News BETA: HTML Is here! (Big Code Update) Part 1

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Is there any way users like myself can get access to this? I've been here for a bit now, and I am fairly law abiding denizen you could say, yet I also don't participate in RPs with rapid fire posting and I'm not really interested in the idea of running around the forum rapid fire posting on anything in order to reach five hundred, which I'm 182 short of, and I won't hit that nearly anytime soon with my work schedule and time I actually can post.
I understand that, but I just feel that the requirements aren't really in favor of those who actually enjoy putting more effort into their posts. In fact, for a beta, it seems fairly lacking to me, and rather just restricting to newer users. I feel like, as a person who does focus on aesthetic and detail when possible, I'm left out merely because I didn't join early enough or I don't rapidly trounce across the forum posting in everything I can stick my fingers in. And I don't really have the time to start just running around doing that to get to 500 and I would definitely like to test out a few of the features available here when I get the time.

And I don't mean to be an ass or come off as rude or anything, just feel like these are issues that have flown out the window and been unnoticed. I really would like to partake in this and test things out but my work schedule is hectic, I work 40 hours a week and I've been in the process of getting my life straight and it doesn't leave much more than sparing times to get on and make a post here and there when I can squeeze away from everything.
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As far as I can tell from my experimenting, we don't have CSS capabilities. We do, however, have full HTML capabilities.

As for fonts, I'm pretty sure we are planning to reintroduce google fonts at some point. maybe an admin can confirm.

Google fonts is a big thing I'm working on :)
Umm, should there be some kind of review to make sure a user is not going to abuse HTML even after 500 posts?  Even if you ban a user right after their first offence, they can probably do a lot of damage.
This 500 post requirement is temporary.  Once the HTML is out of its beta stage, buttons and hand coding should be available to everyone, as far as I understand.

Well, we don't have anything set in stone, Muse, but we do know that the post requirements aren't going to disappear, even after the beta.

Maybe they'll lower. Maybe. Not my call!

I understand that, but I just feel that the requirements aren't really in favor of those who actually enjoy putting more effort into their posts. In fact, for a beta, it seems fairly lacking to me, and rather just restricting to newer users. I feel like, as a person who does focus on aesthetic and detail when possible, I'm left out merely because I didn't join early enough or I don't rapidly trounce across the forum posting in everything I can stick my fingers in. And I don't really have the time to start just running around doing that to get to 500 and I would definitely like to test out a few of the features available here when I get the time.

And I don't mean to be an ass or come off as rude or anything, just feel like these are issues that have flown out the window and been unnoticed. I really would like to partake in this and test things out but my work schedule is hectic, I work 40 hours a week and I've been in the process of getting my life straight and it doesn't leave much more than sparing times to get on and make a post here and there when I can squeeze away from everything.

I'm sorry you feel like that! RPN always tries very hard to ensure that no user feels excluded. The requirements are in place and non-negotiable because RPN also tries very hard to ensure that every user is safe. We believe that HTML is a privilege, not a right, and that means some users will need to have patience. Post counts are one of a very few variables that we are able to use to filter users into groups. Rather than making case-by-case decisions, which would require more Staff manpower than we have and which have a lot of potential to be unfair, all users face the same requirement regardless of join time or level of detail. This might seem like lumping monkeys and fish together and telling them to climb a tree, but we are working with the tools available to us as best we can, and erring on the side of safety.

Thanks for expressing your concerns! Positions can only change and grow fairer and stronger when they are (reasonably) challenged.

Umm, should there be some kind of review to make sure a user is not going to abuse HTML even after 500 posts?  Even if you ban a user right after their first offence, they can probably do a lot of damage.

Our server has a program called HTML Purifier which should mitigate the worst of the potential damage.
@AnimusLight scratch that, we can! But as long as we don't put it on the very top of the post.

[FONT= 'Norican']We can use google font too[/FONT] 

[FONT= 'Norican']We can use google font too[/FONT] 


What do you mean? Inline or actually put the <style></style> somewhere else other than the top.


I'm trying to use the :hover selector but because we don't have a spot for the <style></style> stuff,I need to use the inline code for javascript.

