Crystalis [ A New End. A New Beginning. ]


Junior Member


"Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me ..." Rion's faint mumbling voice trailed on as he stood upon a white marble balcony over looking other float land masses carrying large portions of cities and white granite fortresses. He had high hopes of coming to the capital city Leanadur; City of Mages. This spanning metropolis filled with sky scraping castles, entire hive spires reaching up into the heavens with streaming lines of magical output. The city held its own, and of course this was Serah's capital. The male standing at the edge of the balcony with his leather gloved hands gripping the railing sighed silently to himself just as the summer breeze blew through his black locks. Turning 27 wasn't all what it was pent up to be, spending it alone, spending it during work; crap he needed to get going.

The black and white leather dressed male groaned and turned right around on the souls of his boots. He quickly marched across the grand balcony of the boarding station. The train whistles could be heard blowing and crowds of people, some civilians and most military men and women were beginning to board this silver bullet. He passed through the ticket stub area with a wave of his Commanders Badge and gave the security guards an annoyed smile. He quickly boarded the train, the inside was made for luxurious people of course everyone of the world Serah was wealthy. The walls were painted red and outlined with golden exotic shapes. The seats were made of white leather decorated with golden embroidery. Rion wasn't all too happy with the design, it belonged to the working class and not to the military style of black and white. The young commander made his way through the maze of people who were laughing and cutting up within the aisles.

"Uh, excuse me, move, please ..." Rion shoved and pushed his way into the next car made for military personal only, mainly for ranked men and women. Finally he pushed open the door into the next car and immediately the soldiers here all began to shut themselves up. The say the High Commander badge on his black and white embroidered leather jacket. The symbol of a white shield with both Crimson and Ivory insignias stamped into the metal. They all just looked at him with a hushed face, some of them with awe struck mouths. That was when he just shouted out to them. "What are you looking at?!" The soldiers and lower ranked officers all jumped back into their seats until Rion found his private room. He walked into the small plain room, closed the door and sat down upon the seat. He let out a soft annoyed groan before kicking back and putting his boots upon the next seat in front of him.
Eleanor stood among the crowd, as everyone was waiting to board the silver bullet train. Her eyes grew itchy from the contacts she was wearing, hiding her red pupils. Although she was starting to think silver eyes were a bad choice as well considering she had received a few looks of distrust. Although she got that all the time anyways, she needed it less considering the destination of the train. An acquaintance had given her information that she would be able to find Nathan within the inner city limits. This time, she was determined to kill him on sight. She had considered the possibilities that by killing him, she would also be killing herself and her brother due to the blood link they all shared. Considering she had killed her own before, and watched as a clan's leader fell, the rest of them if they shared the same bloodline all fell as well. It was a beautiful tragedy.

Her eyes stopped on a man who made his way through by showing off some sort of badge. He was clothed in black and white indicating he was some sort of high ranker in the military. She had been around long enough to get an idea of how the city ran and who to avoid. She highlighted his face red to avoid him by all costs. Surely, if she was found out for conspiracy of murder they would want to hang her themselves. As she boarded he train, she managed to catch a glimpse of him again as he made his to a car that was meant for military personnel only. Which was fine by her, she wouldn't be in eyesight of anyone who would possibly be able to take her on.

She walked towards the end of the train, stopping in the second last car where there were was less traffic. She took a seat next to the window, pulling her hood up to hide away her face so she could try to get a little bit of meditation in without disturbance. She knew it wouldn't be long before they were on their way and it certainly wouldn't take long either to get to the destination. Although, meditation wouldn't come easy either, she couldn't stop thinking about the anniversary. The one where she turns, and that was due in a days time. What a wonderful way to celebrate.
The train budged against the magnetic tracks underneath it. Then slowly the cars started to move down the line, Rion kept his scarlet eyes at the window being able to see his reflection ever so slightly. He stared into his eyes then noticed that the images before him of the landscape were being blurred by the awesome speed of the bullet train. He hoped that no terrorist members of the Black Crystals would decide to attack the train.

