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Fandom [MULTIFANDOM] โ™กใ€Ž๐“ ๐“ก๐“ธ๐“ถ๐“ช๐“ท๐“ฝ๐“ฒ๐“ฌ ๐“ก๐“ฎ๐“ท๐“ญ๐“ฎ๐”ƒ๐“ฟ๐“ธ๐“พ๐“ผใ€โ™ก (OOC)

DovahBeat DovahBeat will it be alright if I take control of Trout nothing major him stretching Luffyโ€™s skin.
Um, not exactly comfortable with someone else taking control of Trout. You can say he's still chewing on luffy and stretching his skin tho, that's fine.
I'll aim to getting a post up hopefully tomorrow morning! Might try to write a bit tonight, but my brain is all over the place rn
LET'S GOOOOO! Did you lose some of your party members or was it a perfect run? Also Eliwood can step on me-

And you speak the truth, my liege, I hate being forced to come up with more stuff bc they expect me to carry the interaction.
i just chill and wait to attack ๐Ÿ‘€ like what im doing now
Gooooood morning!
Forevermore Forevermore Iโ€™ve been thinking of wholesome ideas for Rosa and Ace and Luma. From what Iโ€™ve seen Ace craft things I had this idea he makes Rosa and Luma something.
Aww, cute!
I feel this, but I'm also a dumbass who still puts in effort and tries to meet my own standards when this happens. That's when things tend to become unenjoyable though. Like I hope they just kinda see I'm trying for more, but usually it doesn't happen and I just give effort for no reason ;-;

On another note, I will hopefully work on my replies soon for Joker and Melia soon. I'll have to figure out if I want Joker to trail Midna or not LMAO
That really stinks, especially when you're invested in the RP when the other person clearly isn't.

Can't wait to see it! ^^
Midna just casually pulled one of these:
*cutely walks through wall*
Catch me if you can, Pretty Boy!~
LET'S GOOOOO! Did you lose some of your party members or was it a perfect run? Also Eliwood can step on me-

And you speak the truth, my liege, I hate being forced to come up with more stuff bc they expect me to carry the interaction.
I kept all of my characters except for Kent, Florina, Wil, and Matthew. I lost Matthew and Florina as soon as I encountered them qwq
I was especially sad for Kent, bc I had him for such a long time and he was slowly becoming a husbando since he reminded me so much of HW Link.
And you already know I always had a soft spot for Matthew. I didn't really care too much about Wil and Florina (ESPECIALLY Florina).

I hate it as well, you really have to milk their 3 sentences to get out a paragraph, and even then it sucks.
Good morning! Iโ€™m gonna work on my posts soon! Just gotta wake myself up a bit more so I can actually think lol
hey hey!!
I'd really like to join, buut I'm still waiting on my character to be accepted...
hey hey!!
I'd really like to join, buut I'm still waiting on my character to be accepted...
That is because the rp is closed and has been closed for a bit now. Always check the interest check threads first to make sure a rp is still open to join
Good morning! Iโ€™m gonna work on my posts soon! Just gotta wake myself up a bit more so I can actually think lol
I am a liar >:c

Replies won't be up this morning since my friend begged me to play a game with him. I am mostly done with both Zelda and Melia though so mostly just have Joker left I say only as if he's not gonna take like an hour or so to write for himself
I am a liar >:c

Replies won't be up this morning since my friend begged me to play a game with him. I am mostly done with both Zelda and Melia though so mostly just have Joker left I say only as if he's not gonna take like an hour or so to write for himself
Lmao it's okay, take your time ^^

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