<div onMouseOver="'block' " style="some stuff that i'll put later"> </div>

so '' only works for color shit but i can't use display 

the actual one is document.getElementByID(????).style.display= ' block'


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ac augue placerat, varius dui non, sollicitudin leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ac augue placerat, varius dui non, sollicitudin leo. Morbi efficitur, diam finibus facilisis finibus, elit erat pretium dolor, in elementum lacus mauris convallis lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Proin non sem sed risus mattis mollis. Etiam posuere iaculis suscipit. Vestibulum tincidunt rutrum ultricies. Nunc ac fermentum tellus. Sed elit purus, ornare at orci sit amet, convallis consectetur nisl. Cras ac tincidunt ipsum, a tincidunt elit. Aliquam faucibus, lectus sed fringilla convallis, nunc massa fermentum erat, id convallis ligula ligula id lectus. Integer imperdiet lacus sem, vel fermentum erat gravida at. Sed tincidunt justo et mi eleifend convallis. Nam posuere vitae nibh eu blandit. Integer in sem fermentum, hendrerit risus vitae, tincidunt lacus. Integer tristique lorem vel erat commodo hendrerit. Cras aliquet leo ut nunc dapibus, sit amet ultricies libero bibendum. Vivamus lorem justo, iaculis ut laoreet a, scelerisque vel ex. Praesent nunc mauris, hendrerit et auctor ut, condimentum id dolor. Maecenas sed quam ut nibh pretium porttitor nec a justo. Praesent tempus, enim nec auctor euismod, lectus sapien facilisis orci, gravida elementum erat arcu sed urna.

<div style="overflow:hidden; background-image: url(; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:100%; border-radius:15px; padding:10px">
	<div style="width:19%; background-color:rgba(225,225,225,0.6); border-radius:15px; padding:10px; float:left;">
			Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ac augue placerat, varius dui non, sollicitudin leo.

	<div style="width:79%; height:150px; overflow-y:scroll; background-color:rgba(225,225,225,0.6); border-radius:15px; padding:10px; float:right;">
			Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ac augue placerat, varius dui non, sollicitudin leo. Morbi efficitur, diam finibus facilisis finibus, elit erat pretium dolor, in elementum lacus mauris convallis lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Proin non sem sed risus mattis mollis. Etiam posuere iaculis suscipit. Vestibulum tincidunt rutrum ultricies. Nunc ac fermentum tellus. Sed elit purus, ornare at orci sit amet, convallis consectetur nisl. Cras ac tincidunt ipsum, a tincidunt elit. Aliquam faucibus, lectus sed fringilla convallis, nunc massa fermentum erat, id convallis ligula ligula id lectus. Integer imperdiet lacus sem, vel fermentum erat gravida at. Sed tincidunt justo et mi eleifend convallis. Nam posuere vitae nibh eu blandit. Integer in sem fermentum, hendrerit risus vitae, tincidunt lacus. Integer tristique lorem vel erat commodo hendrerit. Cras aliquet leo ut nunc dapibus, sit amet ultricies libero bibendum. Vivamus lorem justo, iaculis ut laoreet a, scelerisque vel ex. Praesent nunc mauris, hendrerit et auctor ut, condimentum id dolor. Maecenas sed quam ut nibh pretium porttitor nec a justo. Praesent tempus, enim nec auctor euismod, lectus sapien facilisis orci, gravida elementum erat arcu sed urna.
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Do you know that it's my long life dream to be able to have picture border? Because it is. I also love to have some fancy text effect in a post because I'm too lazy to open my image editor software to do it. And know what, this update makes all of those thing possible. Holy shit we can even have scrollbox. This text is too short to demonstrate it but we have scrollbox. All of you who are despairing over matching your image height with your text, rejoice! Or maybe it's just me, but really, this update is great.

OMG! How to make a picture border????

Teach me! *Q*
 The last one.

 The last one.



if I had 


do I put it






It would actually be <div style="blah blah blah">Text</div>

Also we don't have any CSS <style> capabilities sadly
yah but what does the other dude mean? I asked inline or placement of <style></style>. My damn hopes were up.
I'm glad to see everyone having fun with the HTML! I hope to see some public test threads soon.
@AnimusLight It's more like

.border {

.inborder {
overflow-y: auto;
.inborder:hover {


.border {

.inborder {
overflow-y: auto;

.inborder:hover {

<div class="border">
<div class="inborder">
<span style="font-size:11pt;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ultrices consectetur euismod. Suspendisse commodo odio eget eleifend maximus. <span style="text-shadow: 2px 2px 1px rgb(0, 255, 0);">Sed rutrum laoreet massa</span>, in varius erat accumsan ac. Pellentesque enim leo, fermentum eget nulla a, viverra accumsan magna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla auctor nisl arcu, nec vestibulum arcu lobortis vel. Proin vel tincidunt augue.</span>

