The World of Titans [Offical Role-play]


Junior Member


The transmission appeared on the control bridge's large display screen. The yellow lettering blinking across the gigantic star map of the galaxy. Red letters slowly started to be typed out, the ominous message from a Astropathic Choir. The Captain of the 2nd Company began to read the message slowly. His bright blue eyes moving back and forth watching the appearing lettering. His armored hands gripping the command throne's arms rests and his might jaw clenching tightly. The message was very urgent and it requested the Ultramarines immediate response. Leonidas and his Lions were the only closest Space Marine unit around.

"Choir Master, has this message been validated and cleared with the High-Choir Masters?" The heavy Roman accent of the Ultramarine resonated through the theater based control bridge of the ship. The crackling voice of the Choir Master, stationed in his Astra-Chamber, sounded forth within the Captain's ears. "Yes. The message has been validated and cleared." The vox connected ended right there. The Captain wondered if this world was really being attacked by giants. He has never heard of this world, it was for sure back water among the many star systems within the Imperium but it held a Imperial Chapel. Leonidas pondered on this thought before looking to his helmsmen who were hardwired into the ships main controls. "Set the course with the Navigator. We're heading to Loax. Prepare to Warp."

The helmsmen chattered among themselves in bursts of static as they mentally placed in the coordinates to the civilized world of Loax. The mighty god-engine or better known as the Warp engine began to hum to life. The tech-priests singing chants of praise to the mighty machine spirit that controlled it. The Navigator sitting in his mighty throne began to lock on to the Astronomican's mighty signal and suddenly a Warp gate sprung to life and drug the mighty battle-barge into the Immaterial universe. The swirling gate quickly warping back close and vanishing without a trace, returning space back to its natural form.

Baal - Blood Angels Monastery - 2nd Company - Captain Donatos Aphael

The planet Baal, surrounded by its two moons, a war torn, radioactive planet that dates back to the Blood Angels chapter beginning. Currently home to one hundred and twenty two thousand humans. The planet was plagued by chaos as a terrible civil war led to destruction of the atmosphere and forcing residents to wear radioactive suits, not only that but the remaining humans were transformed into horrible disfigured mutants, which both strive to control over the two moons. The main planet is home to the Blood Angels Monastery, who is home to the fallen primarch Sanguinius and his sons, the most notable, Dante who is the chapter master, the protector of the emperor and slayer of Daemons, is one of the oldest space marines who is approximately one thousand three hundred years old. The Blood Angels are one of the most notable chapters that remained unscathed since the Horus Heresy, claiming a victory record that no other chapter has recorded.

A captain stands idle as he watches two newly accepted Space Marines spar, he watched carefully for a second to point out their flaws, to turn them into better killers, and servants of the emperor. As they proceeded with age, practice was important as they had to master multiple skills such as art, combat, martial discipline, and military doctrine. He watches as one gets knocked on the floor, easily by the other one as he said out loud.

" Again.... The Emperor wills us to practice, for we need to be perfect in combat.... Heretics and Xenos alike will fall beneath us... "

The captain was Donatos Aphael, of 2nd Company Blood Angels, his nickname was "Master of the Watch", his job was to instill discipline in the face of war and overwhelming odds. Space Marines must remain focused on their mission and their mission alone, and he didn't believe that the curse was a burden, instead he thought of it somewhat as a gift as it instilled some of his father's abilities in him. He was relatively young, when in comparison to Cervo Dante, at three hundred and fifty years, still this and multiple battles gave him the ability to control the red thirst somewhat, and keep him from going into the cursed " Black Rage ". He watched as another captain walked over next to him as he greeted him. The captain was Galan Machiavi, who replaced his friend Erasmus Tycho who was lost in battle when he succumbed to the black rage allowing the Blood Angels to secure a position against an overwhelming ork force.

Machiavi said out loud.

" Brother.... How are things with the new inductees.... I perceive that they are getting better, yes? I wonder how they would do when they have their first taste of blood.... "

Aphael chuckled for a second as he turned towards Machiavi, and replied.

" Enemies of the God-Emperor himself will fall to their blade, they improve with every session.... Any word from Dante? Willingness to see combat is perceiving me, but I will not fall so easily. "

He watched carefully as Machiavi smiled as he said that instead Dante was offworld on Terra tending to the God-Emperor, he would give guidance to the other captains of the chapter when he was to return. Machiavi opened his mouth replying to Aphael.

" We hav- "

He was cut short as a figure walked into the monastery training ground it was Cervo Dante himself, the chapter master.... His power armor a glimmering gold with his mask of Sanguinius to show the heretics fear that they would fall beneath his blade. Dante was rumored to save the emperor one day, and become the reincarnate of Sanguinius, who soul was still partially alive, giving him foresight. Donatos heard Dante's voice echo through out the room as he removed the mask.

