The Last Man Standing


Junior Member
The sprinted forth across the white powdered covered ground like arrows flying through the air. The Dragon Lord leading a small group of four into the wilderness that was held in the clutches of the Vampire Queen. They were being assaulted by her vampire minions who sought them out and are trying to falter their attempts to reach the fortress. They were coming to the edge of a great cliff that was actually a large mountain side that went all around the entire fortress; it kept it hidden from the world. The Dragon Lord and his four trusted warriors all jumped from the edge and met the vampire warriors in mid air.

The Dragon Lord had trained his men well in the combat of free falling. This was taught to all men who rode dragons; if they were to fall with their enemy the fight would not end till they both hit the ground. The Dragon Lord dressed in his Abyssal Armor spun himself around like a great saw. He was holding both of his katanas and like saw meeting flesh he cut into one vampire assailant. It's guts pouring out into the sky as it left a trail of blood before turning into a cloud of red burning ash. His other men were busy fighting and while they were fighting the Dragon Lord was preparing them for the impact upon the ground. He swiped his hand down across the expressionless face of his helmet and caused it to turn into a stream of black smoke that revealed his entire head. His bright blue eyes looked down at the approaching ground and suddenly he used a powerful Thu'um. "VEN! GAR NOS!" His breath took the form of a mighty twister that caught him and his men into a wind tunnel. It cushioned their blow to the ground but not enough. One man landed on his side and broke his hip and snapped his neck leaving the vampire minion he was fighting to feast upon him but soon exploded into gory mess by an arc of lightning launched by the Dragon Lord.

The fight carried on upon the foggy grounds of the fortress. The last three of his men were cutting up the vampire warriors and soon joined their Lord down the trail. The blue eyed warrior had his swords sheathed but as they reached the bridge he unsheathed his six foot dai-katana from his side. The long black crystal-steel blade glinted in the light of the blood moon. The entire blade was black like onyx marble. The four L shaped prongs at the hilt were beginning to glow blood red as it recognized its master. The Dragon Lord and his men were about to face even stronger enemies across the bridge but they feared not and so they charged across the bridge.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/14.jpg.d067edc744a4a54d45e4a90c1791943a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5040" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/14.jpg.d067edc744a4a54d45e4a90c1791943a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Bloodshed had swept across her beloved lands. Her pathetic excuse of family was no more and like many situations before she was stuck to clean up the mess. With the fall of her son and disappearance of her grand daughter a creature from below was summoned once more. Awakening under the blood moon the vampires of the castle had given up their will and their numbers were dropping each and every day. Having slept for more then eight decades since the very first Dovahkin; Akasha was forced once more to clean up the pieces of her home in order to keep her race alive.

Ivory red hair and pale skin she stuck out like a sore thorn but alike her other kins members she was their almighty..between she and her deceased husband she was the last remaining pureblood in skyrim. Eyes of crimson rather then of orange or even yellow signified the power she possessed. Aside from being the eldest vampire in history her appearance was as flawless as ever. Due to her slumber she had feasted upon countless souls leaving the castle and the other vampires to bring more cattle nearly every night. However on such a night like this she was among her people defending her beloved home. Standing above the castle she narrowed her eyes down at the attack below.

Seeing so many of her kin fall at the hands of this warrior that lead them her blood boiled. A smirk came across her features while those below defended her and the castle she on the other hand finally found her self growing weary of these little games.

The sky above grew dark as the clouds swirled and spiraled. The sun was blocked and hidden leaving the area in utter darkness so dark in fact that the only light seen was that of the torches at the front gate. Darkness consumed these morsal's and tonight they would fall victim to her. From her perched position the woman vanished. Silence consumed for all but a moment until the shriek of on man caused the other's to turn only to settle their eyes on place the man's sword lie on the ground. After a moment another scream and then another and just like the first each human was taken then vanished within the darkness that consumed them until all but one stood.

"Welcome human..."

Her voice chimed in a deadly and seductive echo.

"Let this be known as your only and last battle towards the Vampires..."



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The men he came in with were quickly being picked off but this did not bother him; they all signed the Death Contract in hopes for their souls to be sent straight to Sovenguard if they were to die. The Dragon Lord held the onyx blade within his his firm grip. The Swastika that formed the hilt was beginning to glow red among the sharp prongs that formed a right angle. He was met by a few more vampire warriors who charged at him with revealing fangs and swinging steel blades. The male met them with a cast of frost which covered them in a sub zero frost fog which hindered their sight. He quickly closed the gap and sliced them in multiple times and didn't wait to watch their bodies fall into hunks of bleeding pieces then turn to ash.

Her voice staggered the Dragon Lord but he shook the feeling away and gripped his blade tighter as he passed the threshold of the fortress. He made it inside and as he did he brought back his face mask which covered his entire head. The black reflecting horns pointed outwards then forwards like a bull. His boots held a muffling enchantment within them but he knew this wouldn't help him much. He walked across the cobble stone floor with his sword in hand and numerous spells ready to be cast. He looked around, trying to sense where the Vampire Queen was at. He could smell the very death that saturated the entire fortress it slightly made him weak to the stomach but he could not falter now, he couldn't.

