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- Assassin Cheetah -
~Possession Form ~
Corrupted: ~~~

Bay then watched him in disbelief as he went over effortlessly and started just-- fighting. She watched without any words leaving her jaws-- not sure how to respond to this.​
Modern Shadow
Base Shadow.jpg
Shadow contiuned to use close range combat. His energy increasing more. A brighter red glow surrounded him. "GET DOWN!" He yelled at them before crossing his arms. "CHAOS BLAST!!!!!!" The giant red dome shaped blast would leave his body, and engulf a big portion of the enemy. Now performing a CHaos Control using the Emeralds power rather than his own he'd teleport by them and drop to a knee.

When the smoke cleared the enemy was just fine. "Damn it..." Shadow growled, his sight bluring to the point he couldn't see his rings. "My rings..." He said.
With a shattering blast Pit quickly went for cover as the dark hedgehog let out a burst of chaos energy out from his body, nearly consuming all of the enemies nearby by in its deadly red glow. However once the dust settled things didn’t seem to be looking good. Somehow there wasn’t a single scratch on the for standing above Shadow, even worse the hedgehog looked just about ready to pass out. As Shadow dropped down to a knee Pit knew he couldn’t just stand there and do nothing about it. Shouting to the heavens, Pit would call out the Goddess of Light to give him aide, “Palutena! Get me to Shadow”, his wings once more glistening with a brilliant hue as his feet were hurriedly swept off the ground and into the cloud of smoke.

Through Shadow’s blurry vision it was likely that he’d be able to see a blue light fly through the trees and right in his direction. The closer it got the more obvious it would be that it was none other than Pit. In a single motion he’d swoop Shadow up from the ground, making sure to pull the hedgehog as far as he could away from the enemies, knowing that if he got too close, it could spell disastrous consequences. Finally a spot to land, Palutena would gently set Pit and Shadow down beside Bay, the wings on Pit’s back glowing no longer. “Looks like someone needed a guardian angel” Pit would quip as he helped the hedgehog stand. “Let’s try to keep a distance away from them, that way they won’t react and we won’t have our energy drained up. Though, I guess you should probably stick behind us ‘till you get your energy back”
- Assassin Cheetah -
Corrupted: ~~~

Bay stood there, not too sure whether or not to intervene. She stood her ground, her paws in the proper position to attack if needed. Bay was left in awe when she saw Pit have some help, along with Shadow. She knew Shadow was strong, but these beings were maybe just as strong or maybe, stronger. But everyone has a weakness, she assured herself silently.

Bay watched as Shadow was set beside her along with Pit, she twitched the tip of her tail calmly. "These things have to have a weakness," Bay growled.​
Modern Shadow
Base Shadow.jpg
"They do...their....their heads right where the forehead was...I saw a red stone...it...it has to be their weakness." He said, his sight still completely blury and tuning out to black. "My rings...where are they?" He demanded this time.

Modern Amy
Boom Amy.jpg
Amy walked over with Shadow's rings and helped him put them on. "Don't do that again...that much energy coulda killed you." She said, fighting against tears as she remembered the three big times that Shadow removed his rings. 'Bio-lizard, Meterax, and the Black Arms.'

(Ignore the fact that the image is boom Amy it's the only Amy pic I have.)
- Assassin Cheetah -
Corrupted: ~~~

Bay nods slightly and squinted towards the enemies in thought. "Here..." she murmurs, a glow forming beneath Shadow to provide him with some extra energy and healing. "So... their weakness is?"​
”Red stone? Got it!” As Bay healed Shadow’s wounds he’d squint into the distance of where the enemy stood. “Let’s see…sparkly stone sparkly stone sparkly stone….there!” It took some difficulty with the darkness clouding most of the creature’s defining characteristics but he’d be able to spot a tiny ruby shimmer crested upon the monster’s head. For a moment Pit considered using Autoreticle or weak point reticle however swiftly struck that idea down. He could only use those abilities finitely so it would be best to save them up for when he needed them most. Nevertheless, Pit took aim with his bow and fired, a glittering arrow of light zipping through the woods before piecing the gem on one of the monster’s heads.
Modern Shadow
Base Shadow.jpg