" Donatos.... I have orders... From Sanguinius, you are to take a battle barge, and go to the planet Loax and assist our brothers, the Ultramarines, against an enemy unlike any other. May the Emperor protect you and your chapter, and may Sanguinius guide you through battle... "

Donatos felt humbled for a second as orders from Sanguinius was rare, he would often give Blood Angels foresight on what they should do, and how they should act in a certain way, his soul was alive.... In all of them, ever since his blood was mixed with theirs, he was part of them. Donatos nodded his head and replied.

" Yes Dante..... Right away. "

He walked off quickly, not hesitantly as a vox began to echo through out the monastery requesting 2nd Company to report and prepare for battle.

Above Baal - Europae Battle Barge - 2nd Company

" Brother
Bellerophon, we have orders to go to Loax, from Dante himself. "

Donatos said quickly as he sat down, the question was, who was the enemy, it didn't matter, the Emperor would protect him and Sanguinius would guide him. He smiled for a second as he watched Bellerophon, who was sitting in the command chair, nod his head, as helmsmen began to repeat the order to each other and the Warp engine began to hum to life. The tech-priests singing chants of praise to the mighty machine spirit that controlled it. A warp gate appeared out of nowhere and dragged the vessel into it and disappeared after, not a trace was left.
The reports were streaming in via the cogitators and computer cores that surrounded the mighty theater like bridge. The gigantic adamantium arches looming above the servitor crew held great proton-candles that gave off a low light among the large bridge. The cogitator screens were lowering down by the help of mechanical cherubs and extending with their long servo powered arms of polished brass and steel. The 2nd Company Captain took a close look at the still-pictures of what was to be expected. He saw the giant monsters standing well over 10 meters. They were armies of giants, some as tall as warhound Titans and others taller than the legendary and mighty Emperor-class Titans. What in all the known Universe could have brought these beings here, on this world and why? Why only send a single company but that was when a voice over the vox sounded; it was the Choir Master.

"My lord Leonidas, Lord Calgar has sent word that the 2nd Company of the Blood Angels and forces from the 1st Company Ultra will be assisting you." The voice of course had no hint of emotion just ancient wisdom and age. The Captain responded back without question. "Then the only bad news is I'll have to share the glory of the battle with my Brothers. Honor and Courage, Choir Master." The Captain reached out with his armored hand and pressed the alarm for his Space Marines to prepare for the assault. He got up from his command throne and sighed, he only wore his formal habit that was dressed to fit him like a normal ship captain but now it was time to place on the armor of the holy Space Marines.


The armor bay was filled with the whirring roars of the assembly chambers working on preparing the battle-brothers. Tech-priests standing by praying over the placements of ever piece of armor. Servo skulls flying about in the high arches, the proton-candles glowing brightly. One by one the power armored titans stepped forth from their assembly chambers with steam rolling out upon the steel floor. Their powerful stomps could be heard through the walls as they headed for the armory. Servo skulls of plenty can be seen performing final performance analysis on their armor. The Captain of course had his own private assembly chamber and his took longer to assemble. He could feel the armor connect to his central nervous system, the blimps appearing at the back of his eyes and seeing them in front of them as if he were wearing his helmet. As usual he rejected the request to wear his helmet and decided to assemble himself in his Mk VIII variant armor. The legendary Tactical Terminator armor that allowed the wearer the strength of a mighty Terminator and the speed and tactical agility of standard armor. He felt the tightness of his power fist fit around his arm and the ammo count appearing on his built eye-display. His power reactor coming to life with a silent hum and the decompression sounds of the fuel lines feeding in the processing fluids and servo-oil that kept him moving on the field. As the chamber opened he grabbed hold of his sacred chain-sword and mag-locked it to his thigh plate before testing out his massive power fist that was outfitted with a bolter. He could feel the ship exit the Warp and he knew they were ready to descend into whatever hell was on this planet.

A vast tear appeared just behind the massive Ultramarine vessel, Slowly a smaller sleeker craft emerged from the warp rift. Its massive engines ignited and moved the craft next to its parent ship. The strike cruiser known as the "Accipiter" which belonged exclusively to the Ultramarines First company had finally arrived to support the Second company in its under taking of the world below.

Standing on the Strike cruisers bridge, Stood a giant... vast and clad in navy blue power armour. He stood bare head as his helmet was being repaired by the master artificers the resided below in the ships armoury. Such things did not bother the Veteran sergeant. He felt this act would but the crew at ease if they saw a human face commanding them. Turning his head slightly he began to give out his orders.

"Master of Vox now that we have left the Warp I think its time we made ourselves known..... Hail the Battle barge and have a link established to Captain Leonides...."

-The officer bowed his head-

"Yes Sergeant Ronin it will be done"

With that said Ronin placed a finger to his armour's vox transmitter and established a link to his squad of Vanguards and the other Veteran sergeant that was leading the veteran sternguard as well.

