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Fandom Fate/Drifters ooc

Dante Verren Dante Verren Not sure if I'll post for sure or not tonight.... totally not out of revenge towards you or anything, just very tired out and all due to some stuff in RL keeping me busy and tiring me out. I'd never hold off a post since you left me hanging or anything, just trying to clarify that so you know that isn't it. Because it isn't.
Dante Verren Dante Verren Not sure if I'll post for sure or not tonight.... totally not out of revenge towards you or anything, just very tired out and all due to some stuff in RL keeping me busy and tiring me out. I'd never hold off a post since you left me hanging or anything, just trying to clarify that so you know that isn't it. Because it isn't.
No worries, I'm going to be busy the next two days anyway.
QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Just a heads up, Wolf and I will be dead for the next 4-5 days, because irl sucks, school camp, blah blah. Prince moreso than I since he's stuck out in the deep dark wilds of Australia, where every damn animal on the land and sky and sea wants you fking dead.

At least I'm still among civilisation... thank fuck lol.
"In the world's most corrupt city, one incredibly cool Archer must prowl the night to right the wrongs committed by those who claim to love the light."
QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Just a heads up, Wolf and I will be dead for the next 4-5 days, because irl sucks, school camp, blah blah. Prince moreso than I since he's stuck out in the deep dark wilds of Australia, where every damn animal on the land and sky and sea wants you fking dead.

At least I'm still among civilisation... thank fuck lol.
Sounds like some easy kills while they are gone and defenseless!
QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Just a heads up, Wolf and I will be dead for the next 4-5 days, because irl sucks, school camp, blah blah. Prince moreso than I since he's stuck out in the deep dark wilds of Australia, where every damn animal on the land and sky and sea wants you fking dead.

At least I'm still among civilisation... thank fuck lol.

Thanks for the heads up. Have fun camping.

I will pray for Prince's safety.

Sounds like some easy kills while they are gone and defenseless!

Jack is indeed Servantless.

Rider's Battle Continuation is op. So no, not an easy kill

One of the Servants in this war has the ability to kill him. I won't say who.

Eh, just give Shani a crack at it. I'm sure she could figure something out.

Actually I can think of a way she could cheese him, but it also depends on what his NP actually is...

Trap in an a box that requires EX strength to break. He'd die of boredom.

When your cute middle-schooler servant wants to go to a cafe but you blow her off cuz you got school

School is indeed important.
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Thanks for the heads up. Have fun camping!

I will pray for Prince's safety.

One of the Servants in this war has the ability to kill him. I won't say who.

Trap in an a box that requires EX strength to break. He'd die of boredom.

School is indeed important.
Just saying that will kill prince.


Everyone but Shani would die to that.

Is it though?
Trap in an a box that requires EX strength to break. He'd die of boredom.
Fafnir is my daughter, and Rider is my nephew, you dare do that to either of them, and I'll make you suffer.

I-It's not like I actually enjoy playing as Fafnir or anything!
Fafnir is my daughter, and Rider is my nephew, you dare do that to either of them, and I'll make you suffer.

I-It's not like I actually enjoy playing as Fafnir or anything!

Has plans for everyone.

Of course, not. I wouldn't dream of it. Nothing wrong with liking to play Faffy either... N-not that I'm saying you enjoy playing Faffy or anything! Just pointing it out.
Has plans for everyone.

Of course, not. I wouldn't dream of it. Nothing wrong with liking to play Faffy either... N-not that I'm saying you enjoy playing Faffy or anything! Just pointing it out.
Ah, plans? I actively encourage you to try kill Faf!
Silly Tsunderes. Best girls are clearly the ones that are incredibly hard to get and would much more wish to be addressed as an equal and engage in romantic daily spars to hone their skills together. Very romantic.

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