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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

I know this is gonna seem really extra but I'll probably just make a new OC lol. Y'know when you get attached to a FC? I can't picture any other look for Mirai so I'll probably scrap him for this rp and start working on another one
Idea Idea
Idea Idea BriiAngelic BriiAngelic

I'm so sorry I haven't said anything!!! I would definitely love to continue to be in this. I didn't notice that I had to say yes. Really, again, I'm sorry! ;_;
Also it may already be obvious but I can only be able to reply in the weekends except if there's exceptions. Sorry about this too.
Idea Idea I added a fatal / character flaw section under personality!
It's certainly better, but it's definitely not enough. Lack of self-esteem, even to that point, is very much riding the line of what is or not a serious flaw.

If I may make a suggestion, how about making it so the cowardice isn't just a "sometimes" problem, but actually making it a proper flaw?
It's certainly better, but it's definitely not enough. Lack of self-esteem, even to that point, is very much riding the line of what is or not a serious flaw.

If I may make a suggestion, how about making it so the cowardice isn't just a "sometimes" problem, but actually making it a proper flaw?

He's a proper coward now! I reflected that just now in his flaws section lol
Oh btw is there a place to post accepted CS's? I wanna read about all ur guys' characters but it's hard to navigate the Character Sheet thread with all the discussion mixed in
Oh btw is there a place to post accepted CS's? I wanna read about all ur guys' characters but it's hard to navigate the Character Sheet thread with all the discussion mixed in
There is no specific Accepted character thread but you can find the links to each one via the extras page
Peace Sign Academia Extra Info
Just clicky the character name ^.^
Also if any are broken please be sure to report that as I've noticed one already, It needs an update ^.^ (I'll attempt it soon)

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