"Brothers prepare a Thunderhawk for departure it wont be long before its time to drop to the planet below prep your war gear and begin the prayers for battle .... Sergeant Venteaus I know you will have your squad prepped for battle as well I will see you soon...."

The Sergeant heard the acknowledged remarks from his veterans as well as Sergeant Venteaus as well. He cut the link and turned to the tactical overview of the planet below that was displaying the most recent images of the planet below. He saw the massive creatures and knew what the reason Capatin agemman had tasked the two squads to this world. Behind him he could hear the Master Of Vox beginning to hail the massive Battle barge beside them.

"This is the Strike Crusier Accipiter of the Ultramarines First company hailing Second Company barge please respond....."
In Orbit - Loax - Blade of Vengence

"Brothers! May the Emperor and Sanguinius guide and protect us! For our enemy shall meet a swift death. "

Donatos yelled that out to the Space Marines readying themselves for combat, he checked his power armor, as he felt the thrust from his jump pack testing. He chuckled for a second as he felt the battle barge come out of warp, into orbit above Loax. There were two other vessels, a larger battle barge, and a strike cruiser. He heard an echo screech over his vox as he chuckled for a second.

"Captain, we have arrived in orbit, preparing drop pods for imminent insertion.... The Ultramarines are here as well... "

Donatos chuckled for a second as he looked around, he smiled for a second as he yelled out to his men preparing as he gripped his Power Axe and his Bolter Pistol tightly.

" Brothers! Lets not let the Ultramarines have all the fun! "

Donatos said out on the short range vox.

" Brother Bellerophon, hail the Ultramarines, tell them the glory will not be theirs alone..... Tell them we will drop from drop pods. "

Donatos chuckled as he looked over the two Space Marines that were training today, they were eager for glory.... Eager for battle. Without doubt, battle would be theirs. Donatos smiled as he walked up to the men saying.

" I will be watching, brothers..... Prove me well in combat.... Prove Sanguinius and the Emperor well in combat... "

He chose to drop with 2 squads of assault marines, who were typically assault specialists, armed with chainswords and bolt pistols along with the standard jump pack, and krak grenades. He also chose, two squads of tactical marines and devastator marines. The rest in reserve in case we would need the extra firepower.
"Lord Leonidas, I am putting on us on multiple channels." The Ultramarine 2nd Company Captain nodded his head as he followed his Chapter Serfs who carried most of his added war-gear. They were leading him down the cold halls that led to into the hangar bay. After reading the reports and seeing the images he knew that dropping in so quickly would be foolish and that they will have to bring in more than just Space Marines. Just as the hangar bay bulk heads opened with a loud and powerful groan of the large servo gears turning slowly he spoke into the vox transmitter that built into his voice box.

"A-ha! Brothers, I see you too heard the calling of battle. What we're facing here isn't like any enemy we have faced in known history. Imperial Records have yet to show what these giants are. I am sure you all have seen the pic-steals on your way here. The last remaining fortress on the surface of Loax is the last remaining bastion of defense. It spans over half the entire continent of Julis and they call it The Great Walls. Three walls, three layers, so far Wall Maria, the outer most wall has fallen to the Titans. Our objective is to restore order to the wall. Seal the hole and then we can wipe out whatever remaining forces remain inside Wall Maria. Wall Rose is on the verge of a next attack and the Titans are a days trip away from the main entrance. We cannot afford to lose Wall Rose. The population already has exceeded its max within Wall Rose."

The Captain sounded stern, sounded like he had a battle plan already laid out. He saw the Thunderhawk carriers being loaded with Rhino tanks while the Stormbirds were being loaded with Space Marines; fifty to ten Stormbirds. The captain aims on using his entire Company on this battle. He wasn't going to make the mistake of underestimating the power of these monstrosities. Finally, he stepped forth onto the leading Stormbird, Spear of Calgar, and quickly grabbed his plasma pistol from the Chapter Serfs and mag-locked it to his thigh plate. Before any one else could speak on the vox, before they had the chance he spoke once more and only briefly. "The casualty rate down below increased dramatically. We cannot afford to lose anymore citizens. Orbital Bombardments are a last resort. Meet you men on the ground."

