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Fandom Charmed Friends (charmed inspired RP) OOC

So I wrote Shar's response let me know if its okay! Just Me. Just Me. Did I make a good impression with Shar??

Currently fighting my sickness to write Alexyss' response aha
Just don't push yourself too hard, okay? It's hard to get sick these days. Also will read the response, tomorrow? I'm gonna go to sleep now. Rest well when you get the time, Frito.
Face is currently super swollen, yay! FritoCrashGrl FritoCrashGrl your post was good! Great even. Please don't push yourself too hard, we'll understand if you can't post and no one wants you to make yourself worse for the sake of a rp post. Please look after yourself. <3
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Isnt that the Netflix remake?? I'm currently watching Fear The Walking Dead. Decided to take a break from witches and move towards zombies lol
Never watched it, what is it about?
Carmen is a modern day Robin Hood traveling the globe and stealing from V.I.L.E. (Villain's International League of Evil) and giving back to its victims. Carmen is publicly perceived as a criminal by most law enforcement agencies – correction, make that a master criminal due to the sheer scale and theatricality of her heists. We will follow her escapades and get to determine not only where but who in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Just took that off wiki. I pretty much suck a bit at summarizing tv shows.
Mmm Fear the walking dead is pretty interesting, but I still like the original sooo crazy lol. So sad season 4 isnt on hulu yettt
Oof seems like a hard decision. Maybe make her nearly confess but they get attacked?? Idk lol also I'll be making another OC which I'll be a male whitelighter if that's alright

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