We Know No Fear: The World of Titans.


Junior Member
The bright yellow sun of Lax, the Garden World herald within the Realm of Ultramar, was beaming with life. The sun's near infinite rays cascaded down upon the gigantic mountainous cathedrals that dotted the surface. The base of these white fortresses were bordered with great vastness of forests and sectioned off by large walls. No pollution could be spotted or tasted within the planets perfect atmosphere. Lax is home to some four hundred million Imperial Citizens and to one hundred thousand Space Marines of the great and legendary Ultramarine chapter. It was here deep within the system of wondrous worlds titled as the Realm of Ultramar our story beings. Lax, home to our captain of the 2nd Company; Leonidas the Grand Duke of Lax.

"A-ha! My lord, it so seems that our Lord Calgar has returned from Holy Terra. Word has it that our efforts within the Eye of Terror are favoring us." A small fragile old man, a Chapter Serf, followed behind the hulking Space Marine. The Serf followed quickly as possible with the long powerful stride of the holy warrior. The captain himself wore a type of habit, made of white thread and trimmed with gold. His feet bound leather sandals that tied up to his large bulging calves. The mountain of bulging muscle grinned and struck his bare hulking chest and boasted. "Hail! At long last we are pushing back! I believe the new armor made by the mechanical priests of the Mechanicum have something to do with it. What was the name, Centurion armor?" The Serf covered his ears in reaction to the loud powerful boom of his voice. The pair had been walking for miles across the marble paths headed for a shrine. He was going there to meet with a priestess, a beautiful woman with great power, a woman saved by Leonidas from a Chaos slave camp who were using people like her as sacrifices to the God of Lust; Slaanessh.

"Captain, do you think next time we can transverse using the Teleportarium? That is what they are used for, is it not, my lord?" The old man moaned at his poor feet, the captain on the other hand laughed and patted the small human's head. The rest of the way was filled with nothing but constant chit chat between to the two. The forest walls surrounding them were filled with nature calls, beasts howls and beautiful music of the exotic birds that filled the great tall brown, green leafed giants.
Ten years ago to the day she had become a priestess after one whom seemed to be a young man had slaughtered those of the cult whom she had been born into. Despite this though, she still had yet to properly adjust and had never allowed another soul to see her hair or eye color except for this young man. Perhaps it was because of them that he had taken a liking to her or perhaps it was because she was the only one like her within the entire cult. Whatever the reasons may be, she was forever grateful to the male and had strived to become the best of her skills so that she could return the favor someday of him saving her life. Because of her desire to do so, she had managed to become the most elite priestess known across many galaxies and universes far beyond that any man could venture. The legends of a cloaked angel, an exotic princess, and a devil bride were being passed down already, told to the new generations of children that would grow up soon enough to rule and wage wars upon each others homelands. For what purpose destiny had dealt her the hand she was is still yet to be seen but there was not a single species, race, or creation that didn't have some knowledge of the lure of her these days and it was obvious her story was just beginning.

Six months ago was the last time she had managed to see her savior and knowing that he was coming she had cleared her entire schedule so that she would be able to spend time with him even if only for today. With that being said, the moment she saw him walking towards her while glancing out of one of the windows on the highest tower of the cathedral, she instantly turned on the balls off her feet, quickly making her way back down the stairs while barely dodging people here and there so she could make it in time for when he entered the building.

When she finally reached the main entrance, she didn't bother worrying about if her robe was smoothed out and her keeping a proper demeanor to such a degree that she ended up flinging herself at him much like a child would after not seeing their father for a long period of time as she called out his name.


Her arms wrapped around his large frame the instant her body came in contact with his and she peaked up at him from under the hood of her snow white robe, which had somehow managed to stay in place. The soft smile on her pale pink lips was the only thing currently visible to the other male next to Leonidas while bright blue-green, almost teal eyes shined up at the man she clung to. It was obvious to anyone who saw them that she had greatly missed him and without waiting for a response, she buried her face into his chest, her cheek resting against it as she sighed.

"You were gone away longer this time you know.. You should have come and seen me months ago as you originally said you would. I'm beginning to think one of these days you shall not return at all and then where would I be?"
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The giant laughed as he saw the way she greeted him. The people in the surrounding area were not use to this action since they usually cower in the presence of a mighty Space Marine. He was use to the typical bow and humble acts of the Chapter Serfs and priests. But every time he was able to see her she would greet him like a loving daughter. He patted her small head with his large muscular scarred hand; being able to cover her entire head with it. She was like a babe compared to his size, one of the reasons why he seeks out to protect her at all costs. He knew he had said he would see her a few months back but he had just came back from the fierce battle to retake Damnos. The apothecaries had ordered him to remain in the Vata-Chambers and allow the arcane technology heal his wounds.