He finally finished as he stepped on to the loading ramp of the large ancient war machine. He could hear the whirring turbines that powered the Stormbird, servitors quickly detaching fuel lines from them. He walked in the cabin seeing his honor squad. He gave each helmeted Marine a nod before locking himself into the grav-couch. The loading ramp sealed itself shut and one by one the Stormbirds went through the hangar doors followed by the Thunderhawk carriers. The main destination was at front lines. The main entrance gate of Wall Rose. Already the battle had begun. The giants were picking up the poor citizen up left and right. Eating them, tearing their limps from bodies. The site would render a man mad but the Angels of Death had arrived and they know no fear.
" Brother Bellerophon, link me through the vox to the Ultramarines.... "

Donatos looked over as a Dreadnought loaded itself onto a drop pod, these weren't regular Dreadnoughts, they were Furioso Dreadnoughts, Dreadnoughts that excelled at close combat like no other, but could still use the versatile ranged fire power as other's. Donatos didn't prefer Predators, they were under the headquarters company, and Dante was preoccupied to take this mission himself. Dreadnoughts could be dropped, quickly, swiftly, and still deal damage.


Donatos heard a screech over the Vox as he heard a voice from the Commander of the Fleet.

"Donatos, you are linked to the Ultramarines chapters in the area... Good luck brother, see you soon, may the Emperor and Sanguinius guide you through glorious combat. "

Donatos laughed for a second as he opened his vox to all of the space marines of his chapter, he looked at all of them as he raised his power axe in the air. He said outloud over the vox, that way the Ultramarines could hear him as well, he wanted to show off, they were brothers, but the Blood Angels do think of it as a competition, somewhat.

" Brother Angels! We face an enemy like no other, but we show no fear, even in the face of adversity! They shall fall beneath our will as the God Emperor and Sanguinius himself guides us! Victory shall be ours, and we will taste the blood of our enemies, we will strike the very fear in their hearts.... Prepare for glory brothers! For we shall have it all today..... "

He paused for a second as he said again.

" Ultramarines, brothers, you shall see the might of the Sanguinius at his greatest, see you on the battlefield below. "

As he said that he stepped on a drop pod, as the launch sequence was about to begin, it was about time, to return to battle....
"Hm, that's all fine and well Brother but right now we need to focus on clearing main gate of Wall Rose. We're approaching the gates now. Hap-" The vox connection was cut short, what followed was nothing but static from Captain Leonidas' side. A Titan, standing well above 12 meters had jumped and grabbed the mighty Stormbird by its starboard engine and flung it into the ground. Quickly and automatically the cabin bay doors exploded right off sending the heavy ceramite door flying across the ground and crashing into wrecked home. The tall naked beast growled and cackled as it started to tear into the armored carrier. The Space Marines inside quickly dispatched themselves and were attempting to regroup. One unlucky soul was picked up by the Titan and was torn in half. The roaring battle-brother didn't die right away instead he grabbed a melta charge from his tactical belt and discharged it. The Titan and Astarte both were blown to bits thus declaring the first kill for the Ultramarines. The Captain saw the death and thus it was declared a righteous death.

"All battle-brothers of the Tactical Squads report to the gates! We must defend the Thunderhawk carriers till they drop the tanks! Our Contemptor brother, Rubicon is on his way down! Let us honor the holy Dreadnought with a display of extreme battle! We know no fear!" Leonidas was pointing his large finger of his power fist towards the 50 meter tall gate entrance. Bodies of the planetary defense were laid crushed under rubble, some remained behind other rubble holding on to tattered weapons. The flames of the Stormbird kept burning as well the charred remains of the Titan. Tactical Squads were preparing themselves while the Assault Squads were stationed high up on the wall. They had to clear the area, and with the help of the tanks they would increase their chances of creating a strong foot hold here at this gate. The second objective was to clog up the hole of Wall Maria and retake the land within it. Right when the Captain thought things were going to plan he was reminded by the grim sound of a howling army of Titans approaching the east. He could see them being 12 meter tall naked beasts. Resembling tall Humans but with mouths gaping wide open. The Captain shouted and pointed with his power fist. "Contacts due east!! Take the legs! Rapid Fire on my mark!!"

The Titans were shouting and throwing large debris but this didn't phase the Adeptus Astartes of the Ultramarines Chapter. As they drew closer and closer the Captain prayed. As their shouts grew louder and louder the Captain began to shout the prayer. Right when they crossed the mark the Captain shouted at the top of his lungs with a mighty roar. "UNLEASH FURY!!"

The bolters of the Tactical Squads erupted like chain linked thunder. The muzzle fire spitting out like flames of a mighty dragon army. They were followed the deep and earth thumping churns of the heavy bolters, the disciplinary fire of all the squads on the ground were beginning to bring down the first wave of Titans but they were still managing to get through the exploding bolt shells. The gore was undeniable pleasant to the eye. Threads of muscle spewing across the cobble stone roads, bone splinters flying into the air while the ones that fell were struck by the shells exploding on impact and sending their brain matter into the heavens. But they were still
" Drop now brothers! "

Donatos quickly felt his drop pod shake as it released from the battlebarge, from high orbit. The pod continued to gain acceleration and vibrate as it rained down the atmosphere, then clearly as the one drop pod came down, many followed, the color of blood red with the signal of angel wings with a blood tear in the middle. He felt the drop pod de-accelerate as it prepared to touch the ground as he gripped his his axe tighter and tighter as it touched the ground. He looked outwards as the door dropped and looked at the titans and smiled for a second.

