• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern A Family Affair: The Irish Mob - IC (Ended)

James Porter

James eyed Leo as he stood in his office. He always seemed like a decent enough kid, but there was something off or awkward about him this evening. He tried to pinpoint what was eating at the teenager. As Leo started by telling him that he respected him and his work, James could help but let out a short laugh. It was nice to hear someone appreciated what he was doing, but it made him grow more curious... or was it suspicious? The sudden talk of being honest with him made James wonder what on Earth the lad had done and if he needed to be worried. When he then announced he was dating Delilah, James sat up straight and his features hardened. Leo would likely see the expression of a serious and intimidating father. He pursed his lips as he thought over the revelation. He'd known to expect this moment the day he and Lucy adopted daughters, but it didn't mean he was at all prepared for it. It didn't matter who was dating his daughter, it still brought his protective side to the surface.

James didn't get chance to respond when Leo defensively continued speaking. He explained it had nothing to do with him wanting a job, which was also a surprise to James. When he joked about using Aliana rather than Delilah to get close to him, James chuckled. Again, though it was an innocent response, Leo might well perceive it as an intimidating laugh. The kind that could be followed by a sudden, scary action. "No, you didn't mention you wanted to work for me," James confirmed.

James stood up and walked around his desk, leaning against it and looking directly to Leo as he spoke. "You and Delilah, huh? How long have you been dating?" he asked him, folding his arms. James had nothing on the lad and no cause to think of him as a danger to his daughter. Still, his instincts were protective ones and his natural response was to make sure Delilah wasn't going to get hurt. He glanced towards the door for a moment before looking back to the teenager. "You want to work for me? What do you think you can do for me, Leonard?" He consciously reverted to using his full name and was well aware he was entering 'Dad Mode', but he wasn't even ashamed of it. He remembered Lucy's parents finding out about them dating and remembered how even a man as fearless as himself had been terrified of their reactions.

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Leo)
Sinead Callahan

Sinead slowly nodded her head when Aliana mentioned about being committed. "Yeah, that's the married life, honey. Plus, I've made decisions in the past that my family haven't been too happy about. I guess I don't want to disappoint them all again," she explained. She frowned when her friend mentioned about not being committed to anyone herself. "You shouldn't be single, Ali. Why don't we find you a handsome man so you can be committed to him? Is there anyone who's already taken your fancy? Maybe I can play matchmaker" she enthused. "I know you don't like it when I stick my nose in and get pushy, but please don't shoot me down on this one. There must be someone you're attracted to who isn't my foolish brother!"

Aliana asked her if she'd eaten and she quickly nodded her head. "I have. Peter made me breakfast when I woke up," she assured her. Sinead had been quick to confirm she had eaten today, but she'd grown used to answering those questions in light of how she was prone to starving herself for days when her bipolar depression kicked in. "But let's go eat. What do you have in mind?" she curiously asked. "As for party animal... not me. I was such an embarrassment last night. I never go around squeezing Petey's butt in public. What the Hell was I thinking?"

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Aliana)
Michelle Romano
Michelle gave Conor her full attention as he began to answer her questions even turning around on the couch so she was facing him.
She giggled when he cussed and realized that he tried to cover it up “don’t let Mam hear you say that or she’ll go mad” Michelle laughed, talking more so out of experience than giving advice. She nodded when he said he liked the color green and smiled as she caught onto to the affection he had for his old pub. “Dogs are the best” she agreed as she looked over to the corner when Rocco was lying down, the dog sadly was quite old and always seemed to be sleeping, Michelle wanted a puppy but regardless she still loved the old dog.
When he mentioned soccer, her face lit up and the excitement was evident in her glowing features “you played soccer?” She repeated although it was obvious that this was more of a statement than a question. “So you can play with me and teach me how to do tricks?” She asked as she already began to think of all the tricks he could teach her.
She laughed when he mentioned moving the furniture and how his strength was being strong “Mam thinks she’s strong too” Michelle stated looking towards the kitchen to make sure her mother hadn’t come back in yet “but she’s not really” Michelle giggled.
Michelle recognized the difference in the air when Conor began to talk about his father , Conor was clearly fond of him “he’s dead too?” She asked , the cogs clearly turning in her head “so all my grandparents but my granny Sullivan is dead” she said as she bit her lip but this thought quickly passed as she heard Conor mention being a good father and all thought of dead family flew from her mind, not to he thought of for a while again. “Well ...” she stated “keeping bringing sweets and you’ll be doing alright” she laughed .

Alex arrived back into the room as she heard the last comment and handed Conor his coffee before using the wipe to wash Michelle’s face and hands. As she moved back into the kitchen to dispose of the wipe and grab her own coffee, she heard something that made her stop dead in her tracks in the doorway.

“So are you going to move in now?” Michelle asked looking at Conor

Misty Gray Misty Gray

(Mallory will be up tomorrow going bed now)
Mallory Porter
Mallory smirked “off course you’ll be my plus one, can’t do an all out session with you there” she grinned, with a slight laugh present in her tone.
When Skye mentioned how Sinead mess going to the jazz club on her own, Mal frowned slightly “I don’t think they’re fighting but it is weird them not going together” she mused in thought “I think Peter might have found out before Sinead and maybe that’s it but hopefully it’s nothing” she explained.
Mallory smirked when Skye asked her next question “Ah I just did the usual while you were away, drank with the crew and broke a shop window” she said this casually as if this action was normal for her in a daily basis. “No guys sadly but ..” Mallory trailed of with a slight frown on her lips “Montag kissed me” she finally said after a few moments “no one knows and I’d personally like to forget about it, like i adore him as a person but “

Misty Gray Misty Gray

Skye Maisie McKendrick

"Oh, now I'm excited. I wonder when they'll get hitched, again. I need to find a new outfit and a gift," she mused aloud. She frowned as she thought about Peter and Sinead potentially having a row. "Yeah, I hope it's nothing too. The kids already know something is off... But I got them all to make some gifts for their parents, so that will hopefully bring a smile to everyone's face when they get home."

