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  • Users: Fangs9090
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Fangs9090

    Fantasy A Song Eternal

    So, I really want to use this character of mine so, even though she’s already listed in this thread Multiple Settings - I Builds Character , I’m making one specifically for her. Chloe is a vampire and a bard. Rather than carry an instrument, she channels her bardic magic through her voice...
  2. Fangs9090

    Multiple Settings I Builds Character

    I have a bunch of characters I wanna use, so I’m gonna put ‘em here and see who's interested. Before I go about listing characters, I’ll set down some expectations. First off, my characters are furries. If that’s not your thing, you’re free to walk away now. Your characters can be whatever race...
  3. Fangs9090

    Fantasy Adventures with an Alchemist!

    So, for starters, I gotta lay some ground rules. While I'm not picky about post length, I do require you to give me something to work with. A single line of dialog that pushes the story is better than a paragraph of fluff that gives me nothing. Also, nearly all of the characters I use are...
  4. Fangs9090

    Fantasy DOOM THE WORLD (Post-Apocalyptic search)

    So, I’ve been playing a lot of Fallout 4 lately, and before that I was playing Code Vein, so I’m in the mood for some kind of post-apocalypse setting. A little about meself. I pretty much always use anthro/furry characters. That’s just how I roll. Your character is free to be human or whatever...
  5. Fangs9090

    Video Games Dragons?!

    Anyone know of any good games that let you play as a dragon? (Besides Spyro. I already know about Spyro.) Bonus points if it lets you customize or make your own dragon. Or if you can fly.
  6. Fangs9090

    Fantasy Cursed Island

    Heyho! First thing’s first, the stuff that might drive you off. So, to start, I have ask for good grammar and spelling. I get that people make mistakes, but if there’s mistakes and errors throughout every post, I’m gonna have hard time understanding what you’re trying to say. So give it your...
  7. Fangs9090

    Video Games Skyrim Mods?

    Anyone know some good sites for finding Skyrim mods on PC? Most of the ones I've found are on Nexus, and there's a few from Steam, too. But I'm just wondering if there are other good places to find mods.
  8. Fangs9090

    Fantasy Kinda Mystery Plot (Open for ideas)

    Okay okay okay, so before I get to the main course, an appetizer. Basically some guidelines for what I’m looking for in regards to a partner. First of all, I’d would really appreciate if you can put some thought into your posts so that they contribute and add to the story. That doesn’t mean to...
  9. Fangs9090

    Fantasy I have a character but no story :/

    Heyo. First thing’s first, the stuff that’s likely to drive people off: my expectations. Not too much, though. I ask for good grammar (so I can understand what you’re saying), that You contribute to the story (don’t make me run the whole thing), and don’t just drop out without a word (if you’re...
  10. Fangs9090

    Fandom Elder Scrolls, anyone?

    So, as the title suggests, I’m looking to do a role play in the Elder Scrolls world, though I’m only familiar with Cyrodiil, Skyrim, and Solstheim. Now, before I get into my idea, I should mention a few things. I understand you’ll most likely use a character inspired by your player character...
  11. Fangs9090

    Fantasy I’m feelin’......centaurs

    Heyo, I’ve been in the mood lately to play as a centaur. Some things to mention about me. I do like high fantasy, clearly. Magic and stuff is always fun. Most of my characters are anthro. While this will be an exception since my character would be a centaur, I may still use anthro characters on...
  12. Fangs9090

    Video Games Skyrim Modding

    Anyone have any really good Skyrim mods that they recommend? And also, most of my mods I get from Nexus, plus some from Steam, but are there any other good places to find mods for Skyrim?
  13. Fangs9090

    Other Looking to get into Fire Emblem

    So, title gives it away. I’m looking to get into Fire Emblem, but all I really know about it came from playing Super Smash Bros. So, I’m really not sure which game would be a good place for a newcomer to get into the series. Any suggestions?
  14. Fangs9090

    Fantasy Road Trip!

    Okay, hey, so I’m not new to this whole rp thing, and I’m...casually detailed. I like having detail, as long as it’s relevant and/or entertaining, but I’m not formal about it. My post length varies depending on the situation (short for back-and-forth or dialog, long for settings and detailed...
  15. Fangs9090

    Video Games Pokémon Trading

    So, I’ve been playing my copy of Ultra Moon a lot lately, and I got the idea to make a Discord channel for arranging trades. Since RPN is really the only place where I communicate with people, I figured I’d come here to find anyone interested in joining said channel. In short, it’ll be a spot...
  16. Fangs9090

    Fantasy Industrial Era Semi-Dark Fantasy

    Before we get to the main course, let’s start with an appetizer. I’m a fairly regular role player, on daily. I usually reply quickly, but I can get distracted and be delayed a little. I’m not picky for how often you reply, as long as it’s more than twice a week. I use furry characters, but you...
  17. Fangs9090

    Video Games Anyone Know “Defense Witches”?

    A long while back, I had this game on my iPod, Defense Witches, and I really enjoyed it. I ended up having to delete it to clear space, but I have a larger device now so I wanted to download it again. But it doesn’t seem to be on the App Store anymore. I did a search and found something about a...
  18. Fangs9090

    Fantasy Looking For Someone Who Doesn’t Mind Leading the Story

    So, I got an idea into my head to have a character who’s basically trying to start over. Moving to a new place for a new life. I have no plan for what happens to her after that, so I’d like to have someone else take control of her surroundings to see what happens. If you’ve got a world I can...
  19. Fangs9090

    Fantasy Vengeance

    Before I start, some things need to be mentioned. My character is almost guaranteed to be anthro/furry. If you can't accept that, feel free to move on. Your character can be whatever you want. If you choose to roleplay with me, please try to have some decent grammar. When it comes to detail...
  20. Fangs9090

    Fantasy Desert Theme

    Hello! So, I already have a search thread, but this particular plot is one I really want to do, so I'm giving it its own thread. Before I get to the details though, a few things to mention: I always appreciate good grammar and spelling. As long as you're trying and I can read what you say...