" Ultramarines! We are here, for you shall witness glory! Blood Angels! ATTACK! SHOW NO MERCY! "

Donatos quickly used his jet booster as he flew up in the air towards a titan and came down on its head and swung his axe, he felt carefully as the titan began to fall backwards. They were tall beings of flesh and bone they can easily be killed..... Donatos chuckled for a second as he watched as a Furioso dreadnought walked forward and fired its Magna-grapple weapon and knocked over the titan using its lightning claws to finish the job as blood and flesh began to squirt all over the place. He used his thrusters again as a horde of battle angels swarmed over a titan to his side, watching one even remove his helmet and drink the beast's blood. Donatos chuckled for a second, it was the young soldier that was eager for victory, already using the red thirst in battle, he had to be careful though as the black rage may consume him.

Donatos grabbed a krak grenade and quickly pulled the pin throwing it into the mouth of a beast, watching as it stomach explodes in a hail of bolter fire below. Blood Angels were used mainly for melee combat, that is where they excelled. The three dreadnoughts around him began to use their magna-grapple weapons to their advantage pulling at each limb and finishing the job with lightning claws and assault cannons. While assault space marines plagued the enemy using force in numbers. Still there were alot of titans.

Donatos watched as one of his brothers was eaten, alive, whole, instead cutting the beast from outside in as its stomach began to rip open, stomach acid flowing outwards.

"Captain! These beasts are endless! One even swallowed me whole! However they shall meet our swords and our bolters until they are no more! The Emperor and Sanguinius demands it! "

Donatos chuckled for a second as he announced outloud to the Space Marine.

"Brother! You were eaten whole! Yet you are still alive! Eager to see blood continue to flow! "

Donatos enabled his thrusters again from behind the great beast and swung it into the back of his head before being grabbed by another as a Furioso dreadnought raced forward shooting his magna-grapple into the beasts stomach pulling it towards it with him in its hands. Quickly he swung his axe at the beast's hands causing it to drop him as the Furioso Dreadnought finished the job with a burst from its assault cannon. He announced quickly as he watched a blood angel being thrown into a wall, being crushed by the impact. Donatos got angry as he rushed towards the beast as he dodged a kick from its legs and swung quickly through one half causing the beast to drop quickly as he fired his bolter pistol into its head, jumping up and swinging his axe again as the beast dropped. He moved his hand and began to thirst on the beasts blood, witnessing quickly the curse of sanguinius and his death, before the red thirst disappeared, his face stained in the beast blood, his thirst being quenched.
From behind the Blood Angel's spectacular drop display were the Thunderhawk carriers. The Captain's eyes spotted the relic of the 2nd Company, Contemptor-pattern Dreadnought; Vet. Sgt Rubicon! The servo-arms holding on to the impressive battle-brother adorned in the most ancient and advanced armors began to turn him about but before the Thunderhawk could get lower the Dreadnought ripped the supports and fell. Those mighty shock absorbing legs cushioned the hard impact. The glint of newly polished armor shown bright in the Loax's sun. In one arm he held a powerful and mighty multi-melta and in the other a combi-fist; the combination between a chain-fist and a power fist with a built in storm bolter. The powerful purity seals dangled and flapped in the wind of the afterburners. His powerful war-engine rumbling and roaring with pride. A low and thunder laugh bellowed from his loud speaker as he called out to his Dreadnought brothers of the Blood Angels.

"Haha!! You're bigger brother is here to save the day, Blood Angels!! Stand aside and allow me to show you the might of the Contemptor!" The juggernaut clad in thick adamantium and plasteel plates took off in a sprint. He stood a good 6 meters over the Space Marines as well standing tall over the Furioso's. He sprinted past them leaving large foot prints into the cobble stone road. Still Rubicon was shorter than the Titans but he was more agile. Those mighty servos in his legs stopped and quickly the screaming crimson beam of the multi-melta shot forth and lanced a Titan in the chest. The melting flesh and burning bone were all seared in a instant then taking advantage of the moment of the staggering Titan Rubicon darted forward and sawed at the beasts legs chopping it down. "Haha!! They feel the thunder!! Strike like lightning my brothers! Fall from the skies!! Show them no remorse, no mercy, no love!! Show them the fighting might and the lion pride of the 2nd Company!!"