Shadow would watch as the enemy dropped and his energy returned a bit. "Thanks." He said to Bay which was even more rare than seeing him smile. He stood up, fully, and added "Though don't waste your energy on me. I can take care of myself." Which sounded more like him. Shadow formed a Green Energy spear before reasorbing it. "I see, so that's their other deal." He said to himself. "Don't get to close if you have only positive energy that's the kind of energy they negate..." He smirked, and reached for his rings but stopped. The choice was a tough one, a no limited barrage of Chaos Spears, or forcing himself to turn Dark? He debated it and asked aloud, "I got two ideas both of which are bad but...useful. The first one is a no limited barrage of Chaos Spears or forcing myself to turn Dark. I'll let you guys decided. One will more likely kill me the other I might not return as myself..." It was clear which was which. The No limited one would kill him but the Dark one might mean he may not be himself.
- Assassin Cheetah -
~ Possession ~
Corrupted: ~~~

Bay nods but then she adds: "fortunately for me, healing and providing energy won't take any away from me. If it would've, I wouldn't have helped you." Bay said that with a bit of a sharp tone but kept herself sane.

Bay then listened to Shadow's choices and lowers her gaze, "they're both bad choices, Shadow." She hissed lowly and flickered her small ears.​
“I guess energy provided by the goddess of light could probably be put in the positive energy file. Luckily this bad boy can do melee and ranged battle no problem!” Pit would showcase the bow in his hand with a fancy twirl and grin, as if he hadn’t already showcased this fact less than ten seconds ago. However one Shadow gave them his dilemma, his attitude quickly vanished. “What kind of sick question is that?! You can’t just ask us whether you should kill yourself your lose all that makes you yourself!” Pit would shout aloud with disgust at having to even consider such awful choices. “You know what? We chose neither” He’d finally give as his answer.​
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- Assassin Cheetah -
~ Possession ~
Corrupted: ~~~

Bay scanned over the bow that Pit was showcasing and momentarily wiggled her muzzle in response. Once Pit had heard the question and he put in his input, Bay added: "that's what I'm saying! Though, a much more aggressive way to put it." Bay taps Pit's shoulder kindly with the tip of her tail. "I'm with him here. Shadow, I don't feel you should do that..." she licks her muzzle before continuing, "...I know the pink hedgehog would maybe agree. It seems she cares about you, Shadow." Bay finished that and sat down with a thump.​
Modern Amy
Corruption: 5%
"Shadow their right..."

Modern Shadow
Base Shadow.jpg
Shadow looked at all of them shocked. "Never once expected such answers..." He said to himself before looking back at the enemy. "Hmph. There is one other thing I can do...though I haven't done it so long I'll need time." It would seem odd to some that he'd say he needed time when the enemy didn't at all seem to care unless they were within a certain distance, but why he said that became clear once the enemy begen to move closer.
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Pit would jump in surprise at the monster's very erratic movement towards the team, seemingly not at all following it's own established rules. "Oh jeez! I guess Pit's Guidance isn't exactly triple A quality" He'd commentate to himself, noting that his own strategy didn't seem to be working out all that much anymore. Nevertheless, this did make things rather tricky as they couldn't simply walk away from this battle or statically maintain a set distance away. Though if it was time that Shadow needed, he may be able to help on that end of things. "Two things. One; explain what's this thing is because if it involves any sort of death, injury, or any other bad thing happening to you then No. Two; how much time are you taking about?" He'd stare up at the inky sky, his wings spreading out from his body. "If it's less than five minutes I could probably give you a ride on the ol' Pit express. Last time I checked, it's not like these creeps are all that winged" Though he did consider the fact that for the second fastest thing alive it would entirely be possible that Shadow could simply out speed the monsters for a bit to get that uninterrupted time he required. Heck, just run to the other side of this planet (Or at least Pit assumed they were on a planet, the details weren't exactly clear), wait an hour, then run on back here to kick some evil butt. Point was, if Shadow needed a hand Pit would give one no problem.​
Modern Shadow
Base Shadow.jpg
Shadow looked at Pit. "When I said I needed time, that doesn't include you. I need you to find a way to hook me up with yours and Plauentia's telepathic thing. I'll need to ask her something. Next it doesn't involve me dying but it's something I've never done before..." He paused and let out a deep breath. "I'm performing both of Chaos Control's abilities back to back. Time stopping and then teleportation."
“Alright but if so get a whiff of this turning out badly then I’m backing you out of this…” Pit would hesitantly reply. “Though you don’t need to be linked up to Palutena, I can just tell you guys whatever she’s saying. Right?”

