Personality: -
To most Sene seems to be a friendly enough person clearly more at home being a maid than a mage and never really seeming to do that well at learning magic. Sene claims to be an andrasteain despite her status, that she claims she hid out of fear and she even seems to support templars over fellow mages. She displays no real interest in learning about the dalish or her people's history instead seeming to look down on their old tales. She also claims little interest in what he magic can do and only uses it out of necessity. Sene likes to take care of others doing simple chores and often being the one to do the cooking if she goes out with others. She also seems to have little interest in romance always pointing out her age and calling herself an old woman despite her looks.

Sene first and foremost hates templars, she hates the faith of humans and hates their none existent maker, she believes in the gods of her people and has never wavered in that despite her words. Still the the Sene hates the most deep down is herself. if given the choice Sene would rather read all day learning history and the mysteries of magic instead of cleaning and house work. She has no greater desire than to learn the secrets of the past and in a way perhaps redeem her mistakes and prove she is not a bad person. That is one big thing Sene despite her hate regrets and laments her lost life, she hates that she did what she did and believes herself to be a horrible person. Sene knows she is a liar, a killer, a thief, an assassin, and a coward. Everything she has ever done has always blown up in her face and hurt others leading her to just run away. Still she truly did care for lilly and her family. Sene doesn't believe she will ever change and that she will never be able to make up for her mistakes.

Background: -
The story Sene tells others is something quiet simple. she is but an elf from the alienage lucky to avoid the gaze of the circles and templars. She grew up as any elf might in the squalid filth and facing the constant harassment of the humans of the city. She oddly to some though never names the exact city or many details about her life there outside of what one from outside might expect. Sene will spin a tale of how she was little more than a beggar hiding her magic from all and getting by mostly by begging and doing minor petty work. That was at least till opertunity came knocking as the noble family the Stadlers in ferelden were looking for a nanny for their expected child. Sene knew a small chain of friends who managed to put in the right words and coins in the right places to get her the job. Thus was Sene placed close to the newborn noble Lilly Stadler a place she would stay through thick and thin. Sene would be the young nobles, nanny, her closest friend, almost a replacement mother, and of course her personal attendant when the time came. Even when the blight came Sene stayed with her lady never seeming to even think of leaving.

This would be the norm till the sky was sundered and demons walked the world through holes in reality. The inquisition at first little more than a rabble reacting to the death of the divine grew and grew till none could ignore it and all nobles sought it's favor, the Stadlers included. hat was where everything would come undone and Sene's lies would be revealed. Skyhold was a well built castle, holding strong despite the years, yet not entirely stable. Lilly was the member of the family sent to this far flung keep to curry favor and of course Sene was with her, her ever loyal shadow. one day before repairs were complete Lily was speaking with other nobles and member of the inquisition, as she had been sent to do when a bit of the roof came lose. Stone centuries old finally gave and right bellow it was Lilly, Sene saw the ruble coming a moment before lily did and knew she could not get Lilly out out of the way in time, thus did the only thing she could. Thus the secret of her magic was revealed as she stopped the rubble from coming down on Lilly and killing the young noble.

Despite her long service and loyalty Sene was revealed and an apostate and thus she would be hunted if she left skyhold, by what remained of the templars or just angry people given the rebellion going on. Thus lilly decided to protect her servant in the only way she could think of, she was given to the inquisition to do with as they saw fit. Despite this being the best option for all it did separate the two for the first time since Lilly had been born and Sene did not take this all well falling into something of a depression. in time the inquisition gained victory and felt betrayal, yet Sene stuck with them claiming she had no where else to go, no home or family to return to even if templars did not come for her.

