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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

How I see Sumi:

How simj26 simj26 sees Sumi:

Katja agrees with simj26 simj26
This Is Both A Reminder and A Warning!
Thursday Night Idea Put Up an Announcement,

Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia Announcements
Some of You Have Shown Signs of Reading It Without Responding to it
You have about A Day and Some Change Left To Do So
If You Don't Know What I'm Talking About I Highly Suggest Rereading It

Responded Yes
BriiAngelic BriiAngelic , B BlueClover ,@Loyal Guardian , @Trombone , @SheepKing , @August , @SUPERRNOVAA , @Natrue , Strawberraki Strawberraki , @The One Eyed Bandit , @GinkyGotBack , @St. Elsewhere , @Tanya Degurechaff ,

Responded with Intent to be Inactive Or Leave
melancholy_musings , The Mad Jester

Currently Have Not Responded

yuckeroni yuckeroni , Roxasarass Roxasarass , Noble Scion Noble Scion , @The Mechanist , @Archtoddler , @Rage , @InternalAssumpter , Xel Xel , @general ostruppen , @Leovonis , simj26 simj26 , @Kuroko , @zacharychi , @Illiterate , @Astral76 , @Bornlucky , @Dishonoured , @JustifiedRoles , @ExpertOfRoleplay , @Kolchao , Randomfella Randomfella , @JPax , @Nenma Takashi , @Shazam , @Kishune , @Acethekidd , Karcen Karcen , @Luke Adams, takki takki ,

Everything should be perfect as I checked multiple times but if you responded and are under the haven't list I apologize as I am human. Please Correct Me >.<"

I'll leave. I haven't been that much on in RPN because of IRL stuff. Anyway, thanks. I enjoyed this RP right when it started.
Should I change my fc? Or maybe they're dopplegangers lol

i personal wouldn't mind mirai being a doppelganger of akira. i welcome it, because i think it would be very interesting if two people with the same looks and quirks that are similar.

only thing is the question of whether or not idea would allow it.
i personal wouldn't mind mirai being a doppelganger of akira. i welcome it, because i think it would be very interesting if two people with the same looks and quirks that are similar.

only thing is the question of whether or not idea would allow it.
We could have a Kirishima and Tetsutetsu thing going! :3

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