"I've seen you've grown. Last time I saw you, you were reaching just over my stomach and now you're just at the bottom of my chest. What are the people here feeding you?" Leonidas let out a soft chuckle before waving his hand to dismiss the Chapter Serf who had walked with him. He went along and walked further into the holy cathedral of priests and priestesses. He took in the sight of the white marble columns that held the great Gothic arches over their heads. He looked over to the gigantic stained glass windows that colored the solid granite floors with rainbow colors. The giant crossed his large tree trunk like arms across his bulging chest and sighed. He then turned his head over towards her once more, the sun hitting the platinum studs in his forehead just right that it made them sparkle and glint in the light. He gave her a half way smile, almost seemed like it was hard for him to smile, nearly awkward for him to do such an act.

"So tell me, what have you done lately while I was away? I want to know everything, I may not be here long, another battle can arise some where in the galaxy. So hurry." Leonidas teased her with that sentence but he knew in the back of his mind that his time is always short when it comes to rest. He wasn't made to be walking around on a beautiful planet and take in the spoils, no, he was made to fight endless days. He was designed and created to bring the swift punishment of the Emperor to the enemies of Man. He wasn't given the right to be the mightiest warrior by being a soft kindhearted man but Leonidas was different. He could think for himself and he knew what he wanted.
She had relaxed upon hearing such a sound come from him before she closed her eyes as she felt the strangely gentle pat to her head and ultimately pulled away from him as he began to speak. A grin spreading across her lips after being asked what they were feeding her and she leaned towards him as he gazed around and lifted her self up onto her tip-toes, speaking only loud enough for him to hear.

"Perhaps it's not what they're feeding me that is the question but something else entirely."

She would wink up at him before turning on her heels so she did a spin before grasping a hold of his scarred hand with both of hers, walking backwards and gently tugging him along with her. Despite the extremely delicate frame she seemed to have even with wearing a bulky robe, she was actually quite strong for someone of her structure. So much so that she actually could make him follow her if she really wanted him to when he wasn't going to. The soft tapping of her heels could be heard against the granite floors but another, unfamiliar sound was heard on her as she walked as well, one he would not have heard before. Her voice, soft and melodic now as she spoke practically sang throughout the halls of the building while she turned on the balls of her feet once more now that he was following her.

"Lets see. I have been continuing my studies as a high priestess, of course, and as my dirty little secret between me and you, I have began studying the art of war, weaponry, and various other things. We were trying to recruit for new priest and priestesses but sadly, it's losing it's touch with the younger generations. They're more into their death seeking thrills than finding peace within themselves."

With a sigh, she stopped talking and unlocked the doors which led to her personal garden that she had began growing in the center of the cathedral. Something she had started without the permission of anyone and had never had challenged on how she was able to pull off such a thing overnight either. She pulled the double doors open and smiled softly as she walked into the warm sunlight that now caused her robe to shimmer underneath the brightness of it. She would lock the door behind him, of course, so no one could enter, and slid her hood off to reveal bright teal colored hair that hid underneath the hood of the robe. Her face now able to be properly examined, she looked more mature than the last time as well but her soft pale pink lips were still plump and her doe looking eyes still remained as well. She smiled slightly at him and sat down on a bench just in the doorway. The garden was adorned with the rarest of all plants from flowers to berries to even the most toxic ones that could kill with just one touch. Her next words would be softer spoken and would undoubtedly take him off guard.

"You know.. Even the Lord Emperor himself fell in love once. They do not tell you about that, do they?"
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When she mentioned about the time that their almighty and holy God-Emperor time of loving a woman had thrown him back mentally. His lips pressed tightly against each other as he tried to quickly process what she just said. What did she mean by that, was she trying to hint him at something? The question rolled around within his battle hardened mind. The situation was already awkward enough and now she was making him weary and suspicious of her words, her actions. But Leonidas quickly shook the thoughts away from his mind.

Now the Space Marine moved across the garden floor looking at all the different exotic plants before looking back towards her once more. He was beginning to take notice to her body structure. She was moving with grace and such fluidity of a warrior that she almost divine in some way. He could see the muscles underneath her skin flex and relax. Something was slightly off about her and he couldn't quite pin point what it was.

"So you say you've been practicing in the arts of battle? Care to demonstrate some of these new skills you have learned against me, the Captain of the 2nd Company? Let's see how you fair in some hand to hand combat."

He wanted to see what exactly she has been doing all this time he was away. She didn't bear any marks of the Sisterhood, or any of their many unique hair styles. He didn't sense any evil within her, his soul remained silent and steeled. He took a simple stance, his large hulking body holding up his large scarred fists with his large bulging biceps bulging with large veins that wrapped around his arms.
The right corner of her lips twitched ever so slightly as she watched him try to process what she had said to him about his Lord, his train of thought written all over his rugged facial features. She couldn't help but find it amusing that he could be thrown off so much from such a thing being brought up, let alone from someone like her.