That all is a nice story but the truth is rarely so nice the real story of Sene begins not in some slum, but in the forests of Orlais among the dalish. Her parents were but simple hunters and likely Sene would have become one as well if not for one thing, she was born with magic. This marked Sene out and would have normally dictated her life as taking up the mantle of keeper. This might have happened, but there were yet more complications, the templars. While normally the mages of the dalish and their apostate status are ignored a certain band of them had almost made a game of harassing the dalish anytime they passed by human settlements. By the time Sene was 16 she had, had enough and decided to do something about,but no normal magic would work aginst the templars, so had to get creative. blood magic is something templars can not deal with and that was Sene's answer, it was the wrong one. Before Sene was 18 she decided to at last take some retribution against the templars, to scare them enough to just leave and never come back, to stop their game. Thus it was when the templars came, this time calming to seek to slay the apostates, as they often did Sene instead slew them, boiling their blood and leaving just one to run away like the coward she knew he was. This was a mistake, even hurting the templars was a mistake, let alone killing them with blood magic, there was no way the templar would not tell others and they would come for the clan. The clan had to vanish and never come near humans again, and Sene she was banished, they could not harbor her for such a vile act even if it was committed onto vile people. She was to leave and if she ever came back her life was forfeit.

Thus banished from her home Sene ran, the templars, the cursed templars would somehow find her time and and time again as she tried to find any safe harbor where she could just live. Sene started to more and more hate the templars, the humans, and their maker blaming them for what her life had become. One time when Templars found her Sene managed to capture them and instead of killing them right away she drained the vitality, the life from the young men and women one by one to take the life they had stolen from her. Still nothing lasts forever and when you fight templars all it takes is one mistake for everything to end. Sene made a mistake and she was captured, she thought it a blessing she was not killed, but she would see it was no blessing. The nobles of Orlais loved their game and a blood mage could make a wonderful tool and an unexpected assassin. Sene was pout through hellish training to make her obey those that had so kindly saved her even if she never met them. Sene would learn langue and manners that would let her blend in. Then the strings were pulled and coins changed hands to put the pawn in place. Sene never knew why she was put in freledan or what the Stadlers had done to be a threat to the other kingdom, yet there she was placed. Years would pass and Sene never was called upon to kill her false employers and fate would separate her from them before the call came.

Extras: - Anything that didn’t fit in anywhere else!
Name: Balinor Folgrimm

Age: - 26

Gender: Male

Race: - Dwarf (Surface)

Class: - Warrior; Rune Master. By shaping the steel and inlaying the very runes he wields, he is able to use his runes more effectively making them far superior than regular runed items.

Starting Group: - B

Appearance: -

Voice: -
Languages spoken: - Common, Tevene

Notable Gear: Bloodsong, A greatsword crafted from Red Steel and the metal of a fallen star. Runes inscribed; Devastation, Blood, Hale, Momentum. (Blood rune grants healing upon strike)
Silverite Armour

Personality: - Sarcastic, Witty, Slightly mad, Loyal to those whom earn it, Sadistic, morbid, unable to feel remose

Background: - Balinor keeps most of his history to himself, but what most know, is that he was from Orzimar, and now he is not. The why remains a mystery, mostly because he becomes violent if people keep pushing him to reveal his past. Those that truly know him, Know he was once a revered Runesmith in Orzimar. He would have become a Paragon, had it not been for an unfortunate mistake on his part. Rumors were that there had been sightings of Lyrium in the deep roads. Being young, foolish, and wanting to claim as much as he could for his runes, Balinor left. He didn't get far, being caught by the Legion. Because of his service and no prior arrests, he was sentenced with Exile. Disowned by his family, and forced to leave the safety of the stone with nothing but his few possessions being a hammer, and inscribing kit, and a Red Steel greatsword, Balinor Set off into the wide world that was the surface. It wasn't long before he found work as a mercenary fighting alongside others for pay, and making his group the finest gear they could afford.

Extras: - Has a family brew that very few can handle. Also, Don't touch his tools unless you want parts of yourself being used in his next project.
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Saar-Raas (Translated means: Dangerous Nothing)

34; Birth- 9:16 Dragon


Qunari/Tal- Vashoth

Mage; Keeper (Modified/personalized version since he’s not dalish and wouldn’t have easily learned it least not completely)

Starting Group:
Group B- The Curious One


Face Claim:

Voice Claim:

Languages Spoken:

Qunari, Common tongue/trade tongue, Bits and pieces of other languages Tevene, Orlesian and Antivan (mainly curse words but he’s not fully aware of them being curse words)

Notable Gear:
Robes of Nature- Simply put its his personalized robes (as seen in pic) he wears originally sewn by yours truly in attempts to fit in with the world outside of his homeland, while also still fitting his large frame.