The Black Crystals are a large terrorist organization that believe that are the "chosen ones" of the galaxy consuming creatures of the Legion. They augment their bodies with Black Void crystals that boost their mana levels beyond their normal limits. Soldiers of the Crimson Ivory Guard use refueling crystals, which are usually blue glowing crystals filled with a certain level of mana. Rion being a High Commander was given a Mana Reactor, a device worn around his body that constantly builds mana and allows to keep fighting without having to reload crystals into his weapons. He had really hoped that today was going to be a boring day but that changed when an explosion rocked the train and all hell broke loose.

The sudden explosion came from the last car and Rion groaned as he got up and kicked the door open accidentally smacking a fellow soldier right in the face and knocking him back into the ground. Rion didn't even notice but he did quickly head down the car. Everyone in the military car looked at him, he just waved his hand for them to sit. "I got this, just sit tight and do whatever it was you were doing." He said with a slight annoyance behind his voice.

When he reached the small space between the cars, instead of going into the next car he just climbed the small latter and got on top of the car. He looked down to his leather boots and quickly he went to his sleeve and waved his hand over it. A holographic screen appeared with glowing circles with words defining selections. He pressed a small glyph and suddenly his boots locked tighter to the top of the car. He started walking across the top of the car with his jacket and hair being blasted forward from the high speeds. "Happy freaking birthday to me..."
As the train began to move, she watched the landscape and how it began to blur due to the speed of the train. All that seemed to stay in place was her reflection. It was a reminder that she still had some human in her. There were a lot of myths about vampires, and a lot of them were honestly a lie. Most people thought vampires lacked a reflection due to being pretty much dead, but well she was proof that was a lie. Although some vampires were able to make themselves invisible, which could have started that myth.

For what she was hoping to be a smooth ride, changed instantly. Being at the back of the train, the explosion in the car behind hers rocked the car, almost feeling like it was about to rock of the tracks. Instantly she sensed all the fear in a huge wave which was overwhelming. The people on her car started to scream and run for the next car. She stayed put, knowing it was going to be more chaotic trying to move to the next few cars. Instinct told her to go and fight, but knowing with the military being on board, one of them would check on it in mere seconds. Plus if she were to interfere she knew that she would have to be questioned, and well she was also on a tight schedule once she got to the city, if they even got there now due to the attack.

She grumbled, hearing someone on top of the train, knowing they were making their way down to the last car. She figured it to be a military personnel. Whoever it was, was obviously equipped to walk on train going extremely fast without being blown off. Which somewhat humored her a bit. She pulled out her phone, checking the time and it to the screen sending off a quick text to her greeter- the one who was supposed to show her to the destination once she reached the city sending a coded messaging about the explosion. So that whoever it was would expect her to be possibly be late.
Rion stuck out his left arm and almost instantly blue circular seals appeared around his forearm. The mystic symbols glowing brightly and like a wheel they began to spin. The soldier snapped his finger and instantly the spinning circles stopped on a certain symbol. It was a sword with a cog behind it and just as he closed his hand as to grip something a large engine blade sprung into existence. He gripped the throttle and revved up the engine a few times before charging it up completely. The blade glowed hot down along the sharp edge while the magical scripture engraved into the steel grey blade glowed bright white. The sword was longer than he was and the chrome engine was just as wide as his chest.

The Mk. VII engine-blade is the essential tool given to Commander ranked soldiers. Since all Commander ranked soldiers are full fledged battle mages they are given this primary weapon. Powerful in its right and can be customized to change into other weapons the user wishes or has custom enchanted. The engine acts as a mana booster and funnels the power into the blade in order to deliver a powerful wave of plasma at the enemy. Highly expensive weapons and hard to make.

