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Graceful Rose
⚔ ││Game Master││⚔
Alluring Rose

⚔ ││Genres││⚔
Prison, Psychological, Science Fantasy, Survival Game, Dark Fantasy, Crime, Romance

⚔ ││Status││⚔
Applications Open

⚔ ││Spots││⚔
3 Female Spots Open
3 Male Spots Open


For many years, the nation of Thema and the neighboring nation of Dorn have been involved in a catastrophic war, resulting in almost complete eradication of all Thema and Dorn citizens. Both nations, in an effort to preserve their nations, came to a truce. Without a victor to represent either nation, the war came to an end. However, it was not without its casualties. Both nations, wounded and their resources severely depleted, formed a collaboration and created a new peace treaty. With a new treaty came the installation of several new laws implemented to help both nations avoid further conflict. All eyes were drawn towards the addition of one new law; the law on how to deal with every criminal in both nations, new and old.

To keep both nations under tight control, the Ministry of Law and Justice, assisted by the media, created a twisted reality television show that quickly gained tremendous popularity among the citizens of Thema and Dorn. Called The Crystal Hunt, criminals from both nations are thrown into a city, a fairly large dome-like structure called Shadowmoure City. The entire city is built on a space station and the population consists solely of criminals. Rather more of a prison than simply a city, viewers get to watch the criminals being forced to struggle and commit the same crimes that landed them in here in the first place to survive. Shadowmoure City is an a whole other world entirely, where your life is at risk every second of every day. If you want to survive, you must eat or be eaten. You must kill or be killed. You must do whatever it takes to survive, otherwise you'll simply one of those damned criminals foolish enough to have your deathbed be on the streets. For a few criminals who are confident enough in their abilities, Shadowmoure City is another chance at a life, another chance to rise to the top of society and while watching everyone else at the bottom. To most, however, the day you are thrown into the city is the day you enter Hell. It's the day you start truly dying.

You are one of these prisoners. Whether your arrival is unfortunate or fortunate is for you to decide. You cannot escape. You can only play the game, forever.

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The Crystal Hunt is a never-ending game the criminals are forced to play and a never-ending reality show for the citizens watching them. The criminals are constantly being recorded live, accept from inside the comforts of their own home; just to give some mystery to the show. Criminals are sent in with just the clothes on their backs, a crystal, and nothing more. Anything else they want, a home, better clothes, food, weapons, they must buy through CP. The point of the game is to simply drain the CP within the crystal of another and thus get wealthier in the process. Have your own CP drained and you die.

Within the city, physical isn't used as currency. Rather, the CP you hold is your currency. Your CP determines how long you have left to live. In essence, every time you lose CP, you have less time to live. Regardless of what crimes you committed outside of the city and the severity of those crimes, everyone enters the city with the same amount of CP. Everyone is treated the same and no one is treated differently. Upon entering the city, you are given a crystal that varies in color. This is to serve as your wallet, your bank, your life. You start out with 10080 CP in the crystal. 10080 CP equals to 10080 minutes. To calculate how many weeks you have left to live, convert 10080 minutes to weeks. It should give you exactly 1 week. The number of weeks you have left to live is tattooed onto the back of your left hand and will constantly change as your CP decrease or increase.

As soon as your CP reach zero, you automatically die. Before entering the city, you are given a shot in the back of your neck. Within that shot is a steel pill that contains the most lethal poison known to man, Crystal Malice. It was manufactured specifically to use for all prisoners within the game. Once your crystals reach zero, the pill will activate, releasing poison that will slowly kill you. In the midst of dying, you will feel the most pain you've ever felt. Not only does poison slowly destroy you from the inside out, its toxins will play with your nerves, making you feel pain you've never even felt were possible.

There's no need to worry too much though. There are ways to increase your amount of Crystal Points [CPs]. The only way to obtain more CP is to take crystals from other prisoners. However, trying to kill them won't work. As long as a prisoner's crystal is intact, even with just one CP, the prisoner cannot die. As human as every prisoner here is, every prisoner was genetically modified, thus making them unable to die through normal human means, before entering the city. Every prisoner can be hurt, can feel pain, but can't die regardless of how much pain they feel. Hence, you are essentially immortal. The wounds you inflict and the wounds inflicted upon you are permanent, however. If your leg were to be chopped off, that leg cannot regenerate. Only the bleeding will stop. Your modifications will give you the least amount of help you'd need to barely survive. The rest is on you. To begin with, players were simply meant to outsmart other players in order to win CP. In essence, the entire game is more of a mind game rather than simply fighting. Nevertheless, there are many prisoners who resort to prolonged torture to obtain their CP.

As years past, the prisoners started outsmarting the mechanics themselves. Not only does CP allow you to live longer, they are also used as currency. Just like you would pay in real life, your crystal serves as your bank and your CP--your money you can use to buy anything you want. To keep the city somewhat peaceful, the wealthiest and thus the most influential Crystal Hunter in the city began implementing rules that to some extent would bring an end to the bloodbath.

