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Fandom Fate/Drifters ooc

Shani - Berserker of Light
Ava's Estate - Italy

Was she excited to fly a dragon? What kind of a question was that even? Who wouldn't be exited to ride a freaking dragon? How many people could ever claimed to have done such a thing? She had to admit though, while she knew it was going to be an exciting experience, she hadn't been prepared for exactly how amazing it was going to be. To feel the wind tearing by, to see but water and sky all around, and to feel the moving of the muscles of the powerful creature below her as it defied the laws of nature. But these were not what amazed her the most however. The knowledge the grail had implanted in her had told her of the world being round, contrary to what she had believed in life, but here above the clouds she could see for herself how the horizon was curved, like a large ball.

But eventually even she got tired of the seemingly endless flight, so when the they finally made land Shani let out a sigh of relief, stretched, and cracked her back. What with the car ride and the flight she was spending far too much time sitting in one place. She happily followed the pants-less Fafnir down the stairs and through the hall, enjoying the view, when a mirror in the hallway caught her attention. drifting away from the group she peered into it and gasped in horror at the state the long trip had left her hair in. "No no no..." she muttered, running her fingers through it and finding them stopped by knots. She held out her hand and a comb materialized in it, made completely of silver, its handle cast in the shape of a sleeping lion, with morning glory vines and flowers carved across the the whole thing, and across its length was engraved האריה תמיד יישן עם פרח הבוקר.

The crimsonette began working it through her locks, but quickly realized that she was being left behind. Grumbling she put the brushing on hold and raced after the group. Once inside she all but ignored the shocking amount of treasures, even hardly noticed as the dragon girl fell asleep (or pretended to), as she searched for something reflective enough to work with. Eventually she found some such thing, a silver plate perhaps, and used it as a makeshift mirror as she resumed slowly running her comb through her hair, carefully working out all the knots.

She was so distracted by her hair in fact that she didn't notice the arrival of Caster's master until she was literally in her face, catching her quite by surprise. It wasn't an unpleasant surprise though, though she did feel a little uncomfortable with her being so close, which was... weird. Deciding to ignore the discomfort she set the plate down, still continuing to comb her hair, and leaned in a little closer. "We're supposed to get along huh? Well I certainly do hope we do. Getting along with such a beautiful girl would be like a dream come true." Even as she flirted, Shani could quite shake the feeling that there was something wrong. What it was though, she couldn't figure it out. She could sense no deception from her and reading her character just told her that she was the kind of person that followed her instincts pretty closely, though it seemed some of the more dangerous ones were being forcibly repressed. As strange as it was that she had those instincts in the first place, they alone shouldn't be making her uncomfortable. Well, whatever. It was probably something she could ignore.

That was until the woman tried to clap her on the shoulder and the Berserker's Battle Instincts went into overdrive.

With the speed of a heroic spirit Shani desperately yanked herself away before the hand could make contact, loosing her footing and crashing into a stack of treasure and causing her to lose her hold on her comb, the silver instrument flying across the room. Even Shani was shocked by what she had just done. Why? Why had she gotten the overwhelming feeling that it was dangerous for that woman to touch her? Is that what the bad bad feeling from before was? No. It wasn't that hard to figure out the reason. There was only one reason she shouldn't touch someone.

"You're undead?" She asked in disbelief.

@DarkSuicune98 LostHaven LostHaven @The One Eyed Bandit
Um, I’m probably missing something in my research so can someone please tell me why Samson has an aversion to undead?
I assume Berserker won't like Fafnir when she goes Zombie Dragon Mode
I was worried about that at first too, but after some research it seems that it's specifically limited to human bodies. After all, it would be hard for a priest to preform animal sacrifices if they can't touch dead animals.
That moment when you stop getting notifs for several days

I'm the gm and I still manage to miss stuff. If people are this chatty on an ooc thread, I can only imagine the hell that would be raised in a discord server.

Ah, plans? I actively encourage you to try kill Faf!

In time, Love. In time. There's an order to doing these things.

Dante Verren Dante Verren Hanarei Hanarei
Expect a post Thursday or Friday at the latest. Sooner if I can get myself organized.

Jean Otus Jean Otus
You're next on my list.

Misuteeku Misuteeku
You may luck out depending on where simj26 simj26 places Assassin. Saber wasn't summoned as Caster in this war and his magic/ability to sense mana isn't as good as it would've been if he had. Still. Don't think you've escaped my clutches. They're still in the same state.

Silly Tsunderes. Best girls are clearly the ones that are incredibly hard to get and would much more wish to be addressed as an equal and engage in romantic daily spars to hone their skills together. Very romantic.

Sounds like Svava.

Though, I digress. There's probably a reason why Archer found Lancer first out of all possible Light Servants.

Vita's not a tsundere, just a teenage girl that wears her heart on her sleeve.