Realizing he wasn't going to pursue what she meant or why she would mention it, the corner of her lips twitched once more. A soft smile made it's way upon her face as she lifted her hands up and pulled her hair out from underneath the back of her robe before dragging it over her shoulder, revealing it had grown significantly since the last time he had seen it. With it now stopping just below her breasts, she combed her fingers through her hair a couple times before gracefully, and rather swiftly, braiding it. Afterwards a snow white bow appeared on the end to match the robe she adorned while she lifted her face towards the sunlight that shined down through the glass roof she had made above the garden so that they'd receive the proper sunlight needed to survive. Her skin was pale within the direct sunlight and her hair was practically neon which somehow seemed to compliment the porcelain look of her facial features. Her words, softer as the spoke, her eyes gazing directly up into the sun.

"My mother's hair wasn't always white like it was when I was born nor were her eyes as pale ice blue. She used to look much like me, almost identical actually. If one didn't know any better, they wouldn't be able to us apart."

A saddened look crossed over her face for a moment despite her smiling before she turned her head ever so slightly to glance at Leonidas, her eyes eyes piercing right through him as if she was looking directly through the very fiber of his being. She shook her head and turned away while lifting her hood up before tucking her braided hair into the front of her robe this time, making sure no one could see it. Her voice more authoritative when she spoke, as if she almost a completely different person from one moment to the next.

"It wouldn't be in your best interest to battle with me Leo. Sometimes the most significant wars are fought on the sidelines, out of the light of history, rather than directly head on. After all it's the winners that write about the battles, are they not?"
"I never held the honor of meeting your mother. I am sure she was a valiant woman." Leonidas gave her a half smile before turning away upon hearing the weary footsteps of a Chapter Serf approaching them from behind. A mere servo-skull followed the female -- the small tendrils where the teeth should be were snapping and moving in awkward ways. It's long chrome spinal cord was whipping and slithering in the air since it was its driving force that made this device move. When the two arrived within the presence of the Space Marine the Chapter Serf bowed her small head and presented the servo-skull to him. In the right angle Leonidas could tell it was a messenger skull and the red glowing singular eye blasted the Space Marine with a scanning laser. The red twitching lights washed over his body and then turned a bright green. The skull fell back and suddenly displayed an image of a weary and fearful planetary commander.

+ + + "This is planetary commander Ajakas in command of the Loax's planetary defense force. We have lost Wall Maria to Titans! They have blown past Wall Maria's main gate with the help of a 50 meter Titan! They look like Humans but their mouths, oh Emperor their mouths are always gaped open! WHY ARE THEY GAPED OPEN!! They have eaten most of the population within Wall Maria, and Wall Rose's main gate is the their next target! Please if anyone is reading this, anyone, send the Space Marines!! + + +

The image showed a fat male dressed in a commanders uniform. The hologram was a poor display but it didn't need to show it but the commanders eyes were filled with fearful tears. He was sobbing like a little babe in desperate need of his mothers breasts. The Space Marine nodded his head to the messenger skull and sent it and the Chapter Serf away. Sadly Leonidas was the only Captain that was close enough to accept the call but that wasn't the problem. The 2nd Company Captain had a wide smirk across his lips, his hands balling themselves into mighty fists. "They call for me, they call for us. The people there will soon be corrupted if their faith are not kept in check. As of now this is a retake mission, all priests and priestesses are under my command. Get ready we're going to Loax."
She slipped away undetected when she realized what was going on and began making her way down the long corridor to her living quarters at the end of the hall. She had never really enjoyed wars, nor did she have any desire to be apart of them in any sort of way, shape, or form. The only reason she had begun to study them is in the hopes that she could easily prevent them at some point. After all, they only lead to death, destruction, and to her, most people who involved themselves within them are not much different than those who brutally kill another in the name of making a sacrifice to one they deem as their god. In reality, they're all murderers.

Upon reaching it, the fifty ton door was flung open with a simple wave of her hand as if it was no heavier than a feather before being slammed shut after she had slipped into her living space. The force of it shutting would seem as though bomb just fell on top of that particular section of the cathedral but the only thing that would actually occur was the frame around her door ended up cracking in a few places.

Ripping off her hood with a frustrated noise, she began pacing back and forth trying to figure out a reason as to why she would have to stay before she was even confronted on the matter but her thoughts ventured off to her mother. With a sigh, she climbed the few gold trimmed white marble steps to her bed before merely falling over face first onto it. The blood red silk blankets and sheets bringing her a small fraction of comfort as she buried her face into her pillow with a groan, knowing full well the commander probably had met his mother without even realizing it and that she was going to end up being forced to accompany him no matter what she said. So with that thought, she didn't move from her spot and merely waited for the inevitable beating on her door to wake her from the slumber she was about to fall into

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