Rather than simply trying to take another prisoner's CP by force, the 'lawful' thing to do would be to verbally challenge them to a duel. It could be any kind of game, such as board games, sports, whatever you will. You and the prisoner, or prisoners, if there are more than one, decide the rules. Be careful as to not be trapped by the rules suggested by other players. Before the start of the duel, all parties within the challenge are to agree on how much CP will be at stake. After the challenge is finished, usually the losing players will need to transfer the decided amount of the victor. Each player is protected by an unwritten rule prohibiting foul play. Much like outside in the real world, people cheat and break the 'law'. If the losing party fails to uphold their end of the bargain, the game won't punish them directly. However, the winner won't be directly punished if he or she drains the entire crystal of the losing player should the losing player afterwards as his own punishment towards the losing player.

Transaction rules are simple. The crystal containing your CP everyone receives when they first arrive in the city, are small enough and are easy to carry. It is recommended to always carry it with you in an obscure place on your person. If you are extremely fearful of being unable to protect it, it is recommended to hide it in a safe place. As soon as another player comes into physical contact with your crystal, your CP will start draining and will continue to do so should the person still be in contact with your crystal. Should a player simply want to transfer CP, they may simply touch crystal to crystal for a second before entering in how much to give. As long as you're the only one touching your crystal, you should be fine. The more CP you have, the higher your rank will be. The more CP you have, the longer you have to live and the more you can buy. The things you are allowed to buy aren't useless trinkets either. For example, you may buy a drink at a bar, a car, or even a house. Anything can be bought, if you have the CP, that is. Keep track of the number of your crystals by looking at the weeks on the back of your hand.

Shadowmoure is essentially a lawless city. There are unspoken laws, yes, but there is no one who needs to physically give out consequences should the laws be broken. In this new world, anything goes. Not everyone abides to these unwritten rules, but the majority of older players are wise enough to do so. Players who don't abide by the unwritten laws of the city may be subjected to severe punishments by the hands of other prisoners.

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Prisoners will be ranked on the amount of CP they possess, with the lowest rank being 'deadman' and the highest rank being 'legend'. Only one person has reached the Legend rank so far.

Legend: 500001 and above
Master: 200000 cp - 500000 cp
Expert: 100000 cp - 200000 cp
Challenger: 50001 cp - 100000 cp
Struggler: 30001 cp - 50000 cp
Rookie: 10080 cp - 30000 cp
Deadman: 1 cp - 10080 cp

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Your character does not have to follow these rules. These rules are not written in stone. These are the unwritten rules of Shadowmoure City created by the wealthiest and most influential players in the game. The game itself will not hurt you as a player, but failure to comply with these rules may bring consequences to your character. Rules may be subject to change depending on what goes on within the game and the mood of the top Crystal Hunter.

[1.] Your home is the safest place you can be. Other players should not challenge you while you within the confines of your home, just as you should not challenge other players in the same regard.

[2.] All parties must agree on the amount of CP being risked and the rules before the duel starts. Doing so with eyewitnesses is advised. Both players must say "I accept this duel," for the duel to begin. Once rules and CP amount are set, nothing can be changed. Anything agreed upon before the challenge, whether trickery or not, is not considered foul play. Be careful what you agree to.

[3.] There is to be no "foul play" involved. "Foul play" refers to the act of cheating within a duel.

[4.] Should the losing party not hold up their end of the bargain or should anyone within the duel cheat, they will no longer be protected by the rule forbidding foul play. Whoever attempts foul play first may also be subjected to foul play. Persons within the duel delivering whatever consequence they deem fit are not to be punished for doing so.

[5.] Players within a duel are not to ask outsiders for help unless there is suspicion of foul play. As such, other players are not to interfere unless there is suspicion of foul play.

[6.] Unfair methods used outside of a duel is not considered foul play. Outside of a challenge, your life is your own to defend.

[7.] Betting against another player to see who will win or lose a duel is another duel in itself, but is not considered an official duel.

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Character Sheets + RP Rules
Please remember to read the rules before posting your character sheet.
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Sacrosanctis Sacrosanctis Awesome! I posted the link to the character sheet thread. It also has the rules listed as well in there. Please read it before posting your sheet. If you're still interested after and have questions, please feel free to ask me. <3
I'm in. Question though, can people bet on other people's duels? Like say 50 on the man losing or anything like that?
nomuseneeded nomuseneeded Ohh, that sounds like a nice idea, actually. I'd say sure, we can do that. And thanks for being interested! Please head to the character thread and read the rules before posting the character sheet. <3
nomuseneeded nomuseneeded I like him! I really thought your idea of not having weapons but rather having an NPC was a really good one. Would it be okay for there to be only one NPC with weapons for now? You'll most likely get to have more later should the RP get to that point, but two NPCs with weapons might be a bit too powerful at the beginning. Aside from that, you're good to go.
I'm fine with that! I don't want to be too overpowered. Do you want me to change it in my character sheet? I can go back and edit it.
Sure! I'd appreciate that, so that other players don't get confused. Thank you! <3 If you have other ideas you'd like to add to the story, you can always talk to me about it. :3
Oh, also, in that world, you wouldn't call your NPCs "NPCs". I'm assuming the NPC is a robot/android, so you can call him a robot/android, give him a name, etc.
nomuseneeded nomuseneeded Ah, I just realized. Since he's 26, and he's been here for 12 years, it would have meant he was tossed in here when he was 14. For protection purposes and cause of the nature of the city, would you mind changing it to 8 years at the most, since he would be 18 when he was sent to the city. Let's just assume only adults are sent to the city.
EEEEE dude this gives such hardcore Deadman Wonderland vibes, ain't even funny. Now, I want to question one of the rules: Is transferring CP strictly done by Party B coming in contact with Party A's crystal then deducting the amount due? Or can Party A transfer Party B an amount of CP? To further that line of questioning, the main idea of a character: can someone keep several crystals on their person regardless of who owns them?
As long as the two crystals touch, both Party A and Party B can transfer should they choose to transfer money. If they touch, and Party A isn't the one that needs to transfer, Party A doesn't need to do anything until Party B transfers the CP and then Party A accepts the amount transferred and vice versa. Let me know if that makes sense. :3

