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Fandom Disaster in the Dreamscape

Pen would have been surprised, but considering that she would knew something was up, and she was faster (at least I think she is) - she dodged the tackle.

And kicked Louise in the stomach, her superstrength sending her flying away from her. But also restrained, very restrained. It was clear from her inane gibberish and random incoherent yelling that she was not in her right mind.

She sighed, calling her bloodaxe back to her, and charged at her.

Throwing the blunt end of the axe at her head in an attempt to knock her out.

themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah Crow Crow
The blow stunned the Attorney, who brought both hands to her head. "Ow!" She stood still for a moment, still very much unstable. "...you know what? I - I - ugh. I hate - hate - hate you. I hate me! I hate everything, and - and - I wanna sleep. Please, just let me - I'm worthless and I know that. I'm just a lawyer, I can't do anything! I - I can't - you're just like the House! Why did - what did I ever do to you? What did I do wrong? I just-"
Crow Crow PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
Louise choked and sputtered, flailing feebly against Pen's grip. "No, please - just please, it hurts, I-" Her voice turned hoarse, pleading. "Please, please, stop, I'm sorry, please forgive me-" After some time, she fell silent, and slumped over, unconscious, hand tightly clutched around her feather necklace.
Crow Crow PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
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Pen would let go, watching the body fall. Pen is silent for a moment.

"Hope you have peace from your delusions girl."

Nevertheless her guard is raised as she flips the axe on it's sharp end, expecting another attack.

Crow Crow


Sora blinlked at what Onyx Prime just said and looked at him with confusion.

”Huh? What do you mean? I’m not….” He trailed off as he noticed his reflection in the cabin window. He blinked once, twice, and then looked down at his hand. Or rather, his hoof. He had been turned into a horse or more to the point a pony. He looked back at his reflection to see that the only thing that was the same were his sky blue eyes and his spiky brown hair. Just like his time in the pride lands as a lion cub when he, Donald, and Goofy, fought alongside their old friend Simba. He noticed that this time around instead of his fur being the same color as his hair, like it was in his lion cub form, it was a tannish brown. It was almost like whatever turned him into a pony was trying to replicate the color of his actual skin. He also noticed he still had his outfit on as well. Though judging from the breeze he felt below, it was only the top half.

The Magic of my clothes must have changed how I looked before we entered wherever here is... Sora surmised in his head. He turned to Onyx Prime.

Can you still sense Princess Luna?
Crow Crow


  • "I see that we are parring, Ayanokouji Rem! But that will change soon, not just for you, but your friends too!"

    Shinigami cackles as he turns into smoke, seeping into the unconscious attorney and puppeteering her body.

    "I will feel no pain, and neither will your friend here - until she awakens, that is!"

    Smoke surrounded the puppeteered Louise as the visage of Shinigami - his hat, cloak, mask and scythe - formed over her while she assumed a battle stance.

    Rem could only grit her teeth and clench her fist as her archnemesis used her new friend as a shield. She tossed her sword aside.

    "I can't hurt Louise... so I'll find another way!"

    "An unexpected turn of events!"

    themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia LuckycoolHawk9 LuckycoolHawk9 Crow Crow
Leo Howard/ Dream Caster and Holden Caulfield

" Motherfucker, I really hate time freezing nonsense for this reason," Leo replied as his darts were directed back at him. He would summon his staff and deflect them back and then roll out of the way.

Holden would look back at him and slowly start to move the Earth to throw the clones off for a bit. " I think we might need to figure out a way to work him out of this."

Crow Crow themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
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Thanks to Sora’s experience and natural battle instincts he had quickly summoned his Hero’s origin keyblade and activated his guardian form and used the shield to cast Barrier around himself and Onyx Prime. Once the attack subsided Hero’s origin returned to it’s keyblade form. Sora clenched the handle between his teeth and stayed on guard. He remembered whenever they all got together and talked about their lives before the Dreamscapers Luna would animatedly talk about her sister. The moment he saw the sun shaped cutie mark he knew who this was.

You’re Princess Celestia aren’t you? Why are you attacking us?! And where’s Princess Luna?! Sora said in a clear tone despite having his keyblade in his mouth.