"She's here, somewhere....but where?" He twirled the long dia-katana in his hand as he ventured further and deeper into the fortress of her domain. The air was frigid, even his Nord skin could feel this unnatural cold. Deeper and deeper did he go into the darkness. His dark cape fluttered in the ominous breeze that blew through the dark hallways and finally he reached another open area within the fortress. He could see the dark clouds brewing over head. He could feel her here, this was it the final area of the battle. He could feel it within his bones.
At last the one being that slaughtered her kin would come to an end. She would not kill him quickly, no. He deserved to suffer for taking everything she ever loved and knew away from her. Humans, they had little care of the world let alone the idea of family and what it meant to be bound by blood. Her blood line was thick and if he thought killing her off would be a stroll in the valley then he was sadly mistaken. He would have hell to pay.

Every sound, every breath, every movement he made she could hear him from miles and miles away. This was her domain and he was victim to her never ending darkness.

"I see you have come seeking to destroy every one of us by any means.."

Her voice echoed. In place bats came from a dark corner taking into the air but like her vanished just as quickly leaving their high pitched squeals in place. He was the pawn and she the red queen, this match was long from over.

A guss of wind swept across the man brushing against his armor roughly though appearing from the abyss of the wind only a ghostly image of the woman. Hissing and snarling she embraced him from behind while baring her fangs dangerously close to his armor.

"You will fall...just like the others.."

Just as quickly as her voice came the ghostly image faded along with the wind however upon the balcony of the large accommodation room her figure became present. Slender with the bust of a goddess. She wore the traditional corset of red and long pants of leather. Her ivory hair straight to perfection and eyes of deep crimson staring down at her prey.

"I'd welcome you to my domain...but a welcoming really isn't it?"<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/23.jpg.dccb93b8b6c793770dbc310bcdb995a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5042" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/23.jpg.dccb93b8b6c793770dbc310bcdb995a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/23.jpg.dccb93b8b6c793770dbc310bcdb995a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5042" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/23.jpg.dccb93b8b6c793770dbc310bcdb995a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/23.jpg.dccb93b8b6c793770dbc310bcdb995a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5042" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/23.jpg.dccb93b8b6c793770dbc310bcdb995a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/23.jpg.dccb93b8b6c793770dbc310bcdb995a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5042" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/23.jpg.dccb93b8b6c793770dbc310bcdb995a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Then welcome this..." The warrior of Magicka flung his hand outwards towards the Vampire Queen. His arm glowed bright blue under the plates of armor and suddenly his fingers launched a hurtling bolt of blue plasma towards her. The attack struck where she was standing causing it explode and shatter into thousands of stone pieces that went flying into the air. He knew she would have dodged the attack, her speed would be unlike anything he has ever fought. He quickly placed a powerful Ward around himself that would repel any amount of strong magical attacks. He held his sword tightly in his hand as he circled around the room.

He was trying to think like her, trying to predict her moves like any warrior would do. Was she going to appear behind him like a typical Vampire and try to sink her teeth into him? He wasn't about to go down without a fight. If he had to kill himself in the process in order to bring her down then so be it. "Do not underestimate me, Vampire. I am no mere mortal. I am already immortal like you. The blood of the Beast runs through my veins. You'll have to move Heaven and Earth to kill me."
"Ahh i thought i smelt the stench of a rapid creature in you."

His attack was far to weak against a being like her. She was able to easily dodge it without having to even lift a finger. The darkness was her sanctuary and this was only just the beginning of her attacks.

"Both creatures and unwanted or unseen. Looked down upon by the immortality we have been granted. Tell me warrior why fight and shed blood when there needn't be any sort of chaos? Why not rest at home with a belly full of mead and a woman at your side? Why give up something so precious for a fight that is not yours."

Her voice seemed to bounce off the walls of the castle. She was toying and playing with her new comer and the very sounds of his heart beating made her fangs grow for the urge to bite. But she was a delicate and noblewoman. The feast would wait. Bats squealed and above her being was seen almost as though she was gliding along the high ceiling of her castle. The bats swarmed around her only leaving her upper body present.

"I try to leave the blood shed for the nords and their battles. My species is so few and now thanks to you it seems myself and what is left of my clan is left..In exchange for all the damage you have cost me..i shall take you at my side. To live under the shadows and become what it is you came here to destroy!

Her eyes shot down at him and in that instant millions upon millions of bats came from the very skin of her body. Flying down towards the man with loud squeals and sharp fangs and talon's as they swarmed him leaving nothing for him to see except the thousand creatures.

While blind sided she came from the side wielding a mighty sword forged from the bow of auriel and make into a sword fit for her to wield.

"Succumb to the darkness!"

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