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Dice Inside the Machine God - OOC

She's really wishing she had more Investigation right now... but at least Developer and Loop both have bigger Perception+Investigation pool. Find the details, then she'll piece them together with her Intelligence+War pool... An Estasian specialty might have been the way to go for War, but, hey, there's always more XP to spend later!
Also, just to let everyone know, for small purchases we are not going to worry about training or installation times. When you want to increase your Essence, that will take some down time to go into the Vats.
Ok. I have been holding off on posting to give everyone a chance to respond. I don't want to move ahead before everyone has had their chance to reply.
Is the idea that the attacker could still be present something only Developer realizes?
I guess we'll find out of Aim-Calibrating Sensors helps with that optical camouflage. ;-)
Thanks to the warning, everyone is at full DV against this attack. Marionette manages to dodge out of the way without using any Charms, but unless Developer and Loo use some enhanced defense Charm or can stunt your DV up to a 6, you will be hit.
Question. Both my normal DVs are 6 base. Do I need to get it up another 6?

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