Palutena hummed in Pit’s mind ~~I suppose I theoretically could speak with him directly if we were back in our or Smash’s universe but it’s the same thing with my guidance, my reach of power here is way too limited to allow for a mortal to speak with us. Plus even if I could, it’s entirely possible that Shadow could go insane from hearing something as incomprehensible as the voice of god herself directly. Think about all those loons on the side of the road with signs spelling out the end of the world, that’s probably what would happen~~

Never once hearing of this, Pit would suddenly shout “Wait, really?!” In surprise to which Palutena would laugh at his reaction

~~I was just kidding!...Okay maybe I did accidentally make a man insane that one time way back when but that’s besides the point~~

Pit couldn’t tell whether Palutena was being truthfully or if this was a continuation of her previous jest. Hoping it was the latter, the young angel let her continue. ~~Anyways, let him know what I said and then ask Shadow what he needs to ask of the esteemed goddess of light and I’ll see what I can do.~~

Pit would finally look back to Shadow and relayed all of Palutena’s information.
“Yeah, she said that since we’re in a different universe she doesn’t have enough range in her power to let you in on the ol’ group chat but she’s happy to provide as much help as she can. So, what do ya need?”​
Modern Shadow
Base Shadow.jpg
Shadow looked at Pit and sighed. "What I need her to do is guide my teleportation. Believe it or not when teleporting I'm traveling through space itself meaning we should be in a space between any and all universes for a split second. We only have one shot because if we screw up, then we'll be smack in the middle of our enemy. I need at least one foot behind our oppenent."
Palutena went silent within Pit’s brain as the young angel stood there waiting for a response. After a while however he could just barely hear light murmuring, as if she were in conversation. “Hold on, I think she’s talking to someone else?” Pit would say to Shadow, not all that certain himself on the matter. He’d stand there awkwardly, a tiny cough leaving his mouth which broke the silence. However, he would worriedly eye the monsters, thanking the heavens that they were as slow as they are. After a few minutes of this uncomfortable quiet the goddess would finally pick back up the line, relaying her answer to Pit.

~~This might actually be possible, Pit would have Warp equipped as one of your abilities right? If you warp with Shadow at the exact same time I potentially could take direct control of his teleportation path. But, it’s risky, if you two are even a second apart then it could result in a freak accident! Tell me Pit, how do you like each of your molecules being individually set on fire one by one as they’re split between different planes of realit~~

The angel’s eyes widened as his jaw fell to the floor at such a gruesome description. “Not at all!?”

~~Thought so. I may be able to use some of my power to sync the two of you up but still, there’s a chance that this could go horribly wrong or right in every way. The only good news is that it’d be a one in fifteen chance, are you willing to play with those odds?~~

Pit anxiously turned towards Shadow. “…Are you sure there aren’t any other ways of beating these guys?”​
Modern Shadow
Base Shadow.jpg
Shadow looked at the enemy. "Without generating a huge wave of power with enough energy to kill myself and possibly all of you? I'm sure this is the only way...plus the only reason I need Platuena's guidance for this is because I've never used both abilities back to back."

