First Contact.


Junior Member


"Keep her steady, number two. We're heading for the golden cities over in the horizon."

The star ship belonging to the Crimson Ivory empire was a beautiful and elegant ship. It's ivory armor outlined with golden paint and brass shielding gave it a gleaming look under the planet's sun. The large engines rippling the very space around them kept the ship float as it descended upon the world and was being pushed forward guided by Valkyries that were leaving behind blue streaks of magic exhaust just like the parent ship.

Commanding the impressive ship is High Commander Rion of the Ivory Guard. He was assigned to this expedition to seek out this new rising empire on the outer reaches of the galaxy. He was glad to see that they weren't greeted with hostile intent but rather peaceful intention and so he shall respectfully return the same to them.


At last they finally arrived to the landing party. The large vessel was hovering over the area by a few hundred feet and crew were deploying the landing gear. Large panels underneath were beginning to open while its legs were extending outwards towards the ground. The polished brass twinkled in the sun just as the ship made its spinning descent. Slowly the ship landed, it was great in size but not too great. The Valkyries that had followed them were landing near it as well. Just under the nose of the ship was the ramp being lowered. The long panel of ivory hull spewed out steam just as it lowered itself down to the ground gently. Walking down the steps was the High Commander, he was dressed in a long black leather trench coat that was covered white and crimson embroidery stitching. His silver wolf buttons kept the coat closed against his firm chest, other than the wolf head buttons there were series of badges and medals as well silver armor decorations on his shoulders. Sticking out from his back was his main weapon, an engine-sword. The chrome engine twinkled and sparkled with each movement. The blade itself was dark grey and engraved with blue glowing sigils that were fueled by a magic fuel rod just sticking out from under the throttle handle. The black spiky haired male crossed his arms across his chest just under the large silver dragon's face that was attached to a brown leather strap which went around his back. He finally made it, and his facial feature showing a small smile meant he was glad.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/noctis_sword_r9_by_ninjawarrior720-d3e3d47.jpg.5f5cca2a6195c234a021a4ece04cec1d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6508" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/noctis_sword_r9_by_ninjawarrior720-d3e3d47.jpg.5f5cca2a6195c234a021a4ece04cec1d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • noctis_sword_r9_by_ninjawarrior720-d3e3d47.jpg
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(I'm just gonna go out on a limb here and wing it :P )

The Nightingales watched the ship lower and walked to the group of the Crimson Ivory. "Welcome to Vancalla, the greatest planet in the galaxy. We have been expecting you since we heard the news of an aircraft landing here." The queen smiled as she looked at the newcomers. She was pleased to see new faces. "Come, we have many rooms awaiting your occupancy. Lady Vastra, please send Commander Rion to the main dining hall." She looked at a young fair redhead girl. The girl walked towards the commander and beckoned him to follow her footsteps. "Please feel at home." She said with a kind smile.
He heard the words "the greatest planet in the galaxy" and immediately scoffed at her remark. It wasn't noticeable but he knew that topic could lead into arguments. Instead he kept his mouth shut for the time and nodded his head and smiled the best he could. He noticed a ginger headed girl walk up to him and she too received a simple node before following her to the dining hall.
(Here comes trouble ;) )

Octavia barged in, opening the door with her powers of the dark. She heard newcomers had arrived, and she wanted to barge in to see the intruders. "What have we here?" she replied with a evil smirk. "OCTAVIA!" Said the queen, she was horrified that Octavia even came in. "How dare yo-" Octavia closed her hand and two dark shadows kept the queen's mouth shut for the time being. "Well hello there." She said looking at the commander and his crew. She smiled with purple fire dancing in her eyes. The queen burst the shadows off and replied, "This is a place of peace, tranquility, serene thoughts, not an ambush of darkness." "Oh, then this place of "serenity" shouldn't be on Vancalla in the first place." She said. Vancalla never was a love in Octavia's heart on the day she was turned into a dark enchantress, it was the planets fault in the first place. She looked at the rest of the crew and then back at the ship of which they came. She pointed with her long dark black nail, "That your ship?"
The High Commander smirked at the sudden display of dark power. He saw how quickly this Octavia had over taken the queen with just a simple act. But when Octavia sized up the men that had came with him and then asking if the vessel outside was his, he popped his jaw and turned his scarlet red irises towards the dark enchantress.

"Indeed, that is our ship. But if you touch it, I'll be forced hurt you. See, we know a thing or two about magic."

Rion smirked after he spoke towards Octavia. He reached down to his side holster and slipped his hand around the metal grip and stuck a finger around the trigger of the large pistol loaded with magic infused ammunition. He drew the large hand hand cannon and by thinking it the gun produced a long blue blade. His other hand went to his back and gripped the throttle of his engine-blade and gave the weapon a whirl. The other men and women gripped their gunblades and held spheres of plasma within their hands.

"We believe in peace and serenity but don't go out without our weapons and magic. We're all battle-mages and we will defend our selves to the death if we must."

[Look at the gunblade :D ]


Octavia smirked almost with the devil dancing in her eyes. She looked at the queen and smiled, "Aw, dear me, I forgot." She flicked her hand away and with it went the queen towards the wall. "You are a traitor to your kind, Octavia!" The queen yelled towards the enchantress who turned around viciously, "You may have magic weapons and such, but this planet can turn you dark in a matter of seconds without you even saying a word. But heed mine, I won't stop." She said with a hiss of anger. She blasted the doors open and looked back at the commander, and then left with a flash of purple and black flames taking her place. The queen fell to the ground since the bond was broken, "She was so young when it happened. And now it's taken over her entirely." She sighed with relief and sadness.
Rion looked towards the Queen who was obviously free of the dark enchantress' grasp. The Commander made his way towards her after putting his weapons away. His guards stood close by making sure the woman didn't return with any kind of onslaught. This was sure a good way of making friends, but now he knows this planet wasn't as perfect or great like the Queen spoke.

"We specialize in fighting the dark arts. Our entire society is actually. Why don't you tell me what's really going on around here."
The queen looked at the commander with sorrow eyes. "This planet's inner core holds the destiny of everyone in the galaxy. It holds my destiny, yours, Lady Vastra's, and many others in the universe. Even Octavia's. Originally the planet gave her the destiny of being a Nightingale, but one day, it up and decided to change her fate and turn her into the dark monster she is now." The queen looked with angered eyes at the door. She stood up and calmed herself down. "Anyway, you and your crew can feast and eat as much as you want. And at any time my servants can show you your way to your rooms." She walked off with a fake smile of happiness and left the hall. Octavia soon followed in between the corridor's columns and sat there with a dark grin. Then vanished and reappeared up on the chandelier. "Blah blah blah, so on and so on. Ugh, don't you just get tired of that crap? It's going to be ok or everything's fine. BORING! Come on Mr.Frowny, be a happy camper and join my dark magic! Fun and no rules to apply to! And no leader like that old granny." She laughed an evil cackle and vanished into a puff of black mist that stained against the chandelier.

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