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  1. Retribution

    The Walking Dead: The Journey of Two. [Inactive]

    Retribution submitted a new role play: The Walking Dead: The Journey of Two. - "I promised I would see you one day, sadly it had to happen like this." Read more about this role play... "Well, long tall Sally, she's built for speed, she's got everything uncle John needs!" The lyrics of a...
  2. Retribution

    The Walking Dead: The Journey of Two.

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  3. Retribution

    The Walking Dead: The Journey of Two.

    Retribution submitted a new role play. @Retribution, please edit this post to include the sign-up information. Read more about this role play...
  4. Retribution

    + + + The Tides of Death + + + [Inactive]

    Retribution submitted a new role play: + + + The Tides of Death + + + - Warhammer 40,000 Based Role-play. Read more about this role play...33 tonnes of super dense ceramite armor plating with the added payload of men and women of the Imperial Guard inside its protective layers. The loud...
  5. Retribution

    + + + The Tides of Death + + +

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  6. Retribution

    + + + The Tides of Death + + +

    Retribution submitted a new role play. @Retribution, please edit this post to include the sign-up information. Read more about this role play...
  7. Retribution

    Halo Role-play ( Retribution & Lanata )

    It was no longer was awkward to be nude in front of a group of scientists wearing bright white suits. They just stood there like abnormal giants looking blankly off into space. The group of scientists constantly made marks on their tablets and once they all agreed by speaking to each other in...
  8. Retribution

    We Walk The Thin Line. [Official Fallout Role-play]

    ...They forgot that he dealt with heavy weapons but more so cannons rather than spraying lead down the field. They forgot that he said...and he said this with a gravelly voice just like he's talking now.. "You don't f**k with Lance Walberg or I'll f**k you up. I'm coming for you Mr. Fontaine..."
  9. Retribution

    It Takes Two To Tango! [Fallout RP: Retribution|Lanta]

    Whistling, whistling into the wind was the only sound being made besides the rattle of tin roofs, wooden planks and the random rolling can. It was a sweet melody, something from the pre-War days before the bombs had fell over the world. The whistling tune coming from a man dressed in a black...
  10. Retribution

    It's A Lonely Road Home. [Fallout RP: Retribution|The_Lady_Yin]

    War, war never changes or at least the guns do. It had been nearly two whole and a half centuries since the bombs first fell. A Great War they called it, a Great War that only lasted for two hours. The world as they knew it was over. Though amongst the ruins of the Old World thrived Humanities...
  11. Retribution

    Fallout Role-Play Ideas:

    So it has come to my attention that if I want to role-play with more people that I need to use this Thread in order to capture peoples attention rather than get ignored. So here I go, attempting to gather peoples attention. So, I've been looking around and right now the most dominating genre...
  12. Retribution

    First Contact.

    "Keep her steady, number two. We're heading for the golden cities over in the horizon." The star ship belonging to the Crimson Ivory empire was a beautiful and elegant ship. It's ivory armor outlined with golden paint and brass shielding gave it a gleaming look under the planet's sun. The...
  13. Retribution

    Over The Beyond.

    Another investigation of corruption within the Out Lands beyond the reaches of the encumopolis that is Leanadur: City of Mages. High Commander Rion of the Ivory Guard was given the task of traveling out to the Out Lands and visit each of the village one by one until he found the root of evil...
  14. Retribution

    Crystalis [ A New End. A New Beginning. ]

    "Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me ..." Rion's faint mumbling voice trailed on as he stood upon a white marble balcony over looking other float land masses carrying large portions of cities and white granite fortresses. He had high hopes of coming to the capital city Leanadur; City of...
  15. Retribution

    The World of Titans [Offical Role-play]

    The transmission appeared on the control bridge's large display screen. The yellow lettering blinking across the gigantic star map of the galaxy. Red letters slowly started to be typed out, the ominous message from a Astropathic Choir. The Captain of the 2nd Company began to read the message...
  16. Retribution

    His Proud Sons: Into The Demon's Lair.

    The Captain only ordered one and so only one ventured forth from the sacred hangar of the battle-barge Evanescence. The gigantic drop ship commonly known as a Stormbird quickly closed the gap between the colossal cathedral ship and the violent planet below. Just as the drop ship reached the...
  17. Retribution

    We Know No Fear: The World of Titans.

    The bright yellow sun of Lax, the Garden World herald within the Realm of Ultramar, was beaming with life. The sun's near infinite rays cascaded down upon the gigantic mountainous cathedrals that dotted the surface. The base of these white fortresses were bordered with great vastness of forests...
  18. Retribution

    The Sith Empire: Reborn. (Lara, Jeff, Michale)

    The shuttle folded its wings upwards just as it made its landing upon the volcanic world of Mustafar. The new Emperor of the Sith had arrived to a world that held one of the Sith Lords of the past; Kirian. The young and rather hot headed Emperor strode down the ramp of his shuttle. He was...
  19. Retribution

    The Last Man Standing

    The sprinted forth across the white powdered covered ground like arrows flying through the air. The Dragon Lord leading a small group of four into the wilderness that was held in the clutches of the Vampire Queen. They were being assaulted by her vampire minions who sought them out and are...
  20. Retribution

    Operation: Long Tall Sally

    "Attention! Attention! Will Marcus-118 please report to the Armor Bay for armor assembly?" The voice sounded over the intercom and it abruptly woke the Spartan from his deep slumber within his small cozy room. He quickly slipped on his boots and buckled the straps. He was already pre-dressed for...