I'd say yes, you can.

In one scenario, I'm assuming those crystals are all drained of CP and the previous owners are now dead. The crystals can be collected, but they're useless now and can't store CP. It'd be cool to have a kind of bounty hunter like character who keeps them like a bounty hunter would keep heads to show off, lmao.

If you want to keep crystals that still have live owners and you're touching the crystals, you'd slowly be killing the owners and draining their CP, regardless if you want to or not.

If you keep the crystals without touching them, the owners would still be alive but unable to use their CP or gain or lose any. This would be a good blackmailing strategy, aha.
Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide
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As long as the two crystals touch, both Party A and Party B can transfer should they choose to transfer money. If they touch, and Party A isn't the one that needs to transfer, Party A doesn't need to do anything until Party B transfers the CP and then Party A accepts the amount transferred and vice versa. Let me know if that makes sense. :3

I'd say yes, you can. I'm assuming those crystals are all drained of CP and the previous owners are now dead. The crystals can be collected, but they're useless now and can't store CP.
Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide
Ooooh, so it's the crystals that have to touch.

Do Party A and B have to be within a certain range or have to see the crystals? EX. Party A is out partying and needs a fix of CP and asks Party B to transfer 100 CP, even though he's back at his own home. Would that work out? Also purely just a loose hypothetical.

Also since two crystals have to touch then my first idea probably won't work out. Essentially have one person with multiple crystals, several of which are from people who lost their crystal to them. Essentially making it so that person has monopoly over their lives, the party without the crystal having to amass CP to give to the former. But that wouldn't work given how Crystals apparently work.
Hmm, I'd say that could work out. To have that work out, we can add that they'd have to form some kind of official contract/pact at a certain place in the city together (would have to come up with a name for that lol) and that forming a pact is expensive. But to transfer the CP, you and the other party must have your crystals on your person, even if you can't see the person or their crystal.

As for the monopoly thing, that'd be difficult, because for them to continue giving you their CP, they'd need to have their crystals on them to even gain CP. You can steal their crystals and use that to get them to do stuff for you. If they don't do what you want them to do, you can touch their crystal, drain a small amount of CP, and then they'll see their weeks going down on the back of their hand. Cue panic. But yeah, they won't be able to give CP to you unless they have their own crystal.

I should really come up with a price list for important, expensive items like the contract. Lol.

Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide
A~ah, the idea was neat on paper but seems like it won't work out unless I go even further with this idea. BUT we've already a character who makes a 'mostly' non-violent living so I guess I gotta get a new concept running through this brain. So if it wasn't obvious, I'm very interested!
I'm glad you're interested! Whatever you come up with, I'm sure it'll be great. If you need help, just let me know! The link is in the first post. <3

I don't want to make gaining CP too easy, so gotta try and work around things, aha.
Sure, that could work. However, the majority of these criminals don’t have any family or loved ones due to almost everyone dying in between their two nations. If they did have family, they could have been bailed out. Most of them were chosen cause they were criminals and they were all alone. Keep that in mind when you make your character. And letters are quite expensive because the game masters generally don’t want any correspondence going on between their players and the outside world. So they can’t be bought often. Say every few months, so long as you’re gaining a good amount of CP. Also, at the moment, you can’t escape the prison, just in case it’s a concept that’s leaning towards that.

Lemme know if there’s anything else and if you want me to work around it a bit more to have it fit Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide
Sure, that could work. However, the majority of these criminals don’t have any family or loved ones due to almost everyone dying in between their two nations. If they did have family, they could have been bailed out. Most of them were chosen cause they were criminals and they were all alone. Keep that in mind when you make your character. And letters are quite expensive because the game masters generally don’t want any correspondence going on between their players and the outside world. So they can’t be bought often. Say every few months, so long as you’re gaining a good amount of CP. Also, at the moment, you can’t escape the prison, just in case it’s a concept that’s leaning towards that.

Lemme know if there’s anything else and if you want me to work around it a bit more to have it fit Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide
Yeah, I wanted to keep the concept simple so 'A good person doing bad things to provide for a sibling'. An easy high concept like that would be easy to flesh out and would probably work though do you strictly want people who've accustomed to Shadowmoure more than the opposite?

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