At the last car or what remained were climbing Dark Crystal members who had stolen military tools such as the gravity boots. It was three this time and they each held on to their plasma casters, a small two handed rifle powered by mana crystals. Rion simply gave them a wave with his gloved hand then twirled the long engine-blade in his hand before resting the chrome engine on his shoulder. He closed his eyes and gave a cocky smirk before snapping his fingers and brought up a powerful ward in front of him just in time to meet the plasma bolts they had fired. Volley after volley they kept on shooting before depleting their crystals and before they had time to reload Rion had released his attack and sent them burning away into a cloud of ash.

"Too easy ...nnmph..!!" Another explosion but this time it was at the track. Whatever shot had missed and whatever shot was now coming into view. It was a Griffon, the flying jet came into view and spun around its turbines and hovered along side the train. The guns were being deployed and quickly the gun-ship began to shoot. Though the High Commander reacted quickly and casted a protection ward. The blue rippling shield was absorbing the hits giving time to the battle-mage to charge up his weapon.
Blasts from the weapons were much louder then she had anticipated. For a moment, there was silence, as if whoever was attacking was defeated until the door to her car slammed wide open. Drawing her Graceful Dahlia, standing up to view whoever had trespassed. They had an awful smell which made her turn nose upwards. The men clothed in the black cloaks came to an abrupt stop, not expecting her to be in their path.

Move out of our way or we'll be forced to kill you mam'.

Laughter escaped from her lips, as she had received those threats quite frequently. There was yet to have someone actually able to live up to that promise. She smiled, retracting her fangs instilling fear into them. She tugged on those emotional strings watching them start to back up. They were now hallucinating their worst fears, which made the kill easier for her. With incredible speed, she went forth, decapitating each of their heads with her scythe.

What waste you've become, not even good enough for a snack.

Stepping over the bodies she made her way into the next car. Catching a glimpse of an aircraft in flight, clearing attacking the train. Although it's accuracy wasn't that great, which was good for the train's sake and herself. Sparks flew up as the ammunition hit the tracks. She wasn't exactly protected due to the large gaping hole in the car. Although now she was able to see the top of the train and who stood on it. It was that man from earlier, who was able to flash his badge and get in with no problem. Clearly he was well-equipped and experienced that she doubted he needed any form of help. She stayed down low, until she felt it was needed for her to join in.
Rion was too occupied by the plasma casting gunship to notice someone else had gotten on top of the car with him. He was still holding the ward around the cars keeping the gunship from blowing them off the tracks. Finally, Rion had enough and was done playing games. He flung his open hand into the air and instantly a series of pink and purple circles surrounded his hand and arm. He squeezed his fingers into a tight fist and rared back his arm and punched outwards with all his might. The spell he had cast out shot a straight shot yellow beam right into gunship's left turbine causing it to spin out of control. The spell had costed him a good deal of his own internal mana but that could be fixed with some potions. He saw the spiraling gunship strike the rocky floor and explode into a blue mushroom cloud. Rion smirked and turned heading back to the ladder so he could get back into the train and that was when he noticed the woman just watching.

"Hey! What you're doing up here?! Civilians are to remain in the cars! The situation is handled please go back to your seat." Rion got after the woman who had been watching. He wasn't mad because she was sitting there like a curious cat but because she could have been injured or worse. He was going to make sure she got back to her seat but the closer he got the weirder he felt. Something was off about her, he could sense it and almost smell it, or maybe that was just the plasma discharge burning his nostrils.
Her eyes narrowed fixating on his arm, curious as to what his next move was. Pinks and purple circles appeared, and she could sense the power being invested into his incantation, and it obviously was taking a toll on his body. A yellow beam had appeared, hitting the aircraft that was on the trains tail sending it into the ground to its 'death'. It was to be expected, especially when attacking a military train. She thought she had hidden herself from his line of view, but clearly he caught sight of her. She waved at him indicating she was fine and she could manage herself, as she was becoming uncomfortable with the fact that he was getting closer to her, and she saw that look on his face. That look she gets every time when someone can sense that she's 'different'.