Crow Crow


  • The pony fired a heated beam that singed the spot next to Sora, barely missing him.

    "Do not refer to me by that name, I have long abandoned it. It is a name associated with the weakness that plagues all of ponykind. I am now



    "A weakness that plagues all of ponykind?" Onyx Prime raised one of his metallic eyebrows, "pray tell, what would that be?"

    "It's everywhere, but you will not be able to tell because you're foolish enough to see it as strength, now aren't you?"

    AbominableTouma AbominableTouma
"Well I was hoping I wouldn't have to fight an actual Demon King with the power of every Kamen Rider but one can never really tell how their life is gonna pan out..." replied Edge-Zero as he got up and tried to shake off the pain. If some of the other Dreamscapers had suffered such blows, they might have died. Gripping the handle of his sword with both hands. Edge-Zero took a deep breath and tried to come up with some kind of plan to take down Oma Zi-O. Nothing came to mind that didn't involve him probably dying. The Izuru within this Kamen Rider was all for the cause but he also REALLY didn't plan on dying for these guys. Seeing that Oma Zi-O had directed his attention on using Wizards Ridewatch to harm the gathering of the green haired chick, Holden and the Reject Phantom. Edge Zero made his move.

Dashing toward the Demon King with his sword at the ready. Aiming at the driver adorning his opponents waist. Edge Zero pulled his RideBook from his own driver and scanned it against his crossguard. "ZERO HISSATSU KENZAN!!!" cried Edge-Zero along with his belt as holographic zeros made of ethereal light gathered into his blade, bathing it in white. Focusing his attention on the Oma Zi-O Driver and the driver alone with his strike. Edge Zero couldn't turn back now as his shining sword neared the golden device...

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow


Sora kept his gaze on Daybreaker. His grip on his keyblade tightened as she spoke about a weakness that plagued her kind. For a brief second Daybreaker was replaced with that of the various versions of Xehanort that he had fought against ever since his first journey as a keyblade wielder, all looking down at him with that same snide evil grin they always wore.

”So in other words, you’re just another follower of darkness. Well I know what I believe in! The same thing that Princess Luna believed in!” Sora closed his eyes as the faces of his friends flashed through his mind. Though his mind lingered on Kairi’s face longer than the others.

”There are people waiting for me to come home… and my fellow dreamscapers need my help as well. We all may be apart right now… But here in my heart they’re still with me! My friends are my power and i’m theirs!” He roared. Unknown to him his heart conveyed those last words to his fellow dreamscapers who were in the midst of their own battles.

Crow Crow themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
--Reed Boiyo: Activating Combat Mode || Vs. Ohma Zi-O--
Interaction: Crow Crow themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah LuckycoolHawk9 LuckycoolHawk9 Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
OST: Against A Legacy, Reborn (Oma Zi-O 2 ~ Kamen Rider Zi-O OST)
HP: 50%

Blown away by the sudden explosions of the magic circles, Reed found himself in half health already as he groggily stood near Professor Shinigami, holding his shield and using his blade to prompt himself up. Dammit...One strike, and already down to half. He underestimated this.

Louise has gone apeshit. Sougo's DEFINITELY OP, and worse of all...They haven't gotten a single hit on Shinigami! Well, Rem did, but his health's definitely ain't budging. Suddenly, a warmth in his chest. Something's cheering him on...Someone believes in him. It may sound cheesy, but it gave Reed a slither of hope. Looking at the situation, it looks like Shinigami layered himself over Louise's body.

"You think...A vacuum would work?" Reed asked Rem, ready to throw down with Shinigami. "I'm just throwing ideas here--I'll keep him busy, so please come up with something!" Reed readied his blade, charging towards Shinigami!Louise, ready to clash blades.

Meanwhile, Ohma Zi-O turned just as Edge Zero neared the driver. The golden tyrant went ahead and grabbed the sword just as he was going to strike at the belt, tightening his grip. However, a faint voice can be heard, causing Ohma to flinch for a moment--a moment that's exactly what Edge Zero needed!