Staff of Nature- Under the Qun he did not carry a staff and always wondered why mages outside of the qun carried such things that appear like simple branches torn from a tree? Like his robes, he decided to find the perfect staff for him in attempts to better fit in. (As seen in pic)
Saar-Raas to any other would appear and like act like any other qunari, except, he’s unlike any of his kin that follow the Qun. Though similarities exist, Saar-Raas is torn between a desire to follow that in which he understands and was made to understand and that which exists outside of the Qun, a desire to find another way and to end his struggle, his illusion, a path that’s led to a encounter with the chantry, Templar’s and mages of Rivain to meeting a clan of dalish elves, wandering alone being one with nature and now wandering as one with mercenaries led by a dwarf.

Simply put; Saar-Raas is nothing but dangerous, he’s curious and seeks another way while understanding as much as he possibly can. He’s more passive then most of his kind and how they are perceived, preferring to heal rather then kill, unless crossed and hands forced. He’s peaceful especially when around nature and all it’s glory, unintentionally humorous, likes sweet things especially fruits, naturally curious and likes to have fun.... yes it’s true, a Qunari that actually enjoys life and willing to shown it in his own way, even while under a illusion. He also likes and relates to animals, finding them interesting and easier to understand then living beings that talk in various languages that animals can’t.

Understands hunting, tolerance is limited to need and not sport however.

Shok ebasit hissra. Meraad astaarit, meraad itwasit, aban aqun. Maraas shokra. Anaan esaam Qun.”
The translation being: Struggle is an illusion. The tide rises, the tide falls, but the sea is changeless. There is nothing to struggle against. Victory is in the Qun.“

Saar-Raas once not just heard this quote but lives each day pondering its meaning and understanding the truth behind these words. He was Saarebas.... otherwise meaning “dangerous thing” looked upon with but pity and honor both, seen as one that is truly selfless... even if they are feared and never properly instructed. Yet they are bound with heavy pauldrons and chains acting as a collar to easier leash them despite such pity and honor. The saarebas must always be under the supervision of their Arvaarad, a Qunari tasked with watching the saarebas and holding their leash whilst hunting those who have left the qun, hunting the Tal-Vashoth.

Saar-Raas grew up and understood the qun for believing was not the way. Understanding was the way of the qun and it’s teachings. But while he did his best to understand and abide by the qun, he did not believe in the qun nor its way of leashing their mages and expecting their death either by suicide or execution if ever they should lose their arvaarad and be without them. Once called Saarebas, dangerous thing, he served under the qun and found himself constantly watched and leash held by another in their respective role. Always obeying, doing all to prevent his tongue being cut from his mouth or lips sewn shut forcing his mouth limitations of the cruel nature that yet is simple.

One day came where Saarebas must allow for and accept his execution at the hands of his people or commit suicide for that was the way of qun and that was expected of him, a Saarebas. A day when his kith along with his Arvaarad was wiped out by a enemy band of Tal-Vashoth leaving only Saarebas alive, a lone survivor of a great battle between two enemy bands. But struggle always existed within Saarebas, he didn’t wish to die yet he must die to obey and live by the qun.....

The more his struggle began to conflict greatly within and brought on more questions. It was his understanding that he must die, he must die now one way or the other, that was the way of the qun! But it was not his way, it was not his choice, not truly, yet under the qun he did have a choice.... He saw upon looking up from his dead brothers and sisters of the qun, looking upon the dead Tal-Vashoth that lay scattered around him. So much death and blood, fire and vision.... a vision of freedom... outside, the, qun...