The Ultramarines seeing their ancient brother fight with such powerful prowess it had gave them a morale boost like no other. The assault squads that sat perched on top of the Wall behind the ground forces took the skies. They came down with their Thunder Hammers swinging, with their power axes a chopping. The company advanced was making head way now. The aid of the Blood Angels made it possible and that was when the Captain saw the opening. The tanks were finally being dropped off and they were taking up positions along the gate. The powerful guns getting placed and began finishing off the Titans that remained. The battle to defend the gate was over and the next was the few hundred mile trek to next entrance that needed to be sealed.
Donatos stood on top of a dead Titan corpse and chuckled for a second as his face was stained with blood, it was clear that the Red Thirst took over through part of the battle, but he didn't let him overwhelm him. The Red Thirst sends the Blood Angels into a blood thirsty, sadistic rage, that haunts the soldiers with the last partial memories of Sanguinius and gives them part of his strength. He raised his axe as he yelled out as the three furioso dreadnoughts, one of them happened to be Brother Faustus, a space marine who was given the gift of the armored sarcophagus by tech priests, he took it well as he fell in combat as another assault marine. He was a good friend of Donatos.....

" Brothers! These beasts felt the might of the Angels of Death! Sanguinius blessed this day with their blood, for they were no match of the Blood Angels "

He looked around as there was a Contemptor-class dreadnought, they were better than the furioso's but the Blood Angels preferred to use the Furioso's because they were more heavily armored and the designs to build the Contemptors were lost with the manufactorium. He lowered his axe as he watched his blood angels gather around him celebrating, some faces stained in blood, in front he saw the two young soldiers at their best, they were still alive, surprisingly and they encountered the red thirst obviously.

" Brother Sergeant! How many losses have we encountered! Brothers drink up! For there shall be more of their blood spilled! "

He heard a reply over his vox from the Sergeant of the company announce.

" We lost 6, Brother Captain, however they died sacrificing themselves towards the cause of Sanguinius and the Emperor! They shall be remembered! "

" Ah...... Atleast Faustus and his dreadnoughts still roam the battlefield eager for victory! Claim the lives for Sanguinius with your mighty frag cannon and magna grapple brother! "

He watched slowly as the dreadnought approached him with a voice echoing out of the armored suit.

" Indeed brother, Sanguinius protects us all until the Black Rage consumes, pray the day that doesn't happen! Dante would of been proud Brother Captain! "

" Indeed, Brothers! Rest now for we prepare to move soon and finish these beasts and secure the fallen gate! Dreadnoughts, tech priests are on the way, seek repairs if you need them! Ultramarines, how many losses have you struck? "
"We've lost 10. The Apothecary is gathering their gene-seeds as we speak. We have no time to rest, Brother-Captain. Gather your men, we move out now. The tanks here will hold the gates as will my assault squads. We'll be expecting the help of the 1st Company's Vangurad Squads at the breach. We'll be marching the 300 miles to the breach. We'll be clearing out all the Titans along the way."

The Ultramarine Captain sounded unsatisfied with this battle, it could noticed within his voice how much he wanted a glorious battle. He knew the Titans he had seen on the pic-steals weren't the ones they faced today at the gate. Orbital Bombardments were to be only used as a last case scenario if everything else failed. Though being the son of Guilliman he was given the brilliant mind of the most brilliant tactical mind in all of the Imperium besides the holy Emperor himself.

The 500+ Space Marines of the Ultramarine Chapter were forming their battle lines and began to head out ahead of their Captain who remained behind giving his final orders to the ones that remained behind guarding Wall Rose's mighty gate. The remains of what was left of the planetary defense force stayed as well. They were in awe of the two mighty Chapters fighting along side one another. Two holy Chapters of Angels each worth a hundred honorable men of the Imperial Guard.

Leonidas walked over towards the Blood Angel's Captain. His hulking upper half whirred and hummed with servo-motors and clanks of super hard ceramite. He placed his hand over the hilt of his mighty chain-sword and relaxed his combi-fist against his side as he stared out into the view of the rapidly decaying Titans. He watched as how the flesh and muscle all began to singe off the bones and evaporate into the air leaving only the large skeletal remains.

"Brother, do you know what could have summoned such things? I feel as if the hand of Chaos is at play here. This isn't of any known origin. This isn't the Tau, the Eldar, the Dark Elder. For sure not the Necrons or the Tyranids. The Orkz can't possibly be doing this either. I know we have a long march. We best getting to it."
Donatos looked at the Ultramarine that was inside the latest tactical terminator suit, they were indeed marvels. He then turned his head around as he jumped off the remains of a decaying titan and walked towards the Ultramarine. The Furioso Dreadnoughts were standing idle as the surviving tech priests were working out chinks inside their systems. He watched as the Blood Angels quickly gathered and prepared to move out as Donatos looked at the Ultramarine, hearing his question. His answer being honest.