Skye raised a curious eyebrow when Mallory mentioned breaking a shop window. "Woah, steady on, you hooligan! I did notice some of the shops looking worse for wear yesterday. Was all of that you and your friends?" she asked, not linking it to the family business as she didn't think Mallory was involved in all of that.

Skye suddenly sat up straight at mention of Montag kissing her friend. "MONTAG?! Isn't he old enough to be your dad or something?!" she asked, clearly surprised. "I'm not surprised you want to keep it quiet - Mr Porter would kick the shit out of Montag and ground you for life. Oh man..." she trailed off, smirking a little. "I go away for a few days and look what happens! No, this is not good enough. We both need to find a guy our own ages. Is Syd still single?" she asked, with a grin.

neverbackdown neverbackdown (Mallory)
Mention: Pyroclast Pyroclast (Syd)
Conor Sullivan

"Ahh, I don't want your mam to be mad with me. Women can be very scary when they're mad, even the little ones like Sinead," Conor told Michelle. "Don't be grassing on me," he joked.

Conor followed Michelle's gaze towards Rocco and smiled to himself. "I remember when your dog was a pup. He's older than you, so technically I think that means Rocco can boss you around!" he teased his daughter.

"Of course I can play soccer with you. You'll be bending and juggling the ball in no time," he assured her. "I hope you're fit, kiddo. Otherwise, I'll enlist you on your Uncle James' training regime." He laughed when Michelle told him Alex wasn't as strong as she thought. "Hmmm," he said, his face turning sincere. "I don't know. I think your Mam is pretty strong. Maybe she can't lift stuff like I can, but she's got a strong spirit and heart. That often trumps muscles."

Conor sadly nodded when Michelle asked if Emmet was dead too. "Yeah, it's just your Granny Shannon. But she's got a gob on her to compensate for four people. She hates being called a "granny", so I suggest you totally do it!" He chuckled when she suggested he kept bringing sweets. "I don't know. I'm going to have to bring some fruit one time, else your Mam will bill me for your dentist fees," he said, looking to Alex as she entered the room.

"Thank you," he said, as he took the coffee mug from Alex. As he took his first sip, he had to quickly swallow it as Michelle's next question almost made him spit the drink out. He carefully placed the mug down on the table and looked from Alex to Michelle. "I don't know about that. It's a bit early for decisions like that, Michelle. Besides which, I'm not house-trained. This place would be trashed as soon as I step foot through the door. Just ask your Uncle Pete!"

neverbackdown neverbackdown (Alex, Michelle)

A look of shock crossed Aliana's features when her friend mentioned playing as a matchmaker. For a second, she thought about rejecting the idea altogether. But then she reconsidered; what if she could find her someone? Even if this man wasn't permanent, she could use another benficial friend. With a small hesitant nod, she smiled at her friend. "You know what, Sinny? Go right ahead." She said it in all seriousness, but most people may think she's not. Her tone of voice was always misleading, something she tried working on but just ended up giving up on. She looked up in thought of who would have caught her eye and immediately Thomas came to mind. Why all of a sudden she was thinking of him was beyond her but she just ran with it. "You know who's quite the cutie? Tommy. He'd be fun to take for a spin, I think." She shot her a wink before stretching her arms over her head.

"We could go to the restaurant and get Shammy to cook us up something very appetizing." She practically began to drool at the thought of eating a gourmet meal. Although, she basically had one every night. "Or we can get a bunch of snacks and unhealthy food and call the rest of today a recovery period." Hearing that she pinched her husbands rear caused Ali to erupt in laughter. Dealing with the drama of last night caused her to miss what she could only imagine as a very great evening. "You what?" She managed to say between breaths. Her arms were draped around her stomach as she tried to contain herself. "How- how could I have missed that? I bet that was the funniest thing ever. Oh, I'm never leaving your side when you go out drinking again!"


Leo was quite grateful James didn't jump across the desk and beat him to a pulp after his confession. He tried to breathe, but found that it was stuck inside. The sight of James and the intimidating look he was giving off scared the shit out of him. But, his question of how long they had been together scared him even more. His first mind was to down play their relationship, 'Oh not long' he thought. Though, what would happen if the kid lied? He was honest with him so far so he had to keep it going. "How long have we been dating?" He repeated, rubbing his hand over his face. He was very hesitant to say it, but knew he would have to. There was no escaping this situation now that he had already told him the truth. "Oh uh... A few... Months...?" It wasn't a question, more like him testing the waters to see if it was appropriate.

When he moved to the topic of what he could do for him, he cleared his throat. "Behind the scenes type stuff." He said, straightening his posture in his seat. The were talking business and he wanted to be taken like an adult. "I'm in school for accounting type stuff. I love numbers and I cannot help it. For you, I want to make sure you're getting the money you're supposed to." He took a pause and decided to bring Ali into it, confident she wouldn't get in trouble. "A little bit ago, I was balancing the some books over at Sky Haven and noticed someone was skimping from the cookie jar. Ali put a stop to it and got the money back, of course, but it wasn't something a normal accountant would be able to notice." He said, trying to plead his case. "I can see those things and I want to help you by catching anyone who skimps from your cookie jar."

