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Fantasy Court Of Secrets (OOC)

deer deer It is his means of legging it. Lose yourself in your job plus it is hard for people to get mad at you for doing your job and not seem like they are being unreasonable. Sigi isn't tall. Eve is just itty-bitty.

XD 'At best, they ignore you and make you pay for it, in some manner or another, later, at worst, they do the opposite to spite you.' He is a soldier and knows when to avoid a lost cause.
[Right!? Just a bad idea.]

Argh, I wanna post.

But must wait for Wells to react to all of it first.
Cosmo Cosmo : True, true! It really is hard to be mad at someone who's just doing their job without seeming like an ass. Oh my gosh. Also, I love how she's misunderstanding him and vice versa, it gives me life and who doesn't like dramaticness? Hehehe

Good soldier, plus he is wiser from experience and all of that. Cough old man cough cough. Payback is the b e s t ever.

And I feel youuuu! I wonder if Jorah would overhear their conversation and what troubles this would lead to teehee, cause technically he is a guest and just- aaaahh !

MJ ._. MJ ._. : Right? Right?

sprouhtt sprouhtt : did she bump into someone , last I remembered? [I actually had meant to write that Eva saw her but Eva got too distracted with the whole thing - wow, silly me]
deer deer Right!? Life is built upon misunderstandings. Glorious, glorious misunderstandings.

Oui! He is only like 29! Dang whippersnapper! Only the best if you're the one doing it or get to watch with popcorn... it isn't fun sleeping on the couch.

Lol just a guest. XD Keep your nose out of trouble would be the smart thing to do.

sprouhtt sprouhtt XD I would but already tied down by three-four people.
Cosmo Cosmo : Dear Barley, has my eyes or ears deceived me or are you quite familiar with the couch?

I’m dead LOL. Quite positive it is more fun in the eyes of others. Oh dear. I hope you appeased her well. Also! i hope eventually we can meet his children bc they sound so adorable!

Busybodies they are ;)
Cosmo Cosmo : Dear Barley, has my eyes or ears deceived me or are you quite familiar with the couch?

I’m dead LOL. Quite positive it is more fun in the eyes of others. Oh dear. I hope you appeased her well. Also! i hope eventually we can meet his children bc they sound so adorable!

Busybodies they are ;)
Cosmo Cosmo : Please tell us more about his family and where they live. Anna is going to send them gifts as soon as the ball is over. Considering that she would test the drink before letting it to be touched by queen's lips, he has saved her life not queen's.
deer deer Please, as if they could afford a couch. That is something nobs have in their waiting rooms for their guest to wait in comfort. They have chairs and beds.

Lol child. He only has the one. But unlikely unless they ever went to his brother's bakery. He would never let her near the palace.

@Cosmo: Please tell us more about his family and where they live. Anna is going to send them gifts as soon as the ball is over. Considering that she would test the drink before letting it to be touched by queen's lips, he has saved her life not queen's.

Lives with his brother and sister-in-law at their family bakery. Their two children, Barley's nephews, are fairly young (IIRC, I think I intend to have them be 10 and 9) and Barely's daughter is 6. Lives with them because that is where he was raised and while he could afford his own place, he needs someone to watch his daughter while he is working.

So, in total,
Barley's Daughter
Barley's Brother
Barley's Sister-In-Law
Barely's Two Nephews.

He would be sooooo upset with Anna if she did that. He doesn't plan on telling them that part because he doesn't want his 6 year old's, and his nephew's, fantasies of this mystical palace full of beautiful people dancing and playing these 'games' with one another to be ruined by the reality of what he really does and just how crappy princes and princesses can be.
deer deer Please, as if they could afford a couch. That is something nobs have in their waiting rooms for their guest to wait in comfort. They have chairs and beds.

Lol child. He only has the one. But unlikely unless they ever went to his brother's bakery. He would never let her near the palace.

Lives with his brother and sister-in-law at their family bakery. Their two children, Barley's nephews, are fairly young (IIRC, I think I intend to have them be 10 and 9) and Barely's daughter is 6. Lives with them because that is where he was raised and while he could afford his own place, he needs someone to watch his daughter while he is working.

