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Fantasy Court Of Secrets (OOC)

I can't find anything to do for my character except dancing and talking.
so , i thought id do a little commentary

i love the contrast between the two princesses, absolutely beautiful. i could imagine it so clearly.
the guard sigismund has to be one of my favorite [i love him so much omfg]. but the vanity of lord eamon was commendable at that but he goes hand in hand with prince theodore - a team of two handsome men for sure.

Divon Divon : reading your post, i noticed you used the name "evangeline" which in return is actually my chara's name tho it's spelled differently since she is of bulgarian descent
"evangeliya" and im just like the ironyyy!

so , i thought id do a little commentary

i love the contrast between the two princesses, absolutely beautiful. i could imagine it so clearly.
the guard sigismund has to be one of my favorite [i love him so much omfg]. but the vanity of lord eamon was commendable at that but he goes hand in hand with prince theodore - a team of two handsome men for sure.

Divon Divon : reading your post, i noticed you used the name "evangeline" which in return is actually my chara's name tho it's spelled differently since she is of bulgarian descent
"evangeliya" and im just like the ironyyy!

Also I gotta agree with Sigis there,, but I do lean towards Mathias and Gabe more ayy
apologies for the late reply and long-ness for the post!
i hopefully got everything !
*wipes tear*
Beautifully executed, i gotta say...
im already pretty impressed with how you managed to include snippets of everyone!!!
also well done on thinking about asking Ric later on...more impotantly, I just hope he doesn't drink after the whole exchange...
Sorry for not posting lately. I'm keeping up with everyone's posts and doing basically what Theo is doing - silently observing. :P

I will get a post up for him by tomorrow, though. :)
so , i thought id do a little commentary

i love the contrast between the two princesses, absolutely beautiful. i could imagine it so clearly.
the guard sigismund has to be one of my favorite [i love him so much omfg]. but the vanity of lord eamon was commendable at that but he goes hand in hand with prince theodore - a team of two handsome men for sure.

My internet is going to be down until Monday due to matanance in my area so unfortunately I won't be able to get a post out before then. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
o h m y goodness <3
*wipes tear*
Beautifully executed, i gotta say...
im already pretty impressed with how you managed to include snippets of everyone!!!
also well done on thinking about asking Ric later on...more impotantly, I just hope he doesn't drink after the whole exchange...
that makes me feel so happy eeep!
and yessss, i figured that would be smart for her to do and since it's a down low mission, she wouldn't recklessly go into the pit of fire. . . now, when it comes to navigating around and needing to act on her toessss ;)
oh, ric, hopefully he isn't hiccuping and stumbling by the time it's over
apologies for not posting a response yet Cosmo Cosmo
and just wanted to let others know that my finals are ending tomorrow, so hopefully i'll be up to speed and work on my post [honestly i cant wait to write her response]
deer deer Its okay. XD Real life comes first and I'm in no hurry.
hehe thank you!
i am ashamed because i had so many mistakes in my post that i went and edited it only to realise you probably read those mistakes.
and i just . . . sorry about that haha!
hehe thank you!
i am ashamed because i had so many mistakes in my post that i went and edited it only to realise you probably read those mistakes.
and i just . . . sorry about that haha!


XD I create many typos. I will never, ever, judge someone for something I am horrid at doing. But I know the feeling of rushing back to create that one really bad typo only to realize they already saw the post.

XD I create many typos. I will never, ever, judge someone for something I am horrid at doing. But I know the feeling of rushing back to create that one really bad typo only to realize they already saw the post.
wowa this is so truee??
errorist: 100000+
me: -10000

hehe thankies <3
Tomorrow, I'm going to post a character who would be head of the church. I was thinking that it would be monotheistic, and have some similarities with Christianity, but would also have it's differences.
Tomorrow, I'm going to post a character who would be head of the church. I was thinking that it would be monotheistic, and have some similarities with Christianity, but would also have it's differences.


Let me go and edit all the 'gods' to God in my post....

*grumble grumble*


:P Jking. I always say 'gods' if I don't know. People look over it if it does turn out to be a monotheistic culture later in the story and its easier to write. [Also, waaaay too lazy to go and comb through all my post to edit out any references to polytheistic beliefs. Tis a curse.]

please, we must !
also, i have to say, i absolutely love your writing style and reading your post!

>.< Going to make me have to go and find other blushing gifs. Love your writing too. Very good facial descriptions. XD I need to start doing more. I concentrate too much on the internal sometimes.
Cosmo Cosmo : I honestly love internal though! And i’ve been working on my facial expressions and trying out some new words and styles! i’ve been writing with a good friend and she’s been helping me and i can guarantee that the more we write with each other and everyone here, we could totally improve together!

i should be writing a post later this evening since i’m playing catch up often since it seems everything happens when i decide to go off for a lil hehehe

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