She ducked back into the car of which she was in hastily, stepping over the still warm dead bodies. She quickly made it to the third car, sitting next to an older gentleman. Luckily, she was able to conceal all the weapons on her so no one felt uneasy near her. Although their was something about the man that intrigued her, and she was almost tempted to go back to go see him. Normally, she didn't find many humans interesting, as they always come and go and there was almost literally no point in trying to keep in contact with most of them.

Deep down, she knew he was bound to follow her. He was a military personnel, it was his job to make sure all passengers on the train we're okay especially her considering she was out in the open. Plus he was about to come across the dead weapons as well. She knew she shouldn't have intervened.
After getting back into the train car he made way down the aisle only to come across the pile of decapitated bodies. He cocked an eyebrow seeing the amount of blood that was on the floor and on the walls of the train car. Who ever killed them knew how to wield a weapon. The cuts were clean and not jagged but no one else held a sword other than Rion himself. That was when he felt his stomach lurch with the sign that his mind had an idea of who did it. He stepped over the bodies and continued into the next cars searching everyone of them until finally he came across her. He stood there for a moment looking down at her. His scarlet eyes blinking a few times thinking before speaking to her calmly and smoothly. "Follow me please, I need to ask you a few questions. If you comply I'll make sure you get off this train with no trouble from me."

No trouble, it was easier to say than for it to actually happen. If she was the woman who killed those terrorists he wasn't gonna do nothing about it but probably fine her for carrying illegal weapons on board the vessel without military authorization. He didn't want nothing else but answers from her, he even spoke to her politely like all good soldiers did. He made his way towards the next car and stopped at the door to turn back and see if she was following.
She kept an eye on the car door, to see if he would appear. Knowing previous encounters with different military's they would glance at the scene and then arrest someone. Or take someone into custody, that's generally how it was. There was the occasional time someone was executed on spot, but that was normally not in the public eye. He walked right past her the first time, as her almost non-beating heart almost literally stopped. At first she thought she was in the clear, but she knew better. He would look over everyone at least twice to see if he recognized her face. To which her theory was proven correct as he reappeared, walking directly towards. Suppressing a groan, he stood before her, talking in calm collected voice. The older gentleman who sat beside her was clearly snickering towards her. She turned to face him, hissing her words.

Mind your own fucking business

She turned back to the man who was now telling her to follow him, as he was already at the car door waiting to see if she was going to follow. Sighing, she got up, making her way towards him, with her head lowered. She was avoiding all the stares from the strangers, plus she wouldn't want them to disrupt her plans if they saw her once she was set in motion and ruined her mission, she would in no doubt probably kill them.

As she followed in him, she was curious as to what he had in mind about her, what he was planning on asking her. Luckily for her, if he was trying to fine her, she did have permission to carry a concealed weapons thanks to a few of her contact's. She wasn't that dumb, especially considering this was the only legal way into the city.
Once Rion had her in his own room he closed the door behind them and locked it before gesturing for her to take a seat. He sat down as well before straightening his jacket and tightening the grip of his leather gloves. The weapon he had wielded before was gone, and now he was pulling out a small blue glowing vile from inside his coat pocket. He took the vile and attached a injector to the end of it and jabbed it into his neck. The fluid was then instantly pumped into his blood stream and just moments later he felt his own life force regain its normal level. He placed the vile back into his coat and then looked towards her with his scarlet orbs. A small smile formed on his pale lips, his cheeks forming dimples and a slight snicker escaped his mouth.

"I know you're the one who killed those terrorists, thanks but why is a civilian like yourself carrying a weapon that can cut so perfectly like that? Are you with the Silent Knights? Hmm, I guess not, you don't have the build or eyes to be one of those assassins of the Central Government." He gave her a good look over before crossing his legs. He lightly placed his hands upon his lap and linked his fingers together. He wasn't going to do anything bad to her, she had his thanks and his favor. She could ask anything she wanted too and he would have to honor it, to an extent though.