So, in total,
Barley's Daughter
Barley's Brother
Barley's Sister-In-Law
Barely's Two Nephews.

He would be sooooo upset with Anna if she did that. He doesn't plan on telling them that part because he doesn't want his 6 year old's, and his nephew's, fantasies of this mystical palace full of beautiful people dancing and playing these 'games' with one another to be ruined by the reality of what he really does and just how crappy princes and princesses can be.
Anna can't imagine that he'll be upset so she'll do so. But I'm sure she's not going to send a letter telling them about details of Sigi's job.
the family!
ahhh! that’s nice to know that <3

i honestly forgot eve had three other siblings. whoops.
I'm back!!! Sorry for the wait I had some extra issues with my laptop + battery that I had to get figured out. I'll work out a reply now again I'm really sorry for the MIA

Slade Slade or Cosmo Cosmo would you mind giving me a brief overview of what I missed? I'm trying to read through everything and this cold I have is making it a bit hard to sort through what's going on
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I'm back!!! Sorry for the wait I had some extra issues with my laptop + battery that I had to get figured out. I'll work out a reply now again I'm really sorry for the MIA

Slade Slade or Cosmo Cosmo would you mind giving me a brief overview of what I missed? I'm trying to read through everything and this cold I have is making it a bit hard to sort through what's going on

From the horse's mouth himself: “To cut the story short, Brent is currently bleeding on the floor, and Hollenworth refuses to do anything without the commander’s say so. Myself, I wouldn’t trust Therin with a bag of lettuce, but that’s a story for another time. And so now here we are.”

Basically, Ricardo tried talking to Josephine (the servant girl assassin person), who then tried to stab him to save herself, because RNG hates Ric that's why. Hollenworth (that lawful neutral NPC guard) is awaiting Alistair's command, and Wolfe panicked so now he's in the ballroom trying to get Sigi to help them. Except Sigi was/is in the accompany of a few people, so basically Wolfe probably just let the cat out of the bag to half the ballroom or something. The ladies-in-waiting are currently pissed off at his incompetence.
Slade Slade okay cool lol why does everyone hate my poor cinnamon-bun commander? I'll have a reply up asap
Eva is intrigued by him it’s okay!
I hope you feel better love!
From the horse's mouth himself: “To cut the story short, Brent is currently bleeding on the floor, and Hollenworth refuses to do anything without the commander’s say so. Myself, I wouldn’t trust Therin with a bag of lettuce, but that’s a story for another time. And so now here we are.”

Basically, Ricardo tried talking to Josephine (the servant girl assassin person), who then tried to stab him to save herself, because RNG hates Ric that's why. Hollenworth (that lawful neutral NPC guard) is awaiting Alistair's command, and Wolfe panicked so now he's in the ballroom trying to get Sigi to help them. Except Sigi was/is in the accompany of a few people, so basically Wolfe probably just let the cat out of the bag to half the ballroom or something. The ladies-in-waiting are currently pissed off at his incompetence.
When this is over , it’ll be okay Wolfey. Pat pat.
Slade Slade okay cool lol why does everyone hate my poor cinnamon-bun commander? I'll have a reply up asap

Poor Therin! :c In my mind, Wolfe is mildly jealous of him because he was named commander at such a young age (and to add insult to injury, he's basically answering to someone younger than him). Doesn't really make sense, of course, because Wolfe would've turned down the position if it were offered to him, but feelings are feelings, and there they are. Also he automatically dislikes anyone who doesn't bother to pretend his jokes are funny. Actually, I'm hoping that Therin and Wolfe (or at least Wolfe will) gain a certain sense of respect/understanding for each other as the RP progresses. Technically, they're both bastards (although the perpetually one-upping Wolfe would probably say that at least both his parents are nobility) so they can always bond over that.

But yes it is face: All the guards just hate each other! *Shrugs* Except for Wolfe and Reynold. Lecherous bros, the pair of them!

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