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Fantasy Angel and Demon RP, anyone?

Merci smiled, and stood on the tip of her toes to caress the find details in the crown. She laughed softly and closed her eyes. Light pink blush spreading across her cheeks.
Merci’s eyes widened in surprise, her hand were shaking when she held it. She looked it up and down. It was beautiful. She gripped his hand gently and squeezed it lightly.
She stared up at him, still holding his hand in hers. She refused to let go and she had no idea why. Merci went stiff when she heard the sound of wing beats. She pulled him by the hand and jumped into the air spreading her bat-like wings and dragging him away from the other demons. They were now both soaring in the sky
Before he realises its flying in the air and he looks at u in confusion. "W-whats happened" He spreads his wings to and flies along side you. He keeps thinking of the moment and wonders
Merci silences him with her gaze until they were high enough in the sky. “Those were demons, and I can’t be found talking to an angel” she gently dropped the crown on his head, smiling encouragement. “I now a place that we can go too”
He held the crown and smiled back at u. "O-oh I see, I shall follow u then" He flew along in the clouds and the shine did not shine of him it glowed around his body instead. His wings were spread out the there maximum lenght and he had his arms out, he was enjoying himself.
Merci stared at him for a while turning the flight, he looked... happy. He was enjoying himself. This made her smile and she tried a flip in the air. Soon enough they reached the large isolated island. It had cover from above and had a small village placed on it. She smiled at him “This is where the war-haters live, I join them from time to time” she held out her hand to him, the sun was now directly behind her. Even through being a demon the sun gave her angel like features. “Let’s?” She waited for his approval
She blushed at his reaction to her ‘not so graceful’ back flip. With their hand interlocked she lead him down to the island. Happily showing him around, pointing out her friends and her enemies. Merci showed him the way to her home, once inside she let go of his hand and collapsed on her bed.
He sits down on the edge of the bed and smiled. "this is a nice place, I like it" He looks down at her and laughs
Merci lays face down on the bed her muffled voice answers him “Thanks, love it here too” She looked up and him for a second to read his reaction. “It’s even better because I have you here with me” She smiled brightly, one rarely Seen on a Demon.
(Hope I'm not intruding but)
OC: Feu Blue of the blue demons. Ashed skin with black eyes and golden pupils. Blue yet bloody hair and recently-cut horns, a battle-wound? Tail short and stiff behind Feu. He looks young, but that doesn't keep him from the war-torn literal hell that kept the Angels and Demons so occupied. A close cousin and one of the few family members Merci has left, a disappointment to the family, yet he still fights on for some greater purpose.

Head down with daggers in his hands. *sigh* "I never thought I'd get to see the day the Angels take out so many of our own in a single sweep" looks up at the ashy sky and yells "IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT?" he drops to his knees just outside of Merci's home... whatever fire that was in his demonic heart... is out.

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