Thus came his final decision and one he yet struggles with to this day. Now calling himself Saar-Raas, Dangerous Nothing, he removed his chains and collar, the metal visor worn over his face and turned away from his life of understanding and purpose..... he sought out a freedom and wisdom beyond the qun. He sought out a belief that another way was out there.... he sought out his own belief and understanding.

Arriving in first in Rivain, Saar-Raas sought out the circle in search of another way. It was his understanding the human chantry kept their mages in a spiral tower watched by their own Arvaarad, or Templar as they were called and watched without chains and a visor, without expectation of death each time they are without their Arvaarad.... this would be a understanding he sought to learn. The Rivaini circle was more kind to his people then others but also meant risk. Still he reached a deal with the local circle and began his teachings from the baas and bas-saarebas of the rivaini circle and chantry.

A peaceful and worthwhile enough existence yet a time came when they offered to return him to his people. It reminded him of the qun and the verses of canto that played often in his mind, it stoked a fire of inner struggle once more, he did not wish to die, but he must die in order to serve and obey the qun. Even if the deaths of his brothers and sisters were not of his doing, even if his Arvaarad’s death was not of his doing, he must still die and would be killed upon return.

It was the way of the Qun.

But Saar-Raas did not wish to die not even for the qun yet part of him, wished, part of him wished to obey and serve the qun for it was understood and clear. Struggle is an illusion. He struggled so there for he was under a illusion for he had a choice.... a choice understood by the qun. He was nothing yet he was dangerous. He was a dangerous thing. He must die for the Qun. After long and renewed struggle, Saar-Raas declined the offer stating “I do not wish to return... it’s not done. Not under the Qun. I’ll part from you now with my thanks. Your way is not my own but I understand it. I must find another way. Another purpose outside of the Qun.” And with those words he was gone.

Saar-Raas continued searching even living amongst the Tal-Vashoth for a time and Vashoth as well. Yet while coming to understand their ways. He was not truly satisfied. He wanted to continue his travels and understand more.

Wisdom led to mastery of ones self and this world. Saar-Raas believed he could not only find another way but still understand the qun and use it for his own basis of understanding in how the world works. He did not wish to die nor become, lost or alone and be nothing forever. He sought wisdom from the Baas that come from other walks of life then a chantry and Templar’s.

Eventually he found the dalish, least one clan, whilst wandering the woods and living amongst the nature of this world apart from civilization and cities or villages. Saar-Raas knew little of the dalish only what he heard but was curious, he would understand the dalish and their ways. Believing it best not to intrude nor risk unnecessary trouble, Saar-Raas stayed near the clan but not too near, he observed their ways but didn’t understand. He aided the elves to show he was not threat to them while earning a trust and peace between the two sides of wanderers. Though he was not ever to know their secrets, he was eventually and reluctantly allowed to share in their stories and know of their history thus he would come to understand their ways.

Unexpectedly Saar-Raas came to be freinds of the dalish atleast one of their clans but he knew he could not remain. It would endanger them having another mage around their people as they traveled and he was not dalish. Nor even elven. He was Qunari or more precisely, he was Tal-Vashoth, true grey ones, he was Saar-Raas and he would once again wander this world.

Extras: - Anything that didn’t fit in anywhere else!
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Name: Tobrin (The Old Grouch; 'that blind bastard over there'; Hahren)

Age: Older than dirt (45; born on the 22nd day of Kingsway, 9:05 Dragon)

Gender: Male

Race: Dalish Elf

Class: Mage- Arcane Warrior

Starting Group: Group B (We are family!...a dysfunctional one)


Tobrin is rather...tall , topping out close to 6'1" (maybe more). His hair- somewhere between brown and blonde with some streaks of gray- is usually kept long and loose, usually unkempt. His eyes are a milky blue color and would probably be a striking blue or gray color, if he wasn't blind. Years of surviving- mostly on his own- have left him with a number of scars and marks, namely: on his face (above his left eye, left cheek, across his forehead above his right eye, middle of his forehead between his eyes) his back (deep cuts as if from a blade), his chest (above his heart, various slash marks), and his right arm (just below his shoulder). He favors the vallaslin of Falon'Din, marked and faded enough to resemble old scars rather than a tattoo.