Mentions: Thomas, Sinead, James ( Misty Gray Misty Gray )
Peter Callahan

Peter was glad to know that known of this was familiar to anyone on this team tonight, at least that's what he could read on their faces. Peter didn't take offense to not being the leader of this mission as he was a few years rusty and he didn't like taking charge all to much, required too much talking for his tastes. As Peter watched James take his leave, he wondered for a moment how the man felt about watching others do the work for him now. James had always been a man of action, since the moment Peter met him, James had put him to the test. Turning his head, Jackson spoke and address the so called elephant in the room. This caused Peter to crack a brief smile, the man confirmed that none of them had done this type of thing before. Peter said nothing as Tommy and Jackson lightly conversed about how they were sure how this would go. He didn't want to jinx anything. When Jackson stopped briefly at his home to pick up his rifle, Peter looked to Tommy who was pretty easy to read.

"You'll do fine lad, this type of shit will be a breeze...well..sorta." Peter smirked before looking out the car window. "Let's just try not to get shot at."
With:Tommy Misty Gray Misty Gray ; Jackson Enzyme Enzyme Mentions:

Lucy Porter
The blonde let out a chuckle of her own at his response before nodding her head slightly. She didn't answer his question instead letting the now dead cigarette fall from her fingers and to the floor, stepping on it once, she reached down and picked it up. "Right, well, I better head inside to see what else needs to be done." Her tone sounded as if she was bored, but she forced herself to now where a face that proved otherwise. She wasn't going to be a sad sack around her family, she was still trying to figure out just what she was really sad about, trying to rationalize it. James certainly didn't need the stress of knowing that she wasn't feeling right lately and her family didn't need it either. Taking in a deep breath, she walked towards the back doors and opened one before stepping inside the kitchen.

She wondered where everyone had run off to before she brewed up a pot of coffee and poured herself a cup. The house was quiet and Lucy couldn't figure out what to do to keep her busy so she decided to head upstairs, perhaps see where her sister had run off to and join her for the evening. After trying on at least 5 different outfits, Lucy finally made up her mind on which one she wanted to wear out, but was still somewhat unsatisfied by it. Looking at herself in the mirror, she wondered how horribly she might age in the next few years. Shaking her head, she pushed those immature and negative thoughts aside before turning away from the mirror. Moving to the closet she grabbed a pair of shoes to match her outfit and sat down on the bed to fasten them on.

Soon she was heading back down the stairs and towards the kitchen again, deciding to have another cup of coffee before leaving. Her head was still swimming and was groggy from the events from the night before. Sitting in the dining room, she enjoyed the silence that still took over the normally busy house.
With: (Open for interaction)Mentions: Rudy Shireling Shireling
James Porter

James eyed Leo as he seemed hesitant to answer his question straight away. The lad appeared very reluctant, but perhaps that was his nerves more than anything. When he finally answered the question, James scoffed, though it was meant in jest. "A few months, huh? Are you sure about that. You don't seem very sure..." It was quite a surprise to hear the relationship had been going on for a few months. He wasn't happy to know it had been so long, but that was mostly due to the fact it had slipped under his radar. He hoped there was nothing else his kids had been keeping from him, especially anything that could be dangerous for them. "That's quite a while, really. Is it serious?" he asked him. James wasn't mad that things had been kept from him, even though he'd hoped his kids would have felt they could tell him anything. Though it hadn't been kept secret for as long, James and Lucy didn't immediately tell her parents about their relationship at the start, so in a way he could understand the current situation.

When Leo said he wanted to do behind the scenes jobs, that was an unexpected relief to James. Had he said he wanted in on the dangerous jobs, the kinds of jobs he had Jackson doing, James wasn't sure he could have agreed. He figured Aliana would have had something to say about that, and now he knew Leo was dating Delilah, he didn't want her getting tangled up in anything dangerous. He listened on as the lad spoke about his accountancy skills and experience, which certainly caught his interest. "Funny you should come to me about this. I have an accountant who doesn't seem to be doing a good job of things," he explained. The businesses that hadn't been paying up had been accounted for - and would be resolved - but there were still inconsistencies. He wasn't sure if it was down to the accountant's ineptitude or intentional fiddling of the books. "If you come to me tomorrow, I'd like you to take a look at the books. Consider it an interview, of sorts. I'm interested to see what you make of the figures. Is it easy to tell if inconsistencies are innocent mistakes versus intentional ones?" he curiously asked.

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Leo)
Sinead Callahan

Sinead had been expecting Aliana to explicitly tell her to keep her nose out of her love life, so she was pleasantly surprised when he friend actually seemed to be thinking over the idea. Then when she confirmed for her to go ahead and do it, she squealed with excitement. "For real?" she rhetorically asked. Her mind immediately began processing all of the single men she knew of and picking out if any would be suitable for Aliana. That thought process was cut short when her friend offered the answer to her on a plate. A huge grin crossed her face when Tommy's name was mentioned. "Oh yes! Elvis is really cute," she said, thinking of the nickname Conor had given Tommy due to him often sporting a similar hairstyle. "You leave it to me and you'll be taking him for a spin in no time." Sinead wasn't entirely sure what that phrase meant, wondering if it was yet another innuendo that had flown over her head.

"Let's go to the restaurant and eat something nice," she suggested. Sinead ate junk food on rare occasions, but she felt much better knowing she was eating healthier options. "I think I need chicken," she added, though chicken was no surprise as it was always her first choice of food. "Come on, let's go now," she said, setting off to walk to the restaurant.