"Listen here, I don't know if you have papers for such weapons or what your purpose is on this train but once we get to Leanadur I'm gonna have to make you file a report with Central Intelligence then you can go on your marry way. Oh! Before I forget, you have one favor with me. Ask anything and I'll do my best to uphold it." His calm and collected voice sounded like he was friendly, he even got up and unlocked the door for her showing he was with good faith. He went back to his seat and sat down sighing and slowly licking his dry lips. He went back to looking at his reflection. The tracks were beginning to go upwards into the sky and over the clouds. Leanadur was a city of great size, a Encumopolis that spans over half the face of the planet. Great sky pricing city spires and other floating structures being suspended in the air by gravity wells and held in place by magical seals. The train then slowly came to a stop as it pulled up to the docking station that floated in mid air surrounded by amazing Angelian architecture.

As they made their way to his private room, he had gestured to take a seat as she heard the click of the lock. In fact, she was really uncomfortable in her current situation. She watched him first, as he injected himself with a blue liquid to his neck, the hint of blood flared in her nostrils but she kept her cool. She took out a little container, taking out her silver eyed contacts out and placing them where they belonged. She blinked a few times, getting rid of the itchy feeling that they gave her. She listened intently, as he made judgements towards her out loud, sure enough she knew he was keeping some thoughts to himself.

It was self defense, and I really would rather not have let them pass to the other cars where of course the passengers clearly had no way of protecting themselves. It was hard enough to get permit to carry any form of weapon on this train, and costly as well. I doubted any of them had the patience to do it anyways. As for my job description, there's no need for you to know that.

Her ruby eyes stared at him, following his movements that he was making. He had mentioned that she would need to do paperwork, to which she made a mental note of doing it after the mission because in reality, time was ticking and Nathan wasn't going to stay in one place for long at all and she had learned that one pretty quick. Surprisingly, she was shocked that a military personnel hadn't formally introduced themselves, but she hadn't either so it seemed balanced for the time being. Her ears perked up when he mentioned the fact about him giving a favor to her, and information was her weak spot.

Nathan Detrie Outlander. Have you any information on him by chance?

He had gotten up unlock the door, showing he meant no harm but it still didn't really help her much. She still felt trapped either way. Her eyes gazed out the window as they were almost at their destination. The city was absolutely astonishing and she had never seen anything like it. No wonder it was so difficult to get into, especially with the amount of magic surrounding it. She could feel it, suffocating and tightening around her throat. She knew this was going to happen, as the city normally doesn't like to bring in creatures like her and she was warned ahead of time at least.
"You mean Arch Mage Outlander? The lead professor of the Military Academy? Yeah of course I have information on him but why would you want that for? Who are you exactly?" Rion cocked an eyebrow up and his interest peaked within this woman. He stood up quickly before she could react to his sudden change in mood. Why was she asking for information on the man who taught and lectured Rion, the High Commander of the Ivory Guard? She wasn't helping her case, and now that she mentioned that she wasn't going to tell him what she is, or who she works for was really beginning to grind his gears.

People were beginning to file themselves off the train and Rion had to give her what she asked for. He gave her his word he would honor it but like he said, to an extent. He got off the train and waited patiently for her to meet up with him. The air was clean and crisp and a slight breeze rushed in between the workings of the station. Steam rolled across the concrete ground of which spewed from the train and it looked as if it concealed Rion making him appear more mysterious and intimidating than before. When he spotted her coming down the steps he rushed to her and crossed his arms across his chest and let out a rather long sigh before speaking again.

"Listen, I'll honor what I said but you'll have to give me some lee way. Who are you working for, I'm a High Commander and I can easily dig around for the answers and step on people's toes that shouldn't be stepped on or you can tell me. I'll tell you what you need to know but there isn't much. He's just a professor, I was a star pupil of his."
So then you are aware of what he is then, right?

