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Fantasy Court Of Secrets (OOC)

SandraDeelightful SandraDeelightful : I hope you didn't mind that I made Evangeliya 22 years old instead of 18?
I had been playing with her age for a good while and decided to up her age a bit more if that was alright?
I believe Kent Kent 's character is still with SandraDeelightful SandraDeelightful 's youngest princess Euphrosyne but he's at a lost as to what to do besides dancing and chatting.
Perhaps Jorah can tap Duke Gabriel's shoulder and ask Princess Euphrosyne to dance instead?
Or there could be an interaction between the Earl and the Duke and the Princess?

Or he could be wondering why Sir Therin , Sir Wolfe and take the Butler Ricardo and have seen the whole fiasco? [ Divon Divon , Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater ]

There's also Princess Azalea [ Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow [ who is sitting on the sideline with Lisabelle [ Xed Xed ] that he could interact with !

I think. . . . there's also Aio Aio 's Lady Yesenia who wants to leave the party and go into the gardens ?
Lady Cecily is also a lady-in-waiting who I believe is open for interactions who is also Aio Aio 's character !

Misty Gray Misty Gray 's Prince Theodore has found himself seeing Astrid dancing with Vex ? That he could talk to
orrrr he could cause some sort of tension with the Lord from the North - all three [ Daeron, Astrid, and Vex being Nightblade Nightblade 's character ] ?

My character Evangeliya is interacting with Sir Clodomir as well and could always butt in their conversation, maybe Cosmo Cosmo

Or there's also the manservant of the prince, Lord Eamon dancing with the princess Elizabeth ? [ Uasal Uasal , Trompe lOeil Trompe lOeil ]
and could butt into their dance as well !

- but if you dont want to butt into conversation I believe Princess Azalea who's with Lisabelle or Lady Ysenia , and the lady-in-waiting Cecily are open for interactions !
- or you can have him greet Queen Almina who's with Anna [ MJ ._. MJ ._. ]

i think thats everyone !
ReverseTex ReverseTex Sorry for taking so long. I'm having a busy day of baking Christmas cookies. The most that's happened so far is that there has been an assassination attempt on the Queen and it is trying to be handled quietly.
SandraDeelightful SandraDeelightful - I am working on a CS for her right now to make her one. If she gets the go ahead or not I have a generic she goes home plot if she does not get approved, the CS will be up soon (within 12 hours)
I am so sorry for my inactive state. Finals are almost over and I only have 2 left! So far I've been doing well :) Positive Vibes for those still in Finals!

okay, sorry to bother you once again,
i decided to change her age back because it was bothering me so much.

on another note, is there anything that you need help with? i would gladly help if you need any ideas or so! SandraDeelightful SandraDeelightful
okay, sorry to bother you once again,
i decided to change her age back because it was bothering me so much.

on another note, is there anything that you need help with? i would gladly help if you need any ideas or so! SandraDeelightful SandraDeelightful

As for ideas I'm trying to figure out what Gabriel and Euphrosyne should do, because I want to do more with Euphrosyne.

As for ideas I'm trying to figure out what Gabriel and Euphrosyne should do, because I want to do more with Euphrosyne.
if i remember correctly, they sort of grew up together? [or read somewhere in the ic]
maybe they had a "secret" place they played as kids and they've kept memories there together?
maybe she planned a "surprise" thing for his birthday or so? [i saw they both liked tea] - so maybe it dealt with some tea leaves or something along those lines?
if i remember correctly, they sort of grew up together? [or read somewhere in the ic]
maybe they had a "secret" place they played as kids and they've kept memories there together?
maybe she planned a "surprise" thing for his birthday or so? [i saw they both liked tea] - so maybe it dealt with some tea leaves or something along those lines?
Hm… Going to a secret place might be nice. Kent Kent What do you think?

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