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Fandom Charmed Friends (charmed inspired RP) OOC

Hey guys =] I hope you guys are doing okay, kind of miss chatting with you so I thought I'd pop in and see how you are =]
Sure are, but it's not just lately, it happened before as well. Its a bit of a shame since sometimes I miss stuff because of it =(
How are you guys doing? I will have lots of free time soon so I can pop into the OOC more often yaay =]
Wow notifications are wonky I didnt see anything from Monday. I'm fine just going through a breakup but I'm okay!
On my original roleplaying platform I found a rp about zombies too. I was rewatching the walking dead and someone wanted to rp that
Lol on hulu they only have 3 seasons and I'm waiting for the 4th to be released soo while I'm waiting I'd start the walking dead all over since I stopped on season 7 so might as well ya know. I hope you get enough sleep

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