Sinead blushed at Aliana's surprise about her drunken antics the previous night. "I squeezed his bum, in front of some of the others. Gosh, he was so embarrassed..." she said, clearly mortified. Of all her family and friends, Sinead was typically known as the prudish one, so even she was surprised by her behaviour. Still, she couldn't help but snicker at the thought of what she'd done. "Honey, I need you by my side to keep me in check the next time I'm drinking. Petey's going to divorce me at this rate!"

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Aliana)
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Lucy Porter
Lucy finally worked up the nerve to head out somewhere, first going over to the Jazz Club to see if Sinead was around, already knowing she had plans to go out while Peter was away. It wasn't like she had to flat out tell Lucy what her plans were, but Sinead tended to repeat actions, especially if she was upset. Leaving a note for James on the kitchen counter, she stated where she was headed and invited him to join later if he could. With that, she headed out before anything else could stop her. Taking one of the cars into town, she parked in the lot of the club before heading inside. Her eyes took in the area around her, had it been that long since she left the house? She could have sworn something was different about the club now, something changed? Did they redecorate? Lucy's mind struggled to recall the last time she went out without her family or even James for that matter and she couldn't pin point a specific date.

Biting her lip nervously, she took in the relaxed atmosphere and forced herself to blend into it, not wanting to stick out like an overstressed sore thumb. Her eyes scanned the crowd looking for Sinead. Her eyes widened as she found her sister talking with Aliana, familiar faces. Taking the short distance in strides with her long legs, she walked up behind her sister before tapping her on the shoulder. "Well hello Mrs. Grumpy, so nice of you to stick around today after picking up the children, not like I wanted to talk to you or anything." She teased Sinead before looking to Aliana with a wide smile. "Hello lovely! Sleep well? I have a hangover that's going to last me the rest of the week!"
With: Sinead Misty Gray Misty Gray ; Aliana Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Lol squeezing Lucy into that mix) Mentions:
Michelle romano
“yeah mam can be very scary at times, she has a look that’s she uses” Michelle faked a over as she said this “has she ever used to that look on you?” She asked curiously. It has been used multiple times on michelle and she’s had vent saw it be used on Fallon so Michelle wondered if Alex had used it on anyone else.
Michelle giggled when Conor mentioned Rocco’s age “I’d love a new puppy that I could teach tricks too and run around with but mam says puppies are too much work” michelle frowned.
When he agreed to teach her soccer tricks her eyes lit up with excitement and a grin played on her lips “thank you” she squealed as she threw herself onto him for a hug.

Alex froze when her daughter asked Conor of he was moving in and she turned to face them watching as conor carefully answered the question. Michelle still seemed to be set one this as she turned to Alex “do you not want him too?” She asked. Alex bit her lip and slowly approached the couch “it’s not that’s baby, we haven’t seen each other in a long time and we need to figure things out first” Michelle explained a she can carefully chose her words. Michelle nodded and saw the frown one both their faces “do you have a new girlfriend?” She asked Conor.

Misty Gray Misty Gray
Conor Sullivan

Conor grinned at Michelle. "Oh yeah, your Mam had used the look on me," he admitted. "Quite a few times, might I add!"

Conor was taken by surprise when Michelle suddenly hugged him and he froze for a moment. He was used to his nieces and nephews throwing themselves onto him for a hug, but this was his own daughter and that made it all the more important to him. He relaxed himself and wrapped his arms around her, giving his "small-person" version as of his famous Conor hugs, so as not to crush the kid. "No worries, kiddo. You'll be an expert in no time."

He released Michelle as their talk turned to him moving in. Luckily, Alex was also there to help him out of this tricky question. "Your Mam's right, love. We've got a lot of talking and catching up to do," he said, glancing to Alex. He wondered how the woman felt about him now, considering the way things had ended so badly all those years ago. He knew she was the one he'd been waiting for - the reason he could never commit to anyone else. But he also knew not to assume things could ever be picked up again and Alex would be well within her right not to want him back in her life.

Conor awkwardly laughed when Michelle asked him if he had a new girlfriend. His relationship with Aliana hadn't been a conventional, romantic one. They were friends who slept together, though Conor still felt it hadn't been as simple as that and his friend deserved more respect than to be someone he'd simply been sleeping with. Still, he couldn't even begin to explain what Aliana had been, not to a child. "Nah, I don't have a girlfriend. I've been out on dates, but I'm incredibly annoying for a girl to want me full-time," he joked.

neverbackdown neverbackdown (Alex, Michelle)

Sinead Callahan

Following the earlier events, Sinead was still a little on edge, so was taken by surprise when someone tapped her shoulder. She gasped and quickly turned around, but was relieved to see it was Lucy. She placed her slender hand to her chest as she took a deep, calming breath. She then frowned as Lucy called her "Mrs. Grumpy" and lectured her slightly for not speaking with her earlier in the day. Before replying, Sinead positioned herself so Aliana was also part of the conversation. "Well, I would have stayed longer, but I was annoyed with the people in your house. Conor hardly rushed up to tell me his news, did he?" she asked. "Don't even get me started on James because I'm saving that for him. He's going to get a piece of my mind for letting Peter risk his life and reak the law again."

Sinead knew Lucy was only teasing her, but she still wanted to get it off her chest. Considering she was annoyed with Lucy's brother and husband, she figured she deserved to know what was irking her. She let out a sigh, already knowing her sister wouldn't be amused with her tiny rant. "Ali and I are heading next door for something to eat. Are you joining us, Luce?"