Face Claim: - Fully optional

Voice: Sean Pertwee

Languages spoken: Common/Dalish/Rivaini- learned from birth; Antivan- picked up bits and pieces in his travels (enough to converse and possibly curse); Orlesian- learned from a former member of another mercenary group he ran with in his younger days; Qunlat- knows a few words from the Qunari that , but not enough to be passable in conversation

Notable Gear:
Seer's Band- a gift from the Rivaini seer that helped train him. It's a simple ring of silver with small etchings around the band. He tends to wear it on his left ring finger.

Personality: Tobrin is not one to suffer fools and he will be the first to let you know when you're doing something utterly foolish. He's not one to mince words and will be straight to the point. Often sarcastic and somewhat dry in his sense of humor. On the other side of things, he has learned how to be diplomatic when he needs to be and can be utterly charming when it's called for. He's not a leader by any means and would prefer to let others call the shots, though he's not above offering advice when it's called for. He's not a mentor or a teacher as he doesn't have the patience for it, but he is utterly dedicated and loyal to the other members of the mercenary group.

Tobrin also loves to learn new things. He is interested in anything piece of history or lore, no matter how insignificant.

Background: Tobrin has a bit of a reputation in Rivain and beyond, most of it from his mercenary work. Some refer to him as the old man (or grouch, depending on the person) while others simply call him that blind bastard. There are differing accounts as to what he is, whether it's mage, rogue, or warrior. No one can really pin down his fighting style, as it's a blend of what he picked up over the years. He's able to fight in both close-quarters as well as from a distance.

Of course, some accounts are absolute bullshit and he'll be the first to point that out.

Tobrin was born in the Dalish encampment on the outskirts of Ayesleigh in Rivain. The local humans were open and welcome to trade with the Dalish and thought of them as part of the community, rather than strangers to be treated warily. It was in this sort of community-like setting that Tobrin grew up, running half-wild with both Dalish and human children. He had a few steadfast friends that he was always getting into trouble with, whether it was because they found new places to always explore or because they were always running off to the coast.

When Tobrin's magic first manifested, he was withdrawn, thinking that he had lost his friends. Instead, the handful of friends that were steadfast continued to stick by his side, always waiting for him when his lessons with the Keeper and hahren was done. Their adventures carried them a little bit further away as they discovered hidden caves that most people didn't know about. Or at least, pretended to not know about.

No one quite knows what happened to caused Tobrin to loose his sight and he will be the last to admit to anything. Speculation is that he practiced some sort of blood magic ritual that backfired on him and cost him his sight. There might be some truth to it, as the mage has sworn up and down that he would never touch blood magic, having seen what it could do to someone firsthand. Of course, it is just speculation and it could very well be that someone else blinded him.

Whatever the case might be on this, it left him bitter and unwilling to move forward, thinking that he had lost something more than just his sight. It took the combined efforts of the Keeper- who had taken a sort of maternal role in Tobrin's upbringing- and a local Rivani seer by the name of Tarisai to pull him out of his depression and set him on another path. Tarisai herself took the young man under her wing and showed him different ways that he could 'see' without having to rely solely on his eyesight. It was through her that he met Cione, the captain of a local mercenary band that was looking to take in some fresh recruits.

Cione taught Tobrin how to fight in close-quarters, relying on the sounds of his opponents to judge how best to defend himself. With both magic and blades at his disposal, Tobrin became a quick learner and would soon join the group, leaving behind his friends and family for a time.

Cione's mercenary group operated between Rivain and Antiva, sometimes taking odd jobs in Orlais and the Free Marches as well. Through his jobs, he picked up other languages along the way, adding them to those that he knew from growing up. He made many friends through his jobs, acquaintances that he kept up with as time passed.

By the time he was twenty-five, he already had a reputation and enough scars to show that he was a fighter.