She knew he was going to react, everyone always does. It didn't help with her affinity with emotions either. Clearly the man who stood before her has a relationship with her enemy. Of course it has to turn out that way, and with his title he could have her terminated at any given point. She really had to be careful in how she worded anything around him. Although she wasn't sure how she was going to make her next move. It really did put her in sticky position.

As the train came to a halt, she could hear the commotion coming from the cars while everyone was readying their belongings to get off of the train. Outside the window, she could see everyone getting off, all in a single file. It looked really odd and out place. She hadn't even noticed the High Commander get off, she grumbled preparing herself for an endless torture of questions. Making her way to the steps, she could see him waiting for her. The steam from the train did conceal him to an extent as if he stood there on purpose to make himself look mysterious. She wasn't even phased by it.

Making her way down the steps he was there in a second, a little too close for comfort. His arms folded across his chest, indicating he was not exactly enthused about her request. Questions spewed out of his mouth as well, just like she had expected as well. It didn't help much either that he was already threatening her with the use of authority.

You could dig all you like, but you won't find a single thing on this case. Especially considering that I'm not working for anyone but myself. Putting it nicely, Nathan and I go waaaaay back. He has a whole other life that you are unaware of, unless he has actually begun to introduce himself as it but I seriously doubt it.

Her eyebrows had furrowed down, indicating that she was unimpressed about her current situation. She really needed to get on her way, but she doubted he was going to let her off so easily.
"I'm letting you live because I'm not a simple tyrant. If you're doing this out of personal reasons then we'll just have to make it official. I can't have you go to a military building after a high official of the school. I know you can go and stealth your way around but you'll run into people who can probably do more than I can, plus I don't want to be called to eliminate a beautiful lady, not on my birthday."

He gave her another look up and down and decided to head on their way. He walked up the stone steps and headed across the small bridge that got them on to the next platform. He saw some of the soldiers coming behind him, they all saluted him and went on their marry way getting into wheeled vehicles with gyro-engines pushing them but they weren't going to be taking these odd vehicles, no their ride was just now coming in for a landing. The steel plating over head could be seen as the engines made the airship hover over the couplings and slowly dock itself with the station. It was Rion's personal military airship. He waited for the woman to come, the boarding ramp was being lowered by cables that were being handled by the crew upon the airship.The large propellers were slowly moving now as fuel lines were being attached refueling it.

I still have yet to understand why people make a big deal of the day of their birth, such an unnecessary 'holiday'. You should also know that I'm far from being a beautiful woman.

She knew she'd be able to make it around with no problem. Being able to toy around with emotions and some memories did in fact come in handy. As he looked her up and down one more time, he had turned away from her to make his way down the stone steps towards the small bridge. She took note of the amount of soldiers of who saluted him due to his title. Perhaps, he may actually come in handy for her. There was a lot of technology surrounding her that she had never witnessed before in her life. It was pretty astonishing and a little overwhelming for her 'first' day. As they continued to walk, they came to a spot to which there was a larger airship which was lowering her ramp.

She realized that this was his form of transportation that he had planned on using. She backed up, shaking her head. Out of all the forms of transportation she hated flying the most. She was actually quite terrified of it. Everyone always went on about how it was so nostalgic feeling and if they had powers they'd want it as their ability. She was the complete opposite. She was literally at the point of either fighting him to not fly or fleeing the scene.

Nope, nope, nope, this is not happening.
"Don't tell me that you're afraid of flying. This is a Highlander Mk. III airship, it fly's smooth, unlike the Mk. II. Come on, you're wasting time."