Pit would give a thumbs up, the smile on his face so obviously strained that he’d give an underpaid McDonald’s worker a run for their money. “Greeaat” As much as Pit hated it, the choice was clear. Looks like he was going to bet on the odds and try this crazy plan. “Well, looks like we’re doing Operation Teleportation Exploitation then…Yippie” Genuis name aside, Pit certainly wasn’t looking forward to this train wreck of a plan. Though, before he was fully committing, he thought it wouldn’t hurt to just have a tiny bit more clarification since they were potentially going to be torn atom by atom.

“So, once we teleport a feet away from the enemies, what do you think is going to happen when you use both Chaos Control and teleportation at the same time. Are you going to warp reality around them or something like that?”​
Modern Shadow
Base Shadow.jpg
Shadow looked at Pit. "Seeing as we're freezing time and then teleporting through a frozen time zone the end result will result in an alternate universe with the alternate effect of what we get. In other words if it turns out to be good it's bad in the other universe and vice versa." He turned back to the enemy and pulled two emeralds from his quills. A green and red one. Both would begin glowing and he'd toss the red one to Pit. "When it glows brighter It means I'm ready. We'll use this to sync our teleportations. However...I require being in physical contact with other beings to teleport them. So unless your Planteua can change Chaos Control a small bit we're gonna be clumped up."
He’d catch the gem with a single hand, taking in Shadie’s words, though it was clear that it wasn’t going as smoothly as he wanted. Pit’s face scrunched up as he attempted to understand what Shadow meant, mumbling to himself “So wait…we’ll be going into an alternate universe with the opposite result of whatever happens here? So like, if we lost here then in the other world it’d be the opposite-Now wait a second!” If he had correctly understood what Shadow said then they were just going to ditch this reality and everyone who was here just to flee to a very similar, but different universe.”We’d just be dooming this whole reality then!” Everyone here besides himself and Shadow would be left to fend for themselves and that wasn’t something Pit could accept. The more he thought of it, the more reasons he saw that this could go horribly wrong, to which Palutena would voice a few of her very own.

~~I can deal with anything that’s in our universe but the moment you two entered a whole alternate reality? That’s way too far of a range for even a god or goddess to handle!~~

“Wait, I’m confused. If we’re traveling to a similar reality wouldn’t it be just like with Shadow and AU Shadow? How come Weerlig could summon them without any issue?”

~~Hmm…how do I put this, from what I can understand, Weerlig choosing them is like picking two chips from a bag. The two chips are two separate but similar items but exist within the same bag. Weerlig plucking them out and placing them in this universe would then be putting them in a bowl~~

“How does-“

~~Hold on I’m not finished! This issue is that this realm is an area in which in order to find another bowl, you’d need to actually go to a store and find a new one and frankly my ability can’t just drive you two over to the local Walmart and drop you in the same brand of bowl~~

The more Palutena tried to explain, the more confused Pit became. Finally he had enough, stopping her in the middle of this overly complicated metaphor
“This is literally making no since??”

~~Fine, in other words this current universe you’re within has no other alternate reality that exists within the same universe. And I can’t do multi universal travel so therefore I can’t do what Shadow is suggesting~~

The young angel’s wings drooped as Palutena delivered the bad news. “So…we’re back at square one?”

~~More like square two point three if I’m being honest, I could legitimately do everything up to that point, it’s just that Shadow would need to figure out some other helpful use of combined chaos control and teleportation. Heck, it might even be easier to just the monster’s from time and space using it instead. It’s easier to break the chess board than actually playing by the game’s rules you know?~~

“I guess? I haven’t actually played chess before now that I think of it…”