Tobrin has been home only a handful of times and each time, he was welcomed by Tarisai and- after her passing- her granddaughter and niece, as well as the new Keeper of his clan. The three of them were the ones that introduced him to the young woman that now follows him, Rinaya. Then, she was just a child five, frightened at being around strangers. Now, she follows at his side, wherever he might go.

Extras: Tobrin is blind; however, his time training with Tarisai and Cione has made it hard to tell that he is such. He moves with the same ease and grace as other Dalish, extending his senses to feel out what's around him. He has also drawn on the power of the Fade to be able to 'see' things around him, though this often leads him to seeing things that others aren't aware of (such as spirits that have lingered or possible weak points in the Veil). Suppressing his magic, however, leaves him to rely on his other senses or those around him to guide him (and he hates when that happens).

The relationship between Tobrin and Rinaya is almost like father/daughter. He raised her as best as he could, with the help of others. While he was never patient in teaching others, he has always been patient with Rin, never loosing his temper with her unless she's done something altogether foolish and rash (which has happened many times). He is fiercely protective of her, despite the fact that she can- and has been able to- take care of herself.
Name: Rinaya (Rin, Shorty, Brat, Tobrin's shadow)

Age: 25; born 3rd of Cloudreach, 9:25 Dragon

Gender: Female

Race: Elf (born in an alienage, but raised Dalish)

Class: Archer Rogue- Ranger (animal of choice? Wolf)

Starting Group: Group B (Ohana means family)


Where her father is rather tall, Rin is- how should we put it- on the short side of things. This leads most people to mistake her for a human or a tall dwarf (she's not really that short, honestly!). She has dark, very curly hair that she braids tightly (for the most part) while leaving the rest loose. (When she's lazy, it's left free and wild). Dark skinned, she sports a smattering of freckles that become more prominent the more time she spends in the sun and her eyes tend to shift between brown and a more golden brown, depending on the lighting. For her vallaslin, she chose Andruil in a golden color, causing it to stand out proudly against her skin.

Face Claim: - Fully optional

Voice: Corri English

Languages spoken: Common/Dalish/Rivani- learned practically from birth; Antivan- knows a few curses, thanks to Tobrin (such a good father figure!); Orlesian- taught by Tobrin (conversational, not proficient)

Notable Gear:
Silver Ring- a cheap piece of jewelry that Rin found when she was about eleven or twelve, after an argument with Tobrin that led to her to attempting to run away. She'd made a wish on it, praying to whatever gods would listen, that her mother would return and take her back home. Instead, it was Tobrin that found her and brought her back, comforting her as best as he could. She kept the ring as a reminder that, though he wasn't blood, Tobrin was still her family.

Personality: Rin is a bit...excitable at times and tends to talk really fast when she's excited (so a good deal of the time). However, she does slow down and begin to carefully pace her words if she notices that others are having a hard time keeping up with what she's saying. She's friendly and enjoys being around others to the point of being a right nuisance, if someone doesn't care for that kind of behavior. She is also very sweet and likes helping others when she can.

Rin can be a bit of a flirt, behavior that she picked up from a group of Rivaini that she made friends with when she was a bit younger. She teases playfully and can be rather sarcastic when she's feeling angry or upset about something. Generally, though, she's a happy person, at odds with the gruff mage that she calls father/hahren (depending on her mood).

Background: Rinaya was born in the Rivain city of Dairsmuid, though she doesn't remember much of her early days. What she will tell is of her mother, who left the city with Rin when she was only two or three, abandoning her father, who had become something of a drunkard. They made it to the city of Ayesleigh, where Rin's mother took up being a seamstress. They lived, peacefully, for a couple years before an unexpected fever took her mother, leaving Rin orphaned and without a place to go.

Thankfully, a local seer named Mhara found the child and brought her to the local Dalish clan that was set up outside of the city. The Keeper warmly welcomed her and- between the two of them and Mhara's cousin- convinced one of their own to take her in.

