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Fantasy Road Trip!


Total Video Game Nerd
Okay, hey, so I’m not new to this whole rp thing, and I’m...casually detailed. I like having detail, as long as it’s relevant and/or entertaining, but I’m not formal about it. My post length varies depending on the situation (short for back-and-forth or dialog, long for settings and detailed events), and I don’t really expect any specific post length from you. As long as you contribute, I’m content. Romance is optional and should never be forced. Throw the characters at each other and see if they stick, the focus is the story anyway, so there’s no loss if they’re not romantically compatible. That said, I do have a bad habit of putting them in awkward situations for my amusement, so yeah. The characters I use are 98% furries with the rest being dragons, a harpy, and a catgirl (basically, I don’t play humans), but before the furry part drives you away, I’d like to clarify that I’m perfectly fine with keeping everything clean, if a little bit lewd at times. It’s your choice in the end, I’m flexible. Anyway, I think I got all the preliminary information out of the way, or most of it, at least. Now for the juicy bits.

So, the setting for this idea of mine is a modern fantasy. Modern technology in a not-real world with magic and creatures and all that jazz.

I have two requirements for your main character that you use for this. One, they drive an RV, like a full sized motor home that drives itself, not the kind that’s pulled behind a truck. And two, they’re the type who would actually pick up a hitchhiker (or a few) in the middle of nowhere. I lied, there’s three. Three, they’re driving this RV on their own for whatever reason.

Now, your character is in their RV, going wherever on a road trip, and along the way they pick up some hitchhikers (one at a time, of course). Each new adddition to the road trip brings their own stories... and their own troubles. This trip’s about to get really complicated.

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