His Proud Sons: Into The Demon's Lair.


Junior Member


The Captain only ordered one and so only one ventured forth from the sacred hangar of the battle-barge Evanescence. The gigantic drop ship commonly known as a Stormbird quickly closed the gap between the colossal cathedral ship and the violent planet below. Just as the drop ship reached the planets turbulent atmosphere the large tubular engines rotated around and began to apply the brakes keeping the large shuttle from moving to fast through the atmosphere. The friction from entering the atmosphere was scorching the Stormbird's ultramarine blue paint from its belly. The Space Marines inside were all locked into place within their grav-couches. The Captain sitting in the middle of the group of 50 battle hardened Space Marines kept his composure and mumbled a simple prayer as they made their drop.

The Marines heard the chatter over the vox speakers within the hold. They were getting close to their landing point and they could feel the Stormbird rotate its engines once more before the ominous sounds of the landing gear being deployed. The mechanical hiss filling in the cabin holding the Space Marines of the Ultramarine Chapter.

The pilots sitting at the cock pit switched controls over to the hard wired servitors who were once humans but now turned into computers made of flesh that took automated control of the shuttle. The turrets outside the vessel moved left to right as the sensors scanned the surrounding area. The Ultramarines were called here for a reason, a distress signal sent from this planet alerted them for a reason. The Ultramarines inside were being unlocked from their couches one by one in a series of mechanical clicks and clanks. Their power armor all stomping across the floor heading for the boarding ramp.

"Squads Jericho, Leandros, Hyperion and Logo you know your missions. The ones with me, Squad Leo, we head for the mountains -- pilots, rendezvous with us in two days. If we're not here or if you do not hear anything from me, blast the planet with orbital strikes and leave."

Captain Leonidas of the 2nd Company Ultramarines spoke through a device built into his throat. His squad commanders responded by saluting while the pilots gave him the okay. The Captain's stern face looked at each of his brothers in ultramarine blue power armor. He didn't know the situation fully, just locate the distress beacon and investigate with only a two day window.

The boarding ramp lowered down and quickly the strange atmosphere struck the Captain's bare face. His nose drew in the breath, and already his third lung was beginning to filter the impurities within the air. There was a foul stench about the surrounding and he took it slowly as he stomped down the ramp and on to the dusty ground. He held onto his Stalker Bolter, the large cannon like weapon equipped with a targeting scope and powerful bolt rounds clung to his armored chest. His large golden detailed pauldrons shrugged as he placed the weapon onto his thigh and mag-locking it into place. The other squads quickly took off on their march wile Leonidas and his men stared at the massive mountain chain before them.
Mitsi sat inside the center of the chapel, watching these men enter her land with a wide smirk that played across her face. She brushed back her raven black hair behind her shoulders, chuckling at the thought of the intruders crashing into her domain. Standing up, holding her long dark dress up so she could walk, Mitsi made her way over to the seeing portal. Drawing closer to the portal, Mitsi could see a man leading a small group of soldiers at the bottom of the mountain pass. A purr made its way up in her throat, her amber colored eyes filled with excitement.

She walked over to a servant named Shiro, who stood taller than his ruler. He wore armor made from black steel , which made it strong against enemies attacks. " I want you to send out Cerberus....Let's see how well these men can handle my minions with their petty weapons. " She ordered Shiro as he bowed to Mitsi quickly, leaving the room out of her sight. A wider smirk appeared this time and Mitsi held up her dress once more to go sit at her usual spot, watching the events unfold.
The squad of Space Marines quickly marched to the mountain pass opening. The Captain's augmented eyes filtering through darkness like a cat would in the night. His nose separating the different smells in the air and before he led his men into the pass he began to pray to the Machine God to bless his war-gear. The rest of his men were beginning to do the same; chanting prayers to please the machine spirits in their weapons and in their power armor. Once they finished the Captain led them into the pass. He held his Stalker Bolter in his hands and pulled it up so he could look through the targeting scope. He moved the cross hairs across the mountain sides while his men had his back doing the same with their Bolters.

The skies above were beginning to grow darker than a typical sky should be. The air was growing thicker and thicker as if evil was pressing itself against them. Leonidas had a knack of sensing something that wasn't there and right now his gut was telling him danger was coming their way. He raised a single armored hand and waved a signal to the men behind them. Quickly they fanned out forming a spear head. Space Marines are known to have battle tactics unlike any warrior within the known universe. They were trained as children and through centuries of service they hone their skills to peak perfection and even then keep training.

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