" I do not brother... I fear that the Chaos maybe at work here, but this is unlike... any Chaos beast we have ever seen.... I doubt even Sanguinius himself would know... They still fall just as easy to Astartes alike though brother, combined we are a force unlike any other. If they were Chaos, what daemon is at work, for we may need to combine forces to defeat it.... "

He was uneasy about something, his foresight was partially kicking in, but about what was the real question, the foresight was a gift from Sanguinius. Which allowed sometimes the ability of Blood Angels to receive advice from their Father Sanguinius who's soul was still alive, well according to them, was still alive, or the ability to see a short range into the future..... It wasn't a flaw in the gene seed as much as the Red Thirst or the Black Rage was, but the Angels of Death were here.

" Brother, we will get to the bottom of this, the Emperor and Sanguinius demands it, you are Ultramarines.... We are the Angels of Death, they shall know fear of Adeptus Astartes! We also have the mighty Faustus and his Dreadnoughts at our disposal along with your Rubicon! We shall reach glorious victory. "

He paused for a second as he heard the sergeant trying to round up the men getting them ready to move out towards the gate.
As the Captain of the second gave his orders, Seragent Ronin was already heading towards the launch bay. Once arrived he found his squad set and onboard the waiting thunderhawk. Standing next to the vast war machine was Sergeant Venteaus. His squad was already locking themselves inside the vessels cargo grav seats. His squad had already attached there massive jump packs. Ronin turned to see a master artificer holding a red helmet in his elderly hands.

"your helmet lord..."

Ronin took the helmet and held it in his hand. It was a gift granted to all brothers who made Veteran sergeant. But this helmet was presented to him after his squad leader was killed on Algor 5 during a planetary revolt. He ran a gauntleted hand over the White plume of horse hair that ran vertically down the length of the helmet. He flipped it in his hands before donning his helmet. He picked up the massive double headed thunder hammer while a techmarine attacked his massive Jump pack on him. Once preparations were complete he moved to the boarding ramp of thunderhawk. He turned to his fellow sergeant and nodded to him. Sergeant Venteaus bowed his head his helmet identical to his own. The sergeant holstered and massive custom bolter.

"Flight preperations are complete brother we are as ready as we will be...."

Ronin nodded and marched up the ramp, Venteaus followed behind him. Once settled the massive thunderhawk launched and punched out of the flight deck. They punched through the atmosphere of the world below before seeing a massive broken wall. Large figures could be seen moving about. Ronin was already moving to the launch ramp and opening it once the light winked green. He turned to his fellow sergeant.

"brother we will hit our foe from above take the thunderhawk and land next to the outer wall defend it until our main battle company arrives, kill well brother...."

Venteaus nodded his head, Ronin turned to his warriors and held up his massive warhammer.



His warriors replied before launching themselves out of the thunder hawk and dropping through the sky to strike their foes like winged birds of prey. Ronin activated his jump pack and made minor course corrections before he slammed into the first giant, Slamming his massive war hammer into the giant's head and obliterating his skull with a single strike. As the giant began to fall he ignited his Jump Pack and moved to the next foe. Brother Crastor with his dual lighting claws landed on a giant's neck. He than rammed his two lighting claws that crackled with hidden power into either side of the titans head. Spearing the giant's brain and killing him instantly. The rest of the squad brothers hypax, junor,and lycos were already finishing there first kills and were leaping to there next foe. Ronin turned his head as he heard the familiar sound of Bolter fire coming from the massive broken wall. Brother Sergeant Ventanus had deployed his Sternguard and were already adding they're heavy specialized weapons into the fight. Heavy Bolter shells along with lascannon blasts sheered away massive giants in several heart beats. while the other brothers used Igins bolt rounds. These shells were Filled with a sticky, viscous chemical that bursts into flames upon contact with a target, these rounds turn a bolt weapon into an ersatz flamer. Ronin watched as some of the titan's became walking burning torches screaming as they died.

The battle was moving in the marine's favor but something felt wrong about this battle but what is it?.......
The two armies had already moved out of the ruined Gate Village and into the woodland plains that stretched outwards across the mountains over them and towards the next gate. They were wide in the open in the grass plains and not much cover was around until they got into vicinity of another ruined village. Leonidas ordered one of his sergeants to a hold of the 1st Company squads who were to be at the gates of Wall Maria. The red helmeted Space Marine nodded his head and headed off with a 4 man kill team to high ground in one of the buildings. Leonidas blinked an eye switching his visual spectrum to bring up the channel of Danotas's blimp and by contracting his throat muscles he began to speak into built in vox.