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Aliana) Bellz Bellz (Lucy)
Mallory Porter
Mallory laughed “yeah I hope it’s soon, weddings usually involve a lot of free drink” she smirked “I also need an outfit so we can shop together” she frowned slightly when Skye mentioned the Callahan children picking up on something being wrong “Ah I’m sure by tonight they’ll be fine again but I wonder what Peter is doing tonight if he’s not with Sinead” she mused.

Mallory laughed when Skye called her a hooligan “nah it was under dads orders I’m pretty sure but he doesn’t actually know I was there, I stumbled upon the scene” she assured Skye.

“I know” she rubbed her hands down her face “dad is never to find out about that, I don’t even want to know about it” she frowned “it just sort of happened” she bit her lip and was happy when Skye changed the subject as a micheavous smirk played on her features “I’m pretty sure he is, why do you fancy him?” She asked

Misty Gray Misty Gray
Syd Porter


It had been almost two weeks since Syd had last been home. Filling in for an old friend's dad at his garage was fun at first, but it dragged on longer than expected. He felt guilty about missing his mum's birthday, and had intended to return much sooner, but he knew such a job couldn't be left to one person alone, so he ended up sticking it out. To compensate, he decided to buy a large bouquet of flowers for her, which lay in the front seat beside him for the whole drive home.

"Alright, Brian?" he said as he approached the gates, having rolled down the car window. The guard squinted at him in mock confusion, which made Syd smile.
"Who's that now? It can't be young Syd now, can it?"
Syd laughed. "Brian, quit playing. I know you're not quite senile yet. Just let me through please!"
The guard gave him a quick wink before opening the gate. Syd had missed home.

He walked through the door, bouquet in hand, and called out, "Hello? Anybody home?"
When nobody answered, he figured he had the house to himself. There was a note left by his mother on the kitchen table, to say she was at All That Jazz. Man, it felt like forever since he'd last been there. Still, after his long journey from Westport he didn't feel like driving further today, so he filled a vase with water for the bouquet and headed upstairs to take a shower.
His "work experience" at the garage of course had not been without a few disagreements here and there - Syd was never very sympathetic towards unreasonable customers - and one particular encounter had resulted in a black eye. He wore it like it was part of his image, having been used to getting into fights during his short school career. Nevertheless, once he was out of the shower and dressed in fresh clothes, he opened the bathroom cabinet and got out his mother's Pan-Cake foundation. After all these years, he knew exactly where to find it, and exactly how to put it back without her noticing. Although the bruise was beginning to fade, he still felt it necessary to dab a a thin layer around his eye, and felt lucky that he'd managed to come home to an empty house so he could take his time without being bombarded with questions. Despite feeling tired from the long journey, he didn't much fancy staying at home on his own. It had been too quiet a day so far, and he felt like socialising.

Figuring the Callahans might be in, he decided to go round to see what he had missed during his time away. He rang the bell and waited patiently on the doorstep.

* * * * *
@ whoever is in the Callahan's residence right now - neverbackdown neverbackdown Misty Gray Misty Gray ?
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Skye Maisie McKendrick

Skye smiled as she thought about being able to pick out a dress and attend the wedding. When she was in the orphanage, she never imagined she'd find herself surrounded by so many nice people. She thought the Porters were great people, even if many saw them purely as dangerous criminals. Not only had they adopted four kids, but they'd taken in the likes of herself and Tommy, who had lost their parents and didn't have much left going for them. Most of the people she knew now where orphans or from troubled backgrounds, so that made her extra protective of the Callahans. Those kids were growing up with both of their parents and Skye was damned if that would change. That's why she currently had the children working hard on some lovely gifts for Peter and Sinead.

"Do you think your dad would ever let you do that stuff for him? If you wanted, to of course. Or do you think he wouldn't let you get involved in the business because you're a girl?" she curiously asked Mallory.

Skye laughed when her friend asked her if she fancied Syd. "Yeah, I fancy him." she confirmed, her voice confident as if such a thing was to be expected. "Not only is he good looking, but I hear he's really into boxing and adventure. I like a guy with a fighting spirit-" she went on. She was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. She got up and glanced out of the lounge window to see Syd standing at the door. "Wow. Hold that thought. Your brother is here right now," she told Mallory.

As she walked to the door, she smoothed out her hair, hoping she looked presentable. The fact she'd just been talking about Syd made her feel a little more awkward than she would have. She took a deep breath before turning the handle and pulling the door open. "Hi Syd!" she happily greeted him and stepped aside so he could enter the house. "Come into the lounge. Mal is here too," she told him. As Skye followed Syd into the room, Mallory would notice her friend's cheeks had turned a little redder than usual. "Have you been away? I haven't seen you in a while," she asked. Hopefully Mallory would help dig her out of the small talk trap.

neverbackdown neverbackdown (Mallory) Pyroclast Pyroclast (Syd)
Syd Porter


After briefly catching Skye's eye through the window, the door was answered within seconds and she greeted Syd with such warmth that he couldn't help but immediately returned her smile.
"Hey, Skye! What's the craic?" He ran a hand over his hair to sweep it back, hoping the long journey hadn't made him look too dishevelled, and moved through to the front room. To Syd, the Callahan's house had always felt like a second home to him. Being such a gregarious person, he often went over there when his own house was empty. The company alone was usually enough for him, even if nobody there had time to actually chat with him.

"Mal, looking rough as usual," he teased, kissing his sister on the head before pushing her playfully to the side so he could sit down. "Yeah, I know it's been a while. I hope you didn't think I was avoiding you or anything! I just spent a couple weeks up in Westport filling in for someone at an old friend's garage. Drove back down today," he said, through a yawn. "It was good to hang with him again, but it lasted longer than I expected. I must have missed a lot here, right? How've you both been? Did you miss me, or do I have to stay away a little longer?" He shot a grin in Skye's direction as he took off his jacket and leaned back in his seat, draping an arm around Mallory.