What sort of guys would she go for?

I was worried about that at first too, but after some research it seems that it's specifically limited to human bodies. After all, it would be hard for a priest to preform animal sacrifices if they can't touch dead animals.

She's one of my favorite servants in this war because of her clear weaknesses and strengths. Also because of how accurately you've stuck her to lore, minus genderbending of course.
I'm the gm and I still manage to miss stuff. If people are this chatty on an ooc thread, I can only imagine the hell that would be raised in a discord server.

In time, Love. In time. There's an order to doing these things.

Dante Verren Dante Verren Hanarei Hanarei
Expect a post Thursday or Friday at the latest. Sooner if I can get myself organized.

Jean Otus Jean Otus
You're next on my list.

Misuteeku Misuteeku
You may luck out depending on where simj26 simj26 places Assassin. Saber wasn't summoned as Caster in this war and his magic/ability to sense mana isn't as good as it would've been if he had. Still. Don't think you've escaped my clutches. They're still in the same state.

Sounds like Svava.

Though, I digress. There's probably a reason why Archer found Lancer first out of all possible Light Servants.

What sort of guys would she go for?

She's one of my favorite servants in this war because of her clear weaknesses and strengths. Also because of how accurately you've stuck her to lore, minus genderbending of course.

If simj conveniently placed Assassin nearby Rider I’m suing him Lel, jk.
I was worried about that at first too, but after some research it seems that it's specifically limited to human bodies. After all, it would be hard for a priest to preform animal sacrifices if they can't touch dead animals.
And eat meat.
Why would you ask an innocent 17 year old girl such a dirty question?
View attachment 548463

What are you talking about? 17 is a ripe age for thinking about boys. She's a teenager, for crying out loud! Surely she's been to school dances. Had a crush once or twice~

If simj conveniently placed Assassin nearby Rider I’m suing him Lel, jk.


I hope he does. Assassin, being who he is, should have no problems following Servant without them knowing.

And eat meat.

That would be the worst.
She's one of my favorite servants in this war because of her clear weaknesses and strengths. Also because of how accurately you've stuck her to lore, minus genderbending of course.

There's definitely a few things I've twisted with the lore, namely how the Hebrews treated her because of her gender and changing Delilah from the villainous traitor she is in the stories to being a loyal lover who accidentally betrayed her.

But yeah, I try to go to great lengthens to keep things to keep things as accurate as possible when writing, and not just for the Fate/ series. My search history is pretty interesting and I'm pretty sure I'm on some kind of government watch-list after I was research killing methods for an assassin character in a story I'm writing. ^33^
And eat meat.
That would be the worst.
Oh yeah, that would be the worst! Especially since I'm sure Shani's an avid meat lover!
Why would you ask an innocent 17 year old girl such a dirty question?
View attachment 548463

Wait, what is dirty about trying to find a guy to be into romance wise? I don't know how to tell you this... but dating a guy doesn't need to involve sexual relations... there is more to it then that. That mind really needs to be cleaned of such filth and taken out of the gutter.
What are you talking about? 17 is a ripe age for thinking about boys. She's a teenager, for crying out loud! Surely she's been to school dances. Had a crush once or twice~
Wait, what is dirty about trying to find a guy to be into romance wise? I don't know how to tell you this... but dating a guy doesn't need to involve sexual relations... there is more to it then that. That mind really needs to be cleaned of such filth and taken out of the gutter.

Vita is a good girl focused on her studies. She will only date with the intent of marriage once she has completed her college degree!
Also, before I sleep, Misuteeku Misuteeku simj26 simj26 QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Not sure if you guys wanna do shit while Vita's a good wholesome school girl receiving her publicly funded education. Or if I should timeskip to after-school. I'll leave it up to you guys since I'm fine either way.

One of the skills that Berserker of Light has, Counter Hero, has never really felt like a good fit to Quirky or I. However I recently thought up a new skill that actually fits her character and lore, and since Counter Hero has yet to actually be used, Quirky gave me the okay to trade them out. So here is her new skill...

Gate Crasher: C
Doors, gates, and the words "keep out" mean very little to Berserker. When used against Berserker, barriers, defensive abilities, and even literal doors have their ranks reduced by (-).
Also, before I sleep, Misuteeku Misuteeku simj26 simj26 QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Not sure if you guys wanna do shit while Vita's a good wholesome school girl receiving her publicly funded education. Or if I should timeskip to after-school. I'll leave it up to you guys since I'm fine either way.
Why would Assassin interrupt schoolgirls receiving publicly funded education? Good kids should just stay in school when they should and eat their greens.
Why would Assassin interrupt schoolgirls receiving publicly funded education? Good kids should just stay in school when they should and eat their greens.
You don’t have to. The Riders aren’t there. Just their master.

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