"We need stop here and build a relay dish. We need to contact our ships. I have one of my sergeants getting in contact with 1st Company squads at Wall Maria. They should have landed not too long ago." The 2nd Company Captain walked up beside Rubicon, he could the mighty power resonating off the this ancient relic. Even the Captain would kneel to the Space Marine contained in this advanced robotic tomb. Leonidas stood back up and sighed as he felt those ancient eyes peer down upon him. The Space Marine felt a bit of submission under them but soon regained his composure. "Thank-you for accompanying me. You have increased the morale in our brothers and I with your great presence. Tell me, Contemptor, have you seen any enemy like this before you were blessed with this arcane body?" The echoing breaths coming from inside the machine rumbled. "I have not seen such things before in my life time. Though like our Blood Angel brother said, they fall just like any other enemy but in my own words we cannot underestimate them. This whole situation has Chaos written all over it." The booming words coming from Rubicon echoed with thousands of years worth of wisdom. Leonidas took these words in like they came from Guilliman himself. Just as Leonidas was about to head away and check his men he heard a shout in the distance.


Leonidas stopped at the powerful erupting voice and for the first time in all of his 550 year service to the Imperium did he feel hesitation. The ground was beginning to crack and fissure from the on coming foot steps. He looked up and saw the sun was getting blocked out by a a massing army of Titans. They were all at least 30 meters tall and armored. Leonidas shouted out to his men as loud as he could. "Contact!! Brothers, Rapid Fire!! We are in the wide open!! Glory to the Emperor!! Glory for this could be our chance to a glorious death but before we can go join the Emperor at the End of Time we will kill ever last one of these Titans!! Heavy weapons to the front!!"

Rubicon was followed by five other Devastator Squads who were hauling their heavy bolters and plasma cannons. Tactical Squads were forming firing lines and immediately opened fired but Leonidas charged them with his own voice roaring matched by his screaming chain-sword. Before he could reach the first Titan he was slapped away by gigantic hand. The Captain's body was flung into a cluster of boulders but crashing through them and tumbling and bouncing along the ground. He felt his right arm crack and snap as well his armor blaring alarms telling him he had suffered major damage to internal organs. The Titan laughed as it stomped its way towards the Ultramarines Captain.

"Surrender and die, Ultramarine! The God of Change have gave us bodies titanic in size! You can't stop us!! Welcome to the world of Titans!!"
" Fools! You shall meet your ends at the hands of the Angels of Death! The hands of the Chaos is at work, but they shall meet there end by the Sons of Sanguinius! "

Donatos yelled out as he pointed his axe towards the Titans that were undoubtedly going to be harder to kill this time, no doubt they shall fall to the Adeptus Astartes. He watched as the Ultramarine was slapped away, and as the Titan began to chase after him, he had to do something before the Brother-Captain was killed no doubt. He engaged his jump pack as he jumped onto the side the titan and began pounding his power axe into the beast's neck and throwing a krak grenade into the beasts neck, before jumping off watching it's head explode whole off he said out loud.

" Brother Captain, get up for we need to face this Chaos foe at the heart of the source.... For they will stop when this God of Change, Daemon or not will meet its end by our weapons together.... If not, it would of been a glorious death! "

He watched as Faustus, and the other two Furioso Dreadnoughts rush forward after being done with their repairs. Faustus fired a Frag Cannon at a titan causing the beast to explode inside out from the massive shell, as he walked forward infront of the two Captains. Donatos heard the dreadnought announce. He then saw not far behind them the Blood Angels assault marines enable their jump packs and charge into the Titans, just as they had the first battle, with the Tactical and Devastator Marines setting up along the Ultramarine lines.

" Brothers! This is Chaos at work, however we will cleanse this battlefield of their stench! "

Donatos agreed with him.

" Brothers! Aim all your might at these beasts! We shall have victory this day! Blood Angels, may Sanguinius guide you through glorious battle! "

The scream of Jump Packs filled the scene as the Vanguard came soaring from the sky. Each warrior landed on the back of a titan as they began to end these foul creatures one by one. Brother crastor flew from underneath and up towards the mighty titan before ramming one of his lighting claws straight through the creatures exposed neck. Blood and gore coated the warriors armour as he stabbed several times more into the creatures throat before slicing through the creatures spinal cord. Brothers hypax, junor,and lycos moved to strike down one of the larger creatures. cutting him to shreds with power swords and axes. Sergeant Ronin landed on one of the creature's shoulders, He began to smash his thunder hammer as he leapt from shoulder to head. The creature tried to get him off but to no prevail. He slamed his hammer one more time onto the top of the creatures head before jumping off and falling past the creatures face. Just before he neared the creatures knees he reignited his Jump Pack and rocketed up towards the creature. Spinning his hammer around to were the hammerhead was facing down. With one savage swing he connected his hammer with the creatures chin. The blow caused the head to rock backwards which snapped the spine in one strike. The titan toppled backwards. Ronin flew down and landed next to the fallen Captain.

"On your feet Brother Captain!! You Have warriors that you need to lead!! "

The First companies Thunderhawk flew into view. racking the battlefield with his wing mounted Heavy Bolters. Its Main Battle Cannon punched holes clean through several Giant's torso. On the ramps heavy fire poured from the Strenguard as they added their fury to the Thunderhawks already overwhelming firepower.

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