  • "False - I represent eternal day. If it is light you want, I will deliver plenty of it!"

    A ripple in reality emanated from Sora. The very waves of this ripple allowed our pair to see sights for the briefest second.


    "This isn't really me...

    ... please help me, my friends..."

    "That sounded like Luna!" Onyx exclaims.

    "Where?" Daybreaker turned behind for the briefest moment, "where is that foolish little sister of mine?"

    AbominableTouma AbominableTouma


  • Rem and Shinigami clashed blades, their movements rivalling lightning as they disappeared and reappeared on the battlefield.


    "When this is over, you will never curse another person into evil and despair ever again!"

    "Works for me, because I never did - the curse was always inside them, inside everyone - I merely brought it OUT!"

    Shinigami delivered a powerful kick in the midst of the fight, sending Rem flying back.

    "I've underestimated your friends, Ayanokouji Rem. Now that I've gained a new appreciation for them, I shall invite them to my ever-so-humble abode..."

    Shinigami began to hover upwards, scythe raised in the air as dark energy sparked and swirled around it.


    "... IN HELL!"

    Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah LuckycoolHawk9 LuckycoolHawk9 Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

    Vsland Vsland (IT'S TIME)
Louise stared at the scene, carefully getting to her feet with shaking, weak legs.
What do I do what do I do goddammit choose attorney choose-
She stumbled forward, grabbing onto Shinigami's legs to pull him down, to stop him somehow, anyhow-
"...you wouldn't - wouldn't know hell if it hit you in the face," she wheezed, her grasp tightening.
Crow Crow
Percy let out a gasp as he suddenly sat up at breakneck speed, sweat dripping down his face as he panted in broken intervals to try and catch his breath. He took a few seconds to gather his thoughts and slow his breahing. In through the nose. Hold. Out through the mouth. Repeat. Percy repeated this until he had tricked his heart into believing he was calm, but in actualality, he was freaking out. He had just been laying in bed with Annabeth after a long day of work. All he wanted to do was live a nice and comfortable life with the woman he loved but he should have known better. He was born to have a hard life. That's what happens when your father is the god of the sea. He slowly got to his feet and shoved his hand in his pocket. Percy's trusty ballpoint pen was lying dormant there, a gentle hum eminating from the magic bronze as he touched it. That at least gave him some comfort.

That's when he heard it. A laugh so evil it would make your worst nightmares look like something out of 'My Little Pony' and the best of dreams feel like a utopia. He looked around, stumbling in a circle as he pulled out his pen. Percy uncapped it, only for it to spring into a bronze sword in his hand, a gentle glow lighting up his imediate surroundings, only to reveal nothingness.

"Poor Percy Jackson..."

Percy shook his head. "N-no...it can't be, you're dead! And you're never coming back! I went through hell just to keep you there."

"When will you learn, mortal." The voice boomed. "You can't kill me. You will die by my hands, much like many of you pathetic humans. When will you learn there is no fighting time." Another sickening laugh sent shivers down the demi-gods spine as he desperately looked around for the source of the sound but all he could see was darkness. "But you, dear boy...you hold a special place in my heart. Never in all these millenia have I hated a mortal as much as I hate you, Jackson. You ruined everything, not once, but twice."

Percy bent his knees and got himself into a fighting position, preparing for a sudden attack from somewhere. Anywhere. After all..

Kronos had returned.

But could he beat him? Sure, he had gotten more powerful since the last time they fought and he was a much better fighter. But there was no water around. No magic curse that made him invulnerable. There was nothing stopping the titan from snuffing out his life like it was nothing.

However, he had to stay strong. If he gave in to the fear, that would be admitting defeat before he even put up a fight. He couldn't just sit back and watch the world as he knew it be destroyed.

"I've beaten you once before, Kronos...I'll do it again. And again. And as many times as it takes to keep you trapped in the deepest depths of Tartarus!"

What followed was something Percy couldn't even possibly imagine. Was he dreaming? This didn't feel like an ordinary dream. Well, to him, ordinary meant seeing events that had happened in the past, future or events taking place at that very moment. Ordinary to him meant constant nightmares of monsters and other mythical creatures wishing death upon Jackson. Yet all those times he knew that he was in a dream and they never worked in his favour.