Rin's first meeting with Tobrin didn't quite go as they had planned: she hid behind the two seers and whispered for them to take her somewhere else because “he looks mean, like daddy”. Whenever she could, she would make an attempt to run away, only to be brought back, usually by hunters that would find her wandering around outside of the city on her own. Each time she was brought back, she expected Tobrin to be angry with her or to yell at her; instead, he spoke to her in an even voice, as if attempting to find out why she was trying to leave. Eventually, she started to trust him more, to the point where she would start asking him questions about everything she saw and experienced.

Like all Dalish children, Rin was taught by their clan's hahren: lessons that covered the history and lore of their people, the land around them and other lands as well, magic and the dangers of uncontrolled magic. These lessons were soon supplemented by Tobrin's own lessons, ones that had her wanting to learn more. Much as her new father had done in the past, she started to explore everywhere, often with a gang of Dalish and Rivaini children. Most of the time, they returned on their own with little stories and tales to tell their elders. Other times, they had to be searched for and found by hunters, as they would either forget the time or would just become lost.

At the age of eleven, Rin started her training as a hunter, learning how to use the different weapons a hunter uses. Though she was proficient with daggers and just okay with a sword, she excelled with the bow, becoming a rather skilled marksman in her own right. It would take years of practice, however, to become that. This frustrated Rin, as she wanted to be of some use to the clan. It was perhaps this that led to her argument with Tobrin and her attempting to run away. She wandered the streets of Ayesleigh, keeping away from her known haunts and sticking to places that she was least likely to be in. As she wandered the streets, she found a shiny, silver ring. Though it was cheaply made, she kept it anyway, making a wish on it that her mother would come back and they could leave this place.

Eventually, she was found by Tobrin. Though neither of them truly apologized for the heated argument, Tobrin did point out that they would likely continue to butt heads through the years and that, rather than running away, they should both take some time to calm down before attempting to talk again. He also made a point to tell her that he was proud of how she was growing, that he was glad she had come into his life, despite how it might seem sometimes. As they returned home, Rin pocketed the silver ring she had found, intending to keep it as a reminder that no matter what, Tobrin was her father.

Rin continued her training as a hunter and archer, completing it just shortly before her maturity. As a sign of her adult status, she chose the vallaslin of Andruil, the goddess of the hunt.

Over the last few years, she's been traveling with Tobrin as his 'shadow'. Though she has been free to leave and pursue her own path, she's preferred to stay with her father, teasing that he just wants to have all the fun by himself.

Extras: Rin LOVES animals. It's not unusual to find a stray of some kind, following her around because she's decided to feed it scraps of some kind. This can- sometimes- lead to more trouble than it's worth, as she has tempted a baby bear from its mother. It was only once and Tobrin gave her such a scolding for it that she sulked for a few days. Thankfully, she bounced back and hasn't done anything quite as foolish as that...yet. However, this would mean that any dogs or cats that she comes across, she is going to spoil them and feed them little bits of food as much as she can.

Rin also loves to learn and read. This is a habit she picked up from Tobrin and the two of them will often fall into discussions about something that they found. This can also lead to the pair of them pointing out different lore that supports their thoughts on what they found.

Rin alternates between calling Tobrin 'father' and 'hahren', mostly due to the fact that she sees him as the lorekeeper and storyteller. Anyone in a leadership position is 'Keeper', even if they aren't Dalish. Or elven. Or even a mage.
Sigismund 'Sigis' Kardol



Dwarf - formerly a member of the servant caste

Rogue - Legionnaire Scout

Starting Group:
Group B


Languages spoken:
Common and the occasional bit of Dwarven slang, swears and slurs.

Notable Gear:
Sigis wears his old set of legionnaire armour, some twenty years of wear and tear have severely dulled the already rough and ready suit of heavy Dwarven steel. Various pouches and pockets are positioned around the suit which contain his many tools of the trade to enter 'locked' areas, Sigis even has a little space left to keep a few of his razors, shears and combs to maintain a good bit of style out in the wild world. The Dwarf's weapons of choice is a one handed axe to grapple his foe to the ground and a stiletto-style knife to punch through heavy armour and deliver the fatal blow.