<div class="border">
<div class="inborder">
<span style="font-size:11pt;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ultrices consectetur euismod. Suspendisse commodo odio eget eleifend maximus. Sed rutrum laoreet massa, in varius erat accumsan ac. Pellentesque enim leo, fermentum eget nulla a, viverra accumsan magna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla auctor nisl arcu, nec vestibulum arcu lobortis vel. Proin vel tincidunt augue.</span>

To produce

[SIZE=11pt]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ultrices consectetur euismod. Suspendisse commodo odio eget eleifend maximus. Sed rutrum laoreet massa[/SIZE], in varius erat accumsan ac. Pellentesque enim leo, fermentum eget nulla a, viverra accumsan magna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla auctor nisl arcu, nec vestibulum arcu lobortis vel. Proin vel tincidunt augue.

[SIZE=11pt]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ultrices consectetur euismod. Suspendisse commodo odio eget eleifend maximus. Sed rutrum laoreet massa, in varius erat accumsan ac. Pellentesque enim leo, fermentum eget nulla a, viverra accumsan magna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla auctor nisl arcu, nec vestibulum arcu lobortis vel. Proin vel tincidunt augue.[/SIZE]

See, for some reason if I don't put <p>&nbsp;</p> instead of <style> at the very beginning of the post, everything inside <style></style> tag will disappear
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Are there any user friendly HTML tutorials out there? 

I've tried every single one that has been linked to this thread and gotten nowhere. It doesn't make any sense to me. 
Unfortunately I don't know of a better one than codecademy. They have lessons that teach you all the basics one by one. Once you have those basics down, you can google specific things you're trying to understand better and it will make more sense because you understand the basics.
I don't understand the basics. That is the problem. 

Half the places I have looked talk about website design and include codes that I don't see anyone using in any of the examples they are posting here. This is not only very confusing, but I honestly have 0 interest in website design. I just want to be able to make posts look pretty again because when people look through rps and try to decide which one to join, they tend to choose the pretty ones over the boring ones.
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Practice with the examples.

I don't understand the examples. 

They include code <> things that I don't know before I learn them and it makes it very confusing.

Yes, the site says you will learn them later, but having something I don't know in an example makes it very hard for said example to make sense. 
I don't understand the examples. 

They include code <> things that I don't know before I learn them and it makes it very confusing.

Yes, the site says you will learn them later, but having something I don't know in an example makes it very hard for said example to make sense. 

codeacademy explains everything as you go along, i started out recently with it but so far, it hasn't had any tags that it doesn't explain in the same lesson

it's how i made that table i posted  earlier! :D

html will probably take a lot longer to learn than bbcode. i can tell just from what i've done so far and from taking a glance at some of the things posted here.

there's a reason web designers are paid instead of everyone learning how to use it :v

i guess if you're really having a lot of trouble, there's always the buttons that will be released.
i guess if you're really having a lot of trouble, there's always the buttons that will be released.

I would like to be able to open up my rps to new members as soon as possible. 

In order to open up said rps to new members, I need to have functioning information pages which could not be done in plain text in any organized manner - I tried. There is simply too much content to organize it without functioning manners of organization. 
I would like to be able to open up my rps to new members as soon as possible. 

In order to open up said rps to new members, I need to have functioning information pages which could not be done in plain text in any organized manner - I tried. There is simply too much content to organize it without functioning manners of organization. 

everyone else has been doing fine so far with the buttons. if you want to do it using html, it's probably going to take a while to learn. simple tables, background colors, changing text color, font, and size, and making some bulleted lists are all i can do right now after spending a decent portion of last night on code academy and execpt for coloring tables it's all covered by the buttons already. i wouldn't worry about competition either, i'm sure most of our users don't have a whole lot of experience using it either (besides the few people posting really complicated stuff here out of the hundreds that have probably seen this psa). the people who are learning it now after the update are probably, like me, not able to spend a significant amount of time on it each day that we're gonna be doing fancy stuff any time soon.
I would like to be able to open up my rps to new members as soon as possible. 

In order to open up said rps to new members, I need to have functioning information pages which could not be done in plain text in any organized manner - I tried. There is simply too much content to organize it without functioning manners of organization. 

Ill do some tutorials soon and help you :)
Note to self and any other interested: For the most part (except when using lists and tables and stuff), you can contain styles to just post contents by specifying your style variable whatevers to occur after p.

I haven't figured out yet how to keep it from affecting posts besides your own, and unless you guys HAVE figured that out, please don't use it. We want html to be contained to just your posts.
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