So when Kronos didn't attack it threw him off. And when Kronos didn't respond...something was off.



Percy clenched the hilt of his blade tighter as he frantically began looking around to find her.

"Percy where did you go? I can't find you! Please, Percy, come back! Don't leave me again..."

"Annabeth I'm right here! I can hear you, why can't you hear me?!"

"Because, Percy, this. This is your punishment."

Again, a familiar voice that Jackson didn't want to hear ever again. Or...voices.

How in Posiedon's trident did the Arai escape from Tartarus to. They were vengeful spirits of curses laid upon someone whenever they killed another. Whenever you killed one, you were inflicted with one of those curses. But if you didn't fight, then they'd rip you to shreds. It was a lose/lose situation. One that Percy didn't want to go through a second time.

However, anger swelled up inside him. They had targetted the one that he loved again. They had made her believe that he was never coming back, that he had abanonned her and left her as a memory. He would never do that! He could never. Annabeth was the single most important thing in his life.

"Stop hiding you cowards!" He shouted, flailing and swinging his sword around aimlessly. Once all the Arai were killed, Annabeth would be free from her curse. Percy didn't care how many different curses he would recieve, he only cared about saving her. If he died in the process then so be it. As long as she was safe. The spirits cackled and hissed in delight as they watched Percy squirm. "I SAID SHOW YOURSELVES!"



The Arai.

Annabeth's curse.

All of these were, without a doubt, the worst experiences of his life. But demi-gods don't typically experience the same thing twice. The Minotaur was already weird enough, there was no way two more experiences could be repeated.

Something was off.

It was almost as if someone was trying to use his memories against him. Like some kind of nightmare or dreamscape.

Clang. Clank. Skkt.

Percy's ears pricked at the first real sound he had heard. Everything else was just a figmant of his imagination. But these, the sound of weapons clashing, that was unmistakably real. "Thank you, Hypnos. Your gift of knowledge won't be forgotten." He murmered to himself as he burst into a sprint towards the sound of combat.

It only took him a few minutes to reach people, though it felt like he was running for an eternity. Maybe Kronos really did put a curse on him, he wouldn't be surprised.

His eyes widened as he saw an old man wearing half a skull looming over a green haired girl in what was probably the least effective armor he had ever seen. In the man's hand was a scythe, generating dark energy. Maybe he was a child of Erebus. He definetly gave off the whole 'dark, evil vibe'. After all he did just threaten to literally end the girl.

Professor Shinigami then let out a sickening cackle as he swung down upon the defenless Rem, aiming for her neck in hopes to decapitate her.


"I've already been to hell, and believe me, you don't wanna go there." Percy smirked as he stared the old man in the eyes, Riptide clashing against the man's scythe. "I'm guessing you're the one who brought me here. Nice job, wouldn't call it a 5 star holiday but you tried. You just made one small mistake..."

Percy pushed up against his scythe, forcing Shinigami to take a few steps back. "Don't ever threaten the people I love again!"

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah LuckycoolHawk9 LuckycoolHawk9 Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
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Louise still clung on, staring with utter bewilderment at the stranger who had appeared from seemingly nowhere. Still confused, she did the first thing that came to mind - grabbed at Shinigami's arm, hoping to trip him up and get him impaled on the newcomer's blade.
Crow Crow Vsland Vsland
Pen just .... watched. For now. The humans seemed to know what they were doing. Even the one she Knocked Out.

Epsecially the strange man. Oh this was delicious. So many potential prey.

Pen, focus! She roared to herself. The succubus side of her submerged itself and the little bit of humanity left reared itself up.

She sighed in frustration and launched herself at Shigimani's head!

Swinging her axe.

"Honey, I lived in Hell for a very long time! You are DEFINITELY not sending me back there!"

Hopefully this was NOT an illusion, not that it would weigh on her concious if it were, just that she really wanted this fight to just end already.

It was getting boring.