* * * * *

Mallory - neverbackdown neverbackdown
Skye - Misty Gray Misty Gray
Ciara Hennessy

The textile factory wasn't open on Sunday evenings, but that didn't mean it was empty on this one. Ciara had perched herself up on one of large production machines a short distance from where the others were standing. She was still close enough to hear the man scream out in pain as his fingers were slowly crushed in the iron vice. The man's wailing caused her to glance to the scene with a sense of disinterest. One of the burly men held the victim in place as the other man slowly turned the handle to gradually close to vice around the man's hand. The beating hadn't been enough to make him give the information she needed, so she unfortunately had to resort to stronger methods.

Ciara hopped down from her spot and made her way towards the factory office. "Do the other hand," she called out to her two associates. As soon as she got inside the office, she sat down at the desk and lit up a cigarette. No sooner had she taken the first drag when her brother, Michael, arrived on the scene. She heard his voice speaking to the men but couldn't quite make out what he was saying. It wasn't long before Michael joined her and lit up a cigarette of his own. "Nice of you to join us," she remarked.

ezgif-4-d86ce1569c.gif"The security guard took a beating and our guys got out of there without incident," he informed her.

"Am I supposed to be thankful?" Ciara asked whilst standing so she was equal to her brother's level. "It should have been Sinead, not him."

"She's just an innocent woman. What's happened to all that women's rights stuff you're always preaching?"

"It's still there, Mickey. Haven't you been paying attention? I want women to be treated equally, which means Mrs Callahan, or any other woman, isn't exempt just because of her gender." She took another long drag of her cigarette and let the distant screams of the man being tortured in the main factory fly over her head. "Mr Porter thinks I'm bluffing. If he refuses me again tomorrow, then I'll send him a clearer message. I don't care which member of his family it is we have to hurt to do it, but he will get the message."

"You really don't like being told no, do you? You weren't still spoilt as a kid," Michael remarked, clearly not yet comfortable with his sister's twisted nature. He knew Ciara had witnessed their father's gruesome murder some years ago, but it didn't make it any easier to accept Ciara's dark side. "What about your pet nutcase? Are you sure that loony won't turn on you and take his brother's side on this?"

Michael took a step back when Ciara suddenly brought her gun into view and aimed it directly at her brother's head. "His name is Elijah, you fucking prick. If he hears you say shit like that he'll break your neck, and I might just let him."

"Miss Hennessy," a voice belonging to one of the burly torturers sheepishly called out from the doorway. "The guy's not spilling anything. I don't think he knows where his boss keeps the explosives. Porter ain't told him shit, I'm sure of it."

Ciara took a deep breath and lowered the gun, sending her brother an irritated glare. She then walked out of the office, the cigarette hanging out of her mouth, held firmly in place between her teeth. She marched towards James' goon, who still had one hand locked in the vice as he lay barely conscious across the workbench. Raising her arm again, and without hesitation, Ciara fired three bullets into the man's skull. She then used her free hand to remove the cigarette from her mouth. "Can't have him running back to Mr Porter now, can we?" she casually remarked. "Clean this shit up," she ordered them, referring to both the body and the blood. "The factory's open in the morning."
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Seeing how excited Sinead was, Ali started to regret letting her do this. But, it was taking her mind off of the brutal events that had occurred not too long ago. A big grin was plastered on her face watching her repeat her line. Poor woman didn't what Aliana was talking about and she definitely wasn't about to ruin it. It was quite entertaining to watch and reminded her of one of the reasons she was even friends with her. A confused look then crossed her face when she realized she had called Tommy Elvis. Linking their arms together she asked. "Elvis? What's that about?" The two of them started walking towards the exit when mentioned what she wanted to eat.

"I think I may be in the mood for something with fish. Salmon sounds nice." Really she was talking to herself in that moment, but was still talking to Sinead. "You know, it's really good for you. Way better than red meat, which I'm trying to stop eating."

With a small laugh, she shook her head. "Oh, yes. I most definitely will be there the next time you decide to go all out drinking." She gave her a reassuring pat. "I don't think he would. It'll keep him on his toes for sure though." She joked. Ali was about to say more when Lucy approached the two of them out of nowhere. "Sleep well? Like a baby! I knew there was a reason I slept at your place. The mattresses are so soft and comfortable." Nodding her head at Sinead's suggestion, she beckoned her to her free arm. "Ooo yes! Come have food with us, it'll be fun!"


While James hadn't outright tell him it was okay that he had been dating his daughter for months, he took it that way. "Yeah, a few months." There was a pause as Leo was trying to gauge his body language to determine how angry he was. He was more intimidating than anything at the moment, really. He would have to be careful about what he said next and took a deep breath. "I'm serious about it. I've actually been wanting to say something for a while, but out of respect of her wishes I didn't." Rubbing the back of his neck again, he shrugged. "I mean, I don't know where it's going to go, but I do know that I don't want to go any further without you knowing."

Leo was surprised as James informed him he had come at the right time. Maybe he would get lucky and things would just come together for him right then and there. His excitement was contained as he listened to him speak on the topic. Working for the man he often looked up to was something he really did want to do. Ever since the death of his parents and the failure of the criminal justice system, he took to the gangsters. They were doing more against injustice than those who were paid to do so. His thoughts ended when he asked his accounting question. Rubbing his finger across his lip in thought before nodding his head. "Well, it'll take a bit but definitely. There's tons of different factors that can be included in figuring out whether it's intentional or not. No factors and it's an innocent mistake."

