Operation: Long Tall Sally


Junior Member

"Attention! Attention! Will Marcus-118 please report to the Armor Bay for armor assembly?" The voice sounded over the intercom and it abruptly woke the Spartan from his deep slumber within his small cozy room. He quickly slipped on his boots and buckled the straps. He was already pre-dressed for the armor assembly, something the latest Spartan program had their super soldiers doing. The 7' 3" inch hulking Spartan ran his hand over his slightly shaved head and made his way through the door and down the halls of the UNSC Red Horse. This UNSC stealth corvette was on a short mission to one of the destroyed Halo constructs. The O.N.I. commissioned vessel held just one Spartan, probably the best just before 117 who had been missing in action for sometime. Marcus-118 was to be stationed upon Infinity but O.N.I. had other 'darker' matters of keeping this certain Spartan under wraps.

The crew of the Red Horse who made contact with the Spartan all gave him nods or saluted since he was a high ranking officer, he paid no attention to them, he wasn't there to be sucked up too or have his ass kissed. The Spartan finally arrived at the Armor Bay; the tech heads were having a field day with Marcus's new suit. It was the top of the line of the Next-Gen technology; it's main feature was the stealth ablative coating that was used upon starships that give them the ability to be invisible to electronic radars. The onyx black suit was in pieces upon a gyroscopic machine that will soon be piecing his armor upon him.

"Alright boys, you know the drill. Get my Long Tall Sally playing and get this suit on me. Daddy is gonna break her in real good with the Orbital Drop." The Spartan snapped his fingers to one engineer who in turn pressed a selection upon a glass panel and suddenly a song from the early generations started blaring in the Armor Bay's speakers. The Spartan jumped up to the platform surrounded by the white colored machine. The outer layers of the suit were being pressed upon him, the last looking dragon scales but then the body suit expanded and formed another layer of reactive armor that boosted Marcus's already augmented strength. Marcus was lip singing the lyrics of the song while the robotic arms began placing the pieces of armor upon his body. Drills and pressurized cables were locking and fueling the armor. He felt his boots get snug by the powered boots being formed around them. Then he could feel the hyper-reactive joints take control just as his helmet was lowered to his hands. The assembly took the duration of the song which was only two minutes. The Spartan jumped from his platform and landed upon the metal floor causing some of the engineers to stumble. "Oh yeah, I can get use to this suit." -- "Marcus-118, report to Mission Control. We have another team member awaiting you. You'll be briefed there." Marcus nodded his head and mag-locked his helmet to his thigh plate and quickly made his way towards the bridge section of the prowler.
Dropping out of subspace, the Cruiser 'Trafalgar' came to a halt alongside the 'Red Horse', extending its airlock tunnel to the vessel. Once the airlock was in place, Hal relieved himself of his command, leaving a younger Colonel in charge. Already suited up in his armour, Hal moved swiftly through the Cruisers long hall ways, crew members hugging the walls and saluting as he passed. Wrenching open the airlock door, Hal passed through into the short walkway connecting the two ships, halting before the second access panel, reaching for the intercom, Hal readied himself to board the vessel

"This is Admiral Jordan, Identification Alpha 1 Bravo. Standing by"

Seconds passed before the green light illuminated the panel, followed by a hiss as the airtight seal broke, as the doors release mechanism disconnected. Stepping through, Hal found himself greeted by two Marines, who escorted him the short distance to the ships bridge, where he was then left alone, standing at the holographic table, waiting for the ships commander to address him. Running his hand over his buzzcut, Hal watched through the viewing port as the Trafalgar broke free and made for open space. Though he held the rank Admiral, Hal was Special Operations, complete deniability, therefore his rank and reputation was somewhat less than respected by members of the UNSC and ONI.

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