Crow Crow Vsland Vsland themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah
Edge-Zero pushed himself harder than he had before to complete the slash. With alarming speed and incredible precision. He cut into the golden belt with all that he could muster. Unfortunately, that was a bit too much for his powers to handle. The overwhelming power possessed by the Demon King leaked out and washed over Edge-Zero, bathing him in Oma Zi-O's malice. Cracks formed on the Muken Enrei, the sword exploding into fragments which disappeared into the aether. Next his driver overheated and vanished in a flash of light. Forced out of his transformation and thrown into the air. Izuru hit the ground like a ton of bricks, tasting his own blood. Getting up and dusting off his clothes. A sore Izuru lamented the loss of the first driver he ever made. Looking around at his allies having their own problems. The next course of action he needed to take was obvious. Snapping his fingers and manipulating the mana around him. Izuru summoned forth Pixie, Cerberus, Jack Frost and Mokoi.

First step was getting his side back to full health. Directing Pixie to cast Prayer on Reed, Sougo, Ren Louise and himself. A wave of warm green light would envelop all affected, healing their wounds and undoing any negative ailments. Next he needed to focus on making sure that none of them were wiped out by Shinigami's attack. Directing his little Mokoi to cast Tetraja on the party. An ethereal facsimile of a voodoo doll appeared in front of them to absorb Shinigami's attack. Deciding to finally attack Shinigami for making fight Oma Zi-O. Izuru had Cerberus use Agidyne, firing a huge blast of flame. Jack Frost would hee-hoo a massive chunk of ice at the good professor courtesy of Bufudyne. Last but not least. Izuru himself made sure the Professor wouldn't just try any stupid bullshit by spamming Debilitate to drastically lower his ability parameters.

Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah

  • --Reed Boiyo: Activating Combat Mode || Sougo Tokiwa--
    Interaction: Crow Crow themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah LuckycoolHawk9 LuckycoolHawk9 Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
    HP: 50% -> 100%

    With the Ohma Driver damaged and broken, Sougo reverted back into his civillian form, falling into the ground and knocked unconscious because of the explosion. However, because of the Prayer, the King of Time didn't seem to sustain any damages. The only person to reap the benefits of the Prayer was...


    "Oh ho ho, you're fucked now!" The cackle of Reed Boiyo, feeling his health shooting back up to full as he mashed on the crystal guard of his word. Gripping it with both hands with a flashy grin, the purple clad swordsman leapt towards Shinigami, aiming for the old man's torso with slashes of holy light with a loud warcry!

  • "What the-"

    Percy's strike caused the charging dark energy to pulsate across the field, causing everyone to ebb away from the source. During this time, Pen was able to decapitate him, his head flying quite the distance.

    "You didn't think that would stop me so easily, now did you?" Shinigami's head cackles as his body continues to stand. "Your numbers continue to grow, but that only means that there is more despair to go around!"

    Shinigami spun his scythe, allowing him to control Cerberus' flames, redirecting the attack in the form of an infernal tornado to melt the chunks of ice and ultimately its frosty conjurer as a bonus.

    This allowed Reed to land many strikes.

    "You're not doing this alone!"

    Rem struck Shinigami from the other side with her blade, coordinating her attacks with Reed's.

    "In a way, Ayanokouji Rem, this proves that I am the superior one among us two. Never before have you relied on this much aid," Shinigami cackles as the pieces of his still-moving body began to fall apart.

    "That is incorrect - there will be no you left to be superior!" Rem exclaimed as she stabbed her sword onto the ground.

    "Is that so?" These fallen smithereens began to slither across the ground.


    "That is so, I am afraid."

    Mr Kitty strolled by the side of Izuru. Backing him up were a clutter of cats.

    "You killed our brethren for your twisted goals. What we are about to do...

    ... is too good for you."

    The cats swarmed over the still-alive remains of Shinigami, their voracious appetites reducing him to bones. The last thing his decapitated head saw was fur and fuzz.


    As the cats dissipated, Mr Kitty exempt, Rem looks down at the bones while her clothes transformed back into something more civilian.


    "This isn't the last I'll see of him."

    Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Crow Crow Vsland Vsland PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss LuckycoolHawk9 LuckycoolHawk9 themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah
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