Mentions: Sinead, James ( Misty Gray Misty Gray ) Lucy ( Bellz Bellz )
James Porter

James nodded his head when Leo confirmed the relationship had been going on for a few months. It was clearly Delilah's idea to keep it secret. Though not angry, he'd still need to have words with his daughter about her secrecy later. "I'm glad you've told me, Leonard. I appreciate the openness and honesty, especially if you want to work for me. The only way I can keep everyone safe is if they're completely honest with me." He didn't believe Leo would intentionally set out to hurt Delilah, but he still needed to say his next words. "It's also good to know you're serious about her. I don't think you need to be told, but make sure you don't do anything to upset my daughter. You'll have me to answer to if you do," he warned him. Still, he finished his words with a somewhat reassuring smile. He knew not all relationships were made to last, but he was referring to if Leo cheated on her, or broke her heart in some other way.

James was satisfied to hear Leo might be able to pick out any intentional discrepencies, even if it would take a little time. "Good. Come here tomorrow and I'll let you get started on it. As long as you can separate your work from your love life, I'll do the same," he added. James then started walking to the door. "I don't know about you, but I'm thirsty." That would be Leo's cue to leave the office with James.

"Help yourself to a drink," he told the lad as they entered the kitchen. He noticed bouquet of flowers set out on the table and read the small card to discover they were from Syd. It had been a shame their son had missed the party and his parents' second engagement, but at least he was home now and hadn't forgotten to buy Lucy a gift. James then found the note Lucy had left informing him she'd headed to the Jazz Club to see Sinead. He pursed his lips for a short time as he contemplated joining his wife in the club. They didn't get to go out together so often now. It felt like he was missing out on all of the fun these days, both social fun and getting involved in the dirtier side of his business. Whilst he knew everything would fall apart without his management and delegation, he missed having a gun in his hand instead of a telephone receiver. Perhaps he could make a little time tonight to head to the club, but not before dropping in on that temperamental brother of his.

"I'm going to head out shortly," he informed Leo. "I expect you and Delilah have plans? Now there's no secrecy, you're both perfectly fine just hanging around the house."

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Leo)
Mention: nymphadora. nymphadora. ?? (Delilah) Enzyme Enzyme (Elijah)

((I'll do the Sinead/Skye replies after Lucy/Mallory posts)).
Mallory Porter
Mallory shook her head “dad would never let me near the family business regardless if I was interested or not “ she frowned. Mallory didn’t actually know what made her so intrigued in the business, if it was her loyalty or her upbringing and personality as a whole she would never be able to give a straight answer as to why. Since she found out about her father’s power and business she has wanted to be involved but was always shut down by both her parents.

The smirk remained on her lips as Skye listed the reasons she liked Syd this smirk only widened however as she informed her that Syd was at the door. Mallory took a seat on the couch as she waited for them to get back in and grinned at her brother as he entered the room, rolling her eyes as he commented on her appearance. “I blame Finn Sullivan” she joked before sighing when he pushed her to the side. She watched as Skye talked and could see the blush forming on her friends cheeks however being the nice friend that she was Mal decided to help dig her friend out of the horrible chit chat that she knew was going to make itself present.
“Ah you haven’t missed much” she said although it wasn’t necessarily true “I was just telling Skye that dad proposed again to Mam last night , Finn and Eleanor are finally home oh and Conor had a child” she listed casually as though this wasn’t major news even though it very clearly was. When he draped his arm around her, Mal leaned into her brother while she wouldn’t admit it she had missed her brother while he was away. “Skye was away aswell “ she commented “I can’t believe ye both left me to get up to trouble on my own” she teased

Misty Gray Misty Gray
Pyroclast Pyroclast
Lucy Porter
Lucy raised her hands slightly, silently telling her sister that she was backing off as she ranted about Conor and James. The blondes brows knitted in confusion as Sinead revealed what James had done. She hadn't heard anything about that. Granted she was pass out drunk last night and most of the afternoon, but she would have at least like to be in the loop of things. James had Peter working for him again now? Lucy remembered mention of it before, but she wasn't aware that it would happen so soon. "Sinny...I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to offend or anything...I'm sure there is a good reason for all of this." Lucy couldn't really think why James needed Peter back on the job so quickly, she would have to talk with him later she supposed. These were the hard decisions he had to make as a man in his position. Lucy would never get upset without knowing why.

Lucy turned her attention to Ali as she spoke next and smiled widely, letting out a laugh as she admitted that the mattresses in their home were soft and comfortable. That they were. "You can have a sleep over any time Ali, seriously, we have far too many beds and not enough people occupying them!" Addressing the thought of having dinner with the two ladies, she nodded her head. "Eating food sounds good right about now." She murmured, lifting a hand to cover her mouth as she started to yawn. After waiting for the two of them to lead the way, Lucy walked beside Sinead. "I know you are upset with James, but please try not to kick his ass too much okay. I'd like to keep him for much much longer." She teased her sister lightly, knowing that Sinead could hold her own with James. She felt bad for her husband, wondering what fairy storm was heading his way later. She also hoped to catch up with him at some point. He was busy a lot of the time and they never went out together as much as they use to.
With: Sinead Misty Gray Misty Gray ; Aliana Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess Mentions:
Alexandra and michelle Romano
Alex couldn’t help but wonder what Conor’s answer would be. While she tried to look like she wasn’t interested the truth was, Alex was more than interested. She needed to know if Ali was his girlfriend or if anyone else was for that fact. When he denighed being in a relationship, Alex let a breath out she’s hadn’t realized she was holding before looking at Michelle to see her reaction to this news.
Michelle shook her head when Conor said he was annoying “I don’t think your annoying and Mam wouldn’t love you if you were that annoying” Michelle said in an innocent childlike fashion. Off course her parents love each other that’s what mammys and daddy’s do? They love each other and their children.