Always the one making jokes in the face of certain death, Sigis is rarely without a smirk or smile upon his face. A Dwarf with a twisted sense of humour, he fitted in with the Legion perfectly. Whilst he is hesitant to throw himself to a early grave like his fellow legionnaires, Sigis' time amongst the ranks has taught him a thing or two about 'competent leadership' in the field. Nothing irritates the Dwarf more than the sight of a blue-blooded noble wasting lives for little to no gain. Prefering instead to take initiative, end conflicts quickly and with a amount of minimal fuss or drama. That said, his time spent as a barber prior to joining the Legion had shown Sigis to have a more mellow and gentle personality when his life was much simplier, without the worries and burdens he now carries in his mind and soul.

Raised from a young age to hunt the endless rats infesting the lower-slums of the city. Sigis earned a reptuation for not shying away from the 'dirty' jobs that need done; illegitimate offers soon followed. Whilst his parents knew only too well what Sigis was getting up to in the deprived areas of Orzammar, the coin he brought back put food on the table nonetheless. His father served as a ever loyal barber to the Noble house that over-looked Sigis' area of living, being more loyal to your landlord than to your king was the 'norm' for most common folk. Sigis' mother stayed at home as she was often unwell and found even the smallest of tasks to be exhausting.

Sigis' professional career as an assassin, bodyguard or whatever his job description was at the time of hiring spanned ten years and during such time he had the absolute pleasure of meeting the best and the very worst people in Orzammar. Learning on the job proved easy enough for the plucky dwarf as he often found himself forming part of a larger hired group. 'quantity over quality' sprang to his mind as he observed his fellow sell-swords muscle their way through the deprived slums to carry out whatever they were paid to do. Whilst not exactly the brains of the operation, Sigis was no stranger to leading a team through the less obvious routes to a target; something that he become notorious for.

In order to keep up some identity for Sigis to fall back on as a cover, he joined his father as a barber for his local Noble house. Tending carefully to keep his lordships' facial hair in prestine condition required years of experience, vials upon vials of oils, waxes and creams and some very tender hands. Hands that could easily manipulate a straight razor to cut hair, trim a beard or slice a throat. His personality shifted from emotionless merc to a charming servant which Sigis sometimes struggled to contend with as he felt himself being stretched out between two very different lives.

Sigis' tactics for assassination became almost routine for him, track down the residence of the target, enter unseen and lay low beneath the victim's bed and merely wait until the evening. However, the city guards caught onto how a number of individuals were somehow being stabbed in the back when they were laying in bed. A trap was set and Sigis unknowingly almost fell for it. It was such a night where he was teaching a fellow sell-sword his favourite tactic and left the fellow to conduct the job himself as Sigis wanted to see if the apprentice was capable of operating by himself. As he observed from a dark alleyway, the hairs on the back of his neck rose and the entire neighbourhood shifted with motion. The clanking of plate armour and the rustling of chainmail surrounded not only the target's home but almost every corner, roof-top and hiding spot nearby.

Doing his best not the panic at such a ambush, Sigis froze somewhat in surprise. Little did he know, his body's reaction to the fear saved his life as several crossbows behind him in the dark were trained on the Dwarf's figure. Hands reaching out of the darkness snatched Sigis backwards into the awaiting arms of some Legionnaires that lurked further into the shadows. After a brief muttering of words, Sigis was quietly taken away from the scene and for all intents and purposes; kidnapped. Impressed by the streak of successful assassinations, even the Legion took interest in finding whom was responsible. Sigis prepared himself for a violent interrogation that never came, instead the legionnaires had very little interest in who had hired Sigis but very vastly more intrigued by the Dwarf's knack for death and living long enough to make a career from it.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place, Sigis had very little choice otherthan to enlist into the ranks of the Legion of the Dead. For even the most criminal of Dwarves may find a new life in service to Orzammar.

At least, that's the story he tells.. some twenty years ago, during the fifth Blight.​
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