~~It’s like checkers but boring~~

Realizing this was getting wildly off track Pit quickly got back to the issue at hand, turning to Shadow to relay the news. “Palutena said she can’t take us to an alternate universe because of something to do with chips and Walmart? But she said that she’d still be able to use her warp with your teleportation…just not in that way. Then she said something about breaking the chess board instead of playing the game, I think she just wants us to erase the monsters from reality which I guess can happen if we used operation time exploitation with that intention?” Pit ended with a shrug, hoping that Shadow got a close enough idea of what he was saying.​
Modern Shadow
Base Shadow.jpg
Shadow glared at Pit. "That's not at all what I mean. It...splits the universes. While we'll stay here...it's like having a child. It takes a portion of your DNA and the other one. However think of this as..." He looked for the most simple words possible. "It's like we're cloning the universe." He said. "Making a similar with the opposite result."
He’d catch the gem with a single hand, taking in Shadie’s words, though it was clear that it wasn’t going as smoothly as he wanted. Pit’s face scrunched up as he attempted to understand what Shadow meant, mumbling to himself “So wait…we’ll be going into an alternate universe with the opposite result of whatever happens here? So like, if we lost here then in the other world it’d be the opposite-Now wait a second!” If he had correctly understood what Shadow said then they were just going to ditch this reality and everyone who was here just to flee to a very similar, but different universe.”We’d just be dooming this whole reality then!” Everyone here besides himself and Shadow would be left to fend for themselves and that wasn’t something Pit could accept. The more he thought of it, the more reasons he saw that this could go horribly wrong, to which Palutena would voice a few of her very own.

~~I can deal with anything that’s in our universe but the moment you two entered a whole alternate reality? That’s way too far of a range for even a god or goddess to handle!~~

“Wait, I’m confused. If we’re traveling to a similar reality wouldn’t it be just like with Shadow and AU Shadow? How come Weerlig could summon them without any issue?”

~~Hmm…how do I put this, from what I can understand, Weerlig choosing them is like picking two chips from a bag. The two chips are two separate but similar items but exist within the same bag. Weerlig plucking them out and placing them in this universe would then be putting them in a bowl~~

“How does-“

~~Hold on I’m not finished! This issue is that this realm is an area in which in order to find another bowl, you’d need to actually go to a store and find a new one and frankly my ability can’t just drive you two over to the local Walmart and drop you in the same brand of bowl~~

The more Palutena tried to explain, the more confused Pit became. Finally he had enough, stopping her in the middle of this overly complicated metaphor
“This is literally making no since??”

~~Fine, in other words this current universe you’re within has no other alternate reality that exists within the same universe. And I can’t do multi universal travel so therefore I can’t do what Shadow is suggesting~~

The young angel’s wings drooped as Palutena delivered the bad news. “So…we’re back at square one?”

~~More like square two point three if I’m being honest, I could legitimately do everything up to that point, it’s just that Shadow would need to figure out some other helpful use of combined chaos control and teleportation. Heck, it might even be easier to just the monster’s from time and space using it instead. It’s easier to break the chess board than actually playing by the game’s rules you know?~~

“I guess? I haven’t actually played chess before now that I think of it…”

~~It’s like checkers but boring~~

Realizing this was getting wildly off track Pit quickly got back to the issue at hand, turning to Shadow to relay the news. “Palutena said she can’t take us to an alternate universe because of something to do with chips and Walmart? But she said that she’d still be able to use her warp with your teleportation…just not in that way. Then she said something about breaking the chess board instead of playing the game, I think she just wants us to erase the monsters from reality which I guess can happen if we used operation time exploitation with that intention?” Pit ended with a shrug, hoping that Shadow got a close enough idea of what he was saying.​
Corruption 19%

"They'll be fine. I'll make sure of it. Besides, I know what I'm doing." she said
Corruption: 5%
"Hmm...." She did have to admit the plan was worrisome, and she wanted to talk against what Shadow was saying but she knew him well enough to not do so.
Corruption 20%

She was growing increasingly pissed off, so much that her tail was beginning to twitch at the end.

Corruption 15%
He placed a hand on his demon girlfriend's shoulder to calm her

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