
  1. Doowy

    Multiple Settings Looking for a 1x1 Partner for some settings!

    Hey there! the Names Doowy. I'm gonna try to keep this as brief as possible without taking much of anyone's time! I'm a 21 Year old writer whose been trying to live out his worlds as of late and wanted to see if anyone else would be interested in some of the settings and Idea's I come about...
  2. ClockWorkCiphers

    Fantasy A God Is Bored

    Silona was bored. As bored as a god like him could be. He needed something to do. Someone to summon him. A god of mischief and chaos like him? He needed a good human to torment. Stupid mortals. If only someone would come save him from this lonesome “life” he has been “living”. Male or female...
  3. psychex

    Fantasy To Kill a God ─ Adventure RP

    We, the 6 chosen ones, must be ready for the oncoming crisis; a (supposedly) immortal god known for killing those who defy him. He deserves no introduction, none at all... Cadamaheum. The God of the Infinite Void. Now, do remember that in doing this, we are risking our lives. We must all be...
  4. Wolfiee

    Fandom Camp Half-Blood {Rp}

    “It’s time to bring the children in. Something has happened.”Zeus said looking around at the other gods and goddess seated around the circle. “What do you mean?”Poseidon and Hades said their voices echoing some from speaking at the same time. Zeus sat up his gaze hardening unsure of if he should...
  5. Wolfiee

    Fandom Camp Half-Blood (Plot/Chat)

    Hello! You can all discuss here plots and potential characters!
  6. Wolfiee

    Fandom Camp Half-Blood CS

    Welcome everyone! Here is the current list of characters and their parents. You can use this list to help decide who you’d like as your own godly parent!
  7. Wolfiee

    Fandom Welcome to Camp Half-Blood

    coded by uxie! fonts used: headers body text, subheaders to replace fonts, add/replace them here, and then in the variables below under *fonts; check uxie's tech support in nine lives for more details ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) ----left---- ----top---- ----image filler----...
  8. PossitivelyNoOne

    Fantasy Rebirth (LGBTQIA friendly!!)

    Hiii! Its Vergil again!! Back for more rp!! About me - 18+ - A trans gay guy myself so totally open to any pairing (nb/gender queer chars are totally accepted as well!!) - Semi-lit to lit (3+ paragraphs per char) - I love ooc!! And I have discord (Ooc only tho) I love memes and drawings (I...
  9. orpheus.

    Multiple Settings 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐬 - 2nd Call for Interest! 6/10 slots available!

    coded by uxie! fonts used: headers body text, subheaders to replace fonts, add/replace them here, and then in the variables below under *fonts; check uxie's tech support in nine lives for more details ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) ----left---- ----top---- ----image filler----...
  10. orpheus.

    Realistic or Modern 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐬 - interest check (accepting)

    coded by uxie! fonts used: headers body text, subheaders to replace fonts, add/replace them here, and then in the variables below under *fonts; check uxie's tech support in nine lives for more details ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) ----left---- ----top---- ----image filler----...
  11. things i dont mean

    Fandom would dying say im sorry? (PJO based)

    HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE THREAD! i apologize in advance for the messiness of it! my name is charlie, and i have been getting into percy jackson (im reading house of hades currently), then two hours ago, i suddenly got an idea to make a made up pantheon with made up gods in it! i took the idea...
  12. JustYourFantasy

    Fantasy Rediscovering the Forgotten (w/Obsidian)

    Despite what Mortals and Immortals believe, Pantheons come and go. They rise and fall. Eons can go on without end but the end will surely come. Once grand and seen as impossible to fade, shall disappear into myth. It is the fate of all Life. Time really was a fickle thing. A ruined building, at...
  13. JustYourFantasy

    Fantasy Rediscovering The Forgotten (Fantasy, MxM)

    All characters are (18)+Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Fantasy Medieval, Hurt/ComfortWhile romance will be a big part of this plot I don't want myself or my RP partner to have firm stances regarding 'top/bottom'. I don't like the one-sidedness of that, personally.Secondly, I would really like my RP...
  14. Thrushwing

    Fantasy Mythos RP Interest Check

    The spiritual creatures that left the ocean came in pairs and had a supernatural connection with their spiritual partner. The only creature that lacked a partner was mankind. The pairs that emerged together were: Leopard (god) and Hawk (god) Elk (god) and the Wolf (god) Boar (god) and Fox (god )...
  15. Doomyfish23

    Multiple Settings Pandaemonium- a Time/Space RP.

    The fabric of Space and Time was once an infinite tapestry, a weave that flowed from beginning to end with those two points connecting forming the eternal construct that we know, the Nest that birthed all things. Yet that majestic eternal tapestry was torn asunder. Perhaps it was always destined...
  16. Doomyfish23

    Fantasy Shady Dealings

    The mega city of Sanguine, has been the only home of Humanity for the past 700 years. Here life is a constant struggle. Crime is rampant, and the response to it is usually brutal and unforgiving. Even still desperate times have driven many to a cutthroat mindset. Things like joy are fleeting and...
  17. Doomyfish23

    Fantasy The Elshien 13

    Abandoned house ,Great Elshien Forest, Imperius Western territory- 2:42AM The Night was hot and humid, as it often was in the forests at this time of year. The buzz of insects was only interrupted by the rummaging of a lone raccoon whose hope was to find some morsel in the ruins of the house...
  18. SerenityAngel

    Fantasy Heros Hidden Legends

    In the time of ancient gods, warlords, kings and titans many stories were told but, there were many more that were not. The stories that were only legends were lost centuries ago. Let’s write them together. This rp will take place in ancient Greece and we will be needing gods and goddesses and...
  19. Pride.

    Fantasy We Are All That's Left

    coded by uxie! fonts used: headers body text, subheaders to replace fonts, add/replace them here, and then in the variables below under *fonts; check uxie's tech support in nine lives for more details ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) ----left---- ----top---- ----image filler----...
  20. Aviator

    Fandom Gods of Death Love Apples // Death Note RP // CS (adv.) open!!!

    A few ground rules before we get started: - This is an advanced RP, so 3+ paragraphs per post, please! English does not have to be your first language, but please use correct grammar and spellings if you can. If I feel that not enough overall effort was put into the character sheet, I reserve...