Alex stared at her daughter in shock but also was mentally facepalming due to her daughters comment. She knew what Michelle meant and went her daughter believed to be the case bit she still blushed as she feared how Conor’s was taking that.

Misty Gray Misty Gray
Jackson McCarthy


Jackson had only let the stunned silence temporarily fill the void before placing a quick kiss upon her cheek. "Hopefully I'll catch ya' later tonight, love." He briskly said while shuffling out of the apartment door. He didn't have time to argue or even explain the situation to Fallon. He was new to this genre of operating and wasn't about to perform it behind schedule.

Jackson was known in his apartment fairly well, but the Kevlar vest in his hand still turned the occasional head as he made his way out of the lobby. He quickly trotted down the steps and threw the vest through the open slit of the car's window, landing upon Thomas' lap. "Right, lads - let's get this show on the road," Jackson said in a rushed tone, throwing the stick into first gear. He rested the thin suitcase between the seat and center console, giving him the room he needed to work the steering wheel. His eyes assessed the roads, happy to see that Dublin wasn't too crowded at this hour. Who knew? Maybe Jackson was overreacting. They were right on time, the weather was clear, and he had competent partners. Maybe he could relax.

As they pulled up to the hotel, Jackson's demeanor had settled. He rested the car in front of the lobby doors, ignoring the signs that told him his actions were prohibited. He turned around so he could see the two in his backseat. "We're here, so no turning back now," He said with a smirk. "Now, I know James gave us a plan already, but that doesn't work wit' me. Don't get me wrong, I love the bloke, but he's not seeing it from a hitman's point of view," He moved closer to them, making sure to distribute his eye contact evenly. "So here's what we're gonna' do. Peter, you're a cheeky bastard, so you'll be doing the talkin'. I want you to walk up there with Thomas and get the cash and Mrs. Nora. When you have her, put that kevlar vest over her, get her in the car, and drive towards the docks." He centered his focus on Thomas now, moving his finger towards him. "I want you to stick with Peter and stay quiet, don't even say a word. You keep your eyes peeled for anyone suspicious. We're currently protected under the British law enforcement's jurisdiction. So, if you see anyone as a threat... Whatsoever," Jackson brandished a Colt 1911 from his back waistband, handing it to Thomas by the muzzle, "I want you to shoot the fucker right in the face and get yourselves back down to the car as quickly as possible." He leaned back now, unbuckling himself from the seat. "I'll be up top watching the streets. When you lot drive off, don't wait up for me." Jackson nodded to them before grabbing the suitcase and climbing out of the car. No matter how much trust he had in them, he could no longer shake or bury the nerves.

Misty Gray Misty Gray (Thomas) Bellz Bellz (Peter) nymphadora. nymphadora. (Fallon)
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Thomas Dempsey
~ Nora Vasile ~

1522702653164.pngTommy looked down at the Kevlar vest that had been thrown onto his lap and quickly nodded to himself, the fact this was actually happening now sinking in. The drive was pretty quick, or at least Tommy thought it was. His mind was too occupied with getting himself into the zone and remembering to keep cool. This was very different from guarding the house and knowing the exact area and variables he was dealing with should anyone attack. The city was big and the variables uncontrollable tonight, so he had to focus a million times more.

Once outside the hotel, Jackson stopped and explained his plan to them. Though he'd deviated from James' plan, the Boss had put Jackson in charge and Tommy was to follow Jackson's orders. James wouldn't have done that if he didn't trust the guy's judgement. He couldn't help but laugh when Jackson called Peter a cheeky bastard. He nodded his head when told to keep quiet, which suited him fine. He was used to spending his nights in silence and keeping a close lookout for anything at all suspicious. He took the Colt 1911 from Jackson and slotted in discreetly into his chest holster. "You got it. Right in the face," he confidently repeated. This was what he signed up for and if push came to shove, he wouldn't hesitate to shoot any guy attacking them. He was both reassured and concerned to know Jackson wouldn't be with them but would be covering them from above. "Alright, Jackson. We'll see you in a bit," he firmly told him.

Tommy stepped out of the car at the same time as Peter and the two entered the hotel lobby. Tommy held the vest behind his back, keeping it as discreet as possible. The greeter by the door had already watched them arrive and was waiting for them to enter. Once they confirmed they were there to see John Reynolds, the greeter led the two men to the private room. The man was very calm and neither Peter nor Tommy would get any suspicious vibes from him. The reason for that was because he had no idea what what was going on, believing it to be a simple business meeting. Tommy, dropped back from the other two, his eyes casually scanning the bar area of the fancy hotel. Most of the people around were confined to the bar area and the booths. Nothing appeared at all suspicious so far.

Peter and Tommy entered the meeting room, the greeter pointing out John Reynolds to them before closing the door and returning to his post in the hotel lobby. John was now sat at the desk with a briefcase set down in front of him. Nora was was relaxing on the sofa, but sat forward when the men entered. Her eyes seemed to light up at their presence. Despite knowing the journey to the port was risky, she was glad to be finally getting out of the hotel. "So, which two are you, then?" she flippantly asked, a little Romanian sneaking into her London accent. She'd been told to expect three.

If Peter asked him to, Ryan would flick open the briefcase to let him check the cash inside.

Enzyme Enzyme (Jackson) Bellz Bellz (Peter)
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