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Fantasy Angel and Demon RP, anyone?

Merci hears her cousins voice “...Feu?..” she whispered, sparing Noah a glance she rushed outside to her relative. She held out a hand,
“Mother, father and I thought you died. Mom and dad... it’s already too late for them. They were killed in the battle that took place only a few days ago.” Her voice went quiet. She was also trying to block the door from him so he didn’t notice Noah, so far it was working.
Feu perks up reluctantly, Marci!? You still kicking!? he runs to the door, oh my fucking hell Merci, everyones dead... everyone, its my fault Merci, I went to kill the fucker who cut my horns off and my whole group was killed...
Merci smiles reassuringly, “Nope, nothing wrong here.” In a desperation change of subject “How the heck did you even get here?”
he whips out a bag of what automatically makes merci roll her eyes "I don't remember, part of the reason is that I injected myself with Spectral Rust and went into a blind rage and killed all those fucking angels" As small as he is, anyone could become a threat under the influence of Spectral Rust, but its still surprising to see the little guy make it out alive
Merci rips it out of his hands, as his older cousin she wanted him to be safe “Dammit Feu, you know this stuff could kill you if you use too much, right?! Why didn’t you ask me for help killing those fools who cut you horns!?” She pocketed the spectral Rust. “... I may have picked up one of the survivors, but I have no idea where he went” she shrugged “Those Angels started another damn fight, and we were not prepared for it at all”
"C'mon Merci, it was all I had left, you know I wouldn't be able to make it to you in time... hell I didn't even know if you were still alive!!
"Its all fucking hopeless... all this fighting, for what? An age-old feud to prove who's more powerful?!"
he throws his daggers back into the holsters
“You know the survivor I picked up... well um, he happens to be the prince of the Angels” she smiled “I think we can use that to our advantage, as long as no one finds out” she pointed to the house “He left a while ago to do something, but he’ll come back soon, just wait Feu”
"YOU WHAT?!" blinded by rage he stares deep into Merci's eyes with murderous intent "Those fuckers want us dead as much as we do them! They killed my-OUR family, why didn't you kill him on the spot!?"
“I-I-I..” she stepped back, exhaling and bringing back her deacon mode “Feu. He's different I trust him, and you don’t fucking think I forgot all about what our family sacrificed!? I’m sick of this war shit! I’m so done with it!”

(Hey, can we continue tomorrow, I’m tired as fuck. See you tomorrow! Good night! And hopefully Lakloon with join us)

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