Rion laughed a bit to himself seeing that this woman who kill a group of men was afraid to fly. He quickly walked up the steel ramp and into the lower deck of the airship. His crew saluted by placing a fist over their heart and another behind their backs. Rion gave them a nod and ordered them back to their duties. He wasn't waiting on the woman, he had to get to get to Central Command as quickly as possible. He walked up the spiraling stair case to the bridge deck. He boots finally touched down upon the polished wooden floor of the upper decks. He could hear and feel the rumbling engines that were starting up again. He finally walked through the bulkhead between the armory room and right into the bridge. He could see the helmsmen manning the controls of the beaut. He crossed his arms behind his back and sighed.

"Let's get her running at full power. We have a special passenger who will be coming aboard. Avoid her at any cost, do not make any sudden contact with her. She's a guest of mine of which I am willingly helping. Any questions?"
I am not getting on that thing. I don't fly, I hate it. Can't do it. Nope. I draw the line here. Give me directions, and I can follow down below. Also laughing at someone isn't very polite either for a man in your position.

Her fear was rationalized, it makes sense to want to be on stable ground, especially if your element is earth. Plus, it wasn't just her who feared flying, there were hundreds and thousands of people who shared the same phobia. Her eyes followed the man up the stairs to which she could see a glimpse of his crew, saluting him in such an odd manner, something she was not used to seeing. The sounds of the engines starting up again which literally made her jump up a few feet in the air.

Searching the down the street she caught a glimpse of the stables, running towards it. She knew with the windows in the ship, the man would be able to see what she had in mind. She spoke to the keep, literally buying a steed from the owner. She was nice enough to request a steed that he was unable to handle. It was one of her special traits to handle any wild animal and tame it just by looking at it. He brought out a white steed that had no equipment on him, and was being led by a single rope that was loosely thrown over his neck to avoid any contact with him. The owner handed her the rope indicating good luck and if she could calm him down he would bring out the equipment for her to put on the steed herself. She nodded in agreement, giving the man a small smile. As soon as the man walked away, she turned her attention to the steed, making a few clicking noises as she walked up to the majestic beast. She held out her hand, mere inches away from his nose. At first he started to resist but the smell that she seemed to give off to animals calmed him down in seconds. Petting his nose, the now previous owner was in shock, and laughed at the sight saying he'd never thought he would see the day that the steed would ever come into contact with anyone.

She took the equipment, dressing the steed properly to a 't'. She turned back to the owner, passing him a wad of bills, thanking him for the steed. Although he tried denying the money and said he was grateful that the horse had finally found its true owner. She insisted, knowing taking care of a horse had its expenses, she told him to think of it as rent. Walking back towards the ship, she waited to see the man would actually give her directions or she would guess and follow the ship blindly.
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Rion gave the O.K. for the helmsmen to launch. The pair working at the controls gripped the steering handles and pulled back and pressed down on the accelerators which in turn caused the mighty silver airship to rise from the docks. The propelling blades were creating powerful gusts as it started to lift itself up into the air once again. Rion looked upwards to the viewing ports and smiled at the scene of the great city beneath them. The airship was still rising up into the air and then the rows of propellers that were lined in a single row all began to spin at once pushing the airship forward. The silver flying machine headed in between some buildings before turning slightly to the right and headed deeper into the city.
Eleanor could hear the difference in the engine now, knowing that it was ready to leave for its destination. Wherever that may be, sine the man was clearly not gonna give her directions and that she was to follow him blindly. Hopping on to the back of the horse, her eyes followed the ships movements. As the ship rose up, the gusts of wind were intense, causing her hair to go all over the place, especially into her eyes to blind her. Squinting, she could tell that ship was turning itself, towards the right and that would be her course of direction as well.

Making clicking noises, and using her heel to tap the horse's behind, the horse obeyed her and began to follow the ship with her direction. Most people who were walking by had become a blur, not paying much attention to them. She had a destination-unknown of course- and she was determined to keep up with the ship although, it was unlikely because even the horse has limits. Thinking, she realized she still was unaware of the man's name, and this annoyed her to some extent. Sighing, her eyes continued to keep an eye on both the silver ship and what was ahead of her